


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ress in cancer epigenetics research has been exponential.
2 ics, with a node degree distribution that is exponential.
3 s phase, where the gap scales as a stretched exponential.
4 linear functions or with less steeply rising exponentials.
5 means (SDs) of RMSE were sigmoid, 4.1 (1.9); exponential, 6.0 (1.5); and linear 5.8 (1.6).
6  82% for ANFIS, followed by logarithmic 70%, exponential 63% and linear 48% respectively.
7                                       Recent exponential advances in genome sequencing and engineerin
8 R), a novel enzyme-free system that achieves exponential amplification of a visible signal, is presen
9 ysis of viral sequences revealed independent exponential amplification of HCV subtypes 4r and 4k from
10 tion modification, the latter allows for the exponential amplification of polymers that may be functi
11                                   Isothermal exponential amplification reaction (EXPAR) has received
12 stems have been designed with polynomial and exponential amplification that exhibit the modularity of
13             Bayesian model selection between exponential and gamma distributions for these time perio
14           Furthermore, we show that, because exponential and hyperbolic discounting models are unable
15 itz and similar studies have reported simple exponential and segmented scaling laws with exponents (a
16 l division and cell differentiation in which exponential and stationary growth phases play key biolog
17 cross the Escherichia coli chromosome during exponential and stationary growth phases.
18          Moreover, samples are taken both in exponential and stationary phase, and we include two ext
19 criptional reprogramming upon shifts between exponential and stationary phase.
20 ection method, ENmix, that uses a mixture of exponential and truncated normal distributions to flexib
21                                      Linear, exponential, and sigmoid regression models were used to
22  intravoxel incoherent motion, the stretched exponential, and the statistical model.
23 ence lifetime, taum, was calculated from a 3-exponential approximation of the FAF decays.
24                                           An exponential attenuation of the PCET rate constant was fo
25  phenology models (growing-degree-day (GDD), exponential, beta and bilinear models) when applied to w
26 equence, the reaction dynamics are no longer exponential, cannot be quantified by rate constants, and
27 cal Turing model that defines conditions for exponential charging to occur and provides insights into
28    This is typically measured by the rate of exponential clearance of parasitemia following treatment
29           We studied transmission on a novel exponential-clustered network, as well as on two simpler
30                           With respect to an exponential-clustered network, the random network (and h
31 g the nontrivial correlations encoded in the exponential complexity of the many-body wave function.
32 several hours to several months based on the exponential constant of the decay rate for each protein.
33                                       Single exponential conversion kinetics can be tailored over 4 o
34 alysis of the geometric phantoms revealed an exponential correlation between template gray scales and
35 me decay was analysed using a standard multi-exponential decay approach and also a novel custom-writt
36     In the transverse direction, we observed exponential decay associated with excitons localized on
37 eir IRs were tightly constrained, exhibiting exponential decay at frequency-dependent rates: Mid freq
38 he range of the empirically derived apparent exponential decay coefficients (kexp) was indeed continu
39 ctric field waveforms, and (3) a traditional exponential decay electroporator.
40    The frequency of PMGF was fit to a double exponential decay model selected by information-theoreti
41 tions, and years was estimated with a double exponential decay model using Generalized Nonlinear Mode
42  ERVs more accurately than the commonly used exponential decay model.
43 gime between 2 and 3 T magnetic field and an exponential decay of coherence at high fields.
44            Longitudinal analyses revealed an exponential decay of DRM (BF = 0.05) while genetic diver
45                                              Exponential decay of gull marker in sand amended with li
46 oteins remains challenging mainly due to the exponential decay of signal-to-noise ratio with increasi
47                                              Exponential decay pulses with initial electric field str
48 istics such as localization, tunnelling with exponential decay, ballistic, and diffusion behaviours d
49 e has been traditionally described by simple exponential decay, but there is increasing recognition t
50 eriment, Common Carp eDNA exhibited biphasic exponential decay, characterized by rapid decay for 3-8
51 here each individual reactive type undergoes exponential decay.
