


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 RNA raised to the power of an 'amplification exponent'.
2 engths, but each type has a distinct scaling exponent.
3 ximate entropy, fractal dimension, and Hurst exponent.
4 ates a negative value in the LLK scaling-law exponent.
5 Golden Mean [Formula: see text] as dynamical exponent.
6 ly 2 regardless of the underlying population exponent.
7 tic process, including its anomalous scaling exponent.
8 e systems with a spatially varying anomalous exponent.
9 ases proportional to population raised to an exponent.
10  1 + nu, respectively, where nu is the Flory exponent.
11  are characterized by a continuously varying exponent.
12 ased more steeply, corresponding to a higher exponent.
13 the mRNA level and defines the amplification exponent.
14 s diffusion models with adjustable anomalous exponents.
15 sition and compatible values of the critical exponents.
16  be characterized by their power-law scaling exponents.
17 t support the hypothesis of fixed allometric exponents.
18 s, exact knowledge of the universal critical exponents.
19  observables, governed by universal critical exponents.
20 ethods, all results were normalized to Hurst exponents.
21 eaningful taxonomic heterogeneity in scaling exponents.
22 odel we manage to explain the novel critical exponents.
23 m critical point, and constrain the critical exponents.
24  can be classified according to few critical exponents.
25 is able to produce power laws with arbitrary exponents.
26  each characterized by its specific critical exponents.
27 lations, with only three independent scaling exponents.
28 ed by a surprisingly small power-law scaling exponent (0.22) between the radius-of-gyration and Q-len
29 ltiscale correlation of SERCA group (scaling exponent: 0.77 +/- 0.07), on the other hand, is weaker t
30 than that of the control Drosophila (scaling exponent: 0.85 +/- 0.03) (p = 0.016).
31 g-dominated and characterized by a power-law exponent 1/2.
32  smaller and follows a different sequence of exponents, 1 and (1/2).
33  spectrum of cosmic rays, with the universal exponent -2, which is independent of the multiplication
34  severe sensitivity to a stem cell expansion exponent (20% variation causing 2-fold turnover change)
35 t rate and wingbeat frequency (raised to the exponent 3.5) and estimated metabolic power and wingbeat
36 be recognized by a power-law dependence with exponent 3/2 of the shear modulus on stress, whereas the
37 ated metabolic power and wingbeat frequency (exponent 7) of migratory bar-headed geese.
38                          Absorption Angstrom exponent (A(a)) (fitted between 300 and 600 nm wavelengt
39 on only the crown area-to-diameter allometry exponent: a well-conserved value across tropical forests
40 s is because the aerosol absorption Angstrom exponent (AAE) largely controls the color and larger par
41 t lambda = 550 nm and an absorption Angstrom exponent (AAE) of 1.03 +/- 0.09 (2sigma).
42  organic aerosol with an absorption Angstrom exponent (AAE) of 2.5-2.7 and estimated Brown Carbon con
43  at lambda = 550 nm with absorption Angstrom exponents (AAE) between 3.5 and 6.2.
44                               The allometric exponent (AE) derived for the entire cohort (1.27) using
45 al depth, AOD), dominant size mode (Angstrom exponent, AE), and relative magnitude of radiation scatt
46 xample, the specific values of the dynamical exponent allow us to identify the relevant mesoscopic st
47  to claims that Levy flights with a critical exponent alpha = 1 are optimal for the search of sparse
48 face exhibit transient subdiffusion, with an exponent alpha approximately 0.5 for times of less than
49 - D)) is valid, however for 1.5 < D < 2, the exponent alpha is different and equal to 2(D - 1)/D.
50 ted in a decrease in the anomalous diffusion exponent alpha of the lipid.
51  function of the normal contact load with an exponent alpha within the whole range of fractal dimensi
52  of variation of PEF (CVpef) and the scaling exponent alpha, reflecting self-similarity of PEF, in re
53 detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) scaling exponent alpha.
