


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 template, as the transcript and promoter are extruded.
2 n, ROS production is suppressed and NETs are extruded.
3 es with nuclear material that was eventually extruded.
4 lserine (PS)-exposed autophagic vesicles are extruded.
5 propose that ArsJ is an efflux permease that extrudes 1As3PGA from cells, where it rapidly dissociate
6 mplate DNA with the Fc-PNA hybridized to its extruded 5' end and allows a DNA primer to anneal and be
7 osis, specific stimuli prompt neutrophils to extrude a matrix of DNA, histones, and granule proteins
8 lls causes nearby differentiating neurons to extrude a mesh of fine projections, and shapes that mesh
9 a support that the aggregate gland serves to extrude a protein mixture that contains substances that
10 family)-driven tripartite protein complex to extrude a variety of toxic substrates to the extracellul
11 ug and toxic compound extrusion transporters extrude a wide variety of substrates out of both mammali
12 lation-division (RND) family, recognizes and extrudes a broad range of antimicrobial agents and is es
13 ultidrug efflux pump recognizes and actively extrudes a broad range of antimicrobial agents, and prom
14        Upon germination, the vegetative cell extrudes a pollen tube that carries the sperm to an ovul
15  multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1/ABCC1) extrudes a variety of drugs and organic anions across th
16 lation division (RND) family, recognizes and extrudes a wide range of antibiotics and chemotherapeuti
17 multidrug resistance (MDR) to tumor cells by extruding a broad variety of chemotherapeutic agents, ul
18                                         When extruding a formulation with a 40% MPT concentration, th
19  3' tail with a step size of one nucleotide, extruding a loop.
20  are further away along the chromosome, thus extruding a loop.
21 owerful resistance mechanism--are capable of extruding a number of structurally unrelated antimicrobi
22 B subdomain and reels in the lagging strand, extruding a single-stranded loop.
23 r efflux protein complex in Escherichia coli extruding a vast variety of antimicrobial agents from th
24  genes that code for multidrug efflux pumps, extruding a wide range of drugs.
25                                           To extrude, a cell produces the lipid, Sphingosine 1-Phosph
26 ate receptor activity need to be efficiently extruded, a functional coupling between NKA and AMPARs s
27                  Membrane-bound transporters extrude acid from cancer cells, but little is known abou
28 tacking interactions between bpy ligands and extruded adenosines.
29 t the epileptic focus with a role of P-gp in extruding AEDs from the brain.
30 which clusters of ventricular cardiomyocytes extrude and expand into the cardiac jelly to form sheet-
31 The starch digestibilities of the cooked non-extruded and cooked extruded bean powders were comparabl
32  with lipid bilayers, the myristoyl group is extruded and inserts into the hydrocarbon region of the
33                                         Both extruded and native samples showed very low viscosity an
34                       Carotenoid contents of extruded and non-extruded flours of Papua New Guinean an
35 roteins that use cellular energy to actively extrude antibiotics and other toxic compounds from cells
36                                    Cells can extrude apically into the lumen or basally into the tiss
37       Whereas wild-type cells preferentially extrude apically, cells lacking APC or expressing an onc
38                                As most cells extrude apically, they are typically eliminated through
39                Although most apoptotic cells extrude apically, we find that some exit basally.
40 t palindromes and IRs with short spacers can extrude as cruciforms or fold into hairpins on the laggi
41  double-stranded DNA requires a stem-loop to extrude as part of a cruciform.
42                                         When extruded as fibers, the self-organizable dendronized hel
43  the surface to reside in the crust or to be extruded as lava.
44 ulate within mitochondria and are eventually extruded as potent interferogenic complexes.
45        Fluidic devices printed with filament extruded at 60 degrees to the flow showed the highest mi
46 ral resolvase cleaves DNA four-way junctions extruded at the concatemer junctions to produce monomeri
47         Prominent membrane tubules were then extruded at the intersections of concave depressions.
48  is carried in part by Ca(2+), which is then extruded back to the extracellular space.
49 cells with upregulated survival signals that extrude basally could potentially invade the underlying
50 und that oncogenic K-Ras cells predominantly extrude basally, rather than apically, in a cell-autonom
51 ately 50 km wide on the transition, although extruded basalts flow more than 100 km from the rift.
