


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 he dimension of the strategy space increases exponentially.
2  matter far away is never zero but decreases exponentially.
3 sms involved in anticancer therapy has grown exponentially.
4 emble currents that decay more slowly and bi-exponentially.
5 tended periods of time, before dying rapidly exponentially.
6 large-scale plant phenotype data, is growing exponentially.
7 ieces per km(2) and production is increasing exponentially.
8  even when the number of ejected atoms grows exponentially.
9 gnaling, a subfield that is expected to grow exponentially.
10  shear rate decreased the apparent viscosity exponentially.
11  O and yield-scaled N2 O emissions increased exponentially.
12  of unique targeted nanoparticles is growing exponentially.
13 the decrease of the sensitive tumor fraction exponentially.
14 lse positive mutations which also accumulate exponentially.
15        Demand for renewable energy is rising exponentially.
16 ion," the particle density is known to decay exponentially.
17  find that >10% of proteins are degraded non-exponentially.
18 on becomes difficult as the literature grows exponentially.
19 typically have enormous size and are growing exponentially, (2) knowledge databases contain redundant
20                                        Force exponentially accelerated Thy-1/alphavbeta3 dissociation
21 ne-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has grown exponentially across dentistry with a clear impact in im
22 ince the meiotic error rate increases almost exponentially after a certain age, its contribution to t
23            Residues of bifenazate dissipated exponentially after spraying and at Gudalur trial, on th
24 ed phase, the order parameter decays to zero exponentially although the condensate fraction remains f
25  Hospitalization rates for AF have increased exponentially among US adults from 2000 to 2010.
26 l lysis step, the released viral N1 gene was exponentially amplified using RT-LAMP on either a real-t
27 hain reaction (PCR) is a powerful method for exponentially amplifying very low amounts of target DNA
28 f N occur at low N availability but increase exponentially and become the dominant fate of N at high
29 il of the school-size distribution decreases exponentially and the growth rates are distributed with
30 cability and flexibility made its usage grow exponentially and transversely to several research field
31 ion of organic chemicals (OCs) is increasing exponentially, and some OCs biomagnify through food webs
32 % overlap, and the amount of overlap decayed exponentially as a function of distance between the cort
33 's photoluminescence quantum yield increases exponentially as a function of the shifted emission ener
34  submersed plant cover and richness declined exponentially as carp biomass increased such that plant
35 ressible elements rises linearly rather than exponentially as in other complex networks.
36           This increased risk of death rises exponentially as kidney function worsens and is largely
37 ngle of mercury in a circular pore increases exponentially as pore size decreases.
38 challenges because the computation increases exponentially as the cardinality of SNPs combinations ge
39               Perioperative deaths increased exponentially as the number of complications per patient
40                   We confirm the CMR reduces exponentially at low population sizes, irrespective of p
41 hypersaline-adapted archaeal organism, grows exponentially at the single-cell level and maintains a n
42 g treatment, and mutated ALL clones expanded exponentially before clinical relapse.
43 d convection while retaining longer polymers exponentially better.
44             The inter-PGP distance decreases exponentially between 10 and 48 hpf, while the anterior-
45 ness, organic solvent permeation rates decay exponentially but water continues to permeate quickly, i
46      The number of collections has increased exponentially, but shows a slowdown in the last two deca
47       The ability of quantum systems to host exponentially complex dynamics has the potential to revo
48 trating that even local noise can lead to an exponentially complex dynamics.
49  its dynamics from a very simple one into an exponentially complex one, capable of universal quantum
50 n be represented in QTT format, then use the exponentially-converging hp-discontinuous Galerkin discr
51        The frequency shift of the sensors is exponentially correlated to the humidity change, induced
52 itrogen (TDN) ratios (DOC:TDN) were negative exponentially correlated with residence time.