54 Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) model with scaling exponents alpha = 0.71 +/- 0.12, beta = 0.36 +/- 0.03, a
55            The principal differences are the exponent (alpha) for the activity of available surface s
56 ched exponential modeling (ADCSE), anomalous exponent (alpha) obtained at stretched exponential DWI,
57  exponential and segmented scaling laws with exponents (alpha) typically between 0.85 (Horwitz) and 1
58 anisms are expected to yield the same growth exponent, alpha = 1/3, where domain radius grows as time
59 Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) scaling exponent, alpha.
60                               The behavioral exponents also were correlated with neuronal scaling law
61 scaling theory (MST) posits that the scaling exponents among plant height H, diameter D, and biomass
62 aw behavior for the rates with the power law exponent, an effective state space dimensionality, being
63 ive diagnosed from health, by characteristic exponent analysis of pulse signals accessed from volunte
64     Specifically, the values of the mean MSD exponent and effective diffusion coefficients can be tra
65 a discrepancy between the observed power-law exponent and that predicted from the noise parameters.
66 ous measures of complexity, through Lyapunov exponents and entropy.
67   However, the relationships between scaling exponents and normalization constants remain unclear.
68 Our statistical approach allows mean scaling exponents and taxonomic heterogeneity in scaling to be a
69 ion d + zLambda(T), where z is the dynamical exponent, and temperature-depending parameter Lambda(T)
70 lley transitions, effective mass, scattering exponent, and the Fermi energy may deteriorate or amelio
71 endence of diffusion coefficients, anomalous exponents, and the effective viscosity experienced by bi
72 lay a scale-free power-law distribution with exponent approximately 2.
73  concentration in a power law manner with an exponent approximately 2/3.
74         We tested whether allometric scaling exponents are generally constant across plant sizes as p
75 ngth [Formula: see text] Mean-field critical exponents are predicted, since the upper critical dimens
76                           The fitted scaling exponents are typically less than 1, implying that the v
77 regimes with at least nine positive Lyapunov exponents are used here.
78                 This suggests that low Raman exponents arise from the unique spin-phonon coupling of
79 ymptotes to zero with no need to fit unknown exponents as previously proposed in critical power law b
80 eriodic avalanche bursts and higher critical exponents as the strain rate is decreased.
81 of the critical point and universal critical exponents, as well as the ground state fidelity.
82                       Variability in scaling exponents at both order and species levels was comparabl
83 piecewise power-law functions with different exponents at different ranges of k.
84                             Thus, the sample exponent b approximately 2 may indeed be a statistical a
85                Is the widely reported sample exponent b approximately 2 the result of ecological proc
86 of measurements is distributed in space, the exponent b of this power law is conjectured to reflect a
87    Greater synchrony typically decreases the exponent b of TL.
88 t a broad range of values for the population exponent b pertaining to the mean and variance of popula
89                                   The sample exponent b(jk) depends predictably on the number of samp
90 -dependent and (2) at a community level, the exponents b and d of the relationships N ~ M (b) and N ~
91                                       Sample exponents b measured empirically via the scaling of samp
92 ralized TL in terms of sample and population exponents b(jk) for the scaling of the kth vs. the jth c
93 i's fractal dimension, and generalized Hurst exponent based estimates were most successful by all cri
94  and city population with average allometric exponent beta = 1.46 across all cities in the US.
95 where Tc is the critical temperature and the exponent beta was close to (1/4), as predicted for a tri
96 ed ferromagnetic region yields 3D Heisenberg exponents beta = 0.3460 +/- 0.040, gamma = 1.344 +/- 0.0
97  apparent elastic modulus, Ea, and power-law exponent, beta.
98 d city population, with allometric power-law exponents, beta = 0.84 +/- 0.02 and 0.87 +/- 0.01, for a
99 s 301.51 +/- 0.1 K, and that of the critical exponent, betac = 0.391 +/- 0.02.
100 f a difference in the values of the critical exponents between the bond and site percolation models i
101 s, and leaf mass) the empirically calculated exponents broadly overlapped among species from diverse
102 the refractive indices can vary the Angstrom exponent by up to 0.1 across the range 310 to 550 nm.
103 rom 20 human subjects, we calculated scaling exponents by four methods-two derived from local propert
104           However, differences among scaling exponents calculated at node- and whole-tree levels chal
105      When approaching a detection limit, the exponents change and approach an apparently Gaussian (al
106 he Cu spins out of the plane with a critical exponent characteristic of 3D transitions.
