


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 t is vitally important for replication to be faithful.
2 otent stem cells and further demonstrate the faithful alignment of phenotypes in differentiated cells
3                       Preclinical studies in faithful and informative mouse models, in concert with k
4  relayed information and ensured its robust, faithful and more persistent representation.
5 se findings suggest that B35DNAP may perform faithful and processive genome replication in vivo and,
6 ilable tissue for study and by the lack of a faithful animal model.
7 umour suppressor genes and the generation of faithful animal models of human cancer.
8  of available IHCC cell lines or genetically faithful animal models.
9 mer based on the clade A BG505 sequence is a faithful antigenic and structural mimic of the native tr
10                           However, retaining faithful antigenic presentation while removing toxin vir
11              The preprophase band (PPB) is a faithful but transient predictor of the division plane i
12                                              Faithful cell cycle progression in the dimorphic bacteri
13  in turnover of several factors critical for faithful cell cycle progression.
14 r chromatids during anaphase is critical for faithful cell division.
15 n of the TF network by Cdk1 is necessary for faithful cell division.
16 nable chromosome segregation and orchestrate faithful cell division.
17                          We demonstrate that faithful CENP-A deposition requires integrated signals f
18              The fundamental requirement for faithful centromere inheritance is the controlled deposi
19  aeruginosa, both SMC and MksB contribute to faithful chromosome partitioning, with their inactivatio
20 s of Cse4 in regulating Cse4 proteolysis for faithful chromosome segregation and a role for Doa1 in u
21 sotropic and rigid form they need to undergo faithful chromosome segregation and division in a crowde
22 ells usually adopt a rounded shape to ensure faithful chromosome segregation and to promote morphogen
23 y for stalled fork recovery, contributing to faithful chromosome segregation and tumor suppression.
24 er division plane positioning is crucial for faithful chromosome segregation but also influences cell
25 aling system, the mitotic checkpoint ensures faithful chromosome segregation by delaying anaphase ons
26                                              Faithful chromosome segregation depends on the precise t
27 res to bind spindle microtubules and promote faithful chromosome segregation during cell division.
28 kage between homologs, which is critical for faithful chromosome segregation during meiosis I.
29 parental homologous chromosomes, and ensures faithful chromosome segregation during meiosis in sexual
30 n sister chromatids is fundamental to ensure faithful chromosome segregation during mitosis and accur
31                                              Faithful chromosome segregation entails long-range chrom
32                                              Faithful chromosome segregation in all eukaryotes relies
33                       The kinetochore drives faithful chromosome segregation in all eukaryotes, yet t
34 Mitotic SUMOylation has an essential role in faithful chromosome segregation in eukaryotes, although
35 s, an important safeguard mechanism ensuring faithful chromosome segregation in eukaryotic cells.
36                                              Faithful chromosome segregation in meiosis is crucial to
37                                              Faithful chromosome segregation in meiosis requires cros
38 g that Mad2 has a conserved role in ensuring faithful chromosome segregation in meiosis.
39 f Aurora B at the inner centromere to ensure faithful chromosome segregation in metazoans.
40 somal cohesin complex, is a prerequisite for faithful chromosome segregation in mitosis.
41  exerts post-fertilization control to ensure faithful chromosome segregation in the embryo.
42 iscrete structures-processes fundamental for faithful chromosome segregation into daughter cells.
43                                              Faithful chromosome segregation is accomplished by attac
44                                              Faithful chromosome segregation is required for cell and
45 ase Aurora B as a catalytic subunit, ensures faithful chromosome segregation through destabilizing in
46                                              Faithful chromosome segregation with bipolar spindle for
47 ole in many biological processes: it ensures faithful chromosome segregation, regulates gene expressi
48 n ATR pathway acts at centromeres to promote faithful chromosome segregation, revealing functions of
49                  Genome stability depends on faithful chromosome segregation, which relies on mainten
50 s to correct improper attachments and ensure faithful chromosome segregation.
