


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 sal of this process results in reassembly of facultative heterochromatin.
2 ociated with silenced developmental genes at facultative heterochromatin.
3 ethyltransferase complexes to form localized facultative heterochromatin.
4 r in mediating a switch from constitutive to facultative heterochromatin.
5 iptional repression through the spreading of facultative heterochromatin.
6  X chromosomes packaged into euchromatin and facultative heterochromatin.
7  HP1 is important for normal localization of facultative heterochromatin.
8 nt functions in maintaining the stability of facultative heterochromatin.
9 rate histone H2A variant that is enriched on facultative heterochromatin.
10 ve X chromosome (Xi) to mediate formation of facultative heterochromatin.
11 ructures, in the regulation and formation of facultative heterochromatin.
12 modifications that have been associated with facultative heterochromatin.
13 s 20 methylation, a mark of constitutive and facultative heterochromatin.
14 ted at Lys9 is also a distinguishing mark of facultative heterochromatin.
15 de' involved in establishing and maintaining facultative heterochromatin.
16 n linked to the formation and maintenance of facultative heterochromatin, although the underlying mec
17            We explore the connection between facultative heterochromatin and replication control and
18                         Cbx7 associates with facultative heterochromatin and, more specifically, is e
19 d X chromosome inactivation in female cells (facultative heterochromatin), and the stable shutdown of
20 e underlying the resolution and formation of facultative heterochromatin, and they demonstrate that B
21         Cellular long, noncoding RNAs induce facultative heterochromatin, and this study shows that t
22 proteins, but the chromatin modifications of facultative heterochromatin are less clear.
23 ltransferase G9a directly interact to induce facultative heterochromatin assembly and regulate epigen
24 on (H3K9me2), a modification associated with facultative heterochromatin assembly and the resulting t
25 ese analyses reveal the role of Shelterin in facultative heterochromatin assembly at late origins, wh
26 lex (EMC), to promote meiotic mRNA decay and facultative heterochromatin assembly.
27 l1-Red1 core and the exosome are involved in facultative heterochromatin assembly; however, the exact
28                                 Formation of facultative heterochromatin at specific genomic loci is
29 ing the appearance of specialized domains of facultative heterochromatin called senescence-associated
30 escence is often characterized by domains of facultative heterochromatin, called senescence-associate
31 escence is often characterized by domains of facultative heterochromatin, called senescence-associate
32 cent cells accumulate specialized domains of facultative heterochromatin, called Senescence-Associate
33                       Specialized domains of facultative heterochromatin, called senescence-associate
34 3 lysine 9 trimethylation (H3K9Me3), whereas facultative heterochromatin displays DNA hypomethylation
35                          Reversibly silenced facultative heterochromatin domains are often enriched f
36 matin block and by the presence of prominent facultative heterochromatin domains that are localized a
37  by preventing transcriptional activation of facultative heterochromatin during differentiation.
38 tions, with H3K27me3, which is indicative of facultative heterochromatin, exhibiting the highest enri
39 rd "facultas" literally means "opportunity." Facultative heterochromatin (fHC) then designates genomi
40 ovo cytosine methylation events required for facultative heterochromatin formation and higher-order h
41 nation, to promote premature termination and facultative heterochromatin formation at meiotic genes.
42  gene expression and found that RelB induces facultative heterochromatin formation by directly intera
43 ers, that serve to demarcate the boundary of facultative heterochromatin formation.
44 le for chromatin modulations associated with facultative heterochromatin formation.
45 stemic inflammatory (SSI), the generation of facultative heterochromatin from euchromatin reversibly
46          Hence, CTCF is required to insulate facultative heterochromatin from impinging euchromatin t
47 erochromatin and stably active, euchromatin, facultative heterochromatin has the capacity to alternat
48 omosome (Xi), the most extensive instance of facultative heterochromatin in mammals, replicates later
49 n is developmentally up-regulated to promote facultative heterochromatin in mature rod photoreceptors
50  3, modifications that are characteristic of facultative heterochromatin in plants, increase at FLC c
51 barley whereby intergenic H3K27me3 specifies facultative heterochromatin in the telomere-proximal reg
52 e there are different mechanisms for forming facultative heterochromatin in vertebrates.
53  27 on histone H3 (H3K27me) marks repressed "facultative heterochromatin," including developmentally
54                           The arrangement of facultative heterochromatin into spatially and temporall
55                                              Facultative heterochromatin is a cytological manifestati
56                  Therefore, the formation of facultative heterochromatin is dependent on factors that
57 ression via dicer-independent siRNA-mediated facultative heterochromatin is largely independent of, a
58                                              Facultative heterochromatin is of particular interest, b
59                The most extensive example of facultative heterochromatin is the mammalian inactive X
60 thylated on lysine 27 (H3K27me3), a mark for facultative heterochromatin, is lost on the inactive X c
61                            Here, we describe facultative heterochromatin islands in fission yeast and
62                    Previously, we identified facultative heterochromatin islands in the fission yeast
63 s in the distribution of H3K27me; regions of facultative heterochromatin lost H3K27me3, while regions
64  and a site associated with the formation of facultative heterochromatin, lysine 27 (H3K27).
65  clusters in F. fujikuroi are located within facultative heterochromatin marked by trimethylated lysi
66  the LAT region showed reduced levels of the facultative heterochromatin marker (H3K27me3) along with
67 xamined histone modifications and HP1 in the facultative heterochromatin of nucleated erythrocytes an
68      Here we report that, as observed in the facultative heterochromatin of the inactive X chromosome
69 modifications that normally characterize the facultative heterochromatin of the inactive X-chromosome
70  the other one localized to the more plastic facultative heterochromatin, or next to it.
71  often near centromeres and telomeres, where facultative heterochromatin plays a role in transcriptio
72 scriptional interference and the blocking of facultative heterochromatin propagation by transcription
73                                              Facultative heterochromatin regulates gene expression, b
74 utive heterochromatin segment and a 16.17-kb facultative heterochromatin segment that form part of th
75 We reported that gene-selective formation of facultative heterochromatin silences transcription of ac
76                                              Facultative heterochromatin silencing at frq functions i
77 ker histone plays a role in establishing the facultative heterochromatin territory and architecture i
78                                              Facultative heterochromatin that changes during cellular
79 g in the formation of extraordinarily stable facultative heterochromatin that is faithfully propagate
80 ion of a viral noncoding RNA can also induce facultative heterochromatin to promote lytic gene silenc

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