コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 for central post-stroke pain and neuropathic facial pain.
2 ilepsy and control subjects with intractable facial pain.
3 with 5 days of upper respiratory illness and facial pain.
4 h trigeminal stimulation triggers paroxysmal facial pain, affects defensive peripersonal space (DPPS)
5 ght-sided perimandibular swelling, recurrent facial pain and exposed necrotic bone after previous ext
7 d with CRS cases who reported smell loss and facial pain and/or pressure and had the weakest associat
8 /pressure; smell loss without pain/pressure; facial pain and/or pressure without smell loss; and both
10 ression, but the rates of burning and aching facial pain, as reported on the last follow-up questionn
11 nts, who were referred to a university-based facial pain clinic, were asked to mark all painful sites
12 ostulated that the most commonly undiagnosed facial pain conditions include neuropathic and myofascia
14 , high fever and purulent nasal discharge or facial pain lasting for at least 3 consecutive days, or
15 9 degrees C) and purulent nasal discharge or facial pain lasting for at least 3 consecutive days, or
17 that among a great percentage of persistent facial pain patients the pain distribution is more wides
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