51 ial to link homologous chromosomes and drive faithful chromosome segregation.
52 s Cse4 from Psh1-mediated ubiquitination for faithful chromosome segregation.
53 y, and its mechanical disruption compromised faithful chromosome segregation.
54  ensures high levels of cohesin and promotes faithful chromosome segregation.
55 rotubule depolymerase activity essential for faithful chromosome segregation.
56 to trigger DNA-repair synthesis that ensures faithful chromosome segregation.
57 l to ensure progression through anaphase and faithful chromosome segregation.
58 ers kinetochores to facilitate efficient and faithful chromosome segregation.
59 ase to ensure efficient error correction and faithful chromosome segregation.
60 ation imposed by Ipl1 kinase is critical for faithful chromosome segregation.
61 tochores to promote biorientation and ensure faithful chromosome segregation.
62 l2 links many of the processes essential for faithful chromosome segregation.
63 e4 phosphorylation and its role in promoting faithful chromosome segregation.
64 es the spindle assembly checkpoint to ensure faithful chromosome segregation.
65 le-kinetochore interface during anaphase for faithful chromosome segregation.
66 9, the establishment of heterochromatin, and faithful chromosome segregation.
67 e kinetochore complex, which is required for faithful chromosome segregation.
68 dk1 destabilizes k-MT attachments to promote faithful chromosome segregation.
69 d mitotic chromosome organization to support faithful chromosome segregation.
70 gulating removal of centromeric cohesins and faithful chromosome segregation.
71 hment of sister chromatid cohesion to ensure faithful chromosome segregation.
72 of the kinetochore and is required to ensure faithful chromosome segregation.
73 oisomerase II (TOP2) plays a pivotal role in faithful chromosome separation through its strand-passag
74 osome in maintaining centromere function and faithful chromosomes segregation.
75 on, provides a molecular memory that ensures faithful commitment to transcriptional programs during m
76 iate level of active RHOA at the midbody for faithful completion of cytokinesis and genome inheritanc
77 able quantum technologies may be achieved by faithful conversion between matter qubits and photonic q
78                                              Faithful copying of the genome is essential for life.
79 olume of interest targeted at the SN provide faithful correlates of nigral neuronal counts across a f
80                                         This faithful CRC model provides genetic evidence that Kras(m
81  themes and trends, ensuring maximal fit and faithful data representation.
82 romeres, bind spindle microtubules to ensure faithful delivery of chromosomes during cell division.
83        These trans-acting factors enable the faithful delivery of seven Sm proteins onto snRNA and th
84 be studied in native-like media to achieve a faithful description of their function.
85 transcriptional perturbations and allows for faithful detection of both baseline transcriptional prof
86 noise to the detected signal and demonstrate faithful detection of pico-second single photons.
87   Here we show that ptk7 mutant zebrafish, a faithful developmental model of IS, exhibit defects in e
88                             TCF4 served as a faithful diagnostic marker of BPDCN, and its downregulat
89 ncies in current approaches, leading to more faithful differentiation strategies as well as providing
90 odies (SPBs) in fungi, are important for the faithful distribution of chromosomes between daughter ce
91 together with the mitotic spindle ensure the faithful distribution of chromosomes between daughter ce
92                                              Faithful DNA repair is essential to maintain genome inte
93                                      HR is a faithful DNA repair pathway and has been largely charact
94 ecific activation of AID and a perversion of faithful DNA repair towards error-prone outcomes.
95 lation of RNA processing is needed to ensure faithful DNA replication and repair.
96  counteracts replication stress and promotes faithful DNA replication consists of the Fanconi anemia
97                                              Faithful DNA replication is a cornerstone of genomic int
98                                              Faithful DNA replication is essential for genome stabili
99                                              Faithful DNA replication is essential for normal cell di
100 nome stability underscores the importance of faithful DNA replication.
