


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rvolemia are associated with postural simple faint.
2 y mediated syncope, especially the vasovagal faint.
3 d 84.2% for FAcontra and 86.7% and 66.8% for FAint.
4  gear at the diving shop near the harbor, he fainted.
5 ilure to do so can lead to dizziness or even fainting.
6 , 0.22-0.36] vs 0.46 [IR, 0.38-0.57]; median FAint: 0.20 [IR, 0.16-0.24] vs 0.29 [IR, 0.22-0.36], res
7 2 originates within 100 milliarcseconds of a faint 180-microJansky persistent radio source with a con
8 is was in line with moderate 11C-PBB3 versus faint 18F-AV-1451 autoradiographic labelling of these ti
9 itative four-point scale: 0, no uptake; 1 +, faint; 2 +, moderate; and 3 +, intense uptake.
10                       Although we detected a faint 85 kDa protein species using specific anti-Tag ant
11                          On either side of a faint AChE+ band, indicating the future IPL, pairs of Ch
12  However, even at the highest concentration, faint activity remained.
13               Such sub-energetic events have faint afterglows.
14 d referred for multiple episodes of postural faint and 11 healthy subjects.
15 he missing 'central' images, which should be faint and appear near the centre of the lensing galaxy,
16 xies at redshifts z > 5, because they are so faint and have few spectral characteristics.
17 rol (non-prepared) teeth showed a relatively faint and homogeneous distribution of NADPH-d and macNOS
18 reduction of such interactions could lead to fainting and falls often experienced by elderly individu
19 h, if left untreated, may cause confusion or fainting and in severe cases seizures, coma, and even de
20 ary heart disease; cause disabling symptoms, faints, and traumatic injuries; and substantially reduce
21 uronal profiles in two distinct populations: faint- and intense-immunoreactive cells in midline (vent
22  radiate to space from Earth, shining like a faint antineutrino star.
23                            These exceedingly faint (apparent red magnitude m(R) = 24.2-25.4) moons, w
24 ents, which allow humans to stand up without fainting, are mediated by integration of vestibular syst
25 ons characteristic of quasars, but which are faint at near-infrared and optical wavelengths.
26 tion, or allows some glomeruli to respond to faint aversive odors in the presence of strong appetitiv
27                                            A faint band for hBD-2 was detectable in three of eight cu
28                                         This faint band is resistant to cleavage by restriction endon
29 ed agarose gels we and others have noticed a faint band migrating near to the major fluorescent produ
30 herin-8 stained a band of about 95 kDa and a faint band of about 130 kDa in rat brain extract.
31 rotein band in platelets and HEL cells and a faint band of identical size in DAMI cells.
32 d at 1 or 7 days after infection, and a very faint band that is significantly less than DNA amplified
33 tients in eight families, whereas two showed faint bands.
34             We expect intensive follow-up of faint bursts with smooth gamma-ray light curves (common
35                             Glomeruli showed faint but consistent AE2 immunostaining, whereas proxima
36 of toxic epidermal necrolysis presented with faint but diffuse dyschromia clinically and histological
37           Pigmented TH null mice, which have faint catecholamine fluorescence in the developing gland
38                          Foveal cones showed faint CB labeling by 24 W and intense staining at 32 W.
39 imilar to those at 32 W with the addition of faint CB-immunolabeling occurring beyond the fovea in th
40 ells of deep layer III and layer V, there is faint cell body staining throughout all cortical layers,
41  lenses (Lim2(Gt/Gt)) consistently developed faint, central pulverulent cataracts.
42 s was observed in CV-1 cells, whereas only a faint chromosomal coating of Brd4 was detected in the ab
43                 However, measurements of the faint cluster outskirts have become possible only recent
44  and their inability to detect the motion of faint colors, all three subjects showed surprisingly str
45 h is far fainter than either of the (already faint) components previously identified, extending to a
46 he nanoparticles were highlighted while only faint contrast was obtained on the cellular material.
