


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 r drug-associated cues that are difficult to extinguish.
2 nal salience, and thus are more difficult to extinguish.
3 n test differences between C and A were also extinguished.
4 d was lost once nuclear Foxp3 expression was extinguished.
5  blocks cell cycle progression and how it is extinguished.
6 and c-MYC when exogenous c-MYC expression is extinguished.
7 ate AF, APD alternans arose transiently then extinguished.
8 and myeloid transcriptional programs rapidly extinguished.
9 he rate at which reward-seeking behavior was extinguished.
10 ogic appearance when TNF-alpha expression is extinguished.
11 intensified, E7 activity diminished and then extinguished.
12  subjects in which drug seeking behavior has extinguished.
13 U.1/Sfpi1 locus and PU.1/Sfpi1 expression is extinguished.
14 r particular blood lineages is progressively extinguished.
15  light step that persists after the light is extinguished.
16 a day after having been conditioned and then extinguished.
17                          Responding was then extinguished.
18 fect if the memory was neither retrieved nor extinguished.
19  to the nucleus, and the viral life cycle is extinguished.
20 he environment long after the cigarettes are extinguished.
21 ost, although the current was not completely extinguished.
22 g but also change back when that learning is extinguished.
23 t-dependent fear and a diminished ability to extinguish a cued fear response, indicating defective as
24                CIE mice were also quicker to extinguish a stimulus-reward instrumental response and f
25                               The ability to extinguish a viral population of fixed reproductive capa
26                        Both were impaired in extinguishing a conditioned fear response, which was par
27                            Furthermore, once extinguished, adolescents display a greater preference f
28 m) is sufficient to entrain and subsequently extinguish AF with a success rate of 93% (69 of 74 trial
29 by alternate morphine (10 mg/kg) injections, extinguished after a 10-day extinction training, and rei
30 erants, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), fire-extinguishing agents, and foams, is a potent and stable
31  hippocampal neurons and that CTMP bound and extinguished Akt activity and was essential to ischemia-
32 rtex was sufficient to render mice unable to extinguish alcohol seeking, indicating a causal role of
33 ited during context-induced reinstatement of extinguished alcohol seeking in rats.
34 ges with low concentrations of the AUG1 PPMO extinguished all traces of detectable virus.
35 ventional techniques immobilize the subject, extinguishing all but the simplest behaviors.
36 hought to regulate lineage commitment and to extinguish alternative differentiation programs.
37 at lead to reconsolidation of a young memory extinguish an older memory.
38 ponse to the S1 resulted in this light being extinguished and a second, apparently random light prese
39                                Although both extinguished and abstinent animals showed a reduction in
40 led to an increase of discrimination between extinguished and neutral stimuli, which was paralleled b
41  led to a recovery of discrimination between extinguished and neutral stimuli.
42             Subsequently, lever-pressing was extinguished and reinstatement of food seeking and mPFC
43 absorbance bands of the [2Fe-2S] cluster are extinguished and replaced by a new feature that slowly g
44                       Rats were subsequently extinguished and spontaneous recovery of drug-seeking be
45 e of G. elephantopus has not been completely extinguished and still exists in an intermixed populatio
46         After a delay, the fixation spot was extinguished and two spots moved across the same small r
47 cterized by avoidance behaviors that fail to extinguish, and DBS could act, in part, by facilitating
48 f the transduction cascade after the step is extinguished, and an increase in guanylate cyclase activ
49 elf-administer cocaine, the operant response extinguished, and cocaine-seeking induced by a condition
50              Upon division, Dpp signaling is extinguished, and Nos is downregulated in one daughter c
51 ere conditioned (skin conductance response), extinguished, and tested for extinction retention and re
52  during memory testing, only 57% of the fear-extinguished animals retained fear extinction memory.
53 nt of drug seeking by a cocaine injection in extinguished animals was suppressed by increasing neuron
54  synaptic strength and morphology in cocaine-extinguished animals were further augmented during cocai
55 on of mGluR5 was reduced only in the core of extinguished animals.
56  demonstrate that CD4 T cell function is not extinguished as a result of viral persistence.
