


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 not affected in isolated retina or in intact eyecup.
2 wing when the sclera was indented by a large eyecup.
3 redominant expression of HFE mRNA in the RPE-eyecup.
4 ion of HFE mRNA in neural retina and the RPE-eyecup.
5 a, with the disc included in one half of the eyecup.
6 ) parasites replaced vitreous in a posterior eyecup.
7 clusively in detached retinal regions of the eyecup.
8 tic fissure, and impairment of growth of the eyecup.
9 layers was similar to that observed in human eyecups.
10  created in in vitro preparations of porcine eyecups.
11 vident throughout the apical RPE of WT mouse eyecups.
12 ched retina-retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) eyecups.
13 lied in combination with NGF to dark-adapted eyecups.
14           Serum-free medium was added to RPE eyecups (a healthy monolayer of RPE resting on choroid a
15 detachment with a hole was created in bovine eyecups after the vitreous gel was removed.
16 ghly expressed survival factor in both mouse eyecup and cultured mRPE cells, whereas Bax was the most
17 ed BALB/c lymphocytes were placed in the RPE eyecup and incubated for 4 hours.
18 uppy and tiger salamander retinas using both eyecup and retinal slice preparations.
19            The RDH10 protein levels in mouse eyecups and bovine tissues were examined by Western blot
20 oid levels in flat-mounted human retinas and eyecups and in experimental animal eyes.
21 cells from 10 donors, native hRPE, and mouse eyecups and native mRPE cells were evaluated by real-tim
22 o, melatonin levels were firstly measured in eyecups and plasma to determine circadian patterns of me
23 ular endothelial growth factor in Vldlr(-/-) eyecups and was blocked by a neutralizing antibody again
24 rom flatmounted, isolated retina, superfused eyecup, and living retinal slice preparations of the lar
25     Serum-free medium was added to these RPE eyecups, and, after various time intervals, supernatants
26  during indentation by a cotton bud or small eyecup but angle narrowing when the sclera was indented
27 egulated LRAT expression and activity in the eyecup, but Rpe65(-)/(-) mice showed unchanged LRAT expr
28 was significantly up-regulated in Vldlr(-/-) eyecups compared with that in wild-type mice.
29                       The inner layer of the eyecups contained photoreceptor precursor cells that exp
30 ion was assessed by in situ hybridization on eyecup cryosections and real-time PCR.
31                                     RPE-rich eyecup cultures from AdipoR1(-/-) reveal impaired DHA up
32 roM) on rod photoreceptors in Xenopus laevis eyecup cultures.
33 th photoreceptor traits could arise from the eyecup derived from transgenic mice.
34 otton bud, indentation with a small or large eyecup during ultrasound biomicroscopy, indentation with
35                                              Eyecup examination showed no differences.
36 e cells was detected in "sclera+choroid+RPE" eyecup explants derived from adult animals.
37                             The external and eyecup features and light and electron microscopic findi
38 pigment regeneration in isolated retinas and eyecups from control and IRBP-deficient mice.
39                                              Eyecups from rhesus monkeys were dissected with circular
40                                Subsequently, eyecups from these mice were exposed to human serum, and
41 noid profiles were analyzed by HPLC in mouse eyecup homogenates.
42 ohydrolase activity was measured in vitro in eyecup homogenates.
43 lly, blocking melanin synthesis in pigmented eyecups in culture leads to an increase in RGC different
44  Flash illumination of excised mouse eyes or eyecups, in which regeneration of rhodopsin does not occ
45        The RPE65 knockout (Rpe65(-/-)) mouse eyecup lacks the isomerase activity, but LRAT activity r
46 defect is associated with greatly diminished eyecup levels of retinaldehyde and is reversible if the
47 ocytes, were differentiated into multi-layer eyecup-like structures with features of human retinal pr
48        Wholemounts of Carnoy-fixed posterior eyecups, minus lens and neural retina, were stained immu
49 donor was coapplied with HAL to dark-adapted eyecups, normal light-adaptive cone PMMs and HC spinules
50 % the LB content of RPE cell cultures and of eyecups obtained from Abca4-Rdh8 double knock-out (DKO)
51 ated robust isomerohydrolase activity in the eyecup of Rpe65-/- mice, at levels comparable to those i
52 ine cells in the isolated, superfused retina-eyecup of the rabbit.