47                We conducted a survey to find faint, cool white dwarfs with large space velocities, in
48 position (3.25 nm +/- 0.12 separation), with faint cross striations and a single-layered array of 41-
49 h-guided apparent motion paradigm in which a faint cue, presented in addition to the squares, leads t
50               While p53-/- cells displayed a faint cyclin G nuclear staining pattern, there was no in
51 by immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated faint cytoplasmic staining, and 69.5% were negative for
52 subhaloes match those of recently discovered faint, dark-matter-dominated dwarf satellite galaxies, a
53  due to salt reduction were perceptible in a faint decline of water activity, which slightly favoured
54           Type I was characterized by small, faint deposits of A beta in deep cortical layers.
55 here facing the jovian magnetic equator; and faint diffuse emission extending to approximately 20 Io
56 toms (eg, tiredness, breathlessness, feeling faint, dizziness, and restless legs, especially among me
57 cal hallmarks of Parkinson's disease, showed faint DJ-1 IR, localized to the outer halo.
58 territorial disruption is the formation of a faint DNA halo surrounding the nuclear lamina and a disp
59 l pressure in 15 patients who did or did not faint during passive 70 degrees head-up tilt.
60  (n=24); S-, historical fainters who did not faint during testing (n=10); and control subjects.
61  subgrouped into S+, historical fainters who fainted during testing (n=24); S-, historical fainters w
62 e maneuvers could identify subjects prone to fainting during tilt testing.
63 ar-infrared wavelengths comes from optically faint, dusty, star-forming galaxies in the Universe with
64 es during the epoch of reionization and from faint, dwarf galaxies at intermediate redshifts.
65 to counteract the temperature effects of the faint early sun.
66 Tc values, and interpretation of a vasovagal fainting episode as an LQTS-precipitated cardiac event.
67                              Compared with a faint expression in para-carcinoma tissue, Gab2 was high
68  photons over cosmic history and may contain faint, extended components missed in galaxy point-source
69 al question of cell signaling biology is how faint external signals produce robust physiological resp
70                   Here we report persistent, faint, far-ultraviolet emission from the jovian footprin
71 aged for six months; for one donor, the very faint fingerprints could not be visualized using either
72 wed mostly intracellular distribution with a faint fluorescence toward the plasma membrane.
73 und that YFP fluorescence in CST-YFP mice is faint for clearing-based 3D imaging in comparison with f
74 ortunately, most Kuiper belt objects are too faint for meaningful compositional study, even with the
75  luminosity have recently been discovered in faint galaxies at redshifts of 0.1-4.
76  small sky area that our observations cover, faint galaxies seem to be abundant at such a young cosmi
77 ectrum is consistent with that expected from faint galaxies, a new source population on the sky is no
78 s to reveal neuron morphology and results in faint generalized staining.
79                                              Faint GFAP immunoreactivity was detected in ganglion cel
80 and processes, in contrast to the absence or faint glutamate immunoreactivity reported in these perik
81                                            A faint green glow appears concentrated on the night side
82 the presence of a broad emission line in the faint, hard states and narrow absorption lines in the br
83  In particular, we proposed algorithm detect faint HEs also as opposed to the earlier method.
84           At CT, calculi appeared as foci of faint high attenuation or as coarse calcifications in no
85 g dark and light regions, and layer 4A had a faint honeycomb.
86  and orbits, even for planetary systems with faint host stars.
87 logous metaphase chromosomes compared with a faint hybridization site in glyphosate-susceptible sampl
88           Here we report that SN 2008ha is a faint hydrogen-poor supernova.
89 duration gamma-ray bursts, because extremely faint, hydrogen-stripped core-collapse supernovae have b
90 hese antibodies demonstrated the presence of faint Id-1 and Id-2 immunostaining in pancreatic ductal
91 f myenteric and submucosal neurons, although faint immunoreactivity was occasionally observed in gang
92  contrast, normal coronary arteries had only faint immunostaining localized to the endothelial layer.
93  and the two beta subunits and gamma2 showed faint immunostaining.
94                                          The faint impact flash in visible wavelengths and thermal si
95 -IR was intense in the rod inner segment but faint in the rod outer segment.
96  approximately 10 copies of P2 per particle; faint in wild type, reflecting the lower copy number of
97 may be an important mechanism for preventing fainting in giraffe.
98 with a hyperechogenic, pigmented surface and faint internal strands suspended in the mid-vitreous cav
99              In most of the group 2 cells, a faint intracellular membrane staining was observed.
100                     We propose that postural fainting is related to excessive thoracic hypovolemia an
101 roduced TUNEL-positive fragmented nuclei and faint ladder patterns in DNA electrophoresis.
