


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e general population cannot be automatically extrapolated.
2 require quantitative physiological models to extrapolate across biological scales.
3 ssociation studies at SLC6A4 cannot a priori extrapolate across populations and should account for th
4 dels; and generation of improved methods for extrapolating across chemicals.
5  that while concentration and flux cannot be extrapolated among subcatchments, periodic sampling of h
6 ro HCV replicon amplification, with the same extrapolated amount of input RNA molecules as that for t
7  forest inventory dataset (105,316 plots) to extrapolate and map relationships between various ecosys
8 n epitope consisting of three amino acid was extrapolated and incorporated into a solvent-exposed loo
9 ed time periods of several days to months to extrapolate annual emissions, the use of long-term field
10 and mediastinal signal at 15 and 125 min and extrapolated at 176 and 4 h was 5.45% +/- 0.61%, 4.33% +
11 search in other ecosystems but should not be extrapolated at the global scale.
12 tion of IM-MS data was developed to directly extrapolate average DAR and DAR distribution.
13  Antarctic ice core records were removed and extrapolated back to the last two glacial-interglacial c
14 d at high denaturant concentrations and then extrapolated back to zero denaturant conditions to obtai
15 parameters currently in use are inaccurately extrapolated based on limited quantitative understanding
16  brain and that caution should be applied in extrapolating between the properties of viruses in these
17 e show that prediction accuracy remains when extrapolating beyond the range of data used to inform th
18  find a rather unexpected deviation from the extrapolated boundaries of the hR3 phase of lithium.
19 namic limit of a many-body quantum system be extrapolated by analyzing a sequence of finite-size case
20                                To accurately extrapolate chamber-derived yields to atmospheric condit
21 variance nighttime flux lower than flux from extrapolated chamber measurements, despite corrections f
22 y concern provide a defensible framework for extrapolating chemical effects across species, even if t
23 ren, and adults, it is difficult to directly extrapolate clinical practice from adults to children.
24 exhibits the ability to both interpolate and extrapolate compound bioactivities to new cell lines and
25 ased on the 5-year in-trial data was used to extrapolate costs, life expectancy, and quality-adjusted
26 the RACAT trial and a lifetime analysis that extrapolated costs and outcomes by using a decision anal
27        We also modeled a control scenario of extrapolating current climate conditions to examine chan
28 125 min was 15% +/- 14% (range, 0%-34%), and extrapolated data at 176 min and 4 h were 18% +/- 18% (r
29  The designed proteins are extremely stable (extrapolated DeltaGfold > 60 kilocalories per mole), and
30  about how effective these strategies are in extrapolating emissions.
31 iance, and it has an additional advantage to extrapolate error estimates for larger sample sizes, a p
32                                           To extrapolate estimates to countries without data, we divi
33                 Further study is required to extrapolate experimental results to reservoir-scale and
34 ul resource when planning, interpreting, and extrapolating experimental data from mouse to humans.
35 es-a task greatly complicated by the need to extrapolate extinction rates.
36 ined unresolved, compromising our ability to extrapolate findings from the most closely related molec
37 d for careful experimental verification when extrapolating findings from crystal structures of bacter
38 to be an incipient downhill folder having an extrapolated folding rate constant of 2 x 10(5) s(-1) an
39 s modeling, we replicated the PLCO trial and extrapolated follow-up to 20 years.
40  standardize the AECs so that studies may be extrapolated for driving basic immunological research an
41 evel responses to interannual weather can be extrapolated for prediction of CO2 exchanges over decada
42                          These findings were extrapolated for technically viable HP sites in Europe,
43              Further, this approach has been extrapolated for the continuous synthesis of COFs by mea
44 ending on the albumin concentration, real or extrapolated free concentrations of indoxyl sulfate and
45     Further functional studies are needed to extrapolate from our findings to implications for bioche
46                                      Here we extrapolate from the situation in France to quantify the
47  American AIV hotspot, and used our model to extrapolate from these data.
48                                           We extrapolate from this to suggest that the rarity of poly
49        Clinicians and patients are forced to extrapolate from trials conducted in younger, healthier
50 onditions under which chromatin topographies extrapolated from 5C or FISH data are not compatible.
