


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 scending fibers, corticospinal/pyramidal and extrapyramidal.
2 th PSEN1 mutations had pyramidal (21 [25%]), extrapyramidal (12 [14%]), or cerebellar (three [4%]) si
3 ssociated with more local injection-site and extrapyramidal adverse effects.
4  effect on oculomotor systems or significant extrapyramidal adverse effects.
5 alopathy, psychiatric, cognitive, epileptic, extrapyramidal and inflammatory cerebrospinal fluid (CSF
6  important in the dopaminergic regulation of extrapyramidal and limbic NT release in conscious animal
7 rodegenerative disease of the cerebellum and extrapyramidal and pyramidal systems, nevertheless suffe
8 m was not associated with the development of extrapyramidal clinical disorders, including parkinsonis
9 ting that some may later develop symptomatic extrapyramidal disease.
10 nce at least twice the rate for placebo were extrapyramidal disorder, somnolence, and tremor.
11 athies were more commonly associated with an extrapyramidal disorder.
12 t disorders with ophthalmic symptoms include extrapyramidal disorders such as Parkinson disease-assoc
13                 Features overlap with common extrapyramidal disorders: idiopathic torsion dystonia, i
14 ), decreased weight, dilated cardiomyopathy, extrapyramidal dysfunction and gross neuro-muscular defe
15 rmalities of motor control characteristic of extrapyramidal dysfunction suggest impairment of broader
16 al optic atrophy and later-onset spasticity, extrapyramidal dysfunction, and cognitive deficit.
17                    Clinical features include extrapyramidal dysfunction, onset in childhood, and a re
18                    Clinical features include extrapyramidal dysfunction, onset in childhood, and a re
19 and movement disorders, including ataxia and extrapyramidal dysfunction.
20 pressants and Panax ginseng; exacerbation of extrapyramidal effects with neuroleptic drugs and betel
21 done was well tolerated, with no evidence of extrapyramidal effects, cardiac events, or seizures.
22 was associated with more discontinuation for extrapyramidal effects.
23 ease may explain some characteristics of the extrapyramidal features of DLB and its limited response
24 al ganglia disease, variably presenting with extrapyramidal features similar to those of Huntington's
25 s a neuropsychiatric disease associated with extrapyramidal features which differ from those of Parki
26 ignificant percentage of AD patients exhibit extrapyramidal features, and many PD patients develop de
27               No patient had tremor or other extrapyramidal features.
28 on, hearing loss, pigmentary retinopathy and extrapyramidal features.
29 admixture of cognitive, neuropsychiatric and extrapyramidal features.
30                                           No extrapyramidal impairments associated with basal ganglia
31  (5) marked early hypertonia and symptoms of extrapyramidal involvement.
32 cant differences between treatment groups on extrapyramidal measures nor significant adverse drug int
33 higher cognitive processes and modulation of extrapyramidal motor activity.
34 (encephalopathy, epilepsy, and pyramidal and extrapyramidal motor disorders) that are primarily attri
35 sed striatal dopamine levels, and consequent extrapyramidal motor dysfunction.
36 sed striatal dopamine levels, and consequent extrapyramidal motor dysfunction.
37 that early-life stress is protective against extrapyramidal motor effects of antipsychotic drugs in t
38 l results predict the clinical expression of extrapyramidal motor side effects at high doses.
39 ers of the study population had at least one extrapyramidal motor sign (EPMS), with bradykinesia bein
40 chotic drugs is limited by the occurrence of extrapyramidal motor symptoms, which are caused by dopam
41 control facial movement [4-7]: a subcortical extrapyramidal motor system drives spontaneous facial ex
42                     This would indicate that extrapyramidal movement abnormalities constitute the cor
43     Neurological symptomatology consisted of extrapyramidal movement abnormalities, spasticity, ataxi
44    Patients almost invariably have prominent extrapyramidal movement abnormalities, which are rarely
45 compacta and ventral tegmental area regulate extrapyramidal movement and important cognitive function
46 ted with Leigh syndrome, was the most common extrapyramidal movement disorder among pediatric patient
47          Parkinsonism was the most prevalent extrapyramidal movement disorder in adults and was commo
48 notype was novel, with 50% having a dystonic extrapyramidal movement disorder, and 70% a behavioral s
49 ntraneuronal inclusions (Lewy bodies) and an extrapyramidal movement disorder.
50  levels, optic nerve deficits, ataxia and an extrapyramidal movement disorder.
51 ndrial disease and with 1 or more predefined extrapyramidal movement disorders (parkinsonism, dystoni
52                                              Extrapyramidal movement disorders associated with mitoch
53 rs], 30 adult [age range, 20-81 years]) with extrapyramidal movement disorders were identified.
