


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              Expressed alone, all tested viral glycoproteins were rel
2                                              Expressed alone, dAK is inactive and exhibits no respons
3                                              Expressed alone, Loop1 remained intracellular and membra
4                                              Expressed alone, Mga2p induces high levels of OLE1 trans
5                                              Expressed alone, Orai1 strongly reduces store-operated C
6                                              Expressed alone, SUR1 has a long half-life, approximatel
7                                 Mutant 1bA8V expressed alone or with hERG 1a in HEK-293 cells dramati
8                                        Kv4.2 expressed alone was not retained within the ER, but reac
9 ogenesis efficiency of SUR1, but not Kir6.2, expressed alone.
10 these curves are distinct from that of Kv4.3 expressed alone due to acceleration of tau(rec) and slow
11 ation of recovery kinetics compared to Kv4.3 expressed alone, only fKChIP2a produced large depolarizi
12 membrane hyperpolarization compared to Kv4.3 expressed alone.
13  specific activity 43-fold higher than Aga2p expressed alone.
14      Earlier studies showed that agnoprotein expressed alone induced p21/WAF-1 expression and caused
15  showed that either Cx43-HKKSL or Cx43-AKKFF expressed alone by HeLa cells was maintained as an appar
16 ty determines whether P-selectin ligands are expressed alone or in conjunction with E-selectin ligand
17 D model cell system wherein ERBBs or MET are expressed alone and in combination.
18   Particles released when these proteins are expressed alone are identical to authentic virions in th
19 eletal muscle Na+ channel alpha subunits are expressed alone (immature) or with the beta1 subunit (ma
20 pha6((L9'S or V13'S)) and beta2 subunits are expressed alone or in the presence of wild-type beta3 su
21  function when alpha6 and beta2 subunits are expressed alone or in the presence of wild-type or mutan
22                      When alpha subunits are expressed alone, PIP(2) inhibition is less strong; olfac
23   Three sample types were studied: Ca-ATPase expressed alone, Ca-ATPase coexpressed with wild-type ph
24 of phosphoenzyme decay relative to Ca-ATPase expressed alone.
25 zyme formation relative to that of Ca-ATPase expressed alone.
26                                  The beta2AR expressed alone couples poorly to the endogenous G(s alp
27  deactivation (tau(deact)) of Kv4.3 channels expressed alone in Xenopus oocytes and in the presence o
28 rties distinct from Kv1.2 and Kv1.5 channels expressed alone.
29 SC-CMs) falls between that of KCNQ1 channels expressed alone and with full complement of KCNE1, the m
30 as approximately 6%, but the Y6.2C construct expressed alone exhibited an apparent FRET efficiency of
31 rge movement was detected in the I-II domain expressed alone.
32           In addition, the C-terminal domain expressed alone (amino acids 336-725) binds eEF-2 in a c
33 tive folding of the upstream protein domains expressed alone.
34               The structure of E1, E2, or E3 expressed alone changed little upon heating as monitored
35  X, the three investigated FoxPs were either expressed alone or occurred in specific combinations wit
36                                         ENaC expressed alone in fibroblasts responded to activation o
37 eased tubule length relative to Pcdh-gammaA3 expressed alone.
38  Ca(2+)-stimulated adenylyl cyclase AC1 gene expressed alone or in combination with HCN2 and compared
39                        Like the 190-kDa HARE expressed alone, the 190- and 315-kDa HARE isoforms expr
40 revious studies, we detected binding of HpuB expressed alone to hemoglobin, apo-haptoglobin, and hemo
41           We show that, when polycystin-1 is expressed alone in a PKD2 null cell line, it localizes t
42                              When E4-34kD is expressed alone, a portion of the protein that contains
43 ubunits are expressed but not when either is expressed alone; and (iii) channel activity, albeit appa
44 merizes with the same kinetics as when HA is expressed alone.
45  cyclase activity can be measured when it is expressed alone in COS-7 cells.
46 forskolin-induced cAMP production when it is expressed alone or together with GABA(B(2)).
47  that DrrB is proteolyzed by FtsH when it is expressed alone.
48 sought for the channels observed when NR1 is expressed alone in oocytes.
49 specific RNAs, but also when this protein is expressed alone from different expression cassettes; (ii
50  apoptosis does not occur when K-rasVal12 is expressed alone or with a TAg containing Glu107,108two h
51 e observed when the mammalian NR1 subunit is expressed alone in Xenopus laevis oocytes.
