


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 implantation, explantation, and 1 year after explantation).
2  and, in some cases, abundant at the time of explantation.
3 uggests a 24% probability of successful LVAD explantation.
4 AD placement and subsequently at the time of explantation.
5 ery systems, both improving the ease of lead explantation.
6  of severe vasculopathy at the time of heart explantation.
7         No device thrombosis was observed at explantation.
8 ical aberrations are leading indications for explantation.
9 jection of a selective inhibitor 2 hr before explantation.
10 and its mRNA after axotomy in vivo and after explantation.
11 latory factor-1 (IRF-1) were also induced by explantation.
12 e known consequent to an autopsy or surgical explantation.
13 of 28 consecutive patients within 4 hours of explantation.
14 vice replacement and 5 (9%) underwent device explantation.
15 and normoglycemia was maintained until graft explantation.
16 eatment in obtaining absence of HCC on liver explantation.
17 e membrane and development of melt requiring explantation.
18 ble improvement can be recognized before VAD explantation.
19 ing the final off-pump trial just before VAD explantation.
20 elationship with cardiac stability after VAD explantation.
21 ith the potential to remain stable after VAD explantation.
22 l integrity was maintained up to the time of explantation.
23 al mRNAs were detected as early as 9 h after explantation.
24 obtained in culture only with difficulty, by explantation.
25  and cell integration after in vitro retinal explantation.
26 rdial samples taken at LVAD implantation and explantation.
27 d 2.3-fold (P<0.01) and 1.2-fold (P<0.01) at explantation.
28 <0.05) between the times of implantation and explantation.
29    Levels returned to normal by 1 year after explantation.
30 cluding 3 repeat TPV implantations and 2 TPV explantations.
31              In the 11 cases requiring inlay explantations, 100% achieved a corrected distance visual
32                                           At explantation, 28 (36%) of 77 patients had HCC, 25 (32%)
33                     Among patients with KPro explantation, 4 (36.4%) recovered better than baseline v
34                                     At liver explantation, 57 lesions were present in 18 patients: 19
35 levels in mouse trigeminal ganglia following explantation, a stimulus that results in HSV-1 reactivat
36 th a total of 38 lesions who underwent liver explantation after (90)Y radioembolization were studied.
37 r implantation and confirmation after sensor explantation allows separation of tissue mass transfer e
38 induction and seed development suggests that explantation and 2,4-D treatment initiates a course of e
39 iod between best cardiac improvement and VAD explantation and also during the final off-pump trial ju
40  adhesive activity recover quickly upon LVAD explantation and are not observed in patients with heart
41  ECD that warrants safe future combined pIOL explantation and cataract surgery.
42                                              Explantation and cutting of articular cartilage activate
43 ine in replicative capacity from the time of explantation and do so in a stochastic manner, with a ha
44 ed with a more proximal cuff, but 3 required explantation and open repair (7%).
45 an did famciclovir, rates of reactivation by explantation and UV exposure were the same.
46 patients underwent valve intervention (valve explantation and valve-in-valve procedure in 4 and 2 pat
47  of men in whom the device fails or requires explantation and we present the logical analysis for dev
48  12 recovery patients (at LVAD implantation, explantation, and 1 year after explantation).
49 istered ethanol (5 g/kg orally) 20 hr before explantation, and grafts were stored in UW cold storage
50 ality, hemodynamic improvement, freedom from explantation, and subjective and objective changes in ex
51 oup developed an infection necessitating DBS explantation, and was excluded from the assessment of th
52                      Here we use in vivo and explantation assays to investigate tissue interactions a
53                                       Before explantation, at low flow for 15 minutes, ejection fract
54                 One-year survival after LVAD explantation, available in INTERMACS for 21 (11%) patien
55 who underwent Boston type 1 keratoprosthesis explantation because of donor corneal melt at the Illino
56                                              Explantation because of postoperative subluxation or dis
57                                  His rate of explantation because of subluxation/dislocation was 0.76
58 various phenotypes whose identification upon explantation can be expensive and time-consuming.