54 , stagnant psychomotor development, abnormal extrapyramidal movements and nephrosis.
55  pyramidal (n = 20), cerebellar (n = 14), or extrapyramidal (n = 12) signs, myoclonus (n = 12), visua
56     Low expression was observed also in many extrapyramidal nuclei, such as the globus and ventral pa
57 ing features including cognitive impairment, extrapyramidal or peripheral motor involvement, and atax
58  Although some patients also displayed other extrapyramidal or pyramidal signs, these were always les
59 ironmental manganese (Mn) toxicity causes an extrapyramidal, parkinsonian-type movement disorder with
60 n in intrinsic cortical, thalamocortical and extrapyramidal pathways.
61 ehavioural, cognitive, metabolic, motor, and extrapyramidal presentations will be critically appraise
62 imbic brain region nucleus accumbens vs. the extrapyramidal region striatum; this effect is fully blo
63 ctivity and screened in models predictive of extrapyramidal side effect (EPS) liability.
64 rial SPECT brain images, serum prolactin and extrapyramidal side effect ratings were obtained for an
65 APDs) have been hypothesized to show reduced extrapyramidal side effects (EPS) due to their rapid dis
66 on is based solely on their ability to cause extrapyramidal side effects (EPS), including tardive dys
67 mechanistically related to the production of extrapyramidal side effects (EPS).
68                                              Extrapyramidal side effects (n = 7) emerged at a thresho
69 mains of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory) and extrapyramidal side effects (Simpson Angus Scale scores
70                Based on lower rates of acute extrapyramidal side effects associated with second-gener
71  motor functions and to the induction of the extrapyramidal side effects associated with the use of t
72              Positive psychotic symptoms and extrapyramidal side effects at baseline appear to be pow
73                    It has a low incidence of extrapyramidal side effects but may cause agranulocytosi
74 humans and may be useful in the treatment of extrapyramidal side effects caused by typical neurolepti
75 profile.Atypical antipsychotics show reduced extrapyramidal side effects compared to first generation
76  neurons, whereas their potential to produce extrapyramidal side effects correlates with their propen
77 psychotic agent with less tendency to induce extrapyramidal side effects in man.
78  drugs to exhibit antipsychotic efficacy and extrapyramidal side effects in schizophrenia patients.
79  setting of neurological symptoms, including extrapyramidal side effects of antipsychotic treatment.
80 s disease tended to experience more frequent extrapyramidal side effects of neuroleptics than did the
81 negative symptoms, level of functioning, and extrapyramidal side effects over baseline.
82 ss active in behavioral models predictive of extrapyramidal side effects than in the mouse climbing a
83 mean severity of both psychotic symptoms and extrapyramidal side effects than those in the haloperido
84 hopathology) and safety (in terms of reduced extrapyramidal side effects).
85 levation and related sexual side effects; 6) extrapyramidal side effects, akathisia, and tardive dysk
86 with secondary sources of variance including extrapyramidal side effects, anxiety/depression, and psy
87 fectiveness measures that favored clozapine (extrapyramidal side effects, disruptiveness), bootstrap
88              Positive and negative symptoms, extrapyramidal side effects, quality of life, and level
89 tors contribute to the low risk of producing extrapyramidal side effects, which is the defining chara
90 ted by less anxiety and depression and fewer extrapyramidal side effects.
91 improved significantly over baseline only in extrapyramidal side effects.
92 e flattening were associated with changes in extrapyramidal side effects.
93 psychotic effect in humans without producing extrapyramidal side effects.
94 zapine had less tardive dyskinesia and fewer extrapyramidal side effects.
95 o antipsychotic agents and the production of extrapyramidal side effects.
96  there was little difference in frequency of extrapyramidal side effects.
97 sociated with an extremely low prevalence of extrapyramidal side effects.
98 h has low antipsychotic efficacy but induces extrapyramidal side effects.
99 ant schizophrenic patients without eliciting extrapyramidal side effects.
100 of many current medications are the observed extrapyramidal side-effects (EPS), postulated to arise f
101 ogeneous group of disorders with progressive extrapyramidal signs and neurological deterioration, cha
102  as well as the development of myoclonus and extrapyramidal signs are consistent manifestations of di
103 eimer's disease (AD) is often accompanied by extrapyramidal signs attributed to nigrostriatal dysfunc
104 ulative antipsychotic doses, and presence of extrapyramidal signs early in treatment.
105                                              Extrapyramidal signs frequently accompany Alzheimer's di
106                          Age and severity of extrapyramidal signs have been consistently associated w
107                                        Thus, extrapyramidal signs in AD correlate best with tangle pa
108 the basal ganglia or subthalamic nucleus and extrapyramidal signs in AD.