51 size information on unknown samples could be extrapolated from a standard curve.
52 et the biology of these viruses is generally extrapolated from Ad2 and Ad5.
53                  Projected future ranges are extrapolated from distribution models based on climate l
54                 The following variables were extrapolated from each article: number of authors, study
55 these patients is controversial and has been extrapolated from experience with Marfan syndrome, despi
56 , consistent with free energy barrier values extrapolated from experimental studies.
57 n species, and enables metabolic costs to be extrapolated from heart-rate data whenever direct measur
58 anding of adenovirus (Ad) biology is largely extrapolated from human species C Ad5.
59  physiologic temperatures can be inferred or extrapolated from in vitro data gathered at room tempera
60 r ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is largely extrapolated from invasive cancer data, but robust evide
61 duction systems have relied on growth models extrapolated from laboratory-scale data, leading to a la
62  of anticoagulants in pediatrics are largely extrapolated from large randomized controlled trials (RC
63                         Most of the data are extrapolated from larger trials in which older patients
64 ts with bicuspid aortic valves should not be extrapolated from Marfan syndrome and support discrete t
65 of the human epicardium has essentially been extrapolated from model organisms.
66 diation dose estimates for (64)Cu-LLP2A were extrapolated from mouse biodistribution data (6 time poi
67 line for tagging experiments, life histories extrapolated from otolith microchemistry interpretations
68 endovascular peripheral revascularization is extrapolated from percutaneous coronary intervention lit
69 ncidence studies was compared with incidence extrapolated from published prevalence estimates.
70          Human radiation dose estimates were extrapolated from rat biodistribution data.
71                            Future directions extrapolated from recent advances focus on discovering l
72 rstanding of the disease treatments has been extrapolated from small cell carcinoma of the lung.
73  the staging system for MTC has been largely extrapolated from staging for differentiated thyroid can
74 (MDRGN) infections in children, data must be extrapolated from the adult literature.
75 d reactivities of tellurium compounds can be extrapolated from the behaviour of their lighter chalcog
76             A 6-line radial scan pattern was extrapolated from the higher-density radial pattern.
77 irus-specific incidence of clinic visits was extrapolated from the proportion of patients testing pos
78  the incidence attributable to influenza was extrapolated from the proportion of patients with positi
79  conditions is unique and cannot be directly extrapolated from the response of plants to each of the
80 ogy approaches are applied to macromolecules extrapolated from their native context.
81 relevant kinetic parameters cannot be simply extrapolated from those measured at lower temperatures;
82 anagement and therapy for HF in children are extrapolated from treatment approaches in adults.
83                  The problem is analogous to extrapolating from death register data to modern communi
84 f different phylogenetic origins rather than extrapolating from one or two arbitrary model species.
85                                              Extrapolating from simulated data, synchrony and metasta
86                                              Extrapolating from this data, we determined that using 3
87 ed, which limits the ability to validate and extrapolate functional implications of this activity.
88 low-temperature 4 degrees C (89.6%), with an extrapolated half-life of 277days.
89                                           By extrapolating host use from the native herbivore-plant f
90 of the ice crystallite when interpreting and extrapolating ice nucleation rates from experimental lab
91 gically based toxicokinetic (PBTK) models to extrapolate in vitro data to the in vivo level.
92 ied proteins in vitro and these findings are extrapolated in cells to correlate their functions in vi
93 ne in vitro but that care must be taken when extrapolating in vitro observations of lymphatic vessel
94               Thus, caution is required when extrapolating in vitro starch digestibility to in vivo g
95 ) and influenza viruses (21%); the resulting extrapolated incidence of outpatient visits was 20 and 1
96 mmunity about the use of biosimilars in such extrapolated indications and explains the underlying sci
97 le budding yeast kinetochore as a model, and extrapolate insights gained from this model to elucidate
98  also determined the most appropriate way to extrapolate into nonanalog environments, a previously ov
99 main uncommon, limiting the possibilities to extrapolate its true potential for clinical practice.