52 ting the presence of metastability and multi-exponential decays in case of multiple symmetries.
53 tes the data to the sum of a small number of exponential decays, typically on the order of 2-4, LDA u
54 erally two lifetimes are required to fit the exponential decays.
55      Outside the region of peak movement, an exponential decline in motion amplitude occurred across
56 bsurface flow path explain the gradual, near-exponential decline of both collapse rate and the intens
57 niazid, rifampin, and pyrazinamide, based on exponential decline regression.
58 was non-linear, that it occurred in waves of exponential decrease, and that much of it took place com
59             Together, our data show that non-exponential degradation is common, conserved, and has im
60 ing sequential growth (DP=2(n) -1) or double exponential dendrimer growth approaches (DP=22n -1) with
61 etween conducting carbon contacts exhibit an exponential dependence of junction current on molecular
62  energies in the electrodes accounts for the exponential dependence of the tunneling current on tempe
63 cal model was developed that incorporated an exponential dependence of the unit's dissociation rate o
64 e defined as the juxtaposition of linear and exponential dependencies of the accumulated carrier dens
65                                         This exponential dependency between affinity and recognition
66 bservation that central BP waveforms exhibit exponential diastolic decays.
67     There is a clear preference for non-mono-exponential diffusion models at all time points.
68 ective study is to evaluate whether non-mono-exponential diffusion models better describe the water d
69 he experimentally observed presence of a sub-exponential, diffusion-limited growth regime in colonies
70 oth instruments was consistent with a single exponential dispersion model having parameters alpha = 1
71                  The observation of a simple exponential dispersion model in the data allows for the
72 m whose fluctuation scaling follows a simple exponential dispersion model, a segmented exponential di
73 le exponential dispersion model, a segmented exponential dispersion model, or complex scaling followi
74 tionships, such as the Horwitz curve, follow exponential dispersion models which have useful properti
75 general organizational principle based on an exponential distance rule (EDR) and cortical geometry, e
76 a recent study in PLOS Biology shows that an exponential distance rule emerges that reveals the fallo
77  potential barrier, its duration exhibits an exponential distribution determined by the barrier heigh
78 an behavior is caused by a combination of an exponential distribution in the time-averaged diffusivit
79 al conductivity in MNL is assumed to satisfy exponential distribution.
80  sandwich immunoassay in serum combined with exponential DNA amplification and pH measurement by ultr
81 s protein interactions and fitting to double exponential donor decay models provides estimates of int
82                   While many studies suggest exponential, double exponential or power laws as empiric
83 nd SOS both exhibit fast kinetics and single exponential dwell time distributions, with average dwell
84 alous exponent (alpha) obtained at stretched exponential DWI, ADC obtained with DKI modeling (ADCDKI)
85  conventional monoexponential DWI, stretched exponential DWI, diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI), and d
86 ments or simulations, leading to faster than exponential dynamics.
87  via Cell Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment (Cell-SELEX) and development of s
88 lised using systemic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX) method.
89           Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential Enrichment (SELEX) offers an iterative proce
90         The systemic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX) technique is a powerful a
91 PBMs) and systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX).
92 amers via systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX).
93 LHEs and systematic evolution of ligands via exponential enrichment (SELEX).
94 lved from systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX).
95 cted using systematic evolution of ligand by exponential enrichment (SELEX).
96  in vitro systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment followed by high-throughput DNA s
97             Systemic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment of this class of proteins illustr
98 involving systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment with a single AMPA receptor targe
99 ed SELEX (systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment) to identify RNA aptamers which b
100 ve SELEX (systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment), we found that there are also ma
101 ed SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment).
102 ng SELEX, Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment, a technique that exploits aptame
103 RNA-based systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment, bioinformatics analysis and reve
104 rated using systemic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment.