52 ) as compared with when the alpha subunit is expressed alone.
53 e constitutive activity when this subunit is expressed alone.
54 t the cytoplasm; however, when mutant tau is expressed alone, it appears mostly bound to the microtub
55 e only cytoplasmic, whereas the wild-type M1 expressed alone was both nuclear and cytoplasmic as expe
56                                 However, M1, expressed alone in MDCK or HeLa cells from cloned cDNA o
57            Unlike both dPER and mPER2, mPER1 expressed alone in HEK 293 cells is predominantly a nucl
58 matically different from that of each mutant expressed alone.
59 he transgene was coexpressed with WT RPGR or expressed alone in the RPGR null background.
60  to the 5'-vRNA oligonucleotide, whereas PB1 expressed alone did not.
61  observed that the membrane-bound M1 protein expressed alone or coexpressed with heterologous Sendai
62 h was not present when RB, or the AR, was re-expressed alone.
63 using PAmCherry1-tagged transferrin receptor expressed alone or with photoactivatable GFP-tagged clat
64 lutamate, whereas recombinant AMPA receptors expressed alone do not.
65                                Either region expressed alone was sufficient to bind DNA-PK, but only
66                                       Spt23p expressed alone activates OLE1 transcription to levels s
67  properties of the Na+ channel alpha subunit expressed alone by blocking their inactivation, shifting
68      Tx decreased gamma of the alpha subunit expressed alone, without effect on NP(o).
69 recursor and reacted with the alphaM subunit expressed alone on the surface of COS cells.
70 milar to those reported for the NQO2 subunit expressed alone.
71                    We found that 1b subunits expressed alone were largely retained in the endoplasmic
72                    Whereas alphaIIA subunits expressed alone do not cause cellular aggregation, beta
73 ng of iPE(2)III to either the IP or TPalpha, expressed alone or in combination, robust cAMP generatio
74                                         UL15 expressed alone displays a nuclear localization, while U
75                                        UNC5B expressed alone was also recruited by netrin-1 to the pl
76     The mB2 BK channel alpha-subunit variant expressed alone was potently inhibited by application of
77 ing activity, was observed when IFNAR2.1 was expressed alone in murine cells.
78                            When DsFAD2-2 was expressed alone in soybean embryos or together with a ty
79 3 domain alters Abl kinase activity, Abl was expressed alone or with NR2D in 293T cells.
80 ion of Abl was readily observed when Abl was expressed alone.
81 essing both forms, but not when Res-FLAG was expressed alone.
82            This effect occurred when Gag was expressed alone from a heterologous promoter and when Ga
83 ainst gH2, we found that when gH2Delta48 was expressed alone, its antigenic structure differed from t
84    No reduction was seen when the 5-HT3R was expressed alone or with the wild-type alpha4 subunit.
85 ired for Golgi targeting of G(N) when it was expressed alone but were dispensable when G(C) was coexp
86 erwent endocytosis and recycling when it was expressed alone in cells, and interestingly, VZV gI cont
87 rm distribution was observed when mGluR5 was expressed alone or with Homer short forms.
88          When the Gag structural protein was expressed alone as a GFP fusion, most budding particles
89 red to that seen when the fusion protein was expressed alone.
90                   When the alpha subunit was expressed alone, it first formed an oligomeric complex w
91 u protein that was not observed when Tau was expressed alone.
92    In contrast, the wild-type transcript was expressed alone in normal tissues, primary non-small cel
93         Neuronal alpha 1E Ca2+ channels were expressed alone and in combination with the beta 2a subu
94                        When concatamers were expressed alone, dipentameric AChRs were formed in which
95                   The recombinant genes were expressed alone and in combination in the E. coli deleti
96 his LcrG titration model, LcrG and LcrV were expressed alone or together in a newly constructed lcrG
97 ucing wild-type TolA when these mutants were expressed alone or with TolQ, -R, and -B.
98              When the acyl-CoA oxidases were expressed alone or in pairs and purified, the resulting
99       When D71A- and 4Ala-TRH receptors were expressed alone, neither underwent TRH-dependent phospho
100                                Subunits were expressed alone or in combination with the high-affinity
101 by PKA was similar whether the subunits were expressed alone or in combination.