100 ibrium between mono- and dipyridine adducts (extrapolated Keq,0 approximately 0.5 at 25 degrees C).
101  only a small linear efficiency loss with an extrapolated lifetime of 580 h.
102                           We also present an extrapolated linear trend line for the years 2009-13 and
103                                           An extrapolated, magnetic anisotropy field of 220 T and a c
104                             Here we draw and extrapolate main messages from the papers in this Series
105                                          The extrapolated model worked well for both extrapolated spe
106 ork illustrates the power and limitations of extrapolating molecular pathways for lineage differentia
107                      Practical challenges to extrapolating Moore's law favour alternatives to electro
108 ich is 6 orders of magnitude higher than the extrapolated Na-ion conductivity of Na2Mg2P3O9N at this
109                                              Extrapolated nationwide, roughly 1.25 million elderly in
110 tification; 62 (54.4% [95% CI, 44.7%-64.0%]) extrapolated nonspecific secondary diagnoses to infer in
111 parison with a sister study in 1981 to 1986, extrapolated numbers to the UK population and projected
112 viously detected macromolecular structure or extrapolated on the server from a specific PDB chain.
113 uncertainty of the predictor variable either extrapolated or interpolated from a calibration line tha
114 tudies for which the risk estimate had to be extrapolated or limiting the analyses to higher quality
115 ough molecular modelling and mutagenesis, we extrapolated our findings to human IP6K2, which retains
116                                  Finally, we extrapolated our models to estimate the impact of a fals
117                                      We then extrapolated our results from Massachusetts to the entir
118 by our success with the original rht-MOF, we extrapolated our strategy to other known MOFs via their
119                                              Extrapolating our data to the 2010 U.S. population, we e
120              Our model was validated by: (A) extrapolating our equation to model the age of disease o
121                                              Extrapolating our results to the approximately 2 million
122 -6) Ns/m and 10(4) Ns/m(2), respectively, by extrapolating our simulation data to the viscous limit.
123    Care needs to be taken when attempting to extrapolate outcomes of this RCT to differing treatment
124                          When the costs were extrapolated over a 1-year time horizon using decision a
125                                     Although extrapolated over a larger area, our independent estimat
126 on velocity on stomatal pores, which is then extrapolated over the entire facade to yield bulk pollut
127                                       At the extrapolated physiological concentration, although the g
128                                         This extrapolated point charge (EPC) method assigns effective
129  mean that plant responses to root herbivory extrapolate poorly from our understanding of responses t
130                                 Case study 1 extrapolates population data from the Western historical
131                                          The extrapolated position of the target is not found by stim
132 s of the data to an Eyring model allow us to extrapolate predictions for the equilibrium Newtonian vi
133 cial if predictive tools could reliably back-extrapolate prenatal levels in newly enrolled children.
134  the performance of three approaches to back-extrapolate prenatal levels of p,p'-dichlorodiphenyltric
135 lts demonstrate the ability to reliably back-extrapolate prenatal POP levels from levels 9 years afte
136 armacokinetic model performed well when back-extrapolating prenatal levels from maternal levels for c
137                                  The overall extrapolated prevalence rates of IBD were 0.32% in 2010,
138 clinical practice, caution is suggested when extrapolating prevalence of eyes that may benefit from a
139 PCB dioxin-like congener (DLC) exposures, we extrapolated published laboratory data on common terns t
140 terogeneity is an important consideration in extrapolating reaction rates from the laboratory to fiel
141                                           By extrapolating regulatory characteristics of observed can
142 irst-wave viruses strengthens our ability to extrapolate research from the 2013 viruses to current pu
143                                              Extrapolating results from animal studies to human pregn
144    Although caution needs to be exerted when extrapolating results from animals to patients, this stu
145 Correlation Estimation (ICE) models that can extrapolate species sensitivity to listed taxa using lea
146  The extrapolated model worked well for both extrapolated species (AUC value of 0.74 for rats and 0.9
147                                          For extrapolating stocks and flows, authors apply constant,
148 ty followed a power-law function, which when extrapolated suggests that most strains in an individual
149              They are especially powerful to extrapolate survival observed under constant exposure co
150 for taking exposure levels into account when extrapolating synergy observations from (eco)toxicologic
151           The simulation was further used to extrapolate temperature development in real sized car ta
152 ancer, it remains difficult to interpret and extrapolate the accumulating data to provide insights in