105                                 Furthermore, exponential extrapolation allowed prediction of the new
106 rhenius equation with energy barrier and pre-exponential factor (attempt rate) parameters.
107 ed from 9 to 55 degrees C shows that the pre-exponential factor for desorption is significantly small
108 deviation from unity of the ratio of the pre-exponential factors (AH/AD = 0.3-0.4) are consistent wit
109 tational dynamics with indistinguishable pre-exponential factors and small but distinguishable activa
110                             The observed pre-exponential factors are 4-6 orders of magnitude greater
111 can vary even for identical systems, and pre-exponential factors sometimes differ by orders of magnit
112                                              Exponential fit to the microvascular obstruction volume
113 es and relative amplitudes in multicomponent exponential fits.
114 lored the advantage of using transient-based exponential fitting coefficients to enhance the discrimi
115  population of odorant sensory neurons is an exponential for nearly all odors and odor mixtures, with
116 range of forces (1.5-20 pN) deviate from the exponential force dependence expected from Bell's equati
117 rate constant k+Pi(1)) and during the single-exponential force rise (rate constant k-Pi) after rapid
118 track lifetime distributions had a stretched exponential form consistent with a heterogeneously diffu
119 ynamical limit are of the form , where the q-exponential form optimizes the nonadditive entropy Sq (w
120 s that using parameter beta of the stretched exponential function (1-exp(-(t/tau)(beta)) as an analy
121 st RMSE in 248 (80.3%) of the locations, the exponential function in 39 (12.6%), and the linear funct
122 istically, the velocity variations follow an exponential function of the aperture variations at a len
123 rent (EPSC), has been updated as a stretched-exponential function with voltage factors in a more quan
124 s that using parameter beta of the stretched exponential function ~(1-exp(-(t/tau)(beta)) as an analy
125 nertial range is described by a universal q- exponential function, P(tau) = beta(2 - q)[1 - beta(1 -
126 af respiration do not follow a commonly used exponential function.
127 set kinetics were best described by a double-exponential function.
128                        Despite quadratic and exponential functional relationships to stressors that c
129 ng distance was fitted by single or multiple exponential functions, for the inference of recent singl
130 erimetric blindness compared with linear and exponential functions.
131 ing rate profiles were best fitted by rising exponential functions.
132 t velocity on attractant concentration in an exponential gradient.
133 yellow fever virus was characterised by fast exponential growth (doubling time of 5-7 days) and fast
134 ein, we describe an advancement of Iterative Exponential Growth (IEG) wherein chiral allyl-based IEG
135 chizosaccharomyces pombe under conditions of exponential growth (unstressed) and nitrogen starvation
136 atory scheme, ensuring CW flexibility during exponential growth and rigidity in stationary phase.
137  players in Ribi gene regulation both during exponential growth and under repressive conditions.
138  in both continents, the epidemics underwent exponential growth between 1955 and 1975, which then sta
139 some during stationary phase, whereas during exponential growth DNA gyrase and/or transcription equal
140  CsrR-mediated protection of sigma(S) during exponential growth enables rapid adaptation of S. oneide
141            Finally, we confirm the predicted exponential growth in experiments using vibrated grains
142          The Green Revolution has fuelled an exponential growth in human population since the mid-20t
143 past 3 decades have been characterized by an exponential growth in knowledge and advances in the clin
144 al heart disease continue to benefit from an exponential growth in minimally invasive interventions a
145 e-dimensional (3D) printing has undergone an exponential growth in popularity due to its revolutionar
146 tary, and fossil fuel economies, has spurred exponential growth in population and in resource use tha
147                     As a result of this, the exponential growth in sequencing data in public database
148 ental data is consistent with the tail of an exponential growth in surface tension as temperature dec
149 ivate the science of hygiene" to bring about exponential growth in the evidence base for public healt
150   Gold-catalyzed reactions have witnessed an exponential growth in the past decade.
151 tion in our model follows cyclic dynamics of exponential growth interrupted by sudden declines.
