


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  sedation, akathisia (for aripiprazole), and extrapyramidal symptoms.
2 dverse events at the injection site and more extrapyramidal symptoms.
3  performance and shows reduced liability for extrapyramidal symptoms.
4 toms without marked positive, depressive, or extrapyramidal symptoms.
5 oncentration correlated with the severity of extrapyramidal symptoms.
6 rates of dysphoria, depressive symptoms, and extrapyramidal symptoms.
7 t is clinically effective with a low risk of extrapyramidal symptoms.
8 mptoms of schizophrenia; quality of life; or extrapyramidal symptoms.
9 impson-Angus Rating Scale was used to assess extrapyramidal symptoms.
10 onventional antipsychotic agents in terms of extrapyramidal symptoms.
11 e apparently unrelated subjects with similar extrapyramidal symptoms.
12 events and the use of medications related to extrapyramidal symptoms.
13 e risperidone and olanzapine groups reported extrapyramidal symptoms (24% and 20%, respectively).
14             One subject experienced moderate extrapyramidal symptoms (akasthisia) during RWJ-37796 in
15                                              Extrapyramidal symptoms and akathisia were similar in th
16 nd because treatment is often accompanied by extrapyramidal symptoms and dyskinesias.
17 Safety and tolerability evaluations included extrapyramidal symptoms and effects on weight, prolactin
18 otic agents in producing significantly fewer extrapyramidal symptoms and having a lower risk of tardi
19 that has associated chronic cocaine use with extrapyramidal symptoms and striatal dopaminergic deplet
20 ated patients had a significant reduction in extrapyramidal symptoms and subjective measures of stiff
21 psychotic medications should be examined for extrapyramidal symptoms and tardive dyskinesia.
22 in the domains of symptoms, quality of life, extrapyramidal symptoms, and a synthetic measure of mult
23 ant even after lifetime medication exposure, extrapyramidal symptoms, and abnormal involuntary moveme
24                         Anticholinergic use, extrapyramidal symptoms, and estimated IQ had little eff
25  and negative symptoms, comorbid depression, extrapyramidal symptoms, and overall drug safety.
26 athy, clubfoot, absent deep tendon reflexes, extrapyramidal symptoms, and persistently deficient myel
27 s on overall psychopathology, response rate, extrapyramidal symptoms, and tardive dyskinesia.
28      Three rating scales were used to assess extrapyramidal symptoms as well as the occurrence of adv
29 ol-treated patients experienced worsening of extrapyramidal symptoms, as indicated by several measure
30 % of treated patients develop characteristic extrapyramidal symptoms caused by haloperidol-induced to
31    Safety was assessed using adverse events, Extrapyramidal Symptom (EPS) rating scales, laboratory v
32 or antipsychotic drugs which will not induce extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) and tardive dyskinesias (T
33 ng there is a potential risk of exacerbating extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) if H3R antagonists were us
34  regard to both the antipsychotic action and extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) of antipsychotic drugs (AP
35 scular events, as well as metabolic effects, extrapyramidal symptoms, falls, cognitive worsening, car
36 th anti-NMDA receptor antibodies both showed extrapyramidal symptoms following initiation of treatmen
37 and is necessary to reduce the expression of extrapyramidal symptoms induced by chronic haloperidol t
38  safe and effective antipsychotics devoid of extrapyramidal symptoms liability, sedation, and catalep
39                                      For all extrapyramidal symptom measures, sertindole was clinical
40  tolerated and associated with a low rate of extrapyramidal symptoms; neither weight gain nor clinica
41 H] = 87), stroke (NNH = 53 for risperidone), extrapyramidal symptoms (NNH = 10 for olanzapine; NNH =
42  patients treated with OFC and fluoxetine in extrapyramidal symptoms or serious adverse events.
43 es carrying a single parkin mutation without extrapyramidal symptoms or signs also had psychiatric sy
44 atients with respect to prolactin elevation, extrapyramidal symptoms or weight gain.
45 ignificant cognitive impairment, increase in extrapyramidal symptoms, or central anticholinergic effe
46 y differential effects on positive symptoms, extrapyramidal symptoms, or mood).
47 but not with age, gender, negative symptoms, extrapyramidal symptoms, or neuroleptic dose.
48 lactic benztropine) in compliance, symptoms, extrapyramidal symptoms, or overall quality of life, and
49 Although olanzapine is associated with fewer extrapyramidal symptoms, other side effects may offset t
50 rrected QT-interval prolongation (p = 0.16), extrapyramidal symptoms (p = 0.31), excessive sedation (
51           These findings support an atypical extrapyramidal symptom profile and the potential of a si
52  to explain the therapeutic efficacy and low extrapyramidal symptom profile of atypical antipsychotic
53                                          The extrapyramidal symptom profile of risperidone was compar
54 elated to 1) change in negative symptoms, 2) extrapyramidal symptom profile, 3) effect on prolactin l
55         There were no significant changes in Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale scores and no cases
56                                        While Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale scores were signific
57                                              Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale total scores at endp
58 am and laboratory results, and scores on the Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale.
59  to scores on the dyskinesia subscale of the Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale.
60 Rating Scale, the Mini-Mental State, and the Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale.
61  placebo in mean change from baseline in the extrapyramidal symptom rating scales.
62 rom baseline in lipid and glucose levels and extrapyramidal symptom ratings.
63 rious side effects and significantly greater extrapyramidal symptoms relative to pimozide.
64 ter TTR (SMD=-0.27) and a lower incidence of extrapyramidal symptoms (RR=0.31, NNH=7) compared with h
65 hisia Scale, and Modified Simpson-Angus [for Extrapyramidal Symptoms] Scale) and electromechanical as
66 ssessed by recording adverse events and with extrapyramidal symptom scales and electrocardiograms at
67 luded spontaneously reported adverse events, extrapyramidal symptom scores, serum prolactin concentra
68                                              Extrapyramidal symptom severity scores were 1.4 (95% CI=
69                                              Extrapyramidal symptoms (Simpson-Angus Scale, Barnes Aka
70 iapine was well tolerated and did not induce extrapyramidal symptoms, sustained elevations of prolact
71 experienced statistically significantly more extrapyramidal symptoms than haloperidol-treated multipl
72 s of haloperidol produced significantly more extrapyramidal symptoms than placebo or sertindole.
73 at improvement in positive, negative, and/or extrapyramidal symptoms was associated with mood improve
74                                  Severity of extrapyramidal symptoms was low in both groups, with no
75                                  Severity of extrapyramidal symptoms was mild at baseline and through
76 hereas the incidence of QTc prolongation and extrapyramidal symptoms was similar between groups, more
77 ebo group (p = .60), and a global measure of extrapyramidal symptoms was similar between treatment gr
78                                              Extrapyramidal symptoms were assessed using the Simpson-
79 indistinguishable from placebo, and rates of extrapyramidal symptoms were not dose related.
80                The frequency and severity of extrapyramidal symptoms were similar in the two treatmen
81                    Adverse events related to extrapyramidal symptoms were spontaneously reported by 1
82 owever, haloperidol carries a higher rate of extrapyramidal symptoms, whereas olanzapine is associate

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