57 r growth and proliferation, is progressively extinguished as SCs differentiate during nerve developme
58 a randomised fixation period, the target was extinguished at motion onset, remaining invisible for 75
59 In subsequent extinction training, WKHA rats extinguished at similar rates in comparison to WKHT rats
60 , we show that in the mouse, pluripotency is extinguished at the onset of somitogenesis, coincident w
61                   If the search stimulus was extinguished at time T after the gaze arrived at the tar
62 medial prefrontal cortex-projecting ensemble extinguished aversive responses to enable flexible behav
63 rug self-administration and reinstatement of extinguished behavior previously maintained by drug deli
64                        In renewal paradigms, extinguished behavior recovers when tested outside the c
65                                The effect of extinguishing beta2 subunit expression on the internaliz
66               When the mitotic checkpoint is extinguished, both APC/C-bound and free MCC pools have t
67                       Discontinuation of dox extinguished BRAF(V600E) expression and reestablished th
68  increased fear and PL pyramidal activity in extinguished, but not in conditioned, rats.
69 RG responses in affected subjects are nearly extinguished, but some retain residual function into mid
70 f action potentials are optimally evoked and extinguished by 380 nm and 500 nm light, respectively, w
71 s that persist for minutes in the dark until extinguished by a short pulse of approximately 500 nm li
72 vated in MYD88(L265P)-bearing lymphomas, and extinguished by Bim-dependent apoptosis.
73                                         Rats extinguished by cocaine methiodide substitution showed w
74 ith fetal specificity and fetal wastage were extinguished by CXCR3 blockade or in CXCR3-deficient mic
75 rons persists postnatally, En2 expression is extinguished by embryonic day 17.5.
76    Here we report that BCR signaling was not extinguished by endocytosis of BCRs; instead, BCR signal
77     When FMD outbreaks occur, they are often extinguished by massive depopulation of livestock due to
78 hypothesis posits that asexuality is rapidly extinguished by relentlessly coevolving parasites and pa
79  defensive reaction to a learned fear can be extinguished by repeated exposure to the CS alone (CS-on
80          In a separate group of mice, CL was extinguished by repeatedly exposing mice to the activity
81 r 21 d and then cocaine-seeking behavior was extinguished by replacing cocaine with saline.
82 aker cocaine-induced reinstatement than rats extinguished by saline substitution.
83 phorylation and kinase activity of DKF-1 are extinguished by substituting Ala for Thr(588) or Gln for
84 ction had their self-administration behavior extinguished by vehicle substitution and were then given
85 the first time in the present study, and the extinguished C/EBPalpha expression through p38alpha inac
86 aired safety learning, relative to the (good-extinguishing) C57BL/6J (B6) strain.
87                            Notably, CPP thus extinguished cannot be reinstated by drug re-exposure, e
88 ed by forced expression of p58 PITSLRE or by extinguishing cap-dependent translation and increasing c
89 s when mitotic cyclins are degraded, thereby extinguishing CDK activity.
90 mbined ablation of all A- and E-type cyclins extinguished cell division.
91 ion of aqueous film-forming foams (AFFFs) to extinguish chlorinated solvent-fueled fires has led to t
92 /- 17% more extinction trials than adults to extinguish cocaine place-preferences.
93 n and is potentially involved in learning to extinguish cocaine-seeking behavior in rats.
94 sion, social avoidance, and reinstatement of extinguished cocaine place preference behaviors by stimu
95 ned hyperactivity, and more robustly renewed extinguished cocaine seeking in GTs than STs.
96 prevented footshock-induced reinstatement of extinguished cocaine seeking.
97 ventral tegmental area (VTA), and reinstates extinguished cocaine-conditioned place preference (CPP).
98  potentiated cocaine-primed reinstatement of extinguished cocaine-induced conditioned place preferenc
99   They were then tested for reinstatement of extinguished cocaine-seeking behavior elicited by respon
100 erebroventricular infusion of NPS reinstates extinguished cocaine-seeking behavior in a dose-dependen
101 e than 2 in attenuating the reinstatement of extinguished cocaine-seeking behavior in rats, demonstra
102 mbens influences reinstatement of previously extinguished cocaine-seeking behavior in rats.
