


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1 criptome analyses, phylogenetic analyses, and pathogenicity experiments were performed.
2  factor (ZEB1), siRNA-mediated knockdown and overexpression experiments were performed.
3                    To assess which GLUT, hexose competition experiments were performed.
4                                             Several control experiments were performed and provided strong evidence that
5                                              Heat treatment experiments were performed at 7 different temperatures rangin
6                                           Storage condition experiments were performed at room temperature (20-25 degrees
7 ity at the University of California, San Francisco, and all experiments were performed at the Mission Bay Campus of the U
8                                       Mutation accumulation experiments were performed by sequential cloning of six P. fa
9                                                             Experiments were performed for Doxil, Doxil-like liposomes, a
10 cts generated measurable particle emissions; quantification experiments were performed for these to determine total parti
11                                                         All experiments were performed in a solid-supported cushioned lip
12                                                             Experiments were performed in a tertiary care University-base
13                                                 The present experiments were performed in anesthetized pigs subjected to
14                                                     Similar experiments were performed in diploid vs. aneuploid non-trans
15                                               Moreover, NIR experiments were performed in order to compare spectra in pse
16                       Preliminary kinetic and spectroscopic experiments were performed in order to complete the mechanist
17                                                             Experiments were performed in vitro by using human and mouse
18                                                             Experiments were performed in which the potential of a glassy
19                               Incremental stress relaxation experiments were performed on 20 porcine RDT specimens, with
20 ral pharmacologic and real-time in vivo brain microdialysis experiments were performed on male prairie voles displaying a
21                                                             Experiments were performed on Msx2(-/-) mice and the MDPC-23
22 radiography and immunohistochemistry, and ex vivo HGF ELISA experiments were performed on murine xenografts of U87MG (HGF
23                                                             Experiments were performed on synthetic datasets whereby the
24                                                         The experiments were performed on the fiber optic probe fabricate
25                                    In vivo small-animal PET experiments were performed on tumor-bearing nude mice after s
26                                                         The experiments were performed on two potato varieties, Saturna a
27                                               Dynamic clamp experiments were performed that introduced synaptic conductan
28 ) treatment regimen, electrophysiological and neurochemical experiments were performed to assess possible modifications o
29                                   In the current study, two experiments were performed to assess the potential ecological
30                                Further in vivo and in vitro experiments were performed to delineate BDNF-dependent mechan
31                                                             Experiments were performed to examine the effects of Maillard
32                                                  Behavioral experiments were performed to examine the mechanisms underlyi
33                                         Deuterium-labelling experiments were performed to identify the stereodiscriminati
34                                                   In silico experiments were performed to quantify the contributions of e
35                                                    In vitro experiments were performed to study the molecular bases of NA
36             Kinetic study with extensive deuterium labeling experiments were performed to support the proposed mechanism.
37 ular beam vacuum-UV (VUV) photoionization mass spectrometry experiments were performed to understand the ion-molecule gro
38 tail in a companion paper, in which BrdU/IdU cell-labelling experiments were performed under these respective conditions.
39                                                             Experiments were performed using Fluo-3 in voltage clamped ra
40                                                     In vivo experiments were performed using New Zealand White rabbits at
41                                                         The experiments were performed using oil-in-water emulsions of po
42 Biotech Inc San Diego USA) immunoassays, as well as spiking experiments were performed using recombinant IL-33 and its so
43                                                             Experiments were performed with and without seed aerosol betw
44                                                             Experiments were performed with aortic smooth muscle cells us
45                                   Materials and Methods All experiments were performed with approval of the institutional
46                                                    In vitro experiments were performed with colon cancer cell line Colo32
47                                                         The experiments were performed with the full-size Abeta protein (
48                                                Meat binding experiments were performed with two technical TG mixtures wit
49                                           Electroanalytical experiments were performed with two transmembrane proteins; t
50                                                     Control experiments were performed with untreated plants and the obta

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