152 king tool for molecular discovery due to the exponential growth of available computer time and consta
153                      Taking advantage of the exponential growth of GenBank and the creation of NCBI's
154                                           An exponential growth of high-throughput biological informa
155 +) cells induced by GM-CSF readily supported exponential growth of L. monocytogenes Flt3 ligand-induc
156                   The model predicts a quasi-exponential growth of large tumours, even if different f
157            The last decade has witnessed the exponential growth of new site-selective bioconjugation
158                                          The exponential growth of publicly available RNA-sequencing
159           By taking advantage of the ongoing exponential growth of sequence databases, we go signific
160                                  Despite the exponential growth of the EV field, a great deal remains
161                                          The exponential growth of young talented women choosing scie
162 s exceed the film thickness, leading to full exponential growth over 3 orders of magnitude thickness.
163  sequesters and protects sigma(S) during the exponential growth phase and thus enables rapid gene act
164              We show that cells harvested in exponential growth phase consistently display mixtures o
165                                     Cells in exponential growth phase released 220 exosomes/cell in
166 um sensing system, and a poorly defined post-exponential growth phase signal independent of Agr.
167 d composition as compared to cultures in the exponential growth phase.
168 n of CovRS-controlled virulence genes at the exponential growth phase; however, mutations of RocA but
169 r variability in cell division placement and exponential growth rate across individual cells in a pop
170 ty is heterogeneous across the brain but the exponential growth rate and time of half maximal Abeta c
171 the El Tor biotype prior to the cessation of exponential growth results in a more pronounced decline
172  27.4 kDa (128mer, 7.9 g) using an iterative exponential growth strategy with a degree of polymerizat
173 wo independent 1) kickoff-repopulation using exponential growth with a decreased volume doubling time
174       To compensate for low phospholipids in exponential growth, N. oceanica synthesized sulfoquinovo
175 tion in estimates of the timing of the early exponential growth, ranging roughly from 1940 for NS2, t
176  in excess of what appears to be optimal for exponential growth.
177 reptolysin S (SLS)-mediated hemolysis during exponential growth.
178  entered into the last gate and triggered an exponential hairpin assembly to form four-way junction n
179  biomedical knowledge have contributed to an exponential increase in associative data.
180                  The past decade has seen an exponential increase in biological sequencing capacity,
181 ing of a 2 m-thick peat column results in an exponential increase in CH4 emissions.
182     This effect is largely attributed to the exponential increase in chromosome segregation errors in
183                               This led to an exponential increase in macroalgal and epiphyte biomass
184 2)), in situ mass loss measurements found an exponential increase in particle emission, indicating th
185 nsequential and consistent departure from an exponential increase in R.
186      Advances in mammography have sparked an exponential increase in the detection of early-stage bre
187  is not computationally efficient due to the exponential increase in the number of binding sequences
188 tically with the scale of GRNs, resulting an exponential increase in the number of candidate solution
189       GEE models showed that children had an exponential increase in the risk of dying with decreasin
190 ment at elevated temperatures demonstrate an exponential increase in the values of the dielectric pro
191                                              Exponential increase of cell numbers in early embryos re
192 fat) measured at the end of storage, and the exponential increase of hexanal concentrations (up to 13
193                      The one exception to an exponential increase with age was the transition rate fr
194 t a simple set of conditions implies roughly exponential increases in the frequency of the very large
195        The solution is given in terms of the exponential integral function with relativistic co-ordin
196                     We find that an adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire model fitted to the basic
197 s demonstrated using simulations of adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire model neurons (AdEx).
198  to be stochastic but memoryless, leading to exponential inter-burrow waiting times and depths.
199                                              Exponential interest in the field of covalent organic fr
200 d contrasting evidence: dynamics faster than exponential, intermittency and abrupt structural changes
201                   Particularly the stretched exponential is favoured in approximately 60% of the lesi
202 s accurately described by using the parallel exponential kinetics (PEK) model.
203 unfolding is hierarchical and describable by exponential kinetics, despite being diffuse.