53                                           In eyecups of Abcr(-/-) mice, a model of recessive Stargard
54 PE65 all had higher expression levels in the eyecups of BALB/c than in C57Bl/6 mice.
55 G protein adducts were elevated in posterior eyecups of mutant mice, whereas carbonylation of an RPE-
56 nal inflammation and vascular leakage in the eyecups of very low-density lipoprotein receptor knockou
57 cid from the isolated rat retina and from an eyecup preparation in anesthetized rabbits was measured
58 tained from neurons in the superfused retina-eyecup preparation of the rabbit under dark-adapted cond
59 rical activity of neighboring neurons in the eyecup preparation of the rat.
60 -array recordings from ipRGCs in a novel rat eyecup preparation that enhances the regeneration of rod
61 urs after retinal detachment in a salamander eyecup preparation.
62  these elements include axonal microtubules, eyecup preparations of the toad Bufo marinus were treate
63                              In dark-adapted eyecup preparations picrotoxin caused a slow enhancement
64                                       RPE in eyecup preparations was relatively resistant in vitro to
65 ed in freshly isolated neural retina and RPE/eyecup, primary mouse Muller cells, and rMC-1 cells for
66 -retinal formation; constant illumination of eyecups produced a block in the cycle after all-trans-re
67                              Ground squirrel eyecups produced lactate at a high rate and exhibited no
68      The proposed modification of the rabbit eyecup retains the normal neurovascular connections and
69 ated in both laser-induced CNV rat and mouse eyecups, suggesting activation of the Wnt pathway.
70            CD59a levels were higher in mouse eyecups than in nonocular tissues.
71                                     In other eyecups the reflectance of the RNFL at 440 nm was measur
72              When bath-applied to the retina-eyecup, these dyes were avidly sequestered by the presyn
73                                In Myo7a-null eyecups, these fluorophores had a more restricted distri
74                                       In the eyecup, TLI was measured in on-off ganglion cells as the
75 Neural retina was removed by exposure of the eyecup to isotonic buffer and wherever required, the ret
76 ated by aerobically exposing the naive, open eyecups to a radical generator, 2,2'azobis(2-amidinoprop
77                           An in vivo, rabbit eyecup was preloaded with [(3)H]-choline, and the [(3)H]
78      Explant culture of "sclera+choroid+RPE" eyecup was used to examine whether cells with photorecep
79           Endogenous retinoid profile in the eyecups was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromato
80                         The RPE layer of the eyecups was assessed by confocal microscopy for viabilit
81 l and phosphatidylethanolamine, and in mouse eyecups we observed an age-related accumulation.
82 activation and target gene expression in the eyecup were determined by Western blot analysis.
83 ter 1 week of CD55 transgene expression, the eyecups were excised, challenged with NHS, and quantifie
84  After removal of the anterior segments, the eyecups were hemisected through the macula, with the dis
85                                         Some eyecups were incubated for various times in different co
86                              Ground squirrel eyecups were incubated in medium containing (14)C-glucos
87 cytolysis by sensitized T cells, whether the eyecups were obtained from CD95-deficient or wild-type m
88 d for 1, 3, 7, or 28 days, at which time the eyecups were placed in fixative for immunocytochemical a
89                                    Posterior eyecups were prepared by excising the anterior segment,
90                  Porcine eyes were used, and eyecups were prepared under an operating microscope.
91                                          RPE eyecups were produced from mouse eyes by removing the an
92 ation of the apical face of fresh bovine RPE eyecups with 100 mum NMDA increased ATP levels more than
93                        Stimulation of turtle eyecups with each of these natriuretic peptides increase

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