


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n (small or large size x no, small, or large eyespots).
2 by means of a light-sensitive organelle, the eyespot.
3 zation of a rhodopsin from the Chlamydomonas eyespot.
4 t primary receptor for phototaxis within the eyespot.
5 o an area of the chloroplast envelope in the eyespot.
6 s of pigmented scales that compose the adult eyespot.
7      eye2 and eye3 mutants have no pigmented eyespots.
8     min1 mutants have smaller than wild-type eyespots.
9 ey are eyeless or have very small, misplaced eyespots.
10             mlt1(ptx4) mutants have multiple eyespots.
11 c for the genetic regulatory architecture of eyespots.
12 connectome of the visual eyes and the larval eyespots.
13 opment, and evolution of nymphalid butterfly eyespots.
14 s have conspicuous eye-like markings, called eyespots.
15 ts than those without eyespots or with small eyespots.
16 l and proximal systems, but had no effect on eyespots.
17 nd systems and reduction and repatterning of eyespots.
18 the positioning and assembly of a functional eyespot, a large collection of nonphototactic mutants wa
19 own as symmetry systems and acquired a novel eyespot activator role specific to Vanessa forewings.
20 lobuli proteome resembles the C. reinhardtii eyespot and Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) plastoglo
21 ll), is an early event in the development of eyespot and intervein midline patterns across multiple s
22 the evolutionary and developmental origin of eyespots and their ancestral deployment on the wing, the
23 lysis of hawkmoth caterpillars, we show that eyespots are associated with large body size.
24      Taken together, these data suggest that eyespots are effective deterrents only when both prey an
25 effective deterrents only when both prey and eyespots are large, and that innate aversion toward eyes
26 ection to evolve such defenses; and/or (iii) eyespots are more effective on large-bodied prey.
27 provide a beginning for the understanding of eyespot assembly and localization in the cell.
28 cysteines demonstrated that EYE2 function in eyespot assembly is redox independent, similar to the au
29 ING PLASTID PROTEIN1, synaptotagmin, and the eyespot assembly proteins EYE3 and SOUL3.
30                        We propose a model of eyespot assembly wherein rootlet and photoreceptor direc
31 ssion of Ubx on the pupal wing activated the eyespot-associated genes spalt and Distal-less, known to
32 rthermore, prior to eyespot determination in eyespot-bearing butterflies, N and Dll are transiently e
33                     The mutant strain has no eyespot by light microscopy and has no organized caroten
34 the presence, absence and shape of butterfly eyespots can be controlled by the activity of two co-opt
35  non-characteristic domain - in the hindwing eyespot centers.
36 oldeneye affects an early regulatory step in eyespot color patterning.
37 patial domains that correlate with divergent eyespot color schemes.
38 entral focus that will specify the butterfly eyespot colour pattern.
39                                    Butterfly eyespot colour patterns are a key example of how a novel
40 re sufficient to reduce or completely delete eyespot colour patterns, thus demonstrating a positive r
41 ough developmental shifts along a midline-to-eyespot continuum.
42 tricted to the D4 rootlet, and more anterior eyespots correlated with shorter acetylated microtubule
43                                              Eyespot darkening functions as a social signal limiting
44 t was particularly marked in small prey, and eyespots decreased mortality of large prey in some micro
45    In a prior screen for mutant strains with eyespot defects, the EYE2 locus was defined by the singl
46                        Furthermore, prior to eyespot determination in eyespot-bearing butterflies, N
47 elopment in Heliconius is different from the eyespot determination of other butterflies.
48  upregulation as the earliest known event in eyespot determination, demonstrate gene expression assoc
49  a positive regulatory role for this gene in eyespot determination.
50 tion factors that are expressed during early eyespot determination.
51 m, and the identification of genes affecting eyespot development and black pigmentation.
52  of old and more recently proposed models of eyespot development and propose a schematic for the gene
53  or even whether, co-opted genes function in eyespot development.
54 ustrating a repressive role for this gene in eyespot development.
55  wheat), Oculimacula yallundae/O. acuformis (eyespot disease of winter cereals), and Leptosphaeria ma
56  signaling have facilitated the evolution of eyespot diversity.
57 tterns occur in a range of shapes, including eyespots, ellipses, and midlines, and were proposed to h
58                                   Hiding the eyespot evoked significantly increased aggressive activi
59  same transcription factors are expressed in eyespot fields, but in different relative spatial domain
60 rganizers (foci) at the center of developing eyespot fields.
