


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 om metagenomics, and some of these represent extremely abundant viruses, even if never grown in the l
2 he (12)C lignin analogue and was shown to be extremely accurate (>99.9%, R(2) > 0.999) and precise (R
3 t with LC/MS/MS which verified our method is extremely accurate.
4 phrons are present yet nephrogenesis remains extremely active.
5 s could quickly increase dissolved oxygen to extremely anaerobic water in the initial 40 min until th
6 s, suggesting that their genomic location is extremely ancient and likely to place constraints on the
7   In January 2016, the Arctic experienced an extremely anomalous warming event after an extraordinary
8 ghest capacity and lowest anode potential is extremely attractive to battery technologies, but infini
9 oth primary and secondary resources would be extremely beneficial.
10                       Quantum dots (QDs) are extremely bright, photostable, nanometer particles broad
11 n children and adolescents, and they show an extremely broad range of clinical behavior.
12 cularly on multigenerational transmission in extremely burdened families will augment our results.
13 column bleed in trapped samples, however, is extremely challenging and up to now has only been achiev
14 protein labeling and modifications that were extremely challenging before.
15  the dynamical properties of ion channels is extremely challenging experimentally and even impossible
16                                        It is extremely challenging to look at them individually using
17                      It is therefore usually extremely challenging to predict cyclic behaviour and fa
18 rties are very poorly understood since it is extremely challenging to probe the structure of buried i
19                In engineering MPs, it can be extremely challenging to retain membrane localization ca
20 ition and functionalities is an emerging and extremely challenging topic.
21 response makes future ecosystems predictions extremely challenging, as we clearly need to develop a m
22  biological systems to ionising radiation is extremely challenging, particularly when comparing X-ray
23 ecause the selective oxidation of methane is extremely challenging, there is considerable interest in
24 these correlations experimentally has proved extremely challenging.
25 ally flexible carbon chains make such a task extremely challenging.
26  of information-rich molecule such as DNA is extremely challenging.
27  however, creating such materials has proven extremely challenging.
28 e confirmation process, CCSC research can be extremely challenging.
29 any mammals are well adapted to surviving in extremely cold environments.
30              Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is extremely common across the lifespan and is an establish
31  old, half of the most massive galaxies were extremely compact and had already exhausted their fuel f
32 a ribosome stalled during translation of the extremely compacted VemP nascent chain.
33                                 Behaviour is extremely complex and so it is unlikely that observers w
34       The platform is capable of fabricating extremely complex conductive circuits, strain and pressu
35 t highlights how both extremely peaceful and extremely conflictual countries display lower stereotype
36 tment strategies to combat the long-term and extremely costly effect of these wartime injuries.
37 obaileya, probably related to germination in extremely dark understory conditions.
38 (BI-RADS) breast density (heterogeneously or extremely dense vs scattered fibroglandular densities),
39 at P2Y6, but they activate the receptor with extremely different EC50 values of 1 pM and 50 nM, res
40  simultaneous determination of analytes with extremely different properties.
41                            As an example for extremely difficult and slowly degradable compounds, CO2
42 operties of these broken symmetry phases are extremely difficult to control due to the inherent diffi
43                                This makes it extremely difficult to evaluate the relative added value
44 tems such as microbes, central metabolism is extremely difficult to rationally engineer.
45 y responses to the functional Env entry unit extremely difficult.
46          Spoken languages such as German are extremely discrete, whereas others such as Portuguese ar
47 tinging wasps (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) are an extremely diverse lineage of hymenopteran insects, encom
48 ordinated while interacting with a dense and extremely diverse microbial population.
49   In normal T cells, the CDR3 sequences were extremely diverse, without any clonotype representing mo
50 MDR (multi-drug resistant isolates) and XDR (extremely drug resistant isolates).
51 no deaths that were directly attributable to extremely drug-resistant bacteria.
