


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1          Absorption enhancement was observed extending 1-2 orders of magnitude over that of a referen
2 , we determined that the ribosomal footprint extends 13 nucleotides into the N-terminal coding region
3                                          The extended 150-loop of the H15 HA retains the conserved co
4  extinction/reinstatement tests following an extended 3 week withdrawal period.
5                                        These extended 3' UTRs have characteristics of long noncoding
6  predicted to be more prevalent within these extended 3'-end regions than within PAS-upstream regions
7                        In this work, we have extended a previously described motif (4 x 5) by expandi
8 embrane and propels it along a filament that extends across the periplasm to directly deliver lipopol
9 s with the presence in their structure of an extended alkyl-aryl side chain, which establishes idiosy
10 pread connections from the dorsal claustrum, extending along its entire rostral-caudal length.
11  Together, this study establishes the medial extended amygdala as a major neural substrate regulating
12 iatal-like projection neurons in the central extended amygdala.
13                        Here, we advocate and extend an approach that has the potential to unite and r
14                                  This kernel extends an existing class of k-mer based sequence kernel
15                   Furthermore, brain atlases extend analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging
16 ynamic models reach infinity in finite time, extending analysis and numerics beyond it becomes a noto
17                            Neurons have more extended and complex shapes than other cells and consequ
18                   The overall data indicates extended angular benzannelation effectively renders Berg
19 ve MMAE toxin to inhibit tumor growth and to extend animal survival to >90 days in a cell-line xenogr
20 y related condensation products, named trace-extended aromatic condensation products (TEACOPs), which
21                          These peptides were extended at the C terminus (POmega) and contained charge
22 ially (invasive procedures), the ASCO search extended back to January 2000.
23 feeding trials in similar populations should extend beyond 7 d and use time-varying statistical metho
24  ramifications of postsurgical complications extend beyond direct influence on patient outcomes to im
25 , wherein perceived quality of one patch can extend beyond its borders and either increase or decreas
26 sponses are often suppressed by stimuli that extend beyond the classical receptive field.
27 e that the importance of a balanced diet may extend beyond the mere physical benefits of adequate nut
28                                  Our reasons extend beyond those concerned principally with the envir
29 y intervals, the survival period of the mice extended beyond 70 days following the final dose.
30 ore on decreased coronary heart disease risk extended beyond its effect on blood pressure.
31 ctivity of a silicon atom within the network extends beyond its chemical coordination number, resulti
32 ts that the link between AF and brain injury extends beyond thromboembolic complications to include a
33 otion that their role in biotic interactions extends beyond toxicity to the microbial partners.
34                   Metazoan eIF4Gs share this extended binding interface with m4E-BPs, with significan
35                                 We sought to extend BMI lifetime by developing an algorithmic techniq
36 counted extended deep deposits but mainly to extended but shallow peat in the Amazon Basin.
37 embrane protrusions [tumor microtubes (TMs)] extended by glioma cells.
38 es indicate that the coupling lengths can be extended by more than two orders of magnitude for a wave
39 ct evidence for DNA contacts to the residues extending C-terminally from the globular core, which are
40 SH2 domains, we observe that nSH2 prefers an extended CaM conformation, whereas cSH2 prefers a collap
41 rdiovascular system was incorporated into 58 extended cardiac-torso (XCAT) patient phantoms.
42 aration that retains connectivity across the extended circadian system.
43 ation (Dmax=320A) than predicted for a fully extended coiled-coil structure (>500A).
44 r bPRP and aPRP a significant change to less extended conformations was observed, while P-B peptide d
45  a two-state equilibrium between compact and extended conformations.
46 SD3-SD4 interface flexibility in favor of an extended conformer increased activity.
47 l translocation time of DNA when exiting the extended conical confinement is significantly larger com
48  form a coiled-coil domain linked by a large extended connector loop containing a conserved trio of a
49 ation are often difficult to resolve without extended courses of antibiotic therapy.