61                                              Eyespots form through the activity of inductive organize
62 gest that Ubx has been co-opted into a novel eyespot gene regulatory network, and that it is capable
63                              In butterflies, eyespots have evolved as new pattern elements that devel
64 marked (black) were compared with those with eyespots hidden (painted green).
65 ult in an increase in the size and number of eyespots, illustrating a repressive role for this gene i
66 nd large caterpillar models with and without eyespots in a 2 x 2 factorial design to avian predators
67 te recent work demonstrating the efficacy of eyespots in deterring predator attack, a fundamental que
68 pots in small caterpillars and selection for eyespots in large caterpillars (at least in some microha
69         We conclude that the distribution of eyespots in nature likely results from selection against
70 nature likely results from selection against eyespots in small caterpillars and selection for eyespot
71                                     Overall, eyespots increased prey mortality, but the effect was pa
72 report that artificially hiding or darkening eyespots influences central dopaminergic activity, socia
73 n stimulus (darkening of postorbital skin or eyespots) inhibits aggressive response from opponents, i
74                                          The eyespot is a specialized structure for sensing light, wh
75       Relative to the anterior flagella, the eyespot is asymmetrically positioned adjacent to the dau
76                                          The eyespot is composed of photoreceptor and Ca(++)-channel
77 s are large, and that innate aversion toward eyespots is conditional.
78 hesize that betaC-plastoglobuli evolved from eyespot lipid droplets.
79           Predators attacked small prey with eyespots more quickly, but were more wary of large cater
80  Dll expression is demonstrated in a loss-of-eyespot mutant in which N and Dll expression is reduced
81 d homeotic direction, but neither additional eyespots nor wing shape changes were observed in forewin
82 s: Given their protective benefits, why have eyespots not evolved in more caterpillars?
83 ral deployment on the wing, the evolution of eyespot number and eyespot sexual dimorphism, and the id
84 r Tccn gene products also lack the pigmented eyespots observed in wild-type larvae.
85                                          The eyespot of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a light-sensitiv
86                                          The eyespot of the biflagellate unicellular green alga Chlam
87 elective cation channel that is found in the eyespot of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas rein
88                                          The eyespot of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas rein
89                         The recently derived eyespots on butterfly wings vary extensively in number a
90 ate a superabundance of one particular false eyespot or face pattern, thereby increasing the likeliho
91 llars with large eyespots than those without eyespots or with small eyespots.
92       All males that viewed an opponent with eyespots painted black became subordinate and exhibited
93 ast, males that viewed opponents with hidden eyespots (painted green) became dominant and had increas
94 brain regions was lower in males with hidden eyespots (painted green).
95  to and truncation of a conserved midline-to-eyespot pattern formation sequence.
96 l amygdala, or hypothalamus, when males with eyespots permanently marked (black) were compared with t
97                       A relationship between eyespot phenotype and N and Dll expression is demonstrat
98 etail the relationship between the rhodopsin eyespot photoreceptor Channelrhodopsin 1 (ChR1) and acet
99                                          The eyespot pigment granule array is required for maintenanc
100 ved in the formation and organization of the eyespot pigment granule arrays.
101 tein to the external surface of the zoospore eyespot positioned close to the base of the swimming fla
102 he wing, the evolution of eyespot number and eyespot sexual dimorphism, and the identification of gen
103 h N and Dll expression is reduced at missing eyespot sites.
104 sing domains (LOV1+LOV2) alone also affected eyespot size and phototaxis, suggesting that aside from
105            Larval heat-shocks led to reduced eyespot size in the expected homeotic direction, but nei
106                          Here, we found that eyespot size is strain specific and downregulated in lig
107 s recombination, the light regulation of the eyespot size was affected.
108  the phototropin kinase fragment reduced the eyespot size, independent of light.
109 ional phenotype; the basal body opposite the eyespot templates the single flagellum.
110 e more wary of large caterpillars with large eyespots than those without eyespots or with small eyesp
111                    Skelhorn et al. introduce eyespots the circular markings resembling vertebrate eye
112  and medial amygdala of animals in which the eyespots were masked by green paint.
113 egulator of phototaxis that desensitizes the eyespot when blue light intensities increase.
114                                          The eyespot, which assembles de novo after every cell divisi

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