107 es a connection between the Herschel-Bulkley exponent characterizing the singularity of the flow curv
108                   This softening affects the exponents characterizing elasticity at high pressure, le
109  flux distribution, which links the critical exponents characterizing the spatial dependencies in hum
110           The slope of this decay, the noise exponent (chi), is often <-1 for electrophysiological da
111 e anisotropy exponent zeta and the roughness exponents chix,y that characterize these correlations.
112 rameter oscillating around unity, a critical exponent close to -3/2 and a long tail distribution of a
113 reptiles and plants, the relationship has an exponent close to a half.
114 at percent body fat scales to height with an exponent closer to 3, we therefore focused on the tri-po
115 lator-metal transition and calculate scaling exponents corresponding to the transition.
116 found that on populated islands size spectra exponents decreased (analogous to size spectra steepenin
117 bined, leaf vs stem and leaf vs root scaling exponents decreased from c. 1.00 for small plants to c.
118 ut that simply inserting asymptotic critical exponents deduced from the immediate vicinity of the cri
119 iently anomalous diffusion and the anomalous exponent depend on the size of model glomeruli and the d
120 f(beta), where beta is the power-law scaling exponent describing the decay in temporal correlations.
121 follows a power law time dependence, with an exponent determined by the 1/f-type resonator frequency
122                         However, the scaling exponents differed from those predicted by recent simula
123 act power laws, p(x) ~ x(-lambda), where the exponent directly corresponds to the mixing ratio of the
124 ithout spatial correlations but with scaling exponents distinct from those of original data.
125  adapted to quantify the anomalous diffusion exponent dw from the IOI records.
126 ics near the transition and obtain universal exponents establishing connection between thermal soften
127                         Furthermore, scaling exponents estimated for branch length change across bran
128  theories predict that combinations of these exponents explain how metabolic, growth, and other biolo
129 any known relationships between the critical exponents explored by them, despite the fact that they o
130 l gamma = (d + z - 2)/z, where the dynamical exponent for a ferroelectric z = 1 and the dimension is
131 ly lower offset and a possible change in the exponent for Alzheimer's disease subjects compared with
132                The 0.22 value of the scaling exponent for short DNA segments is consistent with theor
133                                          The exponent for this Cu was close to 0.5, indicating low-di
134  the expectation that the dynamical critical exponent for this universality class is z = 3/2.
135 tinct from the larger and more regular Raman exponents for 2-Dy, 2-Er, and 2-Yb.
136 ely correlated with their associated scaling exponents for D vs. V and H vs. V, whereas normalization
137 diverse environments, except for the scaling exponents for length, which increased with tree cover an
138                     We calculated the growth exponents for nucleation and spinodal decomposition usin
139 h length change across branching orders, and exponents for scaling metabolic rate with plant size (or
140 c, and 'global' (i.e. interspecific) scaling exponents for several allometric relationships using tre
141                                     Critical exponents for the basin width, the weak force distributi
142                                 The critical exponents for the perforated membrane are compatible wit
143 near features (approximate entropy and Hurst exponent) for the first time to explore post-concussive
144 particular, more ballistic Levy flights with exponent [Formula: see text] are generally believed to o
145 , whose density is described by a nontrivial exponent [Formula: see text] We build a microscopic theo
146  diffusive universality class with dynamical exponent [Formula: see text], another prominent example
147                  Remarkably, their dynamical exponents [Formula: see text] are given by ratios of nei
148 comitant increase in the absorption Angstrom exponent from 1.2 +/- 0.4 (5% RH) to 1.6 +/- 0.3 (70% RH
149 ntly, we show that the 3/4 metabolic scaling exponent from Kleiber's Law can still be attained within
150               We extract the values of these exponents from already known numerical or theoretical re
151 traits (radii/lengths) and calculate scaling exponents from five functionally divergent species.
152                        The measured critical exponents from M. xanthus are consistent with mean field
153 e is needed in interpreting lag-time scaling exponents from protein assembly data.