50                                      IGSR is extending coverage with new populations sequenced by col
51                   A weighted, multivariable, extended Cox regression was conducted, which suggested t
52 g from cellular membranes but by forming and extending crescent membranes.
53 ate that our MAR assay, without the need for extended culture ex vivo, correctly defines the response
54 ium structure and vibrational frequencies of extended cumulene monoketones [CH2 horizontal line(C hor
55                     We used chemogenetics to extend D1-/D2-MSN cell specific regulation to cue-reinst
56 both) partly related to some yet unaccounted extended deep deposits but mainly to extended but shallo
57                             In this work, we extend DFET into a density-matrix-based nonlocal form, e
58 ctive, randomized trial found that treat and extend dosing of ranibizumab 0.3 mg with and without ang
59 mental stress is necessary and sufficient to extend Drosophila lifespan, and identify Phosphoglycerat
60 mpairs juniper uptake of deep sources during extended dry periods.
61  IIb recommendation ("may be considered") to extend dual antiplatelet therapy after drug-eluting sten
62             Liposomal bupivacaine is a novel extended-duration anesthetic that has recently been used
63  double-dummy double-blind fashion to either extended-duration oral betrixaban (80 mg once daily for
64 this dose interval.These results confirm and extend earlier findings and strengthen the evidence for
65                                These studies extend earlier work linking the immune and insulin signa
66  the perovskite lattice are displaced during extended electrical stress and create defects such as va
67        We tested several exposure methods to extend EPS applicability to lean tissue.
68                                           To extend existing methods in the Rosetta biomolecular mode
69 e provide a statistic that can be applied to extended families.
70 of cool (about 100 kelvin), low-density gas, extending far (more than 10 kiloparsecs) outside the sta
71 stigations revealed the transformation of an extended fiber assembly into discrete flakes after incor
72 w class of nanoscale sensors dubbed nanopore extended field-effect transistor (nexFET) that combine t
73 ths), noninferiority of involved-field RT to extended-field RT regarding PFS was confirmed (HR, 1.0;
74             The presented new method allows: extending flash sintering to nearly all materials, contr
75  recurrence rate is higher, and vigilant and extended follow-up is needed because retinal vasculariza
76                      This methodology can be extended for detection of any hybridization of interest
77 ent trimodality therapy, median survival was extended from 14.5 months to 23.4 months.
78                                              Extended from our previous studies showing that concurre
79  the continuum band, an unusually broad band extending from 2,300 to well below 1,700 cm(-1) The firs
80 ts of a continuously exposed protein surface extending from the catalytic domain in the C terminus of
81                                           By extending functional BMI lifetime, this approach increas
82 itable for incorporation of a thiomethyl and extended functionality at the C(4) position.
83  film as a recognition unit with a sensitive extended-gate field-effect transistor (EG-FET) transduce
84  superfast dynamic compression to synthesize extended gold nanostructures, such as nanorods, nanowire
85    The consensus process was validated by an extended group (EG) of ISIC members through 2 rounds of
86 , suggesting that the impact of industry can extend >50 km.
87                                   Astrocytes extend highly branched processes that form functionally
88 ect was most pronounced for patients with an extended ICU stay who were receiving mechanical ventilat
89 ea 3b were stronger than those in area 1 and extended in a medial to lateral direction.
90 xual receptivity and attractiveness are more extended in bonobos [2], males compete less intensely fo
91  the hydrophobic edge and histidine residues extending in an ordered array as the catalytic microenvi
92                       Subterranean estuaries extend inland into density-stratified coastal carbonate
93  This is because readthrough transcripts now extend into downstream genes and are subjected to backsp
94                Applications of graphene have extended into areas of nanobio-technology such as nanobi
95  clear need to identify paleoclimate records extending into the pre-industrial period that contain an
96 nt on the poleward edge of the current as it extends into the interior basin.