153                    The model is then used to extrapolate the behavior of the channel to a wide range
154     Transient pre-load reduction was used to extrapolate the diastolic stiffness constant.
155  different production systems, as well as to extrapolate the effect of fat trimming on physical compo
156 le-molecule force spectroscopy techniques to extrapolate the elastic properties of nucleic acids.
157 cess mortality and development indicators to extrapolate the global burden of the pandemic.
158                         Assuming that we can extrapolate the inverse-mass scaling that holds for stel
159                        They are also used to extrapolate the kinetic rate due to the activation barri
160   The existence of this pattern allows us to extrapolate the moments and thus reconstruct the SAD for
161      With these data, we also mathematically extrapolate the number of HIV-1 particles that penetrate
162 specificity values change with prevalence to extrapolate the PPV and NPV to populations with lower pr
163 actors with outcomes, making it difficult to extrapolate the results of trials conducted in people wi
164 peratures and used the Arrhenius equation to extrapolate the results to room temperature.
165 ermine the extent of the T dependence and to extrapolate the results to T=0.
166                                           We extrapolate the role of topography to neurodegenerative
167 d fast modes, and from active ST pressure we extrapolated the passive findings to the active case.
168 ata and applying NHANES sampling weights, we extrapolated the results to 20.4 million noninstitutiona
169  National Cholesterol Education Program, and extrapolated the results to a population of 115.4 millio
170                               Eventually, we extrapolated the scope of this methodology to the formal
171                                      We then extrapolated the time it will take to reach a surgical r
172                                           By extrapolating the BAT and oral challenge results, the pr
173                                              Extrapolating the data to the inner core pressure and ac
174 sian fitting of the entire peak, rather than extrapolating the full-width at half-maximum.
175 imary ion concentration near the membrane by extrapolating the linearized time dependencies of select
176                             We discover that extrapolating the macroscopic idealization of a drop to
177 icroscopic properties of the cilia motion by extrapolating the micro-bead velocity measurement at the
178                                              Extrapolating the model to a broad range of life histori
179                            The potential for extrapolating the model to risk assessment is discussed.
180 ter stress, and highlight the limitations of extrapolating the results of short-term studies to tempo
181 veral different electric field strengths and extrapolating the results to zero electric field.
182                                              Extrapolating the toxicity scaling for honeybees to the
183 iming (tf - t) immediately before failure by extrapolating the trajectory as it asymptotes to zero wi
184           A two-step catalytic mechanism was extrapolated: the catalyst transfers electrons to PMS th
185 lure more than 20 years after diagnosis were extrapolated; the efficacy of ACE inhibitor and beta-blo
186  deployed for further functional analysis to extrapolate their precise roles in abiotic stress respon
187 fined in the mouse, it has been difficult to extrapolate these insights to the human system due to sp
188 r, there is little research to unambiguously extrapolate these results to other biomes.
189 imate conditions driven by edge effects, and extrapolate these results to the whole Atlantic Forest b
190 orld applications, one major challenge is to extrapolate these single-pore devices into macroscopic m
191                                           We extrapolated these numbers to all transplant centers in
192                                      We then extrapolated these response functions using observed mic
193                                           By extrapolating these data to approximately 170 000 patien
194  be quantified in freely moving rodents, but extrapolating these data to humans assumes that informat
195                                              Extrapolating these data to the entire United States, if
196  data-driven correlative modelling, robustly extrapolating these models into novel climatic condition
197                                              Extrapolating these results to the Midwestern stream ass
198                           It is important to extrapolate this knowledge to longer lived mammalian org
199 on by the ecological community before it can extrapolate this method to other ecosystems in the futur
200  football tiers (3 to 10) in England, and to extrapolate this to a national level.