204 atios to a pair of W isotopes, following the exponential law, no residual W-O isotope correlation is
205 ect accounts for the natural logarithmic pre-exponential ln (A/min(-1)) factors of ca. 19-35 and 28-4
206                          Thus, the stretched exponential may be utilized as a potential optimal model
207 ort and a large one, we showed that that the exponential mechanism based on the SHD score preserves t
208  statistic, P-values, projected P-values and exponential mechanisms based on the TDT test statistic a
209 was not possible with linear, logarithmic or exponential methods.
210  is gradual and its origin is in slower than exponential microscopic dynamics, akin to the ones in su
211                                           An exponential model for BCVA change balancing for the ceil
212 n-weighted imaging quantified using the mono-exponential model has shown great promise for monitoring
213           The negative product term from the exponential model revealed a submultiplicative interacti
214 formulas was described by fitting the single exponential model to the change in peak intensities over
215                       Compared with the mono-exponential model, it may provide complementary informat
216  30 s, and decay in a way that fits a single-exponential model.
217  meta-analyses was applied using a piecewise exponential model.
218 ial fit (ADCME), ADC obtained with stretched exponential modeling (ADCSE), anomalous exponent (alpha)
219 phenology simulation bias, while the GDD and exponential models maintained a comparatively constant b
220                                    Piecewise exponential models stratified by cohort were used to est
221 py) using cumulative incidence and piecewise exponential models to estimate relative rates and 95% co
222                         Decay or improvement exponential models were used to calculate pointwise rate
223                                    Piecewise exponential models with backward selection estimated the
224             Mathematical models (Weibull and exponential models) were used to better evaluate the inf
225  hazards regression with extrapolation using exponential models.
226 ctions (PDFs) for many common distributions (exponential, multiexponential, Gaussian, etc.), as well
227 twork growth and epidemic spreading leads to exponential networks for any finite rate of infectiousne
228 pproaches that work directly with the matrix exponential of the underlying continuous-time Markov cha
229 nging it to predominantly dipolar or even to exponential one at lateral distances exceeding the dimen
230 ile many studies suggest exponential, double exponential or power laws as empirical forms, we contend
231  tau on high-density surfaces, the stretched exponential (or Kohlrausch) function is required to dete
232 nal Hilbert-space representations entails an exponential overhead with increasing dimension.
233 in small RNAs, such as 6S RNA, remain low in exponential phase cells, and increase greatly in station
234  transcriptional activity evident during mid-exponential phase followed by a sharp decrease in activi
235                                       During exponential phase growth, basal levels of xdhABC express
236 ase consisting of 4 h followed by 20 h of an exponential phase in Vero cells.
237 reased from 6.8 to 3.0 mmol/mol-C at initial-exponential phase then increased to 4.2 mmol/mol-C at de
238 were observed, with an overestimation of the exponential phase when using a caliper as compared with
239 iently and synchronously in all cells during exponential phase, and is accompanied by a pause in grow
240 protein are at their highest levels in early exponential phase, but then decrease dramatically and ar
241 vate as a result of unbalanced growth during exponential phase, compounds that were later consumed in
242                                 We find that exponential-phase samples systematically differ from sta
243 ased on multiple cultivars using the GDD and exponential phenology models.
244 scription (PCT) reaction that results in the exponential production of orders of magnitude more RNA o
245  of longitudinal studies point to a negative exponential progression pattern of dopamine loss in PD.
246 l Sheath Acceleration emission patterns with exponential proton energy spectra are detected.
247 Here, we develop the correlation Generalized Exponential Random Graph Model (cGERGM) - a statistical
248 ivision, the small daughter grew at a faster exponential rate than the large daughter, an observation
249 to-reach audiences, knowledge exchange at an exponential rate, and enabling new means of capturing an
250 linking mutations on genes to diseases at an exponential rate, yet characterizing the gene-mutation-c
251  billiard systems approach equilibrium at an exponential rate.