97                    Importantly, we show that extended ion accumulation in conjunction with CRIMP comp
98 se of a 2-dose fractional-IPV schedule could extend IPV immunization to more children.
99 f oxygen to sustain the cardiomyocyte during extended ischemia.
100 laborate on this interpretation, and further extend it by incorporating the potential action of tRNS.
101  algorithm, we adopt the CUFID framework and extend it for local network alignment, specifically to s
102 restricted (CR) diets can improve health and extend lifespan.
103 gut of adult worms or flies is sufficient to extend lifespan; in flies, longevity can be achieved by
104 ases most aspects of health during aging and extends lifespan in diverse species, including rodents.
105 vorable aromatic stabilization energy, while extended linear benzannelation results in increased retr
106 l lactate-glucose microbiosensor revealed an extended linear range, high sensitivity and selectivity,
107 trate binding C-terminal DHHA1 domain via an extended linker.
108 vo, significantly reducing lesion burden and extending longevity.
109 adjacent to the active site that include the extended loop prior to the penultimate helix, the extend
110 nce of WAPL and PDS5 proteins, cohesin forms extended loops, presumably by passing CTCF sites, accumu
111                                Therefore, an extended lymphadenectomy should be the standard of care
112 MHIRE has been demonstrated to significantly extend median survival and achieve a high rate of comple
113 ered adipose tissue insulin sensitivity with extended morning fasting do not necessarily require chan
114  KEY POINTS: In lean individuals, 6 weeks of extended morning fasting increases the expression of gen
115                     Thus, expression of a 5' extended mRNA isoform causes transcriptional interferenc
116 short photoperiods and used a combination of extended nights, continuous light, sucrose feeding exper
117 ting multichannel capabilities for a greatly extended number of volume channels, but also enables new
118 ded loop prior to the penultimate helix, the extended Omega-loop, and a beta-hairpin turn of the Phy-
119 rformance, and increase mental focus without extending operative time.
120  beat frequency are often coordinated across extended or discontinuous surfaces.
121 of JEM, Deniset et al. provide new data that extend our knowledge on the mechanisms whereby Streptoco
122                                           We extend our technology to yeast RNA-binding proteins (RBP
123                                  The results extend our understanding of human CSF flux and open impo
124                                  Our results extend our understanding of the organization of mouse co
125                                These results extend our understanding of the origins of cooperativity
126                                           We extended our analysis to two studies containing transcri
127                               In addition to extending our basic understanding of DATs and their role
128                  This comprehensive analysis extends our current understanding of the ureteric branch
129 ons in the so-called chromonic nematics that extend over macroscopic length scales accessible for opt
130 panels and 17/44 (39%) lacked a NAP6-defined extended panel; many failed to screen all cases for chlo
131 ous mouse models of liver regeneration after extended partial hepatectomy and portal vein ligation fo
132 cape, shifting the equilibrium away from the extended, partially unfolded state towards a compact, pr
133 idue and the beneficial effects of treatment extend passively 20-30 cm below the depth of the origina
134 sult which somewhat surprisingly appeared to extend past 10 years of follow-up and include cancers at
135  community as it moves toward to the goal of extending patient survival.
136                              These spatially extended patterns were not explained by task variables o
137                     Thus, the more populated extended pCaM conformation targets nSH2 to release its a
138 t SPECT/CT before radical prostatectomy with extended pelvic LN dissection.
139 efit of adding sentinel node biopsy (SNB) to extended pelvic lymph node dissection (ePLND) remains co
140 iple independent development efforts over an extended period.
141 ba predation, survives within the amoeba for extended periods of time, incorporates itself into the a
142 ry and to identify potential indications for extended pharmacoprophylaxis.
