


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 alogue for extraterrestrial life existing in extreme environments).
2 iomes, at least not for white spruce in this extreme environment.
3 tudy speciation and ecological adaptation in extreme environment.
4 ided insights into survival strategies in an extreme environment.
5 tes, whose metabolism is responsible for the extreme environment.
6 unexpectedly fast evolution catalyzed by the extreme environment.
7 echnological and engineering applications in extreme environments.
8  be responsible for the formation of PAHs in extreme environments.
9 tic range of peritrichs capable of living in extreme environments.
10 ld relatives and species that are adapted to extreme environments.
11 s, including ones isolated from Earth's most extreme environments.
12  the diversity of eukaryotes living in these extreme environments.
13 rphs, including in conditions encountered in extreme environments.
14 del for the evolution of plant adaptation to extreme environments.
15 olumes and small samples in their natural or extreme environments.
16 ning and anti-fouling materials operating in extreme environments.
17 hat occur at relatively low abundance and in extreme environments.
18  studying strong-field gravity and matter in extreme environments.
19 g a genome signature common to each of these extreme environments.
20 cs and chemistry of planetary atmospheres in extreme environments.
21 t enable the organism to adapt and thrive in extreme environments.
22 hnological applications of such materials in extreme environments.
23 greatly from the use of organisms adapted to extreme environments.
24 , Archaea were thought to be synonymous with extreme environments.
25 s to organismal function in nature, often in extreme environments.
26 oring the evolution of enzymatic function in extreme environments.
27 in every conceivable place on Earth, even in extreme environments.
28  a component of microbial communities in non-extreme environments.
29  are renowned for their ability to thrive in extreme environments, although they can be found in virt
30                                 Antarctica's extreme environment and geographical isolation offers a
31                   Archaea, while thriving in extreme environments and accounting for approximately 20
32                Some of the groups adapted to extreme environments and accumulated high number of rare
33 hinnest coating ever shown to withstand such extreme environments and find applications as chemically
34 , enhance our understanding of adaptation to extreme environments and will enable the utilization of
35 uatic ecosystems, soils, contaminated sites, extreme environments, and bioreactors.
36 ution of Metazoa, the biology of survival in extreme environments, and the role of horizontal gene tr
37 and yield strength, may also be suitable for extreme environment applications in spacecraft.
38                 Once thought to inhabit only extreme environments, archaea are now known to inhabit d
39 NA repair machineries, organisms thriving in extreme environments are expected to have developed effi
40 remarkable adaptive strategies of insects to extreme environments are linked to the biochemical compo
41  more stable than graphite at the nanoscale, extreme environments are typically used to produce nanod
42                  Archaea generally thrive in extreme environments as assessed by temperature, pH, and
43 m different habitats, such as waters, soils, extreme environments, bioreactors, and human microbiomes
44 anism, relatives of which have been found in extreme environments but not reported before in humans.
45 example, NEM switches perform much better in extreme environments--but semiconductor switches benefit
46 eveal characteristics relevant to life in an extreme environment distinguished by hypersalinity and h
47 ave isolated unusual methanotrophs from such extreme environments, expanding the known functional and
48        With such strong natural selection in extreme environments, extremophile organisms may commonl
49 expanding our knowledge and understanding of extreme environments from which the early solar system e
50 ensional observations of damage evolution in extreme environments has been a challenge.
51  on exobiology and the potential for life in extreme environments has generated a great deal of inter
52 multitude of archaea and bacteria inhabiting extreme environments has only become evident during the
53 nel can be more accurately modeled under the extreme environments important for many geophysics and e
54 hat have promising properties for service in extreme environments in future nuclear reactors.
55              Also, evidence of adaptation to extreme environments in the Astylozoidae clade greatly b
56 pin-down ages of pulsars or as probes of the extreme environments in which low-mass white dwarfs form
57 of organisms have been discovered inhabiting extreme environments, including temperatures in excess o
58 se predominantly microorganisms that inhabit extreme environments, inhospitable to most Eucarya and B
59             How diatoms have adapted to this extreme environment is largely unknown.
60 Assessing the energy costs of development in extreme environments is important for understanding how
61                 Study of human adaptation to extreme environments is important for understanding our
62  and mechanical stability of coiled coils in extreme environments is the sequence of events leading t
63  The thermophilic alga C. merolae thrives in extreme environments (low pH and temperature between 40
64 of yeast stress granules is an adaptation to extreme environments, made possible by the presence of a
65                                          The extreme environment of R1 (low pH and high metabolites c
66 ure associated with adaptation of TD2 to the extreme environment of the lepidopteran gut.
67                                          The extreme environment of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) p
68 involved in cyanobacterial adaptation to the extreme environment of the QTP.
69                           Species exposed to extreme environments often exhibit distinctive traits th
70 the suggestion spurred interest in habitable extreme environments on Earth and throughout the Solar S
71 ls, and nuclides, and the search for life in extreme environments on Earth as well as on Mars and oth
72 gh-latitude polar deserts are among the most extreme environments on Earth.
73 e microorganisms growing in some of the most extreme environments on earth.
74 olved complex strategies for adapting to the extreme environments on QTP and provide novel insights i
75 it opposite poles of the Earth, and dominate extreme environments over specialised local species.
76                                  Survival in extreme environments places unique demands on protection
77 think of extremophiles, organisms adapted to extreme environments, prokaryotes come to mind first.
78                   Adaptation of organisms to extreme environments requires proteins to work at thermo
79  in this almost organic-carbon free multiple extreme environment showed variable numbers with up to 1
80 ly, but under intense selective pressures of extreme environments some existing structures or behavio
81 imple hydrocarbons play significant roles in extreme environments such as the interstellar medium and
82 roteins from organisms that originated in an extreme environment, such as hyperthermophilic archaea (
83 dvanced structural materials that can endure extreme environments, such as severe neutron irradiation
84 a foundation for examining life processes in extreme environments, such as the environment beneath th
85                         Permafrost soils are extreme environments that exert low-temperature, desicca
86 titive sequence representation between these extreme environments that may be related to genome funct
87 t equal, which may provide insights into the extreme environments that were encountered by our ancien
88 heir enzymes from, and their utilization in, extreme environments, the manipulation, alteration, and
89 dynamics and the occurrence of life in these extreme environments, the reasons behind the exceptional
90 y, a group of Crenarchaeota that grow in non-extreme environments was found to be sufficiently diverg
91 ved functionality and have been proposed for extreme environments where the interfaces are expected t
92 desert mosses in the world and thrives in an extreme environment with multiple but limited water reso
93 au (QTP) has the highest biodiversity for an extreme environment worldwide, and provides an ideal nat

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