252 ially among the young, is increasing at near-exponential rates.
253                                          The exponential reduction in cost of genome sequencing has r
254 multilayer growth in the linear and into the exponential regimes, which explains how PDADMA can myste
255 ll DDKT rate did not change as modeled using exponential regression adjusting for candidate character
256 enerated using the relative magnitude of the exponential regression model coefficients of independent
257               Kill slopes were modeled using exponential regression.
258 icotinic acetylcholine receptors there is an exponential relationship between these two equilibrium d
259 ron formation kinetics reproduces the triple-exponential relaxation frequently attributed to trap sta
260                          We characterized an exponential response in N2O production to decreasing oxy
261                                          The exponential rise of pyrene concentration is, however, co
262 ting in nonlinear colloidal suspensions with exponential saturable nonlinearity leads to formation of
263                       Monoexponential and bi-exponential short and long T1rho relaxation times were e
264                  Similarly, the mono- and bi-exponential short and long T2 relaxation times were 24.7
265                    The algorithms provide an exponential speed-up over the best currently known class
266 antum matter on a classical computer and the exponential speedups afforded by quantum computers.
267                            We prove that the exponential stability depends on relative proportions of
268 ture of our approach is that our theorems on exponential stability of steady states for homogeneous o
269  of beneficial mutations can be described as exponential, supporting a current hypothesis for adaptiv
270                                   We observe exponential suppression of energy splitting with increas
271 s, which includes carrier relaxation into an exponential tail of trap states extending up to 1.5 eV i
272 togram of the protein displacements shows an exponential tail, which is robust and universal for cell
273 arameterized with our experimentally derived exponential terms, accurately reproduces N2O profiles in
274 drogen treatment are analysed using the mono-exponential, the intravoxel incoherent motion, the stret
275     In this article, we proposed a penalized Exponential Tilt Model (pETM) using network-based regula
276         We have also developed a generalized exponential tilt model that captures both mean and varia
277 n uptake of the new lipid components with an exponential time constant of 22 +/- 2 h.
278  the simulations), force relaxed with a slow exponential time course and did not show biphasic behavi
279 This saccade adaptation typically follows an exponential time course, i.e., adaptation speed slows as
280 2), which is usually faster but also runs in exponential time in almost all the cases.
281                      Their algorithm runs in exponential time in the number of gene lineages in gener
282 ds are restricted to special cases or run in exponential time; are not sensitive to clustering of dat
283 ility in CF decreased while a change from an exponential to a power law distribution of APT from basa
284 . cruzi epimastigotes transitioning from the exponential to the stationary phase exhibit a finely tun
285 ng a growth-dependent up-regulation from the exponential to the stationary phase of growth.
286                                           An exponential trend was also observed between ROS/RNS and
287  and the disintegration kinetics followed an exponential trend, suggesting that erosion was the predo
288 ctivation of an angiogenic switch that fuels exponential tumor growth.
289                                        Rapid exponential tumor progression was observed in control tr
290 s on two simpler networks for comparison, an exponential unclustered and a random network, and found
291 erestimate TasP's effectiveness, whereas the exponential-unclustered network underestimates it.
292 ve results of the CESAR trial have led to an exponential use of the technology in recent years.
293 ting (i.e., single-exponential versus double-exponential) using the log-likelihood ratio technique, w
294 3) MEMLET offers model testing (i.e., single-exponential versus double-exponential) using the log-lik
295 ple sequential stimuli, following a decaying-exponential weighting function.
296 lized (18)F-T807 in plasma followed a single exponential with a half-life of 17.0 +/- 4.2 min.
297             Elimination of avoralstat was bi-exponential with a terminal half-life of 12-31 h.
298  as sum of monotones modulated by a decaying exponential, with angular attenuation by a modified card
299 t profile in the egg chamber is likely to be exponential, with the highest concentration in the oocyt
300 ent methods use either exact algorithms with exponential worst-case running time or heuristics that d

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