52  increased number of multidrug-resistant and extremely drug-resistant strains is a significant reason
53 confined imidodiphosphorimidates (IDPis) are extremely effective Bronsted acid catalysts of the heter
54 es that these sharply acute features provide extremely effective nucleation sites and allows us to de
55                      Pathogenic bacteria are extremely efficient in orchestrating their response to t
56 ixture in a high-dimensional subspace via an extremely efficient parametric method is combined with a
57 isk for psychotic disorders; (b) people with extremely elevated social anhedonia (SocAnh; n=22); and
58  a prompt optical flash that accompanied the extremely energetic and long-lived prompt gamma-ray emis
59             The existing technologies remain extremely energy intensive and require large capital inv
60 seipin3 and triple seipin mutants accumulate extremely enlarged LDs in seeds and pollen, which hinder
61                 Here we describe spectacular extremely expanded, pod-like tibiae in males of a platyc
62  that Mical-oxidized (Mox) actin can undergo extremely fast (84 subunits/s) disassembly, which depend
63      It is shown that this approach provides extremely fast and sensitive detection.
64 nents found in every consumer smartphone, is extremely fast because no complex labelling, amplificati
65 ting Expectation-Maximization steps into the extremely fast cyclic coordinate descent algorithm.
66                                  Finally, an extremely flexible plotting function enables quantitativ
67  Au/Fc-PAMAM(G2)/BA based cytosensors showed extremely good analytical performances in cancer cell de
68                            Her prognosis was extremely grim; her family gathered in anticipation of h
69                             The discovery of extremely halophilic, methyl-reducing methanogens relate
70 oma is the most common cancer in infancy and extremely heterogeneous in clinical presentation and fea
71  their in vivo mechanical environment can be extremely heterogeneous.
72                             T. suis secretes extremely high amounts of PGE2 (45-90 ng/mg protein) wit
73  to be experimentally detected, due to their extremely high aspect ratio.
74  Strait, Kara Sea, and Kola Peninsula and an extremely high concentration (1000 ng m(-3)) in the Whit
75           The products were obtained with an extremely high diastereoselectivity (dr >99:1), and the
76 of their genome to their daughter cells with extremely high fidelity.
77                                          The extremely high gain also leads to significant amplificat
78                    Additionally, we observed extremely high genetic diversity, which is atypical of r
79 etic study of intelligence and suggests that extremely high intelligence is continuous genetically wi
80 ase-control design included 1,393 cases with extremely high intelligence scores (top 0.0003 of the po
81 ns at GeV energies is very challenging since extremely high laser intensity 10(24) Wcm(-2) is requir
82             Marine animals, however, contain extremely high levels of arsenic (typically 2000-20000 m
83                                              Extremely high levels of Streptococcus mutans were detec
84      We investigated factors mediating these extremely high levels of VSG expression by inserting ect
85 ing and stabilizing nanoprecipitates with an extremely high number density (more than 10(24) per cubi
86      NW FETs functionalized by GNPs revealed extremely high pH sensitivity of 70mV/pH and enhanced el
87  high Q-factor, strong field enhancement and extremely high photonic density of states, thereby promi
88 g candidates for carbon capture due to their extremely high porosity, structural diversity, and physi
89         While plants are known to release an extremely high portion of the fixated carbon to the soil
90        The revealed phenomenon of generating extremely high pressure gradient is called the pressure
91  likely antioxidative mechanism of 5CQA with extremely high rate.
92 onfiguration in a kinetic resolution with an extremely high selectivity factor (E > 500), showing tha
93                            The device offers extremely high signal-to-background (S/B) ratio for sing
94 tterns and atmospheric water vapor, and find extremely high statistical confidence that anthropogenic
95 pe and show that micrometer-sized Li attains extremely high strengths of 105 MPa at room temperature
96 itation laser intensities, while maintaining extremely high temporal bandwidth for single-DNA sensing
97 me cells to adopt opposing behaviors such as extremely high versus extremely low contractility.