52 d for cytosine or adenine in the vicinity of extruded base sequences, were used as spectroscopic prob
53 at its downstream edge was observed when the extruded bases were positioned at the primer-template ju
54                                          The extruded bean powders displayed functional properties si
55 lities of the cooked non-extruded and cooked extruded bean powders were comparable.
56 ch efflux system, CusCBA, is responsible for extruding biocidal Cu(I) and Ag(I) ions.
57  The efflux system CusCBA is responsible for extruding biocidal Cu(I) and Ag(I) ions.
58 loride and extracellular potassium levels by extruding both ions.
59  via cyclic nucleotide-gated channels and is extruded by Na(+)-Ca(2+) exchange.
60 with a reduction in the Ca(2+) load actively extruded by plasma membrane Ca(2+) pumps.
61 mains of these toxins indicate that they are extruded by several distinct secretory mechanisms such a
62 ural antimicrobial compounds, which are also extruded by the efflux pump.
63 tes the square planar starting materials and extrudes C-C coupling products.
64 ma membrane calcium ATPases (PMCAs) actively extrude Ca(2+) from the cell and are essential component
65  plasma membrane Ca(2+) ATPases (PMCAs) that extrude Ca(2+) from the cell, play a key role in neurona
66 ribute to the Ca(2+) handling beyond that of extruding Ca(2+).
67 iomyocyte plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) extrudes Ca2+ but has little effect on excitation-contra
68   In Ca2+-bound Ncs1, the myristoyl group is extruded (Ca2+-myristoyl switch), exposing a prominent p
69 extrusion has important consequences for the extruded cell's fate.
70    Tumors or epithelia lacking S1P(2) cannot extrude cells apically and instead form apoptotic-resist
71  To maintain a protective barrier, epithelia extrude cells destined to die by contracting a band of a
72                                          The extruded cells create second-generation clusters, as evi
73                         Because live basally extruding cells can survive and proliferate after extrus
74  physiological state of the bundle and cell; extruding cells had very high bundle Fluo-4 fluorescence
75 anization in mesoderm cells, suggesting that extruding cells undergo premature EMT.
76 gs offer insights into how MATE transporters extrude chemically and structurally dissimilar drugs and
77 ing chloride channel that is thought to help extrude chloride because inward rectification should, in
78  Na(+)-driven Cl(-)-HCO(3)(-) exchanger that extrudes chloride from cells, like KCC-2, but also alkal
79 ompacted by enzymatic machines that actively extrude chromatin loops.
80 roposed that cohesin forms TADs and loops by extruding chromatin loops until it encounters CTCF, but
81 strict the capacity of RT neurons to rapidly extrude Cl(-) following periods of elevated GABAergic si
82                                           By extruding Cl(-) from the neuron under isotonic condition
83 that loss of AE3, which has the potential to extrude CO2 in the form of HCO3(-), impairs O2/CO2 balan
84  an important role in stabilizing the lesion-extruded conformation of the DNA.
85    These effects were mimicked by a chloride-extruding cotransporter and were rescued by restoring ch
86 lasmids, consistent with the presence of the extruded cruciform in the supercoiled plasmid and not in
87           Last, we found that cleavage of an extruded cruciform yielded a product, which after treatm
88                We find that short IRs do not extrude cruciforms, even in the absence of competition.
89 d to form a periodic structure consisting of extruded cubes.
90                                          The extruded cytosine and last guanine nucleotides form wate
91 ic H(+) into prefused vesicles, continues to extrude cytosolic H(+) after being exocytotically incorp
92 porters are ubiquitous ABC transporters that extrude cytotoxic molecules across cell membranes.
93  (PADI4) in contact to particulate agents to extrude decondensed chromatin as neutrophil extracellula
94  in which an immobilized polymerase molecule extrudes decondensed, transcribed sequences into its sur
95 mposition of Senegalese sole muscle fed with extruded diets containing different plant protein (PP) a
96 he H(+) or Na(+) electrochemical gradient to extrude different drugs across cell membranes.
97 orters contribute to multidrug resistance by extruding different drugs across cell membranes.
98 table through a needle, from which it can be extruded directly as a hydrogel without any chemical rea
99  6 kb, and Rdh54 often abruptly releases the extruded DNA.