102                     When alpha subunits were expressed alone, chimeras with substitutions from rH1 in
103 each induced particle release when they were expressed alone but that their coexpression led to coord
104 tigens, XAGE1, VCX, IL13RA2, and SYCE1, were expressed, alone or in combination, in about 80% of lung
105                                         When expressed alone alpha-(95 kDa), beta-(96 kDa), and gamma
106                                         When expressed alone in cells, MRV nonstructural protein micr
107                                         When expressed alone in HEK293 cells, the beta4 subunit runs
108                                         When expressed alone in mesophyll protoplasts, ZmPIP2s are ef
109                                         When expressed alone in Xenopus oocytes, wild type connexin37
110                                         When expressed alone VirB9 and VirB10 were randomly distribut
111                                         When expressed alone, 3C(pro), an EV68-encoded protease, clea
112                                         When expressed alone, CMV gH and gL were degraded through the
113                                         When expressed alone, GCAP1 was uniformly distributed through
114                                         When expressed alone, neither the N-terminal nor the C-termin
115                                         When expressed alone, only ctDrac and ctDcdc42 cause axons in
116                                         When expressed alone, recombinant CD40-CRD1 bound CD40 with a
117                                         When expressed alone, ROMK2 is relatively insensitive to glib
118                                         When expressed alone, RPR rapidly disappeared from the cells
119                                         When expressed alone, the major NR1 splice variant and the NR
120                                         When expressed alone, the most prevalent NR1 splice variant a
121                                         When expressed alone, the N protein localizes to the nuclei o
122                                         When expressed alone, the type II but not the type I activin
123                                         When expressed alone, the V64L mutation caused a small reduct
124                                         When expressed alone, this C-terminal NIK fragment functions
125                                         When expressed alone, V612L and T613M HERG subunits did not i
126 sensing domain, had no channel activity when expressed alone and had a dominant-negative effect when
127 wed negligible transcriptional activity when expressed alone, but expression of both reconstituted QF
128 ic domain displayed detectable activity when expressed alone, co-expression of either catalytic domai
129 ator-dependent GM2-hydrolyzing activity when expressed alone.
130 her domain possessed catalytic activity when expressed alone; however, coexpression of the X and Y po
131 unstable protein and tends to aggregate when expressed alone.
132 aberrant high-molecular mass aggregates when expressed alone in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum
133 ls in the context of infection and also when expressed alone.
134 teraction in the mitochondria, although when expressed alone, NaStEP remains mostly cytosolic, implic
135 o wild type protein by a similar amount when expressed alone (86 +/- 6%) or when coexpressed with bet
136 the progression of viral infection, and when expressed alone in mammalian tissue culture cells it ind
137 till present in only a single copy and, when expressed alone, did not self-assemble.
138 at SAO band 3 does not transport anions when expressed alone in a cellular expression system, that SA
139             The CTD forms a beta-barrel when expressed alone or proteolytically separated from the NT
140 YNV), it was spread throughout the cell when expressed alone but was relocalized to a subnuclear locu
141 f 126 residues accumulates in the cells when expressed alone and thus probably constitutes a stable,
142 ta2a subunit; while the alpha1C channel when expressed alone, frequently switched into and out of the
143 ional Ca2+-activated potassium channels when expressed alone in mammalian cell lines.
144 -1C did not produce functional channels when expressed alone in mammalian cells, but suppressed SK1,
145  can form functional homomeric channels when expressed alone, A/B heteromeric channels are selectivel
146 ubunits to generate functional channels when expressed alone.
147 ts membrane fusion-active conformation, when expressed alone.
148                           Consistently, when expressed alone, the NRD potently inhibits NIK-mediated
149 stoylation site did not produce current when expressed alone, but formed a functional channel when co
150 ectifying, G-protein-modulated currents when expressed alone in Xenopus oocytes.
151 neither Ca(2+) entry nor ionic currents when expressed alone.
152 Asp3 localized diffusely in the cytosol when expressed alone or with SecA2.
153            This oligomerization domain, when expressed alone in HEK293 cells, also forms a homododeca
154 of Xstbm, inhibits convergent extension when expressed alone but rescues the effect of overexpressing
155 otein fragments retained their function when expressed alone or in A(2A)/A(2A), D(2)/D(2), and A(2A)/
156 2S complex is not detectably functional when expressed alone, as assessed in both ERK activation assa
157 investigation demonstrated that VZV gH, when expressed alone with its chaperone gL, was capable of en
158 rimarily in the ER and cis/medial-Golgi when expressed alone.
159 m gap junction channels or hemichannels when expressed alone.
160 ceptors can form homo- and heterodimers when expressed alone or co-expressed in transfected cells.
161 talytic core was catalytically inactive when expressed alone.