103 ra-BNST PACAP infusion reinstated previously extinguished cocaine-seeking behavior in the absence of
104                         Cue reinstatement of extinguished cocaine-seeking behavior is a widely used m
105 ut do not significantly reinstate previously extinguished cocaine-seeking behavior when passively pri
106 57BL/6J (B6) mice would reinstate previously extinguished cocaine-seeking behavior when provided with
107 e shell regulate reinstatement of previously extinguished cocaine-seeking behavior.
108  p19(Arf) is limited to spermatogonia but is extinguished completely in spermatocytes, suggesting tha
109 rceived dangers, and the intent of ERP is to extinguish compulsions.
110 produced by yohimbine transferred to another extinguished conditional stimulus (CS) and not to a none
111 reversal training in the water maze and they extinguish conditioned fear more slowly than their wild-
112 ffected; although schizophrenic patients can extinguish conditioned fear, they show a deficit in retr
113 any factors account for how well individuals extinguish conditioned fears, such as genetic variabilit
114 r hypofunction displays a reduced ability to extinguish conditioned responses to drug-associated stim
115 that fear extinction training in rats, which extinguished conditioned fear, increased both slow-wave
116              Reinstatement--the return of an extinguished conditioned response (CR) after reexposure
117 nction and were tested for their fear to the extinguished conditioned stimulus (CS) in either the ext
118                            The next day, the extinguished conditioned stimulus (CS+E) was re-presente
119     We found that SNI animals were unable to extinguish contextual fear and showed increased anxiety-
120 --and spontaneous recovery--the return of an extinguished CR with the passage of time--are 2 of 4 wel
121 ent extinction training, SHRs were slower to extinguish CRs.
122 or the test for reinstatement of fear to the extinguished CS prevented reinstatement at both treatmen
123 observed alterations in vmPFC gamma power to extinguished CS(+).
124 ance and heightened amygdala activity to the extinguished CS+ in the safety context.
125 itical for this type of return of fear to an extinguished CS.
126 s that specific context to reduce fear of an extinguished CS.
127 e dPAG failed to reduce SR of the previously extinguished CTA.
128 ight a role for the dPAG in modulating SR of extinguished CTAs.
129 g/mL lipopolysaccharide for 24 hours did not extinguish DHRS9 expression.
130  be the impact of drug use on the ability to extinguish drug seeking after changes in expected outcom
131                 Cue-induced reinstatement of extinguished drug seeking is a preclinical model of rela
132 hibiting relapse, and this can be modeled by extinguishing drug seeking in response to a drug-paired
133 ratio will become endemic while the other is extinguished due to competition.
134                Clinically HER4 expression is extinguished during breast tumorigenesis supporting a tu
135 uired for inhibition of unreinforced actions extinguished during learning of a cued appetitive task a
136  IL-15, suggesting that IL-15 expression was extinguished during lymphoid development.
137 ealed that Themis gene expression is rapidly extinguished during positive selection.
138 ression is lost in human skin cancers and is extinguished during progression of experimentally induce
139 f the developing embryo (E7.75-E9.5) and was extinguished during the latter stages of development.
140 ollows a distinct developmental pathway that extinguishes effector functions.
141 rod-cone dysfunction as determined by almost extinguished electroretinogram in 2 of 3 siblings.
142 s activity, the ablation of its single E box extinguished endothelial enhancer-directed expression in
143 essed to complete loss of photoreceptors and extinguished ERG by 22 months.
144 c.) dose dependently blocked the recovery of extinguished ethanol-seeking induced by either footshock
145       Lhx7-depleted cholinergic interneurons extinguish expression of several subtype-specific marker
146         In vitro, gamma-secretase inhibitors extinguished expression of Notch, interferon-gamma and T
147                    However, reinstatement of extinguished eyeblink CRs has never been demonstrated, a
148 en demonstrated, and spontaneous recovery of extinguished eyeblink CRs has not been systematically de
149 pontaneous recovery but not reinstatement of extinguished eyeblink CRs.
150 neutral stimuli, and inability to inhibit or extinguish fear after it is chronic and disabling.