98 (2D) metal with massless carriers and, thus, extremely high-mobility that is due to the character of
99        However, since they are plentiful and extremely homologous, these PE/PPEs are very challenging
100 ds (MAs), which, in part, render the bilayer extremely hydrophobic and impermeable to external insult
101 f photonic nanoporphyrin micelles (NPM), the extremely hydrophobic SN-38 was successfully encapsulate
102                             Ubiquinone-10 is extremely hydrophobic, but in complex I the binding site
103     Pancreatic tumors are renowned for their extremely hypoxic centers, resulting in upregulation of
104            Targeted drug delivery has become extremely important in enhancing efficacy and reducing t
105 d histidine derivatives such as anserine are extremely important in homeostasis of contractile muscle
106       Fungal secondary metabolites (SMs) are extremely important in medicine and agriculture, but reg
107        Historically, this enzyme has been an extremely important model system for understanding the f
108 ls of natural and managed ecosystems play an extremely important role in modulating their atmospheric
109 cause of the differences of treatment, it is extremely important to classify the types of diabetes, e
110                   OCS-sparing strategies are extremely important to improve patient outcomes.
111 derstanding causative variant segregation is extremely important, even for monogenic traits such as s
112 rocess of DNA or protein from a cell extract extremely important.
113 'X-dCTP' mispairs, which Polzeta4 alone made extremely inefficiently.
114 g features made the developed methodology an extremely interesting tool for beef meat screening, and
115                   However, this technique is extremely invasive and limited to only hours in duration
116                          The accumulation of extremely large amounts of GFAP causes many molecular ch
117                                   Along with extremely large and nonsaturating magnetoresistance (MR)
118  toxic and persistent global pollutants with extremely large differences in sensitivity across taxono
119 al complexity and is amenable to problems of extremely large dimensionality.
120 s over a distance less than 1 nm, leading to extremely large effective fields.
121  an atomic monolayer and large tuning range, extremely large electrostatically induced changes in abs
122 voltage tunable inductor (VTI) that exhibits extremely large inductance tunability of up to 1150% und
123 r-wave mixing in a carbon nanotube film with extremely large Kerr-nonlinearity ( approximately 100 00
124 dly process and then accurately annotate the extremely large progenitor transposon insertion mutant c
125                                           An extremely large repertoire of genes encoding cytochrome
126 ensive to perform hierarchical clustering of extremely large sequence datasets due to its quadratic t
127                                          The extremely large surface area of nanofibrous reservoir la
128 ongest direct associations were observed for extremely large very-low-density lipoprotein triglycerid
129  domain, the number of foldable sequences is extremely large, exceeding the Avogadro constant.
130 detection and classification of structure in extremely large, high-dimensional, data sets are two of
131 gh the dimension of the entire genome can be extremely large, only a parsimonious set of influential
132                    While the native toxin is extremely lethal, bioengineering of BoNT has the potenti
133 alitis (PAM) induced by Naegleria fowleri is extremely lethal, with mortality rates above 95%.
134 animal models of autoimmune diabetes, due to extremely limited access to pancreas samples, little is
135 he power available from energy harvesters is extremely limited due to limited available volume, and t
136 dom develop drugs for orphan diseases due to extremely limited individual markets.
137 ne fine particles in nonurban populations is extremely limited.
138 nscriptome-wide distribution of m5C is still extremely limited; thus, studies in different cell types
139 ties (slow development of KOP-r selectivity, extremely long duration of action) that limit translatio
140  reorganization to support elongation of the extremely long sperm.
141            Here we reported a unique type of extremely long tumor retention, multi-responsive boronat
142 rcode Encrypted Single-stranded Library from Extremely Low (quality and quantity) DNA Input with Prob
143           However, precise quantification of extremely low abundance proteins (e.g., </= 100 pg/mL in
144 signals generated from micro seismicity have extremely low amplitude.
145 le to perform and is inherently robust, with extremely low backgrounds requiring only 1/10th the seq
146                          The mean IQs of the extremely low birth weight (ELBW, <1000 g), very low bir
147 al conditions, the immunosensor exhibited an extremely low calculated detection limit of 0.5fg/mL wit
148                                         This extremely low capacity severely limits execution of many
149                         The challenge is the extremely low capture efficiency for nucleic acids (>10
150  a plastid-localized enzyme reported to have extremely low catalytic activity.