143 grain boundaries, potentially explaining the extended photocarrier lifetimes and diffusion lengths ob
144                                          The extended photoresponse, well-matched energy levels, and
145 as effector domain is remodeled to expose an extended pocket that connects two isolated pockets previ
146  There exists strong correlation between the extended polyglutamines (polyQ) within exon-1 of Hunting
147 ubtypes, some unrelated to sun exposure, and extends potential involvement of the non-coding genome i
148                               These findings extend previous research implicating the default mode ne
149                                           We extended previous RNA-sequencing and produced a comprehe
150                                   This study extends previous findings of gender-specific neural resp
151                                   This study extends previous studies showing that even 1 night of sh
152 e fits within, builds upon, differs from and extends previous theories.
153                                These results extend prior work documenting increased L1 genetic burde
154                               These findings extend prior work on peer enforcement, highlighting how
155 study were coverage of OPV, IPV, and routine extended programme on immunisation vaccines and changes
156                                     Here, we extend RBT to enable simultaneous monitoring of addition
157 DMs: escitalopram, sertraline or venlafaxine-extended release.
158                                              Extended-release naltrexone was as effective as buprenor
159 s (ERGs) ranging from normal to absent in an extended RPGRIP1 (ins/ins) canine colony, irrespective o
160 ionary for Regulatory Activities queries and extended searches were prospectively defined to identify
161 oism studies show that compound 1 also forms extended secondary structures in solution.
162 pochemical control to produce single-crystal extended solids.
163 the colonization of the digestive tract with extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteri
164 iversity of cellular functions; however, the extended substrate specificity is still unknown for many
165                                      Here we extend such experimentation drastically, beyond dyads an
166                                              Extending such therapy beyond 5 years offers further pro
167 k followed by decline in forests, and a more extended summer season in agricultural and urban habitat
168 mutated allele burden, and ruxolitinib might extend survival of patients with higher-risk myelofibros
169 ments (MMT) have been shown to significantly extend survival.
170 ody increased cell death in 3D spheroids and extended survival of MDA-MB-231-bearing mice.
171 slowed disease progression and significantly extended survival.
172 study provides evidence that activity in the extended system carries information about both individua
173 y and safety of ranibizumab 0.5 mg treat-and-extend (T&E) versus monthly regimens in patients with ne
174                           These data broadly extend the annotated transcriptome, identify 40,000 no
175                                           To extend the applicability of such optical detection schem
176 al delay with brain atrophy (p.Ser94Arg) and extend the clinical outcomes to a more severe spectrum w
177                Thus, two temporal lobe areas extend the core face-processing network into a familiar
178 he SrtC substrate selectivity mechanisms and extend the emerging model of pilin construction in S. pn
179         We describe recent developments that extend the generality, DNA specificity, product selectiv
180 activity, providing a secondary mechanism to extend the hypoxic signalling response.
181                                 Our findings extend the influence of current riverine properties on g
182 OCs, largely overlooked in previous studies, extend the influence of regional ozone precursors emissi
183 nanoparticles consumes the dendrites and can extend the life of the battery by approximately five tim
184                                      We also extend the LOST model to accommodate changes in the modu
185                                      Here we extend the method to quantifying CnClm by introducing Cn
186                                      Here we extend the network through which feedback is mediated by
187         Ethnographic and historical accounts extend the period of use to more than 10,000 y.
188 ontinues to enhance access to these data, to extend the scope of data content and visualizations, and
189                                These results extend the scope of the already very versatile Suzuki-Mi
190 wherein the last beta-strand is retracted to extend the Ser65 loop and shorten the C-terminal tail.
191                                      Results extend the understanding of how organic carbon and nitri
192                  Taken together, our results extend the understanding of the molecular mechanism of t
193                           Such knowledge may extend the utility of multiparametric imaging to yield i
194                                      We have extended the framework of Nested Effects Models (NEMs),
195 odels of the three antibody-gp120 complexes, extended the sampling times for large bulky residues, in
196                                  Further, we extended the scope of hippocampal phase precession to in
197                                      When we extended the study to 3 months of quiescence, we confirm
198                                           We extended the thiol-redox proteomic technique, isotope-co
199                                           We extended the UbE2E1 regulation of uH2AK119 to USP7 and s
200   Our study suggests substantial benefits of extending the approach to treatment of cattle sheds, or
201                                              Extending the conjugation of viologen by a planar thiazo
202 actopyranosides, prior to a C-6-homologation extending the d-hexose to the desired 6-deoxy-d-heptose.