100                                      Without extruding DNA loops, single FtsK hexamers approached Xer
101 ecificities, where the majority of pumps can extrude either silver and copper or zinc, cadmium, and l
102 sion allowed us to identify and characterize extruded EryP nuclei and to demonstrate that molecules s
103                        FL macrophages engulf extruded EryP nuclei in cocultures and in the native FL
104                     Proteomic examination of extruded erythroid nuclei from fetal liver revealed a st
105                                          The extruded exopher transits through surrounding tissue in
106                               When such loop-extruding factors (LEF) bind to chromosomes, they progre
107 e rectal contrast agent leak, collections of extruded fecal material, mural defect, wall thickening,
108 eratures, which clearly outperforms the melt-extruded ferroelectric polymer films that represents the
109   Here, the effect of the orientation of the extruded filament on the fluidic behavior is investigate
110 peed, SS, 200 and 400rpm) and storing of the extruded flours at 4 degrees C for 24h on the physicoche
111                                  Storing the extruded flours at 4 degrees C for 24h prior to oven dry
112 ucose and maltose contents, respectively, in extruded flours compared with their native counterparts.
113 sis rates at the early hydrolysis stage, and extruded flours exhibited higher fractal exponent h in a
114      Carotenoid contents of extruded and non-extruded flours of Papua New Guinean and Australian swee
115 ation of the different enzymes on native and extruded flours, achieving greater than 300% and 500% in
116 matic hydrolysis was significantly higher in extruded flours, as confirmed the CD levels, being predo
117 ant changes in all studied properties of the extruded flours, except for soluble DF and antioxidant c
118 ive flours were darker and more reddish than extruded flours, whereas flours treated by amyloglucosid
119  absorption capacity and swelling power than extruded flours.
120 10-C19 and O-O bonds of the peroxohemiacetal extrudes formate and yields Compound II, which in turn d
121 es proto-lysosomal tubules and vesicles that extrude from autolysosomes and ultimately mature into fu
122 ons must be tightly coordinated so cells can extrude from the compact layer while remaining in tight
123  and rapidly degraded ULVWF multimer strings extruded from activated ECs.
124  that certain types of transformed cells are extruded from an epithelial monolayer.
125 resence of membrane-bound cell-free granules extruded from eosinophils has been long recognized in ti
126 sue-deposited cell-free eosinophil granules, extruded from eosinophils undergoing a lytic cell death.
127  show here that sorafenib-glucuronide can be extruded from hepatocytes into the bile by Abcc2 or back
128 sue may represent a transformed luxated lens extruded from its capsule, which was left behind in the
129                                       Fibers extruded from large flake graphene oxide dope without dr
130        Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) extruded from neutrophils upon activation are composed o
131                          A flexible arm (FA) extruded from the body of tRNase Z consists of a structu
132 es of tRNase Z(S) reveal a flexible arm (FA) extruded from the body of tRNase Z remote from the activ
133 '-carbamoyl-6-hydroxybiphenyl-3-yl ester) is extruded from the brain and spinal cord by the Abcg2 eff
134 rus pathogen CAV16, which reveals VP1 partly extruded from the capsid, poised to embed in the host me
135 oduced metabolic by-product that is normally extruded from the cell by the RND efflux systems.
136                             The flagellin is extruded from the cytoplasm by a pump powered by a proto
137 hat approximately 76% of leaked SR Ca(2+) is extruded from the cytosol and only approximately 24% is
138 e genes, these cells are eliminated by being extruded from the developing embryo into the extra-embry
139 g as the bases of the nontemplate strand are extruded from the DNA double-helix and captured by sigma
140 ) from the partner strand are simultaneously extruded from the DNA duplex and positioned within bindi
141 ed the substrate adenine to be, as expected, extruded from the DNA helix and inserted into an extrahe
142  remodeled, with the target cytosine residue extruded from the DNA helix and plunged into the active
143 basilar papilla or BP), dying hair cells are extruded from the epithelium and supporting cells expand
144 9P), but not wild-type TRPML3, died and were extruded from the epithelium in a manner reminiscent of
145 s within 6 hours, and all damaged cells were extruded from the epithelium.
146 n which the mismatched or unpaired bases are extruded from the helix and replaced in the base stack b
147 n which the damaged base and its partner are extruded from the helix.
148                         Once origin ssDNA is extruded from the Mcm2-7 ring and CDK phosphorylates Sld
149         We show that Notch mutant clones are extruded from the neuroepithelium and undergo premature
150                 The first polar body (PB) is extruded from the oocyte before fertilization and can be
151 y normal neighbors and as a result are often extruded from the tissue [1-6].
