


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ge from recovery to catastrophic decline and extirpation.
2 med when necessary to achieve complete tumor extirpation.
3 os of hunting-induced large-bodied frugivore extirpation.
4 lations have expanded rapidly following near-extirpation.
5 th primary chemotherapy followed by surgical extirpation.
6 nd-change tipping points leading to landrace extirpation.
7 owest elevations, are at the highest risk of extirpation.
8 come barriers to dispersal prior to complete extirpation.
9  best seen as a synergistic cofactor in that extirpation.
10 agles for millennia before the eagles' local extirpation.
11 itoring, more frequently than after surgical extirpation.
12 al to perform a directed approach to adenoma extirpation.
13 fish lens into a cave fish optic cup or lens extirpation.
14 nt nerve resection to achieve complete tumor extirpation.
15 als could prevent 41-75% of predicted future extirpations.
16 n freshwater ecosystems even after amphibian extirpations.
17 xtended resections to achieve complete tumor extirpation after an initially positive intraoperative f
18                   Results from dorsal tissue extirpation and cardiac primordia explantation indicate
19 ty needs to address anthropogenic population extirpation and decimation immediately.
20 ed the power of the amphibian model and used extirpation and explant studies to explore early embryo
21 n can be adequately managed without surgical extirpation and reliance on effective adjuvant therapies
22 nderstanding both species' susceptibility to extirpation and their functional roles in ecosystems.
23                                       Tissue-extirpation and tissue-marking experiments indicate that
24 erential changes in species, and to numerous extirpations and possibly extinctions.
25 rming is paramount for predicting population extirpations and preparing for the arrival of non-native
26                                              Extirpations and transplants of these and adjacent regio
27 en biodiversity loss: species and population extirpations and, critically, declines in local species
28 shifts in distribution reflect colonization, extirpation, and changes in abundance within sites, sepa
29 s, inundated for the first time since beaver extirpation, and seven were recolonized, with dams recon
30   Feeding relationships can cause invasions, extirpations, and population fluctuations of a species t
31 s to biodiversity have included extinctions, extirpations, and shifts in species composition, diversi
32 efinitive, yet declarations of extinction or extirpation are important as they define when conservati
33                  Current rates of population extirpation are probably at least three orders of magnit
34                                              Extirpations are driven by interacting factors including
35         We also show that nonneutral species extirpations are due to a proportionately larger effect
36 t consequences, such as extinction and local extirpation, as well as indirect effects including genet
37 The effects of complete and partial cochlear extirpation at ages 9-11 days posthatch were assessed in
38 l filopodia and vacuolisation in response to extirpation, but had no effect on abluminal sprouting, a
39 en fungal genotype and geography, local frog extirpation by a single fungal genotype, and evidence of
40 curring years to decades after primary tumor extirpation by surgery or radiation (termed metastatic d
41 lated bilaterally using laser irradiation or extirpation by tungsten needle, and the remaining ventra
42                                     However, extirpation caused significant increase in PCNAcap after
43 rable to those measured during historic fish extirpation events in the United States.
44 b bud, we undertook a series of grafting and extirpation experiments, which led to the identification
45 staining either complete or partial cochlear extirpation failed to develop stereotyped contact calls
46       The Halstedian era of radical surgical extirpation for solid tumours dominated the first half o
47 tial consequences of warming, but at risk of extirpation from stochastic events.
48                                              Extirpation from the center of its range likely has isol
49 xperiments on an amphibian species suffering extirpations from the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium d
50 cy patterns for pikas, ranging from complete extirpation in some study areas to stable occupancy patt
51  Hawaii may require translocation to prevent extirpation in the near future.
52 cal morphological innovation, migration, and extirpation in the origin and evolution of a mammalian s
53 Introductions have played a larger role than extirpations in homogenizing fish faunas.
54                                    Sub-basin extirpations in the Southeast (ACT n = 46, ACF n = 22) w
55                                    Sub-basin extirpations in the Southwest (n = 95 Upper CR, n = 130
56 strial and even pre-Industrial anthropogenic extirpations, introductions, (de)nutrification, and habi
57  streamflow change to estimate site-specific extirpation likelihood for each taxon, allowing estimati
58 at trophic cascades induced by apex predator extirpation may be an overlooked driver of shrub encroac
59 omes), spatial variation in vulnerability to extirpation may be closely linked to the distribution of
60              We suggest that, although local extirpations occurred, the majority of taxa survived or
61 teraction network structure and function and extirpation of 50% of bee species.