151 etect a total of 10 denaturants/additives in extremely low concentrations without any contact with th
152 rfactant-induced stresses are significant at extremely low concentrations, potentially yielding a no-
153 sing behaviors such as extremely high versus extremely low contractility.
154                               Along with its extremely low cost (about 3 cent per gram), simplicity o
155 rformance flexible energy storage devices at extremely low cost.
156                      The sucrose content was extremely low during the cycle.
157                                          The extremely low dust fluxes and marine sedimentation rates
158 markable power density, originating from the extremely low equivalent series resistance value of 0.27
159  silicon chips are used as quantum bits with extremely low error rates.
160                               The absence or extremely low expression of these transcripts in vivo in
161 vey of 26 populations in six species reveals extremely low genome-wide nucleotide diversity and hence
162 ated STLV-1 genome sequences in two baboons, extremely low heterogeneity of STLV sequences within eac
163 ting to note that cord blood cells exhibited extremely low HLA class I expression.
164 omoters placed in foamy viral vectors caused extremely low immortalization of primary mouse hematopoi
165 ssed in sensory neurons and was expressed at extremely low level in the muscle tissue.
166 genomes are highly repetitive, yet they show extremely low levels of active recombination.
167                Drylands are characterized by extremely low levels of water and nutrients and exhibit
168 red hydrolysis rate would reduce activity to extremely low levels.
169  surprisingly, that HAQ/HAQ carriers express extremely low MPYS protein and have a decreased TMEM173
170 ocytes from patients presenting in vivo with extremely low or high changes in cardiac repolarization
171                However, high instability and extremely low oral bioavailability limit its further cli
172 modified nickel framework (N-Ni) exhibits an extremely low overpotential of 64 mV at 10 mA cm(-2), wh
173    Here, we report plasmonic nanolasers with extremely low thresholds on the order of 10 kW cm(-2) at
174 In this study, we show that WT-HCMV produces extremely low titers of cell-free virus but can efficien
175 ing TB-positive and TB-negative patients was extremely low.
176 -resolution imaging shows it to be a pair of extremely massive star-forming galaxies.
177 eting of protein-DNA specificity, outside of extremely modular DNA binding proteins such as TAL effec
178 deltaC approximately 153 ppm was found to be extremely moisture dependent.
179 r, hysteresis and switching only occur in an extremely narrow region of the parameter space compared
180  magnetic field inhomogeneity, generating an extremely narrow singlet with a linewidth approaching li
181 hed to very low levels during the subsequent extremely negative Shunga-Francevillian carbon isotopic
182 hite blood cell images can be recovered from extremely noisy images by comparing with a reference dic
183 ch indicates the strong correlation with the extremely non-degenerate photon pairs.
184 different from those in the normal weight or extremely obese groups.
185 observations indicate that the object has an extremely oblong shape, with a length about ten times it
186 elects for organisms capable of growth under extremely oligotrophic, arid and cold conditions.
187 nce in roots of wild A. alpina growing in an extremely P-limited soil.
188 ambivalence and conflict highlights how both extremely peaceful and extremely conflictual countries d
189 S), and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) are extremely persistent in the environment, where they unde
190 eceptors may help the proteins cope with the extremely polymorphic nature of major histocompatibility
191        Inclusion health focuses on people in extremely poor health due to poverty, marginalisation, a
192        Adenosquamous lung tumours, which are extremely poor prognosis, may result from cellular plast
193 ary refractory disease or early relapse have extremely poor survival.
194 an countries was low and their outcomes were extremely poor.
195       Consequently, disruption of ATP6AP2 is extremely poorly tolerated in the adult, and severely af
196 our zirconia restorations, which have become extremely popular in a short period of time, due to phys
197                   Despite the development of extremely powerful multivalent binders of the Influenza
198 t 8 years of age in children whose birth was extremely premature.
199 onfidence interval [CI]: 7.96 to 36.3) after extremely preterm birth (<28 weeks) and 3.58 (95% CI: 1.
200 d longitudinal follow-up of all survivors of extremely preterm birth who were born in Victoria, Austr
201  function of rods and cones in children born extremely preterm has not yet been fully investigated.