59                         All combination pIOL explantation/cataract surgeries resulted in the successf
60 urgical issues and outcomes of combined pIOL explantation/cataract surgery, and the prevention of cat
61 al strategies in performing combination pIOL explantation/cataract surgery.
62 ssues was analyzed by plaque assay, PCR, and explantation cocultivation in both immunocompetent and c
63 y more common in eyes that required a device explantation, compared to those that retained the device
64 PY mRNA also was increased following ganglia explantation, consistent with the increase in the number
65    Among 110 operated eyes, 11 eyes had KPro explantation, corresponding to a failure rate of 0.03/li
66 ng infected porcine corneas for 3 days in an explantation culture system for histologic evaluation of
67                                           At explantation, devices were sonicated and processed for q
68 owed relevant instability already before VAD explantation during the time period between best cardiac
69                                              Explantation/excision is likely to benefit recipients wi
70                          Using embryo tissue explantation experiments, we find that the default fate
71  group survived to transplantation and 7% to explantation, findings comparable to those in the Late g
72             Independent predictors of device explantation for recovery were age <50 years (odds ratio
73 ollowed prospectively until transplantation, explantation for recovery, death, or for 1 year.
74 omyopathy (4.1%) had highest rates of device explantation for recovery.
75             Six subjects (9%) underwent LVAD explantation for recovery.
76 inally implanted device, transplantation, or explantation for ventricular recovery at 180 days and wa
77 re was a trend of increased mortality in the explantation group (11% versus 8%; P=0.06).
78 rtality risk was slightly higher in the lead explantation group, this difference was not statisticall
79  with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator explantation had an incidence rate of 19.3 (95% confiden
80 g lead abandonment, patients undergoing lead explantation had more in-hospital procedure-related comp
81          Similarly, patients undergoing lead explantation had slightly higher rates of in-hospital de
82                  The management included IOL explantation in 7 of 9 cases, removal of fibrosis with p
83 r chamber modifications, and recommends PIOL explantation in cases of an increase in the crystalline
84  inhibition and pRb dephosphorylation on MEF explantation in culture.
85 clinical recovery is insufficient for device explantation in most patients with chronic heart failure
86 ly week 4 was chosen as the optimum time for explantation in the in vivo assay in that sufficient cal
87 ore 1:1 matching for ICD lead abandonment or explantation in the National Cardiovascular Data Registr
88 by retinal detachment in vivo and in retinal explantation in vitro.
89 sal tissue extirpation and cardiac primordia explantation indicate that cardiac left-right orientatio
90 al activity and relatively high frequency of explantation-induced reactivation in both immunocompeten
91 bility after ventricular assist device (VAD) explantation is a major goal.
92                                  Boston KPro explantation is a serious complication.
93 entricular assist device implantation and at explantation (mean duration, 185+/-156 days) and from 9
94 ent fracture, or corrosion up to the time of explantation (median, 119 days; first and third quartile
95                           On the day of ECMO explantation (median, postoperative day 8), LV diameter
96                                           On explantation (n = 3276), 13% had microvascular invasion,
97 patients who had RAP > or = 15 mm Hg at LVAD explantation (n = 8) or who required an RV assist device
98 h debridement; however, no instances of mesh explantation occurred.
99 , with a survival rate to transplantation or explantation of 78%.
100 orylation of MAP kinase that usually follows explantation of explants.
101 V failures) experienced persistent hypotony, explantation of implant, or loss of light perception com
102                                              Explantation of infarcted neonatal and adult heart tissu
103 oteins were activated for up to 8 days after explantation of SCG in vitro.
104 l of immunosuppression, graft rejection, and explantation of the allograft after rejection has been e
105     Hyperglycemic blood glucose levels after explantation of the capsules confirmed the function of t
106                                        After explantation of the capsules, all mice became hyperglyce
107 ) were rapidly activated upon dissection and explantation of the cartilage.