101 on plane positioning is essential to achieve faithful DNA segregation and to control daughter cell si
102                          B35DNAP is a highly faithful DNAP that can couple strand displacement to pro
103 ear antigen (PCNA) lies at the center of the faithful duplication of eukaryotic genomes.
104                                              Faithful duplication of the genome in S phase followed b
105             The recombinant RET2 catalyzes a faithful editing on gapped (precleaved) double-stranded
106 rgely independent facets of temporal coding: faithful entrainment of interspike intervals to the stim
107 esponsible for genome replication are highly faithful enzymes that nonetheless cannot deal with damag
108 g the Poisson-Boltzmann equation, leading to faithful estimates of the rate constants.
109  per 10(6)-10(8) incorporations) and support faithful eukaryotic genome replication.
110                                              Faithful execution of developmental programs relies on t
111                                            A faithful execution of these steps defines the ultimate p
112  these insights to inform the development of faithful experimental models to test the efficacy of new
113            Our work establishes a robust and faithful experimental system of the early events of epig
114  of eGFP-labeled hippocampal cells confirmed faithful expression of eGFP within GHSR-containing, ghre
115 ce through VELOCIGENE technology resulted in faithful expression of human CSF-1 in these mice both qu
116                                          The faithful expression of the fluorescent reporter in ProxT
117 nic and 5' knirps (kni) enhancers produces a faithful expression pattern, even though the intronic en
118 n isomorphic nucleoside analogue acting as a faithful fluorescent substitute of G, with respectable q
119 utation in the early coding region, ensuring faithful gene knockout.
120 of DNA before cell division is essential for faithful genetic inheritance.
121 s a logical framework for the development of faithful genetic models and new therapeutic approaches.
122                                              Faithful genome duplication and inheritance require the
123  that it plays an important role in securing faithful genome duplication.
124 ur understanding of the mechanisms governing faithful genome inheritance.
125                                              Faithful genome propagation requires coordination betwee
126                                              Faithful genome transmission during cell division requir
127 phorylation for proper spindle formation and faithful genomic transmission.
128                        Overall, we provide a faithful H3.3(K27M)-pHGG model which enables insights in
129 g is an essential meiotic event that ensures faithful haploidization and recombination of the genome.
130 nt studies in Drosophila cells revealed that faithful homologous recombination (HR) repair of heteroc
131 G from Escherichia coli, we demonstrate that faithful images of 2D crystalline and non-crystalline me
132 est that black-browed albatrosses are highly faithful in their foraging habitat but it is rather site
133 , detect very rare phenotypes, and construct faithful in vitro disease models.
134                   Most models focused on the faithful in vitro restoration of T cell differentiation
135 to predict residues of the RdRp required for faithful incorporation of nucleotides represents an esse
136 esults show that hemodynamic signals are not faithful indicators of the mean neural activity in the f
137 insidious because neither base in it carries faithful information to direct the repair of the other.
138  The spindle assembly checkpoint ensures the faithful inheritance of chromosomes by arresting mitotic
139 se detrimental effects, thereby ensuring the faithful inheritance of G4-containing genomes.
140                                  In mammals, faithful inheritance of genomic methylation patterns ens
141 highly condensed mitotic chromatin to ensure faithful inheritance of prior accessibility status acros
142 struction at the end of prophase I to ensure faithful inheritance of the genome.
143  subsequent anchorage at its tip ensures the faithful inheritance of this organelle.
144                   DNA polymerases facilitate faithful insertion of nucleotides, a central reaction oc
145 arly the C-nucleosidic purine analogues, are faithful isomorphic and isofunctional surrogates of thei
146                                              Faithful long-term average interaural level differences
147                      Experiment 3 maintained faithful long-term average interaural level differences
148                                              Faithful maintenance and propagation of eukaryotic genom
149  Cell proliferation and survival require the faithful maintenance and propagation of genetic informat
150 bidopsis METHYLTRANSFERASE 1 (MET1) controls faithful maintenance of cytosine methylation at CG sites