201               It would also be reasonable to extrapolate this to any species that undergoes moulting
202                                              Extrapolating this comprehensive dataset to real world s
203                                           By extrapolating this empirical relationship to the global
204                                              Extrapolating this to increasing numbers of sequenced in
205                   Attempts have been made to extrapolate to age-related degenerative disease insights
206 nce phenomenon, this study could potentially extrapolate to elucidate a novel mechanism of action for
207 rgical procedures at this center but may not extrapolate to other centers.
208                     These values are used to extrapolate to the infinitely dilute limit.
209    The preference holds when the results are extrapolated to 0.0% conversion, indicating that this is
210 f the resulting second-order rate constants, extrapolated to 25 degrees C, with the values of k(cat)/
211 binding domain of protein G (GB3), which was extrapolated to 371+/-115 ns at 310 K.
212         When the clinical study results were extrapolated to 4 years, the ICER decreased to $114078 p
213 y and rural private practice setting and was extrapolated to a national model.
214                                         When extrapolated to a preclinical model of a human GBM cell
215                              Findings can be extrapolated to a range of different eel sizes that migh
216 ived from computational origami, that can be extrapolated to a wide range of geometries and mechanism
217                                         When extrapolated to account for the length of the entire pWH
218 t is unknown whether this association can be extrapolated to African-Americans and low-income populat
219         Emission estimates for Zurich can be extrapolated to annual averages for Switzerland of 312 k
220 xtent the biology of a given organism can be extrapolated to another.
221  monitoring by pound23 per patient, which if extrapolated to be applied throughout England would incr
222 honon bouncing model and the COD velocity is extrapolated to be exponentially decreasing from more th
223      Furthermore, these findings may also be extrapolated to better understand the impact of exogenou
224                The biodistribution data were extrapolated to calculate radiation dose estimates for t
225                Whether patterns found can be extrapolated to complex, nonexperimental, real-world lan
226 and impact of the APJ function, which may be extrapolated to design novel drugs for cardiac hypertrop
227  subjects and how that knowledge can then be extrapolated to diagnostic purposes.
228 from the previously published SOSAS data was extrapolated to each low-resource country.
229          INTERPRETATION: If our findings are extrapolated to England, the estimated overall annual co
230 ions (i.e., >10(-7) M Pu) cannot be directly extrapolated to environmental concentrations of plutoniu
231                  These correlations could be extrapolated to estimate N-nitrosomorpholine accumulatio
232                            This model can be extrapolated to formation of pathological inclusions in
233 ences in neurodevelopmental change rates and extrapolated to further adult aging-related cortical thi
234            To test whether this model can be extrapolated to GAT-1, cysteine residues were introduced
235 cts have been reported in animal studies and extrapolated to human studies.
236 m PET scans and biodistribution studies were extrapolated to humans to estimate the dosimetry of the
237                                         When extrapolated to humans, our findings may jeopardize the
238  between trials and could not necessarily be extrapolated to individual patients.
239 [8-10], but these data cannot necessarily be extrapolated to infants.
240  0 to the last measurable concentration, AUC extrapolated to infinity, maximum concentration [Cmax],
241 saphenous vein incompetence cannot simply be extrapolated to inform the management of SSV insufficien
242             As such, whether the data can be extrapolated to larger AAAs (>55 mm) is unclear.
243 munity structures are identified that can be extrapolated to larger collections representing multiple
244 h an expected ferroelectric phase transition extrapolated to lie at 6 K but suppressed due to quantum
245 derived from trials with short duration were extrapolated to lifetime follow-up.
246  and deaths due to injury was calculated and extrapolated to low-resource countries worldwide.
247                                         When extrapolated to lower doses more relevant to environment
248 s not clear, therefore, that findings can be extrapolated to natural populations, where new mutations
249 to the Ca(2+) permeation pathway that can be extrapolated to other Ca(2+)-selective channels.
250        To determine whether results could be extrapolated to other connexins, TM1 of Cx43 was scanned
251 prenoid formation in the plastid that can be extrapolated to other crop plants.