102 olution of a warning pattern is plausible if faint light emission served another function and was co-
103 th 1 of 5 particular symptoms (stomach pain, fainting, loose stools/diarrhea, palpitations, and sleep
104                                  Feedback in faint, low-mass galaxies probably facilitated the escape
105 uptake (dPET(+)) and 89 (48.4%) showed no or faint (</=liver) BM uptake (nPET(+)).
106 fferences among the filter conformations are faint (<1 A).
107 veals a centrally concentrated population of faint (Lx approximately 10(30-33) ergs per second) x-ray
108                             A broad cloud of faint material permeates the system but is not correlate
109 duced a large, yet undetected, population of faint, metal-poor, halo-lacking dwarf galaxies.
110 e distribution on the sky indicates that the faint mid-latitude sources are associated with the Gould
111 rally characterize glycosylations as well as faint modifications such as asparagine deamidation or as
112 other inflammatory myopathies, 1 patient had faint MxA staining of myofibers and 3 of capillaries.
113 were problems of balance, dizziness, feeling faint, nausea, and/or vomiting shortly after treatment.
114 ng evidence so far for a kilonova was a very faint near-infrared rebrightening in the afterglow of a
115  to the neuropil-like EAAT2, with occasional faint neuronal expression.
116 rally were very subtle and appeared as small faint nodules, overlapping normal structures, or opaciti
117 n 10 August 1995, the Hubble Space Telescope Faint Object Spectrograph detected ultraviolet fluoresce
118  Centre, which is part of a broader class of faint objects at mid-latitudes.
119 uctuated between phases of vigorous (On) and faint (Off) spiking synchronously across cortical layers
120 hem produces ejecta of low kinetic energy, a faint optical luminosity and a small mass fraction of ra
121 with extensive or progressing BM disease but faint or absent with minimal or nonprogressing BM diseas
122 ses, large semimajor axes, or those orbiting faint or active stars.
123            During perceptual decisions about faint or ambiguous sensory stimuli, even identical stimu
124 nts (82 of 246 vs 28 of 122 reported feeling faint or dizzy, P = .039).
125                                     Saturn's faint outermost ring, discovered in 2009, is probably fo
126 s Adrastea, Metis, Amalthea and Thebe, but a faint outward protrusion called the Thebe extension beha
127 or imaging at the single-molecule level, the faint particles of GFP-Myo10 are diffraction limited, ha
128                                              Faint particles of GFP-Myo5a can also move toward the fi
129 cule level in living cells wherein extremely faint particles of Myo10 move in a rapid and directed fa
130 most basic visual tasks, such as detecting a faint patch of light or determining the orientation of a
131  and blue/yellow flicker stimuli resulted in faint patch-patterns.
132 l-length native IcsA was present in multiple faint patches on the surfaces of these cells in a patter
133 ster have reduced activated kinases, whereas faint peripheral TCR microclusters efficiently generated
134                                      Imaging faint planets at smaller angles calls for reducing the s
135 er has been tuned for maximum sensitivity to faint planets near bright stars.
136 rom patients with multiple sclerosis yielded faint plasmalemmal staining on both KIR4.1-expressing an
137 ion dominates over the contribution from the faint point sources, and is shown to be associated globa
138 ne blastoid mantle cell lymphoma showed only faint pRB staining.
139  domain [frequently associated in Theileria (FAINT)] present in a large number of secreted proteins.
140 r, if other fast radio bursts have similarly faint radio and optical counterparts, our findings imply
141 d not bind to 96-well plates, resulting in a faint red color.
142                                              Fainting related to these stimuli may in large part be d
143                     The mechanisms of simple faint remain elusive.
144 curve of 0.893 for FAcontra and of 0.815 for FAint, resulting in respective sensitivity and specifici
145 inantly localized to the sarcolemma and in a faint reticular lattice within normal muscle cells.
146 er's magnetosphere form a detectable diffuse faint ring of exogenic material.
147 dense rings darken to near invisibility, but faint rings become much brighter.
148 gin of Jupiter's main ring and suggests that faint rings may accompany all small inner satellites of
149 ace Telescope reveal two small moons and two faint rings.
150  expression is nearly eliminated, although a faint RT-PCR signal is visible in spleen, lymph node, an
151 t meteors manifests as popping, hissing, and faint rustling sounds occurring simultaneously with the
152 mbryos homozygous for a null mutation in the faint sausage (fas) gene.
153  paper we focus on three adhesion molecules, faint sausage (fas), shotgun/DE-cadherin (shg/DE-Cad), a
154 b), which encodes a transcription factor, or faint sausage (fas), which encodes a cell adhesion molec
155  fingerprint lines, loose epithelium, and/or faint scars.