151                  This was accompanied with a faithful maintenance of DNAme in the breast cancer impla
152                             We also obtained faithful marker expression from a tissue-specific promot
153            Technical challenges have limited faithful measurement of TCR diversity after allo-HSCT.
154                                              Faithful meiotic chromosome segregation and fertility re
155  conserved regulatory mechanisms that ensure faithful meiotic chromosome segregation in diverse speci
156 n homologous chromosomes is required for the faithful meiotic segregation of chromosomes and leads to
157 ganism), there is no gold standard to assess faithful metallocofactor assembly and associated functio
158 nt implications for the use of cell lines as faithful mimics of in vivo epigenetic and physiological
159 onal modification of mitochondrial tRNAs for faithful mitochondrial function.
160 1-mediated mtDNA processing is essential for faithful mitochondrial genome replication and might be r
161 stalks with the actin cytoskeleton to ensure faithful mitosis and spindle positioning is unclear.
162        It preserves centrosome integrity and faithful mitosis during the rapid cleavage division of b
163 pVHL in mediating oriented cell division and faithful mitotic checkpoint function in the renal epithe
164 dings further expand Mps1's significance for faithful mitotic chromosome segregation and emphasize th
165 ously undescribed mechanism for interrupting faithful mitotic progression and may ultimately inform t
166 em to mTOR signaling in a pathway to promote faithful mitotic progression.
167                 Using the RCS cell line as a faithful model for proliferating/early prehypertrophic g
168 sh a new genetically and histopathologically faithful model of IHCC and lend experimental support to
169   This study was designed to generate a more faithful model of Parkinson's disease by injecting human
170 enotypes in primates, we must have access to faithful model systems for a wide range of cell types.
171 We validate the Vk*MYC transgenic mouse as a faithful model to predict single-agent drug activity in
172 uggest that stiffening hydrogels may be more faithful models for studying myofibroblast activation th
173 and genetics underlying attempts to generate faithful models frequently leads to poor outcomes.
174 n cancers, which frequently lack alternative faithful models.
175 g, so that all cleaved RNAs are committed to faithful modification.
176 tterns that identify pTalpha expression as a faithful molecular marker of T lineage commitment.
177 ss than quadratic complexity at one end, and faithful multiscale models with quadratic cost at the ot
178 ho can entrain to an external beat have more faithful neural encoding of temporal modulations in spee
179 nal change of motif D leads to efficient and faithful nucleotide addition by bringing Lys-359 into th
180  to the correctness of the bound nucleotide, faithful nucleotide incorporation is achieved.
181        We conclude that tumours tend to have faithful oncogene splicing and a higher incidence of pre
182 gi in regulating spindle formation to ensure faithful organelle inheritance.
183 mmary, we have established and characterized faithful PDX models of DLBCL and demonstrated their usef
184 ce prior work typecasting TAML activators as faithful peroxidase mimics.
185 ued replication of undamaged DNA by the more faithful PolB1.
186 and B-family DNA polymerases which possess a faithful polymerase activity that preferentially incorpo
187 imulations have indicated that efficient and faithful polymerase function requires highly coordinated
188                 Here, we take advantage of a faithful primary neuronal model of ALS and FTD to invest
189 nce modulation SICM scheme allows reasonably faithful probe positioning using the resulting ac respon
190 ns unclear how they act in concert to ensure faithful processing of the damage signal.
191  anillin-actin interaction modes promote the faithful progression of cytokinesis.
192                                              Faithful progression through the cell cycle is crucial t
193 nt of mitotic "bookmarking" by GATA1 for the faithful propagation of cell-type-specific transcription
194  of neurons at each processing stage enables faithful propagation of kinematic representations throug
195 ng cyclic amplification (PMCA), the topic of faithful propagation of prion strain-specific structures
196 sembly of the large ribosomal subunit and in faithful protein production.
197 ex in a manner that contributes to rapid and faithful protein synthesis.
198 unknown pathway through which ROS may impact faithful protein synthesis.