53                      The energy requirements exponentially decay with the number of target nodes, sug
54 circumstance allows us to directly image the exponentially decaying density of a tunneling particle,
55 urements to demonstrate that the long-range, exponentially decaying diffuse double-layer forces obser
56 raps over time and therefore give rise to an exponentially decaying distribution of trapped molecules
57 ipsoid domain whose principal axes follow an exponentially decaying distribution.
58  of a tethered fluorophore, diffusing in the exponentially decaying evanescent excitation field.
59 object is carried by evanescent waves, which exponentially decays in space and thus cannot reach the
60                       The ADIR and ADBR both exponentially decreased from the acute to the late perio
61 min in the presence of the dual aptamer, was exponentially decreased with the increase of CEA concent
62 sity peaks at the beginning of each wave and exponentially decreases afterwards.
63 l and the COD velocity is extrapolated to be exponentially decreasing from more than 800 mum/mus to a
64  array of nonsaturable surface traps have an exponentially decreasing probability of escaping the tra
65 tion of double mutants with high efficiency, exponentially decreasing the time needed for complex str
66 per-stoichiometric amounts relative to their exponentially degraded (ED) counterparts.
67                                     Many non-exponentially degraded (NED) proteins are subunits of co
68 f multi-drug resistant strains is increasing exponentially, demonstrating that current treatments are
69      Production of aldehydes was found to be exponentially dependent on concentration of flavoring co
70 ntum interference, and in other points it is exponentially dependent on the control parameter EJ/EC.
71                  The correlation between the exponentially diminishing density of TiO2 sub-band accep
72 ower injection rate constant for each dye is exponentially distributed relative to E(+/)*.
73 ates are memoryless, i.e. promoters spend an exponentially distributed time interval in each of the t
74  In the other, the offspring are released at exponentially distributed times according to a fixed rel
75                     Growth in the canopy was exponentially distributed with a scaling parameter of 0.
76           Smooth muscle myosin filaments are exponentially distributed with approximately 150 nm aver
77 f different fragments of the tumour grow sub-exponentially due to nutrient and space limitations.
78 creases, the model parameter space increases exponentially due to the component combination from diff
79  responses that assumes DA release decreases exponentially during stimulation and continues post-stim
80 d RABV GP-specific antibody titers increased exponentially during the trial, with rates of increase f
81 y interface began in the 1960s and has grown exponentially ever since.
82 s provide a readily reproducible strategy to exponentially expand ES cell-derived megakaryocyte-eryth
83 sic and intrinsic uncertainty, in view of an exponentially expanding number of prospects on a branchi
84                                Higher forces exponentially facilitate the intercalative binding, lead
85 one of the prior densities converges to zero exponentially fast at the boundary.
86 , which add to the existing network, causing exponentially fast clogging independent of growth.
87 ical computers, since their complexity grows exponentially fast with the number of variables.
88 pounds to be assessed through the testing of exponentially fewer samples.
89  systems, where the physical dimension grows exponentially, finding the eigenvalues of certain operat
90       LATE-PCR generates double-stranded DNA exponentially followed by linear amplification of single
91  followed Newton's law of cooling, declining exponentially from 100 degrees C to 25 degrees C during
92   Steric hindrance for naphthalene increases exponentially from 9 to 16 kJ/mol ( approximately 1.6-2.
93 nductive areas for each vein order increases exponentially from major to minor veins; the volume of i
94 the time between two clonic bursts increased exponentially from the start of the clonic phase of the
95 of unknown proteins and complex mixtures and exponentially greater susceptibility to incomplete isoto
96 ificant differences in the ncRNA profiles of exponentially growing and non-replicating hypoxic bacill
97 energy metabolism and oxidative imbalance in exponentially growing and stationary growth-arrested epi
98                 DraRnl protein is present in exponentially growing and stationary phase cells, but is
99                                              Exponentially growing bacteria are rarely found in the w
100                          In nutrient-replete exponentially growing batch cultures, concentrations ran
101 s among this sea of clusters give rise to an exponentially growing catalytic cycle, a specific realiz
102 as exemplified by TORC1, whose inhibition in exponentially growing cells is shown to match an interru
103                                          How exponentially growing cells maintain size homeostasis is
104                                  Exposure of exponentially growing cells to iron-limited media, oxida
105                                           In exponentially growing cells translating ribosomes are in
106                                          For exponentially growing cells we observe high levels of in
107  in the regulation of protein homeostasis in exponentially growing cells, but ERAD became relevant wh
108 ation, and that such a gradient is absent in exponentially growing cells.