154 ecreasing average droplet size and was of an exponent function of size, indicating that the influence
155 ional, variant T(-) (gamma) , with the power exponent gamma = 1.4 +/- 0.1 in the cubic phase, indicat
156 lity varying as 1/T(3), i.e. with a critical exponent gamma = 3.
157 n of the parameter space given by the degree exponent gamma and average degree <k>.
158 ial (TIP4P)]; however, the value of the mass exponent gamma is the same.
159 an interactions with population size with an exponent gamma ranging between 1.11 and 1.21, as observe
160 a near-random power law distribution (degree exponent gamma>/=2.7).
161 also fitted a power law distribution (degree exponent gamma=2.3), which suggested that progestin and
162 s a crucial role in determining the critical exponents governing universal nonequilibrium dynamics in
163 s respond exponentially to temperature (with exponents &gt;1).
164 and extruded flours exhibited higher fractal exponent h in agreement with the extended crystalline st
165 s of the boundary, as measured by its Holder exponent H.
166                       Decreases in the Hurst exponent (H), which quantifies scale-free signal, was re
167                                  The scaling exponent has a drastic effect on the optimal design of s
168  protein concentration as a power law, whose exponent has been used to infer the presence or absence
169 me-averaged optical coefficients, scattering exponent, hemoglobin concentration, oxygen saturation, a
170 on (EC) mass fraction, mass-mobility scaling exponent, hygroscopicity, and light absorption and scatt
171 erstood, with a known anomalous subdiffusion exponent, ideally readily tunable.
172  us to give a precise meaning to the scaling exponent in terms of the degree to which a given process
173 ss implications of the changes in offset and exponent in the data and relate it to existing literatur
174 We suggest that calibration of the repulsive exponent in the LJ potential widens the range of applica
175              Here we show that the dynamical exponent in the time dependence of the diffusion coeffic
176 roughout the neocortex with distinct scaling exponents in different functional brain systems and freq
177  allow us to explain a wide range of scaling exponents in frequency distributions ranging from alpha
178  power law and analyse supercritical scaling exponents in the system above the Frenkel line.
179 how signs of kinks: clear changes in scaling exponent, indicating changes in the dominant molecular m
180 e observed variability of ecological scaling exponents into a coherent statistical framework where pa
181 in a broad class of growth models the sample exponent is b approximately 2 regardless of the underlyi
182                                         This exponent is different from [Formula: see text] of dilute
183 a tangent bifurcation for which the Lyapunov exponent is negligible or vanishes.
184                Thus, the absorption angstrom exponent is not representative of the fuel used and, the
185 a Levy walk whose characteristic (power-law) exponent is tuned to nearly minimize the time required t
186 and temporal domains with the same algebraic exponent, is reproduced with numerical solutions of stoc
187 f particles follows a power law in time with exponent less than unity.
188 d, and the experimentally reported power law exponent m ranges from approximately 0.2 to 0.5.
189 agonists (E(0)) and the affinity-correlation exponent (M)--allows an entire CRC to be calculated from
190                                     Angstrom exponent measurements of equivalent black carbon (BCeq)
191  that can be quantitatively evaluated by the exponent n (ca. 3) of the temperature dependence of the
192                                          The exponent N of the current-voltage characteristics (inver
193 r rates (>500 s(-1)), at which the power law exponent (n) of zebrafish blood was nearly 1 behaving as
194                              The diffusional exponent (n) values of Peppas equation explains a non Fi
195 chanism, with changes observed in the Avrami exponent (n).
196        Also, the MC estimate of the critical exponent nu in the NMF region is about twice as large as
197 ions and allowed the estimation of the Flory exponent (nu) of the thermally unfolded polypeptide chai
198 illar size with an inverse power-law scaling exponent of -0.63 independent of orientation.
199 ometer length scales, with the strengthening exponent of -0.68 at room temperature and of -1.00 at 90
200 ze distribution of activity cascades with an exponent of -3/2 and (2) a branching parameter of the cr
201  in translation and directs an amplification exponent of 1.20 with a 95% confidence interval [1.14, 1
202 ted population distribution with a universal exponent of 1.7.
203 density to ionic strength ratio with scaling exponent of 1/3.