152 -O cleavage, to form water products that are extruded from the TNC upon full reduction, thereby defin
153 pecific segments of nascent chains are fully extruded from the tunnel.
154 ay for capturing and identifying transcripts extruded from transcriptionally active viral particles.
155                          A conserved adenine extrudes from the binding pocket and intercalates into t
156 rather, it can occur in stem-loop structures extruding from double-stranded DNA and therefore could,
157                                      Pockets extruding from either side of the microchannels volumetr
158                   Beads were manufactured by extruding gel forming solutions containing varying conce
159              Here we present a technique for extruding gel-like LCP with embedded membrane protein mi
160 h dual C-H and N-H activation, thus formally extruding "H2" as a by-product.
161                 Specific binding between the extruded hairpin and a distal beta-sheet, in an intermol
162  the DNA is relaxed can RuvAB bind to a RecG-extruded Holliday junction.
163 complished easily with thermoplastics as the extruded hot melt solidifies rapidly during the printing
164 er which ~70% of the Traps' total volume was extruded in more massive and more episodic eruptions.
165 r than the nozzle diameter by stretching the extruded ink, and print various thickened or curved patt
166 uggest that the non-template strand bulge is extruded into solvent in complexes containing a 5-mer RN
167 rface of high-eIF4E cells, rather than being extruded into the extracellular space.
168 nuclear DNA and associated histones that are extruded into the extracellular space.
169        Intracellular sodium is then actively extruded into the interstitial space by the Na(+),K(+)-A
170  via epithelial Na(+) channels (ENaC) and is extruded into the interstitium by Na,K-ATPase.
171                      The complementary dC is extruded into the major groove.
172 and in preeclampsia, a significant amount is extruded into the maternal circulation via placental exr
173 cadmium resistance in yeast S. cerevisiae by extruding intracellular cadmium.
174 ake up Ca2+ via the Ca2+ uniporter (MCU) and extrude it through the mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchanger
175 ic conditions convert glucose to lactate and extrude it, whereas aerobic cancer cells take up lactate
176 ic conditions convert glucose to lactate and extrude it, whereas aerobic cancer cells take up lactate
177 eeling it through the transcription site and extruding it to form a surrounding domain of recently tr
178 asm, whereas in dense regions in which cells extrude, it forms large cytoplasmic aggregates.
179   Like the EAAT1(P>R) mutation, the chloride-extruding K(+)-Cl(-) cotransporter KccB also caused astr
180 od of shifted E(GABA), expression of the Cl- extruding K+/Cl- cotransporter, KCC2 was decreased.
181 at adult neurons from Caenorhabditis elegans extrude large (approximately 4 mum) membrane-surrounded
182                                              Extruded lavas contributed to the formation of enigmatic
183                                              Extruded lentil flour had higher scores (63.01 red, 57.0
184          The Protein Efficiency Ratio of the extruded lentil flours (1.30 red, 1.34 green) was higher
185 iet and another receiving a diet enriched in extruded linseed, rich in linolenic acid.
186    From a clinical perspective, P-gp rapidly extrudes lipophilic therapeutic agents, which then fail
187 to maintain constant cell numbers, epithelia extrude live cells, which later die by anoikis.
188 nd oppositely directed motile elements which extrude loops from the double helix along which they tra
189                                          The extruded maize in a plain formulation showed a 35% lutei
190 rticular, ABCB1 [MDR1/P-glycoprotein (P-gp)] extrudes many types of drugs from cancer cells, thereby
191 w phase separation on the surface of spheres extrudes material in the process called "budding".
192  by inducing viscous thread instability when extruding material.
193 orption was significantly higher from CA/TSC-extruded meals (3.2%) than from No CA/TSC (1.7%) and CA/
194 ght adaptation, suggesting additional Ca(2+)-extruding mechanisms exist in these cells.
195 ndicating the existence of additional Ca(2+)-extruding mechanisms in mammalian cones.
196 ionine pairs and clusters, are essential for extruding metal ions out of the cell.
197 ins (as-drawn pure Mg, as-cast Mg-Zn-Mn, and extruded Mg-Zn-Mn) in a bioreactor applying cyclical loa
198                                 Rather, they extrude mitochondrial components, including DNA (mtDNA),
199 d a Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger that subsequently extrudes mitochondrial Ca(2+).