109 rect measure of replication dynamics from an exponentially growing culture.
110 ortunately, studies thus far have focused on exponentially growing cultures in nutrient-rich media, m
111                             The fact that an exponentially growing cycle emerges naturally from such
112 cysteine abiotically oxidizes to cystine and exponentially growing E. coli degrade high cysteine conc
113                                           In exponentially growing Escherichia coli cells, RNA SHAPE
114 cifically perturb bacterial RNAP activity in exponentially growing Escherichia coli.
115          The current study demonstrates that exponentially growing fibroblasts from elderly (old) mal
116 specific realization of Dyson's notion of an exponentially growing metabolism.
117 le scheme demonstrates that the emergence of exponentially growing metabolisms could be simpler than
118 azid and rifampicin kill greater than 99% of exponentially growing Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) c
119 ue to the fact that the MurX inhibitors kill exponentially growing Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) m
120 on of electronic cigarettes is leading to an exponentially growing number of electronic refill liquid
121 g technology flood protein databases with an exponentially growing number of open reading frames.
122                                    Given the exponentially growing number of sequenced genomes, this
123 highest concentrations relative to chl-a, in exponentially growing O. tauri.
124                               Concomitantly, exponentially growing strain A and B hSOD1 aggregations
125 pped 26 histone modifications genome-wide in exponentially growing yeast and during a dramatic transc
126                                           In exponentially growing yeast, the heme enzyme, cytochrome
127 a reliable data set of protein half-lives in exponentially growing yeast.
128 hological conditions, the interest in EVs is exponentially growing.
129 owever, these methods can hardly fulfill the exponentially-growing resource requirements when applied
130 ilized effectively, but the actively motile, exponentially grown cells of P. putida G7 were not mobil
131 anced by zoospores in stationary, but not in exponentially grown, cells of P. putida G7.
132 wells in which production started to decline exponentially in less than 10 y.
133        Gene expression data are accumulating exponentially in public repositories.
134 ding of the skin immune system has increased exponentially in recent years, the role of B cells in cu
135 fection, we show that virus titers increased exponentially in the brain from 2 to 5 days postinfectio
136 spectively, and showed that they scale super-exponentially in the number of regulators.
137             Plastic production has increased exponentially in the past 50 years (Figure S1A in Supple
138 l risk, TAVR volume is projected to increase exponentially in the United States.
139 er of accumulated driver mutations increases exponentially in time if the average fitness gain per dr
140 vidual Caulobacter crescentus cells increase exponentially in time.
141 of alternative splicing within a single gene exponentially increase the number of possible spliced is
142                  KCl gradients were found to exponentially increase the pulse frequency, while reduci
143 ses, that demonstrate N2 O and NO3 emissions exponentially increase when agronomic optimum N is surpa
144                                           PI exponentially increased bacterial growth and mortality t
145 us single nucleotide variations (nsSNVs) has exponentially increased due to advances in Next-Generati
146 eness and usage of electronic cigarettes has exponentially increased during the last few years, espec
147 uloides by companies and research groups has exponentially increased in recent years as a result of r
148 we found that the renal-clearance efficiency exponentially increased in the early elimination phase w
149 opment and applications of microneedles have exponentially increased in the recent years.
150 Interest in the organelle's cell biology has exponentially increased over the last decade due to the
151         Rate of eGFR decline associated with exponentially increased risks of graft failure and death
152  semifield experiments, B impatiens foragers exponentially increased their foraging rates of pollen f
153                       Chronic disease burden exponentially increased this risk.
154 low at age 50 years and, with one exception, exponentially increased with age.