156 fluctuations of brain activity explain why a faint sensory stimulus is sometimes perceived and someti
157 r signals from small intestine and uterus, a faint signal from colon, and no signal from bladder tiss
158 sal interpeduncular nucleus (IPN) retained a faint signal.
159 rocessing must be sensitive enough to encode faint signals near the noise floor but selective enough
160                   Persons with uncomplicated faint, situational syncope, or orthostatic hypotension s
161 addition, detailed analysis reveals that the faint, small adhesions near the leading edge transmit st
162 ation, the cochleas of most humans emit very faint sounds below the threshold of hearing, sounds that
163  Significance statement: Our ability to hear faint sounds fluctuates together with slow brain activit
164             Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) are faint sounds generated by healthy inner ears that provid
165                                         Such faint sounds produce 0.1-nm basilar membrane displacemen
166                A cluster of approximately 20 faint sources appears north of the Galactic Centre, whic
167 se normal bright galaxies, or with optically faint sources.
168 nds of BE, dysplasia, and adenocarcinoma and faint staining in the basal layers of squamous esophagus
169  immunoreactivity at the plasma membrane and faint staining in the cytoplasm.
170 observed in 2 of 38 tumors, and 9 others had faint staining of a few nuclei ( < 1%).
171                  Immunohistochemistry showed faint staining of collagen type I in areas of trabecular
172     Immunohistochemistry for FAS showed only faint staining of native colorectal mucosa, but increase
173  occasional proliferation centers, with only faint staining of small lymphoid cells.
174                                        These faint, submillimetre galaxies are challenging to study i
175               However, since fluorescence is faint, such studies require that the sample be illuminat
176 heric ammonia necessary to resolve the early-faint-Sun paradox.
177              This discovery could link these faint supernovae to some long-duration gamma-ray bursts,
178             Normal cartilage sections showed faint surface reactivity.
179 ould be started without delay in any case of faint suspicion and should be continued until herpes sim
180                                              Faint tenascin-C immunolabeling of normal hair cells, st
181 pace telescopes aimed at the imaging of very faint terrestrial planets.
182         We become temporarily insensitive to faint test patterns that resemble the pre-exposed patter
183                    The ear detects sounds so faint that they produce only atomic-scale displacements
184 z > 5 even the most luminous galaxies appear faint; the interpretation of low signal-to-noise ratio d
185        In Crohn's disease (CD), staining was faint to absent.
186 flag low-mass stars, which are otherwise too faint to be detected.
187 observed population of old white dwarfs, too faint to be seen in previous surveys.
188 verage sound levels were low and perhaps too faint to be used as an orientation cue except very close
189 propranolol and reserpine groups showed only faint to mild (18)F-FDG uptake in BAT.
190                 Microglial-like cells showed faint to moderate staining with the ASPA antibodies thro
191 litates perception and can bring stimuli too faint to see into consciousness.
192 ases (6%) showed products but these were too faint to suggest clonal infection.
193  were described as "cooked tomato note" and "faint tomato note", respectively.
194  tactile signals facilitate the detection of faint tones, and increase auditory intensity ratings.
195 tive species, whose decay should result in a faint transient, known as a 'kilonova', in the days foll
196  consistent with non-thermal emission, and a faint (twenty-fifth magnitude) optical counterpart.
197 hat an increase in CPP protects giraffe from fainting, using a mechanical model that functioned as an
198        The following blood products produced faint VD values: washed red blood cells (wRBCs), platele
199 contra) and to that in the internal capsule (FAint) was calculated.
200                         Results FAcontra and FAint were significantly lower in regions with later tum
201 ect color changes of the cubic crystals from faint yellow to deep orange, arising from charge transfe
202                 Overall, the nonspecific and faint YFP labeling in CST-YFP mice limits their utility
203 pacity of biogenic CH4 to compensate for the faint young Sun during the "boring billion" years before
204 ority of Earth history-possibly reviving the faint young Sun paradox during Proterozoic time and chal
205 n climate models that attempt to reconcile a faint young sun with planetwide evidence of liquid water
206                            According to the 'Faint Young Sun' paradox, during the late Archaean eon a
207                  Several resolutions to this faint young Sun-frozen Earth paradox have been proposed,
208  spectral fitting is used to distinguish the faint zinc protoporphyrin fluorescence from the much gre

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