200  called polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs), extrude molecular lattices of decondensed chromatin stud
201 triple bond]CH(t)Bu(OTf) (1) and LiCH2(t)Bu, extrudes neopentane in neat benzene under mild condition
202 and SIS propagation dynamics on a temporally-extruded network of observed interactions and measure th
203 f neutrophils to capture exogenous material, extrude neutrophil extracellular traps, and kill bacteri
204 cies that can be characterized and, in turn, extrude NH3.
205 ctural detail regarding the interrogation of extruded normal DNA bases by MutM.
206 ation barrier, with high lamin-A:B producing extruded nuclear shapes after migration.
207 eation, membrane proteins distribute between extruded nuclei and reticulocytes.
208 sient population of primitive 'pyrenocytes' (extruded nuclei) in the fetal bloodstream indicates that
209 endocytic vesicles in the region between the extruding nucleus and nascent reticulocyte are critical
210 of vacuoles in the cytoplasm proximal to the extruding nucleus.
211 ted onto the plasma membrane surrounding the extruding nucleus.
212                        The system is able to extrude one-third of these molecules to lead to [Fe(bpp)
213 orms a paint that can be sprayed, dipped, or extruded onto both hard and soft materials to create a s
214            During DIW, viscoelastic inks are extruded out of a 3D printer's nozzle as printed fibers,
215 f 1-arseno-3-phosphoglycerate, which is then extruded out of the cell by ArsJ.
216 action experiment show that 43-71% of the As extruded out of the fronds of PV grown in 0.67, 3.3 and
217 ells laden with these cytosolic bacteria are extruded out of the monolayer, releasing invasion-primed
218 ch low-viscosity material in the lower crust extrudes outward from the Tibetan plateau and inflates t
219        Although the interactions between the extruded oxoG and the active site of MutM have been well
220                                   Resting of extruded pasta at 35 degrees C significantly increased %
221 sembled by a complex biogenesis machine that extrudes pili through an outer membrane (OM) pore formed
222 riented fragile herapathite microcrystals in extruded polymers, a process that produced the first lar
223 tting of expanded polystyrene foam (EPS) and extruded polystyrene foam (XPS).
224 he small multidrug transporters superfamily, extrudes positively charged hydrophobic compounds out of
225  APC or expressing an oncogenic APC mutation extrude predominantly basally in cultured monolayers and
226 ithout affecting the properties of the final extruded product.
227                      Raw mixtures as well as extruded products obtained were analysed in order to det
228  their combinations on quality parameters of extruded products were investigated by substituting whea
229 5) effect on IAUC between reference food and extruded products, GI and GL.
230                               Initially, the extruded promoter is tethered close to the factory and s
231 astrocytes expressed a lower level of the Cu-extruding protein Atp7a than did C6 cells, and depletion
232 each with different vascularization and acid-extruding protein carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX) expressio
233 previously unknown role for VGLUT as an acid-extruding protein when deposited in the plasmamembrane d
234 amate transporter but also serves as an acid-extruding protein when deposited on the plasmamembrane.
235 ne HCO3- or H+ transport via the native acid-extruding proteins, Na+ -HCO3- cotransport (NBC) and Na+
236       The Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHX-7 (PBO-4) extrudes protons across the basolateral membrane and is
237 d, we found that high levels of autophagy in extruding Ras(V12) cells leads to S1P degradation.
238              Compared with corresponding non-extruded (raw) bean powders (particle size0.5mm), the ex
239 oliferate in response to CpG DNA and fail to extrude rhodamine.
240 ron absorption in humans from FePP-fortified extruded rice grains.
241 physical proximity of FePP and CA/TSC in the extruded rice matrix.
242 lity and dialyzability were higher in CA/TSC-extruded rice than in rice with No CA/TSC and CA/TSC sol
243 d with higher amounts of added CA and TSC in extruded rice.
244 ow concentrations of phenol at 65 degrees C, extruded RNA as distinctive 'pigtails' in a synchronous
245 ic cell death, a host defense mechanism that extrudes S. Typhimurium-infected cells from the polarize
246  crystallinity and digestion in vitro of the extruded samples were analyzed through response surface
247 enolics were decreased compared to the other extruded samples.
248 fected the physicochemical properties of the extruded samples.
249                                              Extruded scale samples had a 2-3 times higher protein ex
250 er protein extraction yield than that of non-extruded scale samples.