108 e studied; 6 recovered sufficiently to allow explantation of the device compared with 9 who did not r
109  in all subjects except in one, who required explantation of the device without further complications
110 cardial function, sufficient enough to allow explantation of the device.
111 sistance can lead to myocardial recovery and explantation of the device.
112 er sufficient ventricular function to enable explantation of the device.
113 e of fewer severe complications that lead to explantation of the intraocular lens.
114 cardiomyocytes obtained from tissue taken at explantation of the LVAD in patients with clinical recov
115 t, 214 days) at the time of implantation and explantation of the LVAD.
116                                              Explantation of the LVADs without heart transplantation
117                                              Explantation of the pIOL occurred in 6.0% in the myopic
118 patients who recovered sufficiently to allow explantation of their LVAD can even achieve cardiac and
119 te from latency in vivo after DEX treatment, explantation of tonsil tissue from calves latently infec
120 ular route, and virus was not recovered upon explantation of trigeminal ganglia; (iv) although protei
121  observed in 76 to 82% of the eyes following explantation onto a permissive cell layer.
122  clinical outcomes after an intraocular lens explantation or exchange have also improved markedly wit
123 accompany the study of viral reactivation by explantation or peripheral viral shedding.
124  were either already infected at the time of explantation or soon after through cell-to-cell contact
125 btained through postmortem versus antemortem explantation or whether explantation was due to infectio
126   Large-scale studies to better address post-explantation outcomes are warranted.
127 ry were a better last-recorded vision before explantation (P = .0002) and better vision immediately a
128 actinin decreased by 1.6-fold at the time of explantation (P<0.05).
129 D implantation (pre-LVAD) and at the time of explantation (post-LVAD).
130 egral component failure that required device explantation prior to reaching elective replacement.
131 nts who retain the device, but a significant explantation rate due to infection or local complication
132  IGF-I mRNA was elevated at the time of LVAD explantation relative to donors, with 2 groups distingui
133            Histology of the thymic grafts at explantation revealed viable thymus with preservation of
134        Histology of the thymic autografts at explantation revealed viable thymus with preservation of
135      Microarray analysis of implantation and explantation samples of recovery patients further reveal
136 ever, some patients with LVEF >45 before VAD explantation show early recurrence of heart failure (HF)
137                                              Explantation studies provided evidence that myocardial c
138 ted the increase of STAT binding produced by explantation, suggesting the presence of a labile repres
139                                   (ii) After explantation the amounts of viral mRNAs increased wherea
140 led description of the methodology for heart explantation, tissue preparation, slicing with a vibrato
141 l samples were collected at implantation and explantation/transplantation.
142                                        After explantation, ventricular function declined in 2 PPCM pa
143   Final visual prognosis correlates with pre-explantation visual function (r = 0.68, P = .02).
144    Five-year freedom from reintervention and explantation was 76+/-4% and 92+/-3%, respectively.
145 em versus antemortem explantation or whether explantation was due to infection or upgrade.
146                                      MyoRing explantation was performed in 4 eyes (4%).
147 up, time and causes of device replacement or explantation were assessed and categorized.
148 ts with KPro retention, those requiring KPro explantation were associated with aniridia (P = .0038),
149                           Patients with KPro explantation were identified and compared to those with
150 ose mRNA level was modified by the stress of explantation were isolated and sequenced.
151    A total of 53 lungs removed at autopsy or explantation were obtained for the study from 51 documen
152                             If ICD generator explantations were performed instead of replacements in
153                                       No FAi explantations were required, nor were any participants l
154   Patients were aged 76.31 +/- 8.24 years at explantation, which was performed 81.5 +/- 32.2 months a
155                             Eyes with AC IOL explantation with glued IOL implantation in a single set
156 ents are sufficient to allow ultimate device explantation without requiring transplantation; this rep

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