109  neuropil threads were positively related to extrapyramidal signs in AD.
110  disease associated with age and severity of extrapyramidal signs is related primarily to their combi
111  and combined effects of age and severity of extrapyramidal signs on the risk of incident dementia in
112 (mMMS) score, and the presence or absence of extrapyramidal signs or psychotic features.
113                                  In phase A, extrapyramidal signs tended to be greater with the stand
114 amination scores was slower, the presence of extrapyramidal signs was decreased, and the development
115                              The presence of extrapyramidal signs was determined using the Unified Pa
116            Patients with AD (with or without extrapyramidal signs) did not show neuronal loss in the
117 threads was increased in AD (with or without extrapyramidal signs) nigra compared to control tissue,
118 nce of myoclonus, seizures, pyramidal signs, extrapyramidal signs, and cerebellar signs) from all ind
119 ertension, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, extrapyramidal signs, depression, psychosis, aggression,
120 e of frontal lobe release signs, presence of extrapyramidal signs, gait disturbance, history of falls
121  typical cases, svPPA-tau showed significant extrapyramidal signs, greater executive impairment, and
122 llitus, heart disease, incident strokes, and extrapyramidal signs, only conventional antipsychotic us
123 nts included abnormal involuntary movements, extrapyramidal signs, psychiatric symptoms, and medical
124 function, and three of them developed subtle extrapyramidal signs.
125 ough a subgroup developed moderate to severe extrapyramidal signs.
126                       All subjects developed extrapyramidal signs.
127 ding frontotemporal dementia, pyramidal, and extrapyramidal signs.
128 duced, although there was a mild increase in extrapyramidal signs; 112 patients met the criteria for
129    Safety was assessed using adverse events, Extrapyramidal Symptom (EPS) rating scales, laboratory v
130                                      For all extrapyramidal symptom measures, sertindole was clinical
131           These findings support an atypical extrapyramidal symptom profile and the potential of a si
132  to explain the therapeutic efficacy and low extrapyramidal symptom profile of atypical antipsychotic
133                                          The extrapyramidal symptom profile of risperidone was compar
134 elated to 1) change in negative symptoms, 2) extrapyramidal symptom profile, 3) effect on prolactin l
135         There were no significant changes in Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale scores and no cases
136                                        While Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale scores were signific
137                                              Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale total scores at endp
138  to scores on the dyskinesia subscale of the Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale.
139 Rating Scale, the Mini-Mental State, and the Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale.
140 am and laboratory results, and scores on the Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale.
141  placebo in mean change from baseline in the extrapyramidal symptom rating scales.
142 rom baseline in lipid and glucose levels and extrapyramidal symptom ratings.
143 ssessed by recording adverse events and with extrapyramidal symptom scales and electrocardiograms at
144 luded spontaneously reported adverse events, extrapyramidal symptom scores, serum prolactin concentra
145                                              Extrapyramidal symptom severity scores were 1.4 (95% CI=
146 e risperidone and olanzapine groups reported extrapyramidal symptoms (24% and 20%, respectively).
147             One subject experienced moderate extrapyramidal symptoms (akasthisia) during RWJ-37796 in
148 or antipsychotic drugs which will not induce extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) and tardive dyskinesias (T
149 ng there is a potential risk of exacerbating extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) if H3R antagonists were us
150  regard to both the antipsychotic action and extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) of antipsychotic drugs (AP
151 H] = 87), stroke (NNH = 53 for risperidone), extrapyramidal symptoms (NNH = 10 for olanzapine; NNH =
152 rrected QT-interval prolongation (p = 0.16), extrapyramidal symptoms (p = 0.31), excessive sedation (
153 ter TTR (SMD=-0.27) and a lower incidence of extrapyramidal symptoms (RR=0.31, NNH=7) compared with h
154                                              Extrapyramidal symptoms (Simpson-Angus Scale, Barnes Aka
155                                              Extrapyramidal symptoms and akathisia were similar in th
156 nd because treatment is often accompanied by extrapyramidal symptoms and dyskinesias.
157 Safety and tolerability evaluations included extrapyramidal symptoms and effects on weight, prolactin
158 otic agents in producing significantly fewer extrapyramidal symptoms and having a lower risk of tardi
159 that has associated chronic cocaine use with extrapyramidal symptoms and striatal dopaminergic deplet
160 ated patients had a significant reduction in extrapyramidal symptoms and subjective measures of stiff
161 psychotic medications should be examined for extrapyramidal symptoms and tardive dyskinesia.
