


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s and osteological correlates of the primary expiratory muscle.
2 e lower thoracic spinal cord to activate the expiratory muscles.
3                                              Expiratory muscle activation was triggered electrically
4  distinguishing between the contributions of expiratory muscle activity and elastic recoil to intrins
5  showed that the rise in respiratory-related expiratory muscle activity during progressive intensity
6 he importance of the timing and magnitude of expiratory muscle activity in causing patient-ventilator
7                  The timing and magnitude of expiratory muscle activity were obtained by wire electro
8 vity, whereas patients with COPD had greater expiratory muscle activity.
9 piratory motor output and the onset of tonic expiratory muscle activity; furthermore, once EMG(di) wa
10  in the electrical activity of the abdominal expiratory muscles, both in hearing and deafened adult n
11 n motor neurons that innervate laryngeal and expiratory muscles, but the brain center that coordinate
12      We have developed a method by which the expiratory muscles can be activated via lower thoracic a
13 thoracic pressure, eventually exacerbated by expiratory muscle contraction and dynamic hyperinflation
14                 A delay in relaxation of the expiratory muscles did not interfere with the success of
15 suggest that coactivation of inspiratory and expiratory muscles during behaviors such as emesis and s
16 ings indicate that somatosensory feedback to expiratory muscles elicits compensatory adjustments that
17                    Few data exist concerning expiratory muscle function in amyotrophic lateral sclero
18  useful additional test in the assessment of expiratory muscle function.
19  differences in the cycling of the subjects' expiratory muscle group and that of the machine.
20                       The nervous control of expiratory muscles is less well understood than that of
21                                   FMS of the expiratory muscles may prove to be a valuable technique
22 g a cough, a natural maneuver recruiting the expiratory muscles, might prove to be a useful additiona
23 cause of greater recruitment of rib cage and expiratory muscles (p = 0.004) and because clinical sign
24     Tidal volume during both inspiratory and expiratory muscle pacing and end-tidal PCO2 remained sta
25 delay resulting in alternate inspiratory and expiratory muscle pacing at a combined rate of 14 breath
26 gest that combined alternate inspiratory and expiratory muscle pacing may be a viable alternative met
27 lity of combined inspiratory intercostal and expiratory muscle pacing to provide complete ventilatory
28                        After the addition of expiratory muscle pacing, end-tidal PCO2 fell to 36.3 +/
29 espiratory tract infections as the result of expiratory muscle paralysis and consequent inability to
30 al lesions of the MRF affect inspiratory and expiratory muscle responses to activation of the vestibu
31 t-term mortality was associated with reduced expiratory muscle strength and markedly elevated dead sp
32 ful complementary test for the assessment of expiratory muscle strength.
33 well established test that is used to assess expiratory muscle strength.
34 inspiratory muscle strength, whereas, of the expiratory muscle tests, only Tw Pga was significantly l
35                                              Expiratory muscle weakness was related to inability to g
36 atory mouth pressures do not always indicate expiratory muscle weakness.

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