252                       This finding cannot be extrapolated to other psychotherapies, to individual ADM
253  and DnBP were measured in these samples and extrapolated to parent phthalate intakes, corrected for
254        However, ABMs may result in bias when extrapolated to populations that differ on the distribut
255 termined to what extent existing data can be extrapolated to predict population performance across la
256     The versatile process can potentially be extrapolated to realize a variety of heterostructures wi
257 ndances require substantial refinement to be extrapolated to regional or global scales.
258          However, this success has yet to be extrapolated to solid tumors, and the reasons for this a
259   It is unclear whether these results can be extrapolated to stroke patients, where other factors str
260 and Csp2-O coupling reactivity could also be extrapolated to substrates bearing a single chelating gr
261  initial shockable rhythm, and this has been extrapolated to survivors of cardiac arrest with initial
262                                              Extrapolated to T. pallidum, our model enables us to exp
263                                 Results were extrapolated to the 210 million US adults >/=20 years of
264                Insofar as our results can be extrapolated to the clinical setting, they imply that th
265 indicate that in vitro data cannot be simply extrapolated to the crowded in vivo environment.
266  determined from the X-ray structure factors extrapolated to the origin.
267                                Outcomes were extrapolated to the Pediatric Stroke Outcome Measure.
268 rom serially obtained (177)Lu-PSMA-617 scans extrapolated to the physical half-life of (225)Ac, assum
269 Pa in the available speed range, and 1.5 GPa extrapolated to the speeds expected in the sonication ex
270                                 Results were extrapolated to the Swiss general population using natio
271 d nearly 3-fold from 1981-1986 to 2002-2012 (extrapolated to the United Kingdom: 6621 to 18 176 per y
272 using cryopreserved trout hepatocytes can be extrapolated to the whole animal as a means of improving
273  this concept has already been theoretically extrapolated to three dimensions, it usually still remai
274 Importantly, the KEEPS-Cog results cannot be extrapolated to treatment longer than 4 y.
275 xisting pesticide ecotoxicity data should be extrapolated to untested species with caution and that a
276 sex, and body mass index, and estimates were extrapolated to US body mass index distributions estimat
277 of novel influenza viruses, and findings are extrapolated to virulence in humans.
278 ght of ovalbumin on buffer concentration are extrapolated to zero concentration to obtain the true va
279 kon (s(-1)M(-1)) and the kon and koff values extrapolated to zero force for the low-force pathways sh
280 ction of the inverse fourth root of time and extrapolated to zero.
281 iter, or 3x10(-21) mol per milliliter, which extrapolates to approximately 40 to 100 oligomeric parti
282 2, peaking to approximately 8% in 2011 which extrapolates to approximately 40,000 elephants illegally
283                     The ring polymer pattern extrapolates to higher growth rates and also provides a
284 t to psychiatric diseases and--as a novelty--extrapolates to the role of the reward system in DBS for
285 iate for low baseline firing rates, but that extrapolating to high firing rates may underestimate tru
286                                              Extrapolating to the entire fundus, the true prevalence
287                                              Extrapolating to the entire United States, for 2009, we
288 as and low numbers of species, which hampers extrapolating to the global scale and to past climatic c
289                                              Extrapolating to the U.S. population, changed fuel/techn
290                                              Extrapolating to the US population of individuals aged 1
291                                        After extrapolating to wavelengths that are controlled by tide
292 ched at an overpotential of only 220 mV; the extrapolated TOF at zero overpotential is larger than 30
293 rts discussed here may at least partially be extrapolated toward other emerging flaviviral infections
294 en the fitted population dynamic models were extrapolated under changing climatic conditions to the e
295 pproximately 17 orders of magnitude from its extrapolated value at infinite temperature (etao) to tha
296 he period after the onset of the crisis with extrapolated values based on the period before the crisi
297 SE), R2, and slope and intercept of the back-extrapolated versus measured levels.
298 ined our model to explore how experimentally extrapolated vesicle fusion kinetics and the size of the
299 Thus, demographic information should only be extrapolated with caution.
300 activation energy U0 is going to zero at the extrapolated zero-kelvin Hirr value.

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