155 ment in lung health and pathophysiology have exponentially increased.
156 itic cells in total psoriatic skin area were exponentially increased.
157 d non-communicable diseases and obesity have exponentially increased.
158 pecifically, the current across the molecule exponentially increases in the Coulomb blockade regime a
159  the antenna subdivides each zone and almost exponentially increases ORN diversity by branching off n
160 ltivalent association constant, which itself exponentially increases with the inhibitor/virus contact
161 motic pumps enhanced humoral responses, with exponentially increasing (exp-inc) dosing profiles elici
162 hibitory factor that is titrated against the exponentially increasing amount of DNA.
163 ed glomeruli, decreasing renal function, and exponentially increasing ESRD prevalence.
164       Our results suggest a general trend of exponentially increasing N2O emissions as N inputs incre
165 le solution to the problem of annotating the exponentially increasing number of genomes.
166                                         With exponentially increasing sequencing capacity, there is a
167 g this patient population is estimated to be exponentially increasing.
168 tative analysis of specific DNA sequences is exponentially increasing.
169 show that the assumption--starving cells die exponentially--is true only at high cell density.
170 quantum states, which in general requires an exponentially large number of parameters.
171 s one could consider even in simple cases is exponentially large.
172  states and demonstrate that this set has an exponentially larger state space volume than the lower-d
173 ate characterized by infinite resistance and exponentially long relaxation.
174 ormation about MicroRNAs (miRNAs) is growing exponentially, making it difficult for researchers to in
175 luding Gaussian, log-normal, Poisson, gamma, exponentially modified Gaussian, and hybrid of exponenti
176 onal physical models which we can prove have exponentially more entanglement than suggested by the ar
177 pproaches equilibrium (DeltarG' = 0 kJ/mol), exponentially more enzyme counterproductively catalyzes
178 w that a molecule's ADP release rate depends exponentially on the applied load, in qualitative agreem
179 preconcentrated in the thin membrane depends exponentially on the charge and that the current respons
180 ucleation mechanisms, with rates that depend exponentially on the concentration of soluble peptide.
181 spectively, among these catalysts and depend exponentially on the energy for ligand-to-metal charge t
182      We find that translocation rates depend exponentially on the force, with a characteristic distan
183 al expression for tauX*(trg, m) that depends exponentially on trg and m, and two fitting parameters.
184 onsider are velocity correlations that decay exponentially or as power laws, where the latter functio
185 ifically when the dispersal kernel falls off exponentially or faster.
186 al, the ACh-evoked potassium current decayed exponentially over approximately 100 ms.
187 e costs of drug development have been rising exponentially over the last six decades, making it essen
188              Areas of low oxygen have spread exponentially over the past 40 years, and are cited as a
189 se, transcatheter valve therapies have grown exponentially over the past decade.
190 is of odorant reception in insects has grown exponentially over the past decade.
191       Use of electronic cigarettes has grown exponentially over the past few years, raising concerns
192                Microbiome research has grown exponentially over the past several years, but studies h
193  total particle and pMeHg loadings decreased exponentially over this same distance (R(2) = 0.49, p =
194                    Predicted scores improved exponentially over time for 5 of the BOQ0-5 domains (pre
195              LSM increased significantly and exponentially over time.
196 tic resonance (MR) imaging of mTBI has grown exponentially, partly due to development of novel analyt
197         The measured ratios of C0 to y0 were exponentially proportional to the reciprocal of temperat
198 al developmental neuroscience has progressed exponentially providing solid conceptual advances and un
199 ts in public repositories has been expanding exponentially, providing unprecedented opportunities to
200 finitesimally small initial charges can grow exponentially rapidly.