151 n adolescent-specific diminished capacity to extinguish fear responses, suggesting that adolescents m
152 e dorsal hippocampus before the retrieval of extinguished fear memories disrupted the context-depende
153 n are impaired in an enduring manner; unlike extinguished fear memories, they are not subject to rein
154 use safety context to sustain suppression of extinguished fear memory, but they also less effectively
155                                              Extinguished fear often reappears after extinction throu
156 , thus, return of fear--is often observed if extinguished fear stimuli are encountered outside the ex
157                                     However, extinguished fear was "renewed" regardless of the drug t
158 und that lesions attenuated reinstatement of extinguished fear, which relies on contextual conditioni
159 thways involved in the contextual control of extinguished fear.
160 necessity of central CRF in reinstatement of extinguished fear.
161 ng a CS during REM or NREM sleep enhances or extinguishes fear memory has not been clearly delineated
162 ated alkyl substances (PFAS) and are used to extinguish fires involving highly flammable liquids.
163 e acquisition of a conditioned stimulus, was extinguished following changes in reinforcement continge
164 urons is sufficient to reactivate previously extinguished food-seeking behavior in the absence of ext
165 ced reinstatement of cocaine seeking in rats extinguished from cocaine but not sucrose self-administr
166                                   Using rats extinguished from cocaine self-administration, we found
167 aine and conditioned cue combination in rats extinguished from cocaine self-administration.
168 g reinstatement of heroin seeking in animals extinguished from heroin self-administration or in subje
169 g establishment of the cardiac crescent, and extinguished from the heart before CNC invasion.
170 Gene expression analyses reveal a failure to extinguish genes characteristic of the undifferentiated
171 pportunity during which a vaccine is able to extinguish HIV-1 infection and could place severe constr
172                                 APOBEC3G can extinguish HIV-1 infectivity by its incorporation into v
173  context of a 218,555-bp BAC reporter nearly extinguished Hoxb13-mediated transcriptional activity in
174 indow of opportunity for immune responses to extinguish human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) e
175                A targeted Zfp318 null allele extinguished IgD expression on mature B cells and increa
176 minantly IL-17A(+) phenotype, whereas others extinguish IL-17 expression and acquire expression of IF
177 ich is presumably why DP thymocytes normally extinguish IL-7R gene expression.
178        As the GC response evolved, TFH cells extinguished IL-21 production and switched to IL-4 produ
179 ull-field electroretinography responses were extinguished in 50% of patients, were pathologically att
180 eacquisition of the response, responding was extinguished in a new context (C).
181              Lever pressing was subsequently extinguished in a nondrug-associated context in the pres
182 ed rat thyroid cells, Rap1GAP expression was extinguished in a subset of human thyroid tumor-derived
183                    Interestingly, Nkx2.1 was extinguished in Apc deficient epithelial progenitors bef
184 and 1 week of abstinence, lever pressing was extinguished in daily extinction sessions.
185                                Expression is extinguished in fully mature splenic NK cells, and persi
186 mouse in which pRb expression is efficiently extinguished in osteoblasts.
187 d pupil dilation was observed in phase 2 but extinguished in phase 3.
188   Precisely how the inhibitory SAC signal is extinguished in response to microtubule attachment remai
189                         Lever responding was extinguished in separate groups of rats and animals were
190 urons (34 of 46 cue-responsive neurons; 74%) extinguished in temporal agreement with a decrease in th
191 n is when extensive viral gene expression is extinguished in TG and latency is established, suggestin
192 vior and the immediate cue were subsequently extinguished in the absence of cocaine.
193                            The cue was later extinguished in the drug-taking context (context A) or a
194 ly, the heroin-reinforced lever pressing was extinguished in the presence of the discrete cue in a co
195 stitution of each phenylalanine specifically extinguishes its associated F(-) binding site in crystal
196 uitination and degradation of RUNX3, thereby extinguishing its ability to inhibit the transcriptional
197                                      We then extinguished lever pressing and tested the rats for rein
198 h contains PAMPs derived from yeast, rapidly extinguished macrophage responses to IL-10, a suppressiv
199 east CSC-targeting compound curcumin rapidly extinguished McTN in breast CSC, preventing reattachment
200 stered intravenous meth and reinstatement of extinguished meth seeking in male and female rats using
201                    In contrast, morphine CPP extinguished mice that received a saline priming dose di
202 oinjection of orexin into VTA, reinstated an extinguished morphine preference.