204                        The inverse power law exponent of 1/f-type noise is shown to decrease from 3.0
205  Our results reveal a power function with an exponent of 2.2 between the amplitude of uIPSCs and intr
206 tes were not spherical, with a mass-mobility exponent of 2.78, so additional SOA was required to fill
207 7), which tallies with a dipolar interaction exponent of 2/3 in EC materials and the well-proven frac
208 emory behavior characterized by a relaxation exponent of [Formula: see text].
209  sorting dynamics follow a power law with an exponent of approximately 0.5.
210 s scale sublinearly with consumer body mass (exponent of approximately 0.85) for 2D interactions, but
211 .85) for 2D interactions, but superlinearly (exponent of approximately 1.06) for 3D interactions.
212 further identify these cells as a functional exponent of ARC(AgRP) neuron-driven hunger.
213 ther observe an unprecedented sixfold-higher exponent of growth rate, faster onset, higher steady-sta
214 olve this problem by considering the scaling exponent of shell thickness as a morphological parameter
215  theory predicts an upper limit of 2 for the exponent of such power laws.
216 c modulus E and fluidity beta (the power-law exponent of the cell deformation in response to a step c
217 the decay in autocorrelation and the scaling exponent of the detrended fluctuation analysis from EEG
218 d nullity in terms of the energy dissipation exponent of the drainage networks.
219 haviour by correctly predicting the critical exponent of the dynamically generated length scale at th
220  leaky integrate-and-fire model in which the exponent of the fractional derivative can vary from 0 to
221                                       As the exponent of the fractional derivative decreases, the wei
222 e aqueous diffusion coefficients, D, and the exponent of the inverse power-law relation between D and
223 al expression for the instantaneous collapse exponent of the macroscopic concentration profiles.
224 anding the sorting dynamics and explains the exponent of the power law behavior.
225 ffusion coefficient and subdiffusive scaling exponent of the stochastic motion.
226 t seems likely that synchrony influences the exponent of TL widely in ecologically and economically i
227 istical power law behaviour, Zipf's law, the exponent of which can provide useful information on the
228                         By contrast, scaling exponents of A-P and R-P relationships were altered by P
229 ly, the lower the individual subject scaling exponents of delta/theta oscillations, the greater the c
230                            Frequency scaling exponents of finger tapping and amplitude modulation of
231 s are negatively correlated with the scaling exponents of H vs. D.
232                   The mean power-law scaling exponents of metabolic rate vs. body mass relationships
233 e the difference in time scales, the scaling exponents of neuronal LRTCs and avalanches were strongly
234 ey fail to predict the correct values of the exponents of power-law degree distributions observed in
235                                          The exponents of power-law regimen neuronal avalanches and L
236  precentral sites strongly predicted scaling exponents of tapping behavior.
237                             The LRTC scaling exponents of the behavioral performance fluctuations wer
238                                  The scaling exponents of the relationships describing root nutrients
239 dent process, in the sense that the critical exponents of the transition are determined by the geomet
240                   We argue that the critical exponents of the yielding transition may be expressed in
241  We demonstrate that the stationary critical exponents of this transition to meso-scale turbulence in
242               By varying only the fractional exponent, our model can reproduce upward and downward sp
243                   We find that the repulsion exponent p approximately 6.5 provides an excellent fit f
244 g the resting state indexed by the Power Law Exponent (PLE) in PostCG and AI.
245 ted with a higher short-term fractal scaling exponent (Ptrend=0.003) and lower Poincare ratio (Ptrend
246 also predicted a spectrum of power laws with exponents ranging between 0 and -2/3 for simple movement
247 d V(T) with a set of 30 basis functions with exponents ranging from 0.0175 to 1.9 (R(2), 0.79; ICC, 0
248 zed by quasi-power-law release profiles with exponents ranging from 0.5 to 1, respectively.
249 ifferentiation operation on their input with exponents ranging from zero (no differentiation) to 0.4
250 tic attractor, along with a maximal Lyapunov exponent rate of about 2.94 times the fundamental optome
251  a fat-tailed distribution, with a universal exponent related to the recently observed universal [For
252                   In addition, mass-mobility exponents (relates mass and mobility size) were determin
253 m the naive prediction based on the critical exponents relevant for asymptotically long quench times.