203 arasite maturation in acutely infected mice, extending the life cycle from 24 h to 40 h.
204 tophagy prevents premature plant death, thus extending the lifespan of virus reservoirs and particle
205  Hamiltonian and measurement properties thus extending the measurement postulate for the case of stro
206 d personal familiarity, while clarifying and extending the organization of the core system for face p
207              Opportunities are discussed for extending the predictive translational value of mouse re
208        The mechanism suggests strategies for extending the reaction to longer wavelengths that would
209 of crucial importance to all efforts towards extending the species range of the technology as well as
210                                           By extending the study of fast-and-frugal heuristics, we vi
211 alent complexes" in fly embryos supports and extends the bivalency model posited in mammalian cells,
212 n respective protein fragments significantly extends the current capabilities of the widely used prot
213 results establish that (1) plastidial AtCPT7 extends the length of GGPP to approximately 55 carbons,
214 ycogen synthase depletes glycogen stores and extends the lifespan of animals fed a high glucose diet
215 he common anti-malaria drug chloroquine (CQ) extends the lifespan of ZIKV-infected interferon signall
216   Our results show that statistical modeling extends the scope and potential of transcriptome-wide st
217 , coupled jointly to turbulence and gravity, extends the starburst phase of a galaxy instead of quenc
218                          This work therefore extends the use of bioorthogonal labeling strategies to
219 erial crystal field provides a new method to extend their optical properties.
220 nderlie organic Darwinian evolution but also extend them in new ways and then by assessing the princi
221                                           We extend these studies here by introducing single-backbone
222                                 Here we have extended these analyses to prenatal ages and additional
223                                     Here, we extended these studies by assessing the effects of seede
224 rwise alignments, and current approaches for extending these approaches from ancestor-descendant pair
225                            The current study extends these findings, and presents evidence for ISE2's
226  a predictive model for site selectivity and extend this aryl functionalization chemistry to a select
227                                           We extend this by demonstrating that this chemical cue is p
228                  We attempted to confirm and extend this finding in a larger independent sample.
229                               We proposed to extend this previous finding.
230                                  We have now extended this method so that out-of-plane orientation an
231                                           By extending this precision diagnostic model nationally, we
232                                              Extending this scaffold with suitable residues resulted
233 t was dependent on the cag PAI T4SS; here we extend those findings to show that the elevated response
234                              Future strides, extending those made in recent decades, will require con
235                             Cutaneous nerves extend throughout the dermis and epidermis and control b
236      Although the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) extends throughout axons and axonal ER dysfunction is im
237 Most of these extinctions will occur over an extended time, and therefore, reconnecting fragments cou
238                                Additionally, extended TNF treatment resulted in the selective enrichm
239  0.89-0.99), and the beneficial effect could extend to 90-day mortality (hazard ratio, 0.95; 95% CI,
240                        These differences may extend to differences in cognition among individuals.
241 eurological cognitive comorbidities, and may extend to multiple neuropsychiatric and neurological dis
242 es that the TPR-like repeats of the M-region extend to residue 137 and that residues 90-125 form a no
243 ments can begin up to 100 kilometers inland, extend to the continental shelf, and include ocean syste
244 nal principles governing continuous maps may extend to the implicit encoding of discrete, non-spatial
245  and, in addition, we show that coupling may extend to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane by ex
246 it, and was taken up by basal cytonemes that extend to the source cells.
247                         The resource will be extended to >1 million peptides, and all data will be sh
248 eased risk associated with low center volume extended to 1, 5, and 10 years.
249 t every 2 weeks, and the dosing interval was extended to 4 weeks after 5 applications.