162      Three rating scales were used to assess extrapyramidal symptoms as well as the occurrence of adv
163 % of treated patients develop characteristic extrapyramidal symptoms caused by haloperidol-induced to
164 th anti-NMDA receptor antibodies both showed extrapyramidal symptoms following initiation of treatmen
165 and is necessary to reduce the expression of extrapyramidal symptoms induced by chronic haloperidol t
166  safe and effective antipsychotics devoid of extrapyramidal symptoms liability, sedation, and catalep
167  patients treated with OFC and fluoxetine in extrapyramidal symptoms or serious adverse events.
168 es carrying a single parkin mutation without extrapyramidal symptoms or signs also had psychiatric sy
169 atients with respect to prolactin elevation, extrapyramidal symptoms or weight gain.
170 rious side effects and significantly greater extrapyramidal symptoms relative to pimozide.
171 experienced statistically significantly more extrapyramidal symptoms than haloperidol-treated multipl
172 s of haloperidol produced significantly more extrapyramidal symptoms than placebo or sertindole.
173 at improvement in positive, negative, and/or extrapyramidal symptoms was associated with mood improve
174                                  Severity of extrapyramidal symptoms was low in both groups, with no
175                                  Severity of extrapyramidal symptoms was mild at baseline and through
176 hereas the incidence of QTc prolongation and extrapyramidal symptoms was similar between groups, more
177 ebo group (p = .60), and a global measure of extrapyramidal symptoms was similar between treatment gr
178                                              Extrapyramidal symptoms were assessed using the Simpson-
179 indistinguishable from placebo, and rates of extrapyramidal symptoms were not dose related.
180                The frequency and severity of extrapyramidal symptoms were similar in the two treatmen
181                    Adverse events related to extrapyramidal symptoms were spontaneously reported by 1
182 in the domains of symptoms, quality of life, extrapyramidal symptoms, and a synthetic measure of mult
183 ant even after lifetime medication exposure, extrapyramidal symptoms, and abnormal involuntary moveme
184                         Anticholinergic use, extrapyramidal symptoms, and estimated IQ had little eff
185  and negative symptoms, comorbid depression, extrapyramidal symptoms, and overall drug safety.
186 athy, clubfoot, absent deep tendon reflexes, extrapyramidal symptoms, and persistently deficient myel
187 s on overall psychopathology, response rate, extrapyramidal symptoms, and tardive dyskinesia.
188 ol-treated patients experienced worsening of extrapyramidal symptoms, as indicated by several measure
189 scular events, as well as metabolic effects, extrapyramidal symptoms, falls, cognitive worsening, car
190 ignificant cognitive impairment, increase in extrapyramidal symptoms, or central anticholinergic effe
191 y differential effects on positive symptoms, extrapyramidal symptoms, or mood).
192 but not with age, gender, negative symptoms, extrapyramidal symptoms, or neuroleptic dose.
193 lactic benztropine) in compliance, symptoms, extrapyramidal symptoms, or overall quality of life, and
194 Although olanzapine is associated with fewer extrapyramidal symptoms, other side effects may offset t
195 iapine was well tolerated and did not induce extrapyramidal symptoms, sustained elevations of prolact
196 owever, haloperidol carries a higher rate of extrapyramidal symptoms, whereas olanzapine is associate
197 mptoms of schizophrenia; quality of life; or extrapyramidal symptoms.
198 impson-Angus Rating Scale was used to assess extrapyramidal symptoms.
199 onventional antipsychotic agents in terms of extrapyramidal symptoms.
200 e apparently unrelated subjects with similar extrapyramidal symptoms.
201 events and the use of medications related to extrapyramidal symptoms.
202  sedation, akathisia (for aripiprazole), and extrapyramidal symptoms.
203 dverse events at the injection site and more extrapyramidal symptoms.
204  performance and shows reduced liability for extrapyramidal symptoms.
205 toms without marked positive, depressive, or extrapyramidal symptoms.
206 oncentration correlated with the severity of extrapyramidal symptoms.
207 rates of dysphoria, depressive symptoms, and extrapyramidal symptoms.
208 t is clinically effective with a low risk of extrapyramidal symptoms.
209  tolerated and associated with a low rate of extrapyramidal symptoms; neither weight gain nor clinica
210 hisia Scale, and Modified Simpson-Angus [for Extrapyramidal Symptoms] Scale) and electromechanical as
211 ncluding cases with motor neuron disease and extrapyramidal syndromes.
212 d central nervous system (CNS) vasculitis to extrapyramidal to cognitive phenotypes.
213         Visual hallucinations, illusions and extrapyramidal tract signs were more frequent as clinica

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