254  decreases, whereas the subdiffusive scaling exponent remains constant.
255                                        These exponents rule an universal scaling behaviour that witne
256 n intensity is described by a power law with exponents sequentially taking values 1, 1/3 and (1/4).
257 scillations as a function of the correlation exponent shows a maximum, therefore indicating the exist
258  1-Ho also exhibits an anomalously low Raman exponent similar to 1-Dy, both being distinct from the l
259               Low P supply increased scaling exponents (slopes) of area-based log-log A-N or R-N rela
260  periodicity of about 2 y, a global Lyapunov exponent statistically indistinguishable from zero, and
261 d 200 degrees C exhibits a positive Lyapunov exponent, suggesting that the underlying dynamics is cha
262 ing noise systems, and the measured Lyapunov exponent suggests the existence of highly branched EPS.
263 ficiencies of 2-D Levy walks with a range of exponents, target resource distributions and several com
264  km(2) are power-law distributed with a tail exponent (tau = 1.97) and fractal dimension (d = 1.38),
265 exhibit higher intercepts with lower scaling exponents than hind limb parameters.
266 ze savanna trees have greater length-scaling exponents than predicted by MST due to an evolutionary t
267 higher subdiffusive mean square displacement exponents than previously reported, which has implicatio
268 -law distribution for the cell size, with an exponent that depends inversely on the noise in the time
269 ive bodies exhibits a power-law tail with an exponent that depends on the system condition.
270                  The JMAK model hinges on an exponent that expresses the growth mechanism of a materi
271 ally ordered phase) is marked by a universal exponent that governs the scaling of the critical temper
272 istinguishable from zero, and local Lyapunov exponents that alternated systematically between negativ
273 tion rates, our analysis yields species-area exponents that are in close agreement with previously ob
274                However, we find nonuniversal exponents that cannot be captured by this mechanism or a
275  distributions of states are power laws with exponents that coincide with the multiplication paramete
276 ied electric current and determined critical exponents that coincided with those for thermodynamic li
277 well approximated by the power law, but with exponents that depend on that rate, and that are quite d
278 dex alpha fixes the distribution's power-law exponent, that for the dual index 2 - alpha ensures the
279                                 The critical exponents, the symmetry of the order parameter, the role
280 y be expressed in terms of three independent exponents, theta, df, and z, characterizing, respectivel
281    We propose the inference of the repulsion exponent through Hierarchical Bayesian uncertainty quant
282 pectral shape causes the absorption Angstrom exponent to decrease by 0.18 per unit increase in pH.
283                                 We use these exponents to provide a rigorous test of three plant scal
284 om the aorta to capillaries and uses scaling exponents to quantify these changes.
285            When we compare empirical scaling exponents to the theoretical predictions from the three
286 e found a large variability of the anomalous exponent, used to interpret live cell imaging trajectori
287 equency; varphi = scaling factor; and k = an exponent valued between 0 and 1.
288                             The value of the exponent varies by region from 0.36 for India to 0.66 fo
289                                          SDR exponents vary from 0.06 to 0.45 between regions, underl
290  appears to be ubiquitous, empirical scaling exponents vary with ecosystem type and resource supply r
291 teps drawn from a Levy distribution with the exponent varying from [Formula: see text] to [Formula: s
292 hing parameter was close to 1, the power law exponent was -3/2.
293              The average absorption Angstrom exponent was 1.2 +/- 0.8, suggesting that most of the li
294 bispectrum, as well as the dominant Lyapunov exponent, were extracted and considered as input feature
295 ricritical scaling characterized by a set of exponents which is independent on the protection strateg
296      Rather, continuous shifts in allometric exponents with plant size during ontogeny and evolution
297 to be a power law function of P with scaling exponent X [demographic conflict investment (DCI)].
298 to be a power law function of W with scaling exponent Y [conflict lethality (CL)].
299 to be a power law function of P with scaling exponent Z [group conflict mortality (GCM)].
300 determine the exact values of the anisotropy exponent zeta and the roughness exponents chix,y that ch

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