250                               This model was extended to charged particle exposures by integrating Mo
251        This strategy has the potential to be extended to detect different bacteria using specific bac
252 f harm after self-inflicted injury should be extended to drug-related or alcohol-related and violent
253 onitoring lipid oxidation in plant oils, was extended to follow lipid oxidation in water-in-oil emuls
254       Application of these strategies can be extended to investigate roles of additional H3.3 residue
255                             This concept was extended to live rats with an induced bloodstream S. aur
256                    These findings can now be extended to models and measures of audiomotor integratio
257                                      Studies extended to more heterogeneous population of patients un
258 n and characterization, which may be further extended to other macromolecular analytes.
259 believe that the obtained data can be easily extended to other non-plasmonic nanoparticle systems hav
260 urface science implications, and it could be extended to other systems.
261 rbene relative energy of formation) has been extended to oxygen and sulfur heterocycles.
262 w learning nonlinear patterns can be further extended to problems in metagenome profiling and cell ty
263 neering electromagnetic illusions but can be extended to shape the near and far-field radiations usin
264 poprotein (HDL) and non-HDL cholesterol, and extended to stroke and myocardial infarction.
265 hat the exciton energy transfer range can be extended to tens of microns in the hybrid structure medi
266  or numerical attributes and could be easily extended to the analysis of massive networks.
267               Whether the earthquake rupture extended to the shallow part of the plate boundary near
268 this postsynthetic modification of PG can be extended to use click chemistry to fluorescently label t
269 le or neutron star often show x-ray emission extending to high energies (>10 kilo--electron volts), w
270  but it is unknown whether this relationship extends to adolescents and whether reduced striatal volu
271 igand adenosine, but its methoxyphenyl group extends to an exosite not previously observed in other A
272                    The method presented here extends to any interacting system where the interaction
273                         This dependence also extends to CHD and SWI/SNF family remodellers, suggestin
274 f dramatic morphological changes as the body extends to form the complete anterior-posterior axis dur
275 ussed question whether this attention effect extends to imperceptible (subthreshold) stimuli as well.
276  manner, but whether this mode of regulation extends to related FOXO family members is unknown.
277           Unexpectedly, this complementarity extends to these proteins' synaptic function as well.
278            The growing microtubule plus ends extend toward the cell's apex and base with a region of
279 ied those experiencing the most benefit from extended treatment among patients with and without compl
280 ith basal-cell nevus (Gorlin) syndrome, need extended treatment.
281 cular degeneration (nAMD) from the TReat and extEND (TREND) study.
282 o determine whether to modify definitions to extend trials to a broader population.
283 i content in the near-surface region and the extended two-dimensional sheet structure within the nano
284 ng structures spanning the spectrum from the extended unfolded state to the native fold, yielded near
285                          Mortality follow-up extended up to 18 months after this period.
286 ls project that subalpine forest ranges will extend upslope with climate warming.
287 acrylamide monomer was synthesized and chain extended using atom transfer radical polymerization from
288 ne may not provide sufficient protection for extended UV exposure.
289                                     Using an extended version of the framework, we further systematic
290  the interplanar distance between two phenyl-extended viologen (ExV(2+)) chromophores is varied syste
291 ielded a highly water-soluble pi-conjugation extended viologen, 4,4'-(thiazolo[5,4-d]thiazole-2,5-diy
292                 To evaluate the effect of an extended visitation model compared with a restricted vis
293 of daily life are known to be impaired after extended wake, yet, the underlying neuronal correlates h
294 Is are available for developers to reuse and extend Web3DMol.
295              Atopic dermatitis comorbidities extend well beyond the march to allergic conditions (foo
296                        These infrastructures extend well outside metropolitan boundaries and impact d
297 n of bioaerosols emitted by dairy operations extends well above 10 mum in diameter and contains a div
298 Dutch Surgical Colorectal Audit in 2011 were extended with additional treatment and long-term outcome
299                Linear combination fitting of extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) data us
300                                              Extended X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy sh

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