201 nergy norms of such inlet perturbations grow exponentially rather than algebraically with axial dista
202     Multi-level control of quantum coherence exponentially reduces communication and computation reso
203    In the absence of coupling, the system is exponentially relaxing to an equilibrium with rate mu We
204  designed a system of DNA origami rafts that exponentially replicates a seed pattern, doubling the co
205  drop in DNA diffusion, in stark contrast to exponentially retarded mobility, coupled to weak anomalo
206                                              Exponentially rising CO2 (currently 400 muatm) is drivi
207                                              Exponentially rising CO2 (currently ~400 muatm) is drivi
208            This architecture exhibits large, exponentially scalable encoding capacities (>10(6) parti
209 ver, dissociation rate constants prove to be exponentially sensitive to sequence length, varying by n
210 t receptor-ligand bonds, because they become exponentially shorter lived at higher force above a crit
211     Related scholarly activity has increased exponentially since the 1980s, but there is scant resear
212  with the departure from zero expected to be exponentially small as the modes become spatially separa
213 materials, and therefore exposures, increase exponentially so does the need for thorough evaluation.
214  underdiagnosing AC in the hospital setting; exponentially so when males generally have poor hospital
215 y for the target DNA, with the gain decaying exponentially such that binding energy saturates.
216 otein's rotational relaxation time increases exponentially, taking values in the range from a few sec
217  As the size of bio-sequence databases grows exponentially, the computational speed of alignment soft
218 on-phonon coupling affects superconductivity exponentially, this enhancement highlights the importanc
219  that mortality rates from epidemics decline exponentially through time and, independently, with time
220                                   Cells grew exponentially throughout the first >80% of the cell cycl
221 )I concentrations in precipitation decreased exponentially to approximately 3 x 10(9) atom/L by Octob
222 are warmer there and metabolic rates respond exponentially to temperature (with exponents >1).
223 er there even though metabolic rates respond exponentially to temperature.
224  2012, we showed that the UHI effect decayed exponentially toward rural areas for majority of the 32
225  The plant-to-fungus richness ratio declines exponentially toward the poles.
226 ists in a steady state phase and then decays exponentially upon depletion of the peroxo oxidant with
227 re monitored using a Shewhart control chart, exponentially weighted moving average chart, and cumulat
228 rol in the form of a Shewhart control chart, exponentially weighted moving average, and cumulative su
229  available to decision makers are increasing exponentially, while the complex decisions must rely on
230 f shearwaters attending longliners increased exponentially with a decreasing density of trawlers.
231        The tumor in the control animals grew exponentially with a growth constant of 0.042+/-0.011mm(
232                                  FGF23 rises exponentially with advancing chronic kidney disease, see
233           Within each subsurface, GFA varies exponentially with composition, wheres exponential cusps
234              Leaflet billow volume increased exponentially with decreasing AHCWR in patients without
235  in the Bruch membrane/RPE complex increased exponentially with decreasing CMT (R2 = 0.99; P = .008).
236       Importantly, permeation rates decrease exponentially with decreasing sieve size but water trans
237 as a solid with a relaxation time that grows exponentially with decreasing temperature.
238        Microplastic concentrations decreased exponentially with depth, with both sea state and partic
239 ickering resonance (FR) mechanism will decay exponentially with distance because the probability of e
240         Median 8-h infection risks decreased exponentially with distance from a median of 1:2700 at e
241 d over the oceans, with abundances declining exponentially with distance from land and indicate that
242  lori, demonstrating that dispersal declines exponentially with distance.
243 em, the rate of secret key generation decays exponentially with distance.
244 s are symmetric sparse, random, and drop off exponentially with distance; they parcellate DL into nar
245 he risk of liver-related mortality increased exponentially with each increase in the stage of fibrosi
246                    The growth rate increased exponentially with either applied compressive stress or
247 he half-time of aggregation (t1/2) increases exponentially with extension length.
248                       These numbers drop off exponentially with geographic distance, but since these
249 he risk of liver-related mortality increases exponentially with increase in fibrosis stage; these dat
250 which the force required for unwinding rises exponentially with increased speed) of 1300 nm/s.