251 rowth was similarly independent of the pilin-extruding secretin formed by PilQ and of the hydrophobic
252 ce is the NorA efflux pump, which is able to extrude selected antibacterial drugs and biocides from t
253 al folding, the nascent polypeptide chain is extruded sequentially from the ribosome exit tunnel and
254     Enzymatically treated flours (native and extruded) showed higher hydrolysis rates at the early hy
255  through its central channel while laterally extruding single-stranded DNA.
256  glide slowly away from the parent colony by extruding slime out of nozzles.
257                Incorporating bean flour into extruded snacks can negatively affect physical attribute
258 ment of nutritionally poor products, as some extruded snacks.
259     Our recent report suggests that the acid-extruding sodium/bicarbonate transporter NBCn1 (Slc4a7)
260 A in an inactive conformation with U-1 in an extruded state that is incompatible with an in-line atta
261 tinct DNA conformations, including the final extruded state.
262 sma membrane and outer membrane and actively extrudes substrates, including macrolide antibiotics, vi
263 lfur heterocycles (thiepines), some of which extrude sulfur and give the ring-contracted hydrocarbon
264 o improve vegetable oil extraction yields of extruded sunflower meal.
265 ole of the three isoforms of the main Ca(2+)-extruding system, the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX), in N
266 epithelia become too crowded, some cells are extruded that later die.
267 transporters such as Na(+)/H(+) exchange, to extrude the acid from the cell.
268 n located in the plasma membrane, where they extrude the growing hyaluronan (HA) directly into cell s
269  cells express Hv1 as a primary mechanism to extrude the increased amount of protons generated metabo
270 olites, multidrug-resistance proteins (MRPs) extrude the second-messenger cAMP from various cells.
271  a protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) member, extrudes the Py VP1 C-terminal arm to initiate ER membra
272 mulations, show for the first time that FabA extrudes the sequestered acyl chain from the ACP binding
273 lase known to catalyze base excision without extruding the damaged nucleotide from the DNA helix.
274 te that natural spinning is achieved, not by extruding the feedstock, but by the pulling of nascent s
275 ergy stored in negatively supercoiled DNA by extruding the repeat as a cruciform.
276 superficial epithelium where they docked and extruded their granules.
277 st the toxic effects of drugs by efficiently extruding them.
278 , given that the axolemmal Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase extrudes these ions into the periaxonal space beneath th
279 hin the Alphaproteobacteria, several species extrude thin cellular appendages known as stalks, which
280                       Green banana flour was extruded through a co-rotating twin-screw extruder with
281 , displays rapid chain relaxation, is easily extruded through narrow-gauge needles, biodegrades into
282 DNA-based structures containing histones are extruded to ensnare and kill bacteria.
283 ier and absorptive functions, are not merely extruded to maintain homeostatic cell numbers, but are a
284 gger apoptosis in epithelia, dying cells are extruded to preserve a functional barrier.
285 he "tumor coldspot" nTSG-deficient cells are extruded toward the basal side and undergo apoptosis.
286  from Halobacter salinarum that dimerizes to extrude toxicants.
287 a model in which each channel specializes in extruding transcripts of a specific segment that in turn
288 ete proteins, toxins, or filamentous phages; extrude type IV pili (T4P); or take up DNA.
289               WPC (0.64-7.36g/100g rice) was extruded under 5 moisture (16.64-23.36g/100g) and 5 temp
290 lour (0%, 15%, 30%, and 45% bean flour) were extruded under 5 moisture conditions (17.2%, 18.1%, 18.3
291                    The raw bean powders were extruded under eight different conditions, and the extru
292 ng factor (CTCF) and cohesin act together to extrude unknotted loops during interphase.
293 plets of cell-containing liquid alginate are extruded, using an electrostatic generator, through a ne
294 could be quantified; the results showed that extruded vesicles exhibit a distribution of size, lamell
295 nteractions that are strengthened by protons extruded via NHE1.
296               Because live cells can also be extruded, we predict that this S1P pathway may also be i
297  to vary functional properties of native and extruded wheat flours combining cyclodextrin glucanotran
298 dration, and colour properties of native and extruded wheat flours was investigated.
299  km along strike, 360-400 km(3) of basalt is extruded, while 540-600 km(3) is intruded into the conti
300 oavailability nearly doubled when CA/TSC was extruded with FePP into fortified rice, resulting in iro

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