199 e SRP-cargo interaction drives efficient and faithful protein targeting.
200           The folding probe strategy and the faithful quantification of a particular protein's functi
201 nts and simulations and that finally allow a faithful quantification of the magnetic force for the lo
202                                         Yet, faithful recapitulation of all AD features in widely use
203                                         This faithful recapitulation of tissue-specific fate post-tra
204 data transmission and storage, we obtained a faithful reconstruction of the 3D volumetric information
205  chromosome (nucleoid) conformation dictates faithful regulation of gene transcription.
206 ted with the spliceosome, thus requiring its faithful regulation.
207                                          The faithful relay and timely expression of genetic informat
208  Genetically engineered mouse models provide faithful renditions of events in tumor progression, angi
209                       The difference between faithful repair and wreaking mutagenic havoc on the geno
210                                              Faithful repair of DNA double-strand breaks by homologou
211                                              Faithful repair of DNA lesions is a crucial task that di
212 curs predominantly during G1 phase, inducing faithful repair, mutagenic processing, and class switchi
213 ression and membrane biogenesis can ensure a faithful replication and adaptation of T. gondii in disp
214 ntial for bacterial cells to co-ordinate the faithful replication and segregation of their genetic ma
215          DNA damage occurs continuously, and faithful replication and transcription are essential for
216 aintaining cellular dTTP pools to ensure the faithful replication of both mitochondrial and nuclear D
217                                Efficient and faithful replication of telomeric DNA is critical for ma
218 e accuracy of such a model is validated by a faithful replication of the experimental cryo-EM map com
219 ys that ensure the repair of damaged DNA and faithful replication of the genome.
220 ired for efficient checkpoint activation and faithful replication restart.
221 ure for the genetic linkage groups and allow faithful replication, transcription and transmission of
222 cular sugar, or "sweetness," is not always a faithful reporter of its nutritional value, and recent e
223                                              Faithful reporting of temporal patterns of intracellular
224                                  To ensure a faithful representation of cellular metabolism after cel
225 nto a desynchronized state that enables more faithful representation of subtle sensory stimuli.
226 ned for full-membrane models, indicating the faithful representation of the membrane surface by the m
227 d superficial muscles and thus can provide a faithful representation of the neural drive sent to a mu
228 olute density measurements, and consequently faithful representations of molecule counts and position
229 mes), and fungal growth on fruits with their faithful reproductions on the nanofiber mats is illustra
230 lencing, ensuring that only cells undergoing faithful reprogramming initiate XCR.
231                                              Faithful resetting of the epigenetic memory of a somatic
232  of the role played by p300 in promoting the faithful resolution of mitotic figures as well as proper
233 quantities of infected brain and demonstrate faithful retention of biological and biochemical strain
234                                As clinically-faithful rodent models of sporadic PA are currently unde
235 ntrol mitochondrial movement to ensure their faithful segregation during division.
236  between homologous chromosomes ensure their faithful segregation during meiosis.
237  feature of sexual reproduction that ensures faithful segregation of chromosomes and redistributes ge
238 rect chromosome architecture is required for faithful segregation of chromosomes at anaphase I and II
239                                              Faithful segregation of chromosomes during cell division
240                                              Faithful segregation of chromosomes to two daughter cell
241  A certain level of this is required for the faithful segregation of chromosomes, but the majority of
242 e is the structural unit responsible for the faithful segregation of chromosomes.
243              The mitotic spindle ensures the faithful segregation of chromosomes.
244 y coordinated events that ultimately lead to faithful segregation of chromosomes.
245 crotubule-based mitotic spindle mediates the faithful segregation of duplicated chromosomes into daug
246                                          The faithful segregation of duplicated genetic material into
247                                              Faithful segregation of homologous chromosomes during me
248 I plasmid partitioning systems, facilitating faithful segregation of low copy-number plasmids during
249 once per generation must be coordinated with faithful segregation of newly replicated chromosomes and
250 re-microtubule attachments are essential for faithful segregation of sister chromatids during mitosis
251 threaten to prevent complete replication and faithful segregation of sister chromatids.