202                     Assisted ventilation for extremely preterm infants (<28 weeks of gestation) has b
203 sess whether early hydrocortisone therapy in extremely preterm infants is associated with neurodevelo
204 ein endothelial cells (HUVECs) obtained from extremely preterm infants were associated with risk for
205 y outcomes of a randomized clinical trial of extremely preterm infants, early low-dose hydrocortisone
206 reterm group, which suggests that being born extremely preterm may be one of the main reasons for a g
207                                           In extremely preterm neonates early pain was associated wit
208 cortical pathway maturation, particularly in extremely preterm neonates.
209  cone function were reduced in children born extremely preterm when compared with children born at te
210 RG) recordings in 6.5-year-old children born extremely preterm with children born at term.
211 Substituted hemiindigos therefore constitute extremely promising new photoswitches with excellent pro
212                     T-cell immunity requires extremely rapid clonal proliferation of rare, antigen-sp
213 ents, both recombinant and native ASICs show extremely rapid deactivation in outside-out patches when
214 yptophan fluorescence of the Y162W mutant is extremely rapid upon binding to either damaged or undama
215 oise through temporal summation to guide the extremely rapid vocal-motor adjustments.
216 fferent images modes may be done in situ and extremely rapidly, allowing for simple imaging of the sa
217 g a high quality set of approximately 70,000 extremely rare (</=0.1%) polymorphisms that are fully va
218 ng, we generated a stable cell culture of an extremely rare and aggressive neuroendocrine cervical ca
219            Pentalogy of Cantrell (POC) is an extremely rare and complex congenital anomaly.
220            Pentalogy of Cantrell (POC) is an extremely rare and complex syndrome of numerous fetal an
221 on of synaptic proteins does not occur or is extremely rare and hence not detectable using current me
222 arhinia microphthalmia syndrome (BAMS) is an extremely rare and striking condition characterized by c
223                           Both mutations are extremely rare in human populations and have pathogenici
224                            The Thr allele is extremely rare in most global populations but has a freq
225 p predict the often-diverse phenotypes of an extremely rare monogenic disorder.
226        Malignant transformation of LPD is an extremely rare occurrence.
227 lations allows the study of mutation because extremely rare polymorphisms are relatively unaffected b
228 om mutation accumulation experiments and (2) extremely rare polymorphisms from natural populations.
229                            The proportion of extremely rare SNPs disrupting SREs is significantly hig
230                         Scar pregnancy is an extremely rare type of ectopic pregnancy, where there is
231 ut appendage and soft-tissue preservation is extremely rare.
232                 Superomniphobic surfaces are extremely repellent to virtually all liquids.
233 m the species Aegilops tauschii, a large and extremely repetitive plant genome that has resisted prev
234 terized during the past decade, revealing an extremely rich chemistry including fascinating structura
235 NF-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand); is an extremely selective inhibitor, among kinases, of human R
236                         Calibrated model was extremely sensitive (100%) for dairy cream.
237                                              Extremely sensitive online time-and potential-resolved e
238 stics to show that shallow coastal areas are extremely sensitive to changing non-linear interactions
239 ure-sensitive virescent (tsv) mutant that is extremely sensitive to cold stress.
240            The Drosophila circadian clock is extremely sensitive to light.
241                             This property is extremely sensitive to membrane undulations, unlike in l
242 have demonstrated that the gut microbiome is extremely sensitive to short-term hospitalization and th
243                     Dynamical resonances are extremely sensitive to the topography of the reactive su
244 ns while ideally also being highly specific, extremely sensitive, and spatially confined.
245 However, the nature of this coupling depends extremely sensitively on the optical confinement and the
246 l venovenous ECMO treatment in patients with extremely severe H1N1-associated ARDS and positive resul
247 y grades (i.e., light, moderate, severe, and extremely severe) were categorized based on a series of
248  bound directly to a current collector using extremely short (2 nm or less) conductive tethers.
249 rent understanding of plasmonic phenomena at extremely short length scales, we discuss the different
250 rt on nanometer length scales in a regime of extremely short length scales.