162                          Interestingly, when expressed alone, substantial amounts of NS1 and NS2 loca
163 dergo agonist-dependent internalization when expressed alone in tsA201 cells, co-expression of arrest
164 inantly colocalized with a Golgi marker when expressed alone or with G(C), while G(C) was transported
165 moderately activates JNK family members when expressed alone, it strongly enhances XIAP-mediated acti
166 readily observed at the plasma membrane when expressed alone, it appears absent when coexpressed with
167 ate fully in a few hundred milliseconds when expressed alone.
168 38 domain was unable to activate mTORC1 when expressed alone.
169 -expressed HER1, HER3, or HER4, but not when expressed alone or with HER2.
170 ne when coexpressed with ABCG8, but not when expressed alone.
171 expressed with listeriolysin O, but not when expressed alone.
172 in (At4g20960 or GRMZM2G320099) but not when expressed alone; the COG3236 domain was unnecessary for
173 nd throughout the cytoplasm and nucleus when expressed alone.
174 malian cells, (iv) VP24 can oligomerize when expressed alone in mammalian cells, (v) progressive dele
175 n the surface of Xenopus laevis oocytes when expressed alone, coexpression with AMPA-R-mCherry immobi
176  the cytoplasm during HCMV infection or when expressed alone.
177 nd plasma membrane fluorescence pattern when expressed alone, an apparently cytoplasmic fluorescence
178 d plasma membrane fluorescence patterns when expressed alone or with SUR1, and a very similar pattern
179  cross-linking studies, full-length Po, when expressed alone but not when coexpressed with truncated
180 renewal of immature myeloid progenitors when expressed alone.
181 h cdk4 did not accelerate proliferation when expressed alone.
182 channels with altered gating properties when expressed alone in oocytes.
183 rprisingly, PM-restricted oncogenic Ras when expressed alone could only weakly transform NIH 3T3 cell
184 t Mta has little effect on reactivation when expressed alone.
185 re ineffective in conferring resistance when expressed alone in transgenic plants, these segments con
186 he cytoplasm and nucleus, respectively, when expressed alone, but in coexpressing cells, colocalizati
187 s retained in the endoplasmic reticulum when expressed alone.
188  primarily to the endoplasmic reticulum when expressed alone.
189 ubunits not assembling into alpha-rings when expressed alone.
190     Furthermore, the VL 72/84 sequence, when expressed alone without any VH sequence, also bound to c
191 ults show that GPVI is unable to signal when expressed alone, despite its surface expression, upon st
192  STIM1 homologue, STIM2, inhibited SOCE when expressed alone but coexpressed with Orai1 caused substa
193  and wild-type (wt) 2a remained soluble when expressed alone, while in cells coexpressing 1a, most of
194 terminal segment of FliG that is stable when expressed alone, and thus probably constitutes an indepe
195 r these data show that NR1 folds stably when expressed alone, unlike NR2 and NR3, and provides the su
196  subunit exhibited perinuclear staining when expressed alone, and several of the wild-type and mutant
197                    The alpha1C subunit, when expressed alone, had similar single channel properties t
198       In contrast, the alpha1S subunit, when expressed alone, was a poor substrate for PKC, despite t
199 portant for stability of beta2 subunits when expressed alone, results obtained with flow cytometry, b
200 ) VP24 does not contain N-linked sugars when expressed alone in mammalian cells, (iv) VP24 can oligom
201      A previous study demonstrated that when expressed alone in cells, VZV gE was endocytosed from th
202            We further demonstrated that when expressed alone, the neuraminidase precursor remained di
203          Although unable to form tumors when expressed alone, HER2 was tumorigenic when expressed wit
204               SIV(mac) Vpr was unstable when expressed alone, but its intracellular steady-state leve
205 hat under nonreducing conditions VirB9, when expressed alone, migrates as a approximately 31-kDa band
206 ese data explain the toxicity of Vmw110 when expressed alone in transfected cells and provide an expl
207 ains a Phox homology (PX) domain which, when expressed alone, interacts with phosphatidylinositol 3-p
208                                S-Wnt13B when expressed alone localized to the nucleus like Wnt13C, wh
209 elta YRKL, 4A, PTAP, 4A+PTAP, and YPDL) when expressed alone from cloned cDNAs were only cytoplasmic,
210 mation under low-calcium conditions, whether expressed alone or with gI.
211 n of X is dependent upon the presence of P-X expressed alone was found predominantly in the cytoplasm

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