62 n of a species is inevitably preceded by the extirpation of a series of local populations.
63                             We interpret the extirpation of albatrosses on Bermuda as probably result
64                                              Extirpation of apex predators is linked inextricably to
65  we ask if trophic cascades triggered by the extirpation of Australia's largest terrestrial predator,
66                              Now we see that extirpation of bats on these tropical islands is more co
67 n for performing minimally invasive surgical extirpation of cT1b renal masses.
68 rown treesnake, directly responsible for the extirpation of forest birds from the island of Guam, is
69 equences, and highlight that the control and extirpation of individuals of failed translocations has
70 erate the decline and possibly result in the extirpation of local chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus)
71                           Beginning with the extirpation of local cultures as a result of the Spanish
72 d water resources for decades and caused the extirpation of local fish populations.
73                                  We find the extirpation of megaherbivores reduced global enteric emi
74 onservation priority species due to frequent extirpation of populations along with no evidence of see
75 eatment usually accomplished only by a total extirpation of the affected organ or at least its involv
76 reatment has evolved from extensive surgical extirpation of the breast to treatment options that cons
77 picardial regeneration ex vivo, we show that extirpation of the bulbous arteriosus-a distinct, smooth
78                                 By combining extirpation of the heart precursors with cell labeling,
79 micity of an introduced pathogen rather than extirpation of the host and/or pathogen.
80 cancer remains earlier diagnosis and earlier extirpation of the initial invasive focus of malignancy.
81 erate people as a contributing factor in the extirpation of the island megafauna.
82             One study suggests that surgical extirpation of the neovascular network may be beneficial
83 b bud mesenchyme to maintain outgrowth after extirpation of the polarizing region.
84 hyme is derived from neural crest cells, and extirpation of the region of the neural crest involved r
85 igh gas concentration scenario may result in extirpation of the studied population in 50 years.
86 rimination performance to 67.7% correct, and extirpation of the sublingual and submaxillary salivary
87                                              Extirpation of the sublingual and submaxillary salivary
88 digitorum longus (EDL) was overloaded by (a) extirpation of the synergist tibialis anterior (TA), (b)
89                                     Surgical extirpation of the thyroid tumor and cervical node metas
90                                        Local extirpations of mastodons and other megafaunal populatio
91                         Here we model global extirpation patterns for island populations of threatene
92                             Next, we related extirpation probabilities of native fishes in both regio
93 al and life history traits to influence past extirpation probabilities of native freshwater fishes in
94 parental care) were related to elevated fish extirpation probability in the Southwest.
95 responses to climate change, including local extirpations, range contractions and shifts, decreased a
96 s who present with localized tumor, surgical extirpation remains the standard of choice.
97 n by NC precursors, we find that neural fold extirpation results in a loss of NC precursors.
98 ammals on small, dry islands could halve the extirpation risk for highly threatened birds and mammals
99  that weak covariance between competence and extirpation risk may account for inconsistent effects of
100 e for covariance between host competence and extirpation risk, and evaluate the consequences for dise
101 e degree to which host competence relates to extirpation risk, and the need for a better understandin
102 fluence community disassembly, and very high extirpation risks in the Southeast are due to interactio
103  in dam building and retrofitting, increased extirpation risks should be expected unless management s
104                 In combination with surgical extirpation, such hormonally based treatment may be cura
105 roperitoneal sarcomas, making total surgical extirpation the best chance for patient cure.
106  The mainstay of treatment is still surgical extirpation, the only curative modality.
107  approach which includes aggressive surgical extirpation to provide long-term disease control.
108 ogical theory predicts that vulnerability to extirpation varies between populations and is ultimately
109 d sublingual and submaxillary salivary gland extirpation were found to have no effect relative to pre
110 to 50% probability of detecting a population extirpation when the species is present, but in very low
111 e low growth rates and be more vulnerable to extirpation, whereas populations located in the core of
112 ng a huge episode of population declines and extirpations, which will have negative cascading consequ
113  can be rendered disease free after surgical extirpation with evidence of improved survival.

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