251                                              Extremely significant inverse correlation between monosa
252 t, even though their DNA-binding domains are extremely similar, WelLFY and its paralogue WelNDLY exhi
253 rinted silica nanoparticles this approach is extremely simple in nature and can be performed under ph
254 n, Se devices are air-stable, non-toxic, and extremely simple to fabricate.
255 rast, the N-terminal hydrophobic core showed extremely slow solvent exchange, suggesting the trimer f
256 re, we use graphene plasmons, propagating at extremely slow velocities close to the electron Fermi ve
257 trol and quantify because their magnitude is extremely small (sub-piconewton) and varies in space wit
258 ng dynamic contact angles of liquids with an extremely small capillary length (<1.0 mm), empowered by
259 ene and genomic consequences of surviving at extremely small population size.
260 These latently infected T cells represent an extremely small proportion of all circulating CD4+ T cel
261 tz nanopipets reproducibly yield not only an extremely small tip diameter of approximately 30 nm, but
262 n of short-range pairwise interactions in an extremely sparse three-dimensional space.
263 s species to be 0.13 degrees , enabled by an extremely specialized, forward pointing fovea ( approxim
264                   This FADD modification was extremely stable and insensitive to physiological temper
265 t of the binder designs showed that they are extremely stable and, unlike antibodies, do not lose act
266                     G-quadruplexes (G4s) are extremely stable DNA or RNA secondary structures formed
267 trients to hosts often have genomes that are extremely stable in structure and gene content.
268                      Their local effects are extremely stochastic and difficult to measure.
269                       Caregiving can also be extremely stressful, and many caregivers experience decl
270 non-covalent crosslinking (2.5 mol%), yields extremely stretchable and tough supramolecular polymer n
271                                They are also extremely susceptible to degradation by nucleases, which
272                            C57BL/6J mice are extremely susceptible to systemic infection by Salmonell
273 d to toxic levels of hexavalent uranium, the extremely thermoacidophilic archaeon Metallosphaera prun
274                        Additionally, CelA is extremely thermostable and highly active at elevated tem
275  known that flying insects create "white" in extremely thin layers.
276 on level, triggered by the evaporation of an extremely thin precursor layer, reduces the nucleation d
277                   This enabled us to produce extremely thin subnanometer layers of HfO2, Al2O3, and G
278  C terminally to the oligomerization domain, extremely transient helices are present in the N-termina
279 eriencing allergies (0 = not troubled to 6 = extremely troubled).
280 s, and most of them have unbalanced or often extremely unbalanced case-control ratios (1:10 or 1:600,
281                        The localised form is extremely uncommon and can mimic malignancy.
282 rnum presenting as an epigastric swelling is extremely uncommon.
283                             It represents an extremely useful and valuable resource for researchers w
284               Overall, the approach could be extremely useful for assessing internal exposure of aqua
285 physiological phenomena, therefore, serve as extremely useful tools for elucidating the neuropatholog
286 hiometry matrices) and pathway databases are extremely useful, they cannot describe the complexity of
287  a vaccine to prevent CMV infection would be extremely valuable but would be facilitated by a better
288 lack/Leff operational model has furnished an extremely valuable method of quantifying drug agonism.
289 on of HLA-B8, -B12, or -B35 on platelets was extremely variable between individuals (coefficients of
290                             Because HIV-1 is extremely variable, a practical vaccine may need to inco
291                             The technique is extremely versatile, with the local delivery of molecule
292 is required to improve the situation of this extremely vulnerable group.
293                        The neonatal brain is extremely vulnerable to injury during periods of hypoxia
294 ing 1D metallic chains within the planes and extremely weak interlayer bonding.
295 , however, were obtained under conditions of extremely weak selection, casting doubt on their general
296                        One domain type shows extremely weak superstructure phenomena revealed by atom
297 s and 42% of cardiologists (p = 0.0477) felt extremely well prepared to assess CVD risk in women, whi
298 tes developmental gene expression, including extremely widespread noncoding transcription.
299 cted, and the potential for late sequelae in extremely young infants requires additional evaluation.
300 ia can acquire the essential metal zinc from extremely zinc-limited environments by using ATP-binding

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