251 h O-SWCNT and O-MWCNT/PNC surfaces decreased exponentially with increasing CNT loading, with O-SWCNTs
252            Additionally, herbivory decreased exponentially with increasing distance from tree holes.
253 is reflected in a number of seeds decreasing exponentially with increasing seeding temperature.
254 esistivity at the neutrality point increases exponentially with increasing the gap, as expected for a
255 n of the protein vector representation grows exponentially with K.
256 ver the past 1-3 decades correlated negative-exponentially with mean SST, chlorophyll a, and SST rise
257 beads and find that motor velocity decreases exponentially with opposing load.
258  the monomer-dimer reaction, which increases exponentially with Pi(2D).
259  The incidence of early-onset NTHi increased exponentially with prematurity, from 0.9 per 100 000 (95
260                 The reduction rate increased exponentially with respect to the NZVI concentration, an
261  area strain ([Formula: see text]) decreased exponentially with Sd (also influenced by adhesion patte
262 t the ratio between waveguide outputs varies exponentially with septum translation offset and that ne
263  of possible motor transformations increases exponentially with sequence length.
264 of an edge spin over a time scale that grows exponentially with system size.
265                       Generally, R increases exponentially with temperature and formulations such as
266  at 47 degrees C, with a rate that increases exponentially with temperature and is independent of sal
267 f winged female parasitoid progeny increased exponentially with temperature between 20 degrees C to 3
268 wn that soil microbial respiration increases exponentially with temperature.
269 otter, and most physiological rates increase exponentially with temperature.
270 rocess with the DOC concentration increasing exponentially with temperature.
271 s of 87 MPAs investigated worldwide increase exponentially with the accumulation of five key features
272 of available protein sequences has increased exponentially with the advent of high-throughput genomic
273 nsfer (ET) is that the probability decreases exponentially with the amount of energy transferred, hen
274 ble, since the size of the phase space grows exponentially with the dimension of the network.
275 ion of molecules that changed rate increased exponentially with the duration of the interruption, wit
276 demonstrate that heme ruffling is correlated exponentially with the electron transfer rates and sugge
277     The contact resistance of OETs increases exponentially with the gate voltage and strongly influen
278  of allopatric mammalian populations decayed exponentially with the geographic distance separating th
279 roblem, whose computational complexity grows exponentially with the horizon of the planned trajectory
280 ver, in FOMC, the number of parameters grows exponentially with the increase of the order of Markov C
281 r comorbidity associations and they increase exponentially with the increasing breadth of the investi
282 es with a connection probability that decays exponentially with the level index.
283 cult because the number of experiments grows exponentially with the number of drugs and doses.
284 this technique since its concentration decay exponentially with the number of extractions with good c
285 e grown hBN has a resistance which increases exponentially with the number of layers, and has electri
286  population that can be suppressed increases exponentially with the number of multiplexed gRNAs and t
287 the multiple network alignment problem grows exponentially with the number of networks being aligned
288         The complexity of this problem grows exponentially with the number of nodes in the query netw
289  near an order-disorder transition decreases exponentially with the participation ratio of a network'
290 rically has a computational cost that scales exponentially with the size of the system, and Monte Car
291 at the speed of judgment propagation decayed exponentially with the social distance from the source.
292 l anomalies between any two points decreases exponentially with their spatial distance, and we used t
293                 This length is found to grow exponentially with time, giving access to the braid topo
294 r the tumors could be formed that correlated exponentially with tumor volume reduction.
295  that cells approach a new steady-state SA/V exponentially, with a decay constant equal to the volume
296 he field of medical image analysis has grown exponentially, with an increased number of pattern recog
297          In many cases, this decrease occurs exponentially, with deviations from a strict exponential
298                              GWAS have grown exponentially, with increases in sample sizes and marker
299 ed of being precise, abating size deviations exponentially within a few generations.
300                                 This rate is exponentially worse than known convergence rates for man

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