203 y self-administering nicotine nor reinstated extinguished nicotine-seeking behavior.
204 of periostin in HCM mice reduced but did not extinguish non-myocyte proliferation and fibrosis.
205 ere trained to self-administer cocaine, then extinguished of this behavior.
206 e absence of IL-7, IL-7Ralpha expression was extinguished on the majority of CD8 T cells responding t
207 ecific programs, yet expression is generally extinguished once neural crest cells migrate from the do
208  conditioning context.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Extinguished operant behavior can recover ("renew") when
209 ctions, and safety maintenance which aims to extinguish or reduce patient aggression/agitation irresp
210  postsynaptic density of the shell in either extinguished or abstinent rats.
211 vernment records of wildfires that had to be extinguished or managed by state or federal agencies fro
212                             Rats were either extinguished or withdrawn without extinction training (a
213 ponse factor-regulated myofibrillar genes is extinguished, or profoundly attenuated, in myocardin-def
214 in a significantly stronger CTA that did not extinguish over 13days.
215 heoretically and clinically, where drugs can extinguish pathogens by increasing their mutation rate.
216 ges during adolescence with the potential to extinguish pathological fears implicated in anxiety and
217     GM-CSF-dependent STAT5 signaling rapidly extinguished pDC-related gene expression in lin- Flt3+ p
218                            Ret expression is extinguished perinatally but reemerges postnatally in a
219 these cells subsequently arrest development, extinguish PHA-4 and fail to activate PHA-4 target genes
220 mal DATs, reduced rod b-wave amplitudes, and extinguished photopic b-wave and flicker responses.
221 ion, peripapillary atrophy, dyschromatopsia, extinguished photopic responses, and reduced scotopic re
222 issue, whereas restoration of Mip130 or E2F2 extinguished Polo expression.
223        Corticosterone failed to re-establish extinguished preference alone but produced a leftward sh
224  preference, extinction and reinstatement of extinguished preference in response to low-dose cocaine
225 imals must exhibit behavioral flexibility to extinguish prior learned associations.
226 ed post-translational mechanism that rapidly extinguishes proneural protein activity in neural precur
227 s displayed a CPP upon initial testing which extinguished rapidly over the course of subsequent test
228               Surprisingly, the brains of EU-extinguished rats and CSO extinguished rats did not diff
229 , the brains of EU-extinguished rats and CSO extinguished rats did not differ in the number of c-Fos-
230                                         Only extinguished rats had elevations of PSD-95, Homer1b/c, a
231                     We found that in cocaine-extinguished rats pharmacological activation of MORs no
232 rats that retained their CTA, both groups of extinguished rats showed suppression in the number of c-
233 ed long-term depression was observed only in extinguished rats.
234 e accumbens shell induced cocaine seeking in extinguished rats.
235 sion in yoked saline rats but not in cocaine-extinguished rats.
236 rotransmission in the VP was lost in cocaine-extinguished rats.
237  found to be tonically suppressed in cocaine-extinguished rats.
238 st to respond to bacterial signals have been extinguished repeatedly during the extended monoculture
239 -fat diet on the context-specific renewal of extinguished responding.
240 duce long-lasting deficits in the ability to extinguish reward seeking.
241 evelop severe photoreceptor degeneration and extinguished rod and cone ERG responses by 9 weeks of ag
242 h mice lacking D2 autoreceptors were able to extinguish self-administration behavior in the absence o
243 motes LSC activity in T-cell progenitors, it extinguishes self-renewal of LT-HSCs.
244 e-acting repressive function or functions to extinguish stem and progenitor-derived regulatory gene e
245   In the Recall Test, nonextinguished versus extinguished stimuli evoked an increased differential (C
246 ological systems, promotes adaptability, and extinguishes submissive behavioral traits developed duri
247 tes would suggest and that host immunity can extinguish subsequent infection foci.
248  cells even once the expression of G231D was extinguished, suggesting that it resulted as a consequen
249 ral disruptions disappeared when lights were extinguished, suggesting that selective removal of light
250 ll-derived embryoid body cells known to have extinguished TDH expression.
