コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 form a scaffold on which ooDSGC ON dendrites fasciculate.
2 way, and most or all also have a tendency to fasciculate.
3 morphology and their abilities to orient and fasciculate.
4 nd bundles of retinal axons are more tightly fasciculated.
5 gether, with some of the older sensory axons fasciculating along motoneuron axons and younger sensory
8 nto grafts of NGF-producing fibroblasts were fasciculated and followed the surface of astrocytic proc
9 er recovery times than growth cones that are fasciculated and less actively navigating (followers).
10 mice, and neuronal fibers in these mice were fasciculated and remained below the epithelial surface,
13 eal a mechanism that allows Schwann cells to fasciculate axons regardless of nrg1 type III expression
14 that preganglionic axons are not selectively fasciculated before their point of separation at the sym
16 immunoreactivity as they navigate in highly fasciculated bundles in the optic tract overlying the la
17 se animals, corticothalamic axons form large fasciculated bundles that aberrantly cross the midline a
21 pithelium, they make a sharp dorsal turn and fasciculate into a single nerve; the growth cones remain
22 -P) pathfinding process by which motoneurons fasciculate into pool-specific fascicles at the limb bas
26 from dorsal thalamus to neocortex: TCAs may fasciculate on the axons of ventral telencephalic neuron
27 at they use these differences to selectively fasciculate, pathfind to, and branch within the correct
29 he rod circuit, and mice lacking Dscaml1 had fasciculated rod bipolar cell dendrites and clumped AII
31 ifferent areas of an all-fast muscle did not fasciculate separately and became more intermingled as t
32 no oligonucleotides impairs the formation of fasciculated tracts in early fiber scaffolds of brain.
33 he decision of a growing axon to selectively fasciculate with and defasciculate from other axons is c
35 derived glial cells cause axons to sort and fasciculate with other axons destined to innervate the s
37 of the new-adult sensory neurons contact and fasciculate with the axons of the persistent neurons.
38 ting from peripheral, bipolar neurons (BpNs) fasciculate with the transverse nerve projections and te
39 secondary axon tracts (SATs) that typically fasciculate with their corresponding primary axon tract.
41 that motoneurons specifically recognized and fasciculated with axons growing to muscle regions contai
42 rate concentrations, became shorter and more fasciculated with decreasing concentrations of the subst
43 trate concentrations, became longer and less fasciculated with increasing concentration of the substr
44 as they entered the inner ONL, the majority fasciculated with other GFP-expressing axons before ente
46 on, adhering to the epithelium and sometimes fasciculating with mechanosensory axons, but they invari
47 s, their axons leave the hindbrain either by fasciculating with the resident cranial motor axons at i
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