252 pindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) ensures the faithful segregation of the genome during mitosis by ens
253 chromosomes during spermatogenesis to ensure faithful segregation post-fertilization.
254                 Chromosome alignment fosters faithful segregation through the formation of bi-oriente
255 2) and ParB-like (omega2) proteins to ensure faithful segregation.
256                                          The faithful self-propagation of this fold involves a divers
257                           A prerequisite for faithful signal transmission is the positioning and clus
258 blish that sleep deprivation compromises the faithful signaling of, and the "embodied" reciprocity be
259  insertion to its homologous chromosome in a faithful, site-specific manner.
260  redistributes to the spindle pole to ensure faithful spindle architecture.
261                                 It also aids faithful splicing of pre-mRNAs containing large introns,
262 enic for the recombinant BAC appears to be a faithful surrogate for TSLP expression, particularly in
263                                          The faithful targeting of the chimera depends on the express
264 ve rise to distinct prion strains capable of faithful template-driven propagation.
265 d within the neural code, and supplying more faithful templates to the brain mechanisms subserving ph
266 er this kinase might be suitable to maintain faithful timing and execution of anaphase in the absence
267 ithin a single year, females which were more faithful to a specific location had higher reproductive
268 o, convey that they are sharers of knowledge faithful to science's way of knowing and respectful of t
269 tency in the interpretation whilst remaining faithful to the construct under study.
270 ray diffraction shows Mn-SLO is structurally faithful to the native enzyme.
271 show that the resulting implementation stays faithful to the original coding goals while using inhibi
272 ple, yet still tractable, model that remains faithful to the underlying system based on the known lit
273 , increasing numbers of bumblebees stay more faithful to these flowers, even if they become a subopti
274 subpopulations, the probability of remaining faithful to wet season areas ranged between 0.82 and 1.0
275  the accelerated kinetics that allow for the faithful tracking of action potentials in neurons.
276 s at promoters are thought to be crucial for faithful transcriptional regulation.
277    Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) ensure faithful translation of mRNA into protein by coupling an
278                                              Faithful translation of mRNA into the corresponding poly
279 a superfamily of enzymes responsible for the faithful translation of the genetic code and have lately
280 tic information from DNA to protein requires faithful translation.
281 he nucleus, where mitosis and meiosis ensure faithful transmission of chromosomes, the mechanisms of
282  observational learning can give rise to the faithful transmission of cultural adaptations.
283                                          The faithful transmission of DNA methylation patterns throug
284 ity is crucial for cellular survival and the faithful transmission of genetic information.
285 ases after DNA replication, which results in faithful transmission of methylation patterns during cel
286                                              Faithful transmission of quantum information is a crucia
287          The sense of hearing depends on the faithful transmission of sound information from the ear
288                                              Faithful transmission of the genetic information is esse
289 e epigenetic elements that were required for faithful transmission to the daughter cell to accurately
290 genetic information accurately to ensure its faithful transmission.
291 ns is impeded by the limited availability of faithful transmitochondrial animal models.
292                    We recently showed that a faithful treatment of such nanoscale interfaces requires
293 hich are often a result of screening in less faithful two-dimensional models.
294 mer resolution site) system is essential for faithful vertical genetic transmission, ensuring the res
295 TMRs is a conserved mechanism, which ensures faithful virus genome maintenance in host cells during c
296 tomography and (68)Ga-NODAGA-RGD PET enabled faithful visualization of PDAC.
297 leotides but also causes the enzyme to favor faithful Watson-Crick base pairing over mutagenic config
298 ale, as this provides a means to distinguish faithful Watson-Crick base-paired DNA from damaged DNA.
299 ns track naturalistic speech in a remarkably faithful way.
300     Transcription patterns were surprisingly faithful within a taxon regardless of treatment, suggest

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