251 y requires an efficient mechanism to rapidly extinguish the activity of self-renewal factors, but the
252  proposed to treat addictive disorders is to extinguish the association between environmental stimuli
253  their action, the ability to simultaneously extinguish the expression of a multitude of genes and ne
254 rnal exons of CHD1, were found to completely extinguish the expression of mRNA of this gene in PCa xe
255 duce the potentiated-startle response and to extinguish the fear response when the air-blast was abse
256 ent, corresponding to high strain rates that extinguish the flame.
257       Furthermore, this flexibility does not extinguish the innate preferences.
258  the macaques, which in return may lessen or extinguish the remarkable foraging technology employed b
259 tion and increase dramatically as rats fully extinguished the aversion.
260 protein expression was analyzed in rats that extinguished the CTA as well as those that exhibited SR
261    Exp. 2 with an additional 16 participants extinguished the ownership illusion by using visuomotor
262 endogenous PGI/AMF expression and completely extinguished the secretion of PGI/AMF in a human fibrosa
263 egulatory networks in veg2-derived cells and extinguishes the endodermal gene regulatory network in m
264           Thus, the Brat-dependent mechanism extinguishes the function of the self-renewal factor Klu
265  CD28RE site; mutation of the NF-kappaB site extinguishes the induction of transcription by I kappa B
266 rchical relationship, such that one response extinguishes the other.
267 a(q) association, but not a control peptide, extinguishes the waves.
268 ls, demonstrating an active role for TCF7 in extinguishing the effector program and forestalling term
269 unt of sample that can be introduced without extinguishing the plasma is limited to about 4mg.
270  introduction of 8mg of solid sample without extinguishing the plasma.
271                           When the light was extinguished, the circulating current transiently exceed
272                 Ventral midbrain progenitors extinguish their dependence upon HH in a spatiotemporall
273 hocyte commitment from DN2 thymocytes and to extinguish their potential for alternative fates.
274 ear to the conditioned cue, and, finally, to extinguish their response to the fear conditioned cue we
275  two food-reinforced learning paradigms, but extinguished their learned behavior normally.
276  to self-administer cocaine in Context A and extinguished their lever-pressing in a distinct Context
277  to self-administer cocaine in Context A and extinguished their lever-pressing in Context B.
278 pellets were removed, and lever pressing was extinguished; then the effect of bilateral dorsal mPFC l
279  highly expressed in neonatal thymus but was extinguished thereafter.
280 uffered at low pH, where the fluorescence is extinguished, thereby highlighting the flow field of the
281                             The inability to extinguish these associations is a key factor contributi
282 , we demonstrate the therapeutic efficacy of extinguishing this signaling axis in endogenous SCCs usi
283 hing threat responses.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Extinguished threat responses often reemerge with time,
284 ntly, it remains unclear how AID activity is extinguished to avoid illegitimate mutations.
285 s presented synchronously with the sound but extinguished too quickly to provide this feedback, there
286 AF6 in regulating apoptosis was confirmed by extinguishing TRAF6 expression with specific small-hairp
287          Rats were tone fear conditioned and extinguished under various systemic doses of Scop or the
288 potentials were not engaged (or were rapidly extinguished) under these experimental conditions or tha
289 Ag and costimulation within 24 h but is then extinguished unless a cytokine signal is available.
290 erposed at the time of e-prescription nearly extinguished unwarranted use targeted antibiotics for AR
291  such that averaging the neuronal population extinguished value coding.
292  suppressed skin conductance response to the extinguished versus nonextinguished CS(+) also failed to
293                                  Conversely, extinguished versus nonextinguished stimuli evoked an in
294 hange of turbine speed from 9400 to 9000 rpm extinguished VT.
295              Cocaine self-administration was extinguished when cocaine methiodide or saline was subst
296 ly conditioned with both sigma(1)R agonists, extinguished when injections were discontinued, and reco
297 the persistence of the unrepaired DSB and is extinguished when repair is complete in a process termed
298        Animals showing CPP were successfully extinguished with repeated twice daily saline administra
299  show that although the mRNA was induced and extinguished within minutes in response to both signals,
300 were independent of plaque load and could be extinguished without altering deposited amyloid.

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