


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ering diversity of animal forms is endlessly fascinating.
2 , making their potential mode of DNA mimicry fascinating.
3  the selective epoxidation of cyclooctene is fascinating.
4 l structure, show how Neisseriaceae have the fascinating ability to diversify functional sequences an
5 we demonstrate the research developed in the fascinating and challenging field of molecular-based SMT
6                             Some of the most fascinating and challenging questions in ecology are why
7 ampled and analyzed in real-time, leading to fascinating and cost-effective clinical diagnostic proce
8                            Insects exhibit a fascinating and diverse range of micro- and nanoarchitec
9                              One of the most fascinating and exciting periods in my scientific career
10       How breast diversity is generated is a fascinating and fundamental question with important clin
11  organic ligands led to the discovery of two fascinating and highly connected minimal edge-transitive
12                       Nitric oxide (NO) is a fascinating and important endogenous free-radical gas wi
13 of cardiovascular disease is one of the most fascinating and important questions in the field of card
14 s and nonliving materials have enabled truly fascinating and incredible dynamic architectures with te
15               In this review I revisit these fascinating and informative experiments and attempt to e
16 all ligands to their biological targets is a fascinating and meaningful question in chemistry, biolog
17 otic clock, particularly in cancer cells, is fascinating and passes through a rational understanding
18 yoxometalate clusters are both fundamentally fascinating and potentially relevant to nuclear energy a
19 latively cheap core-metal nanoparticles, are fascinating and promising fuel cell catalysts due to the
20 the near- and long-term perspectives of this fascinating and rapidly expanding field.
21                              One of the most fascinating and remarkable features of Plasmodium parasi
22 ayers of van der Waals materials, which show fascinating and technologically useful properties.
23 millions of PIWI-interacting RNAs revealed a fascinating and unanticipated dimension of biology.
24 o organic fragments can yield complexes with fascinating and unexpected binding patterns.
25                                        These fascinating and unexpected mechanisms have increased our
26 -semiconductor nanocomposites because of the fascinating and unique properties of metal clusters; how
27                     Propulsion by cilia is a fascinating and universal mechanism in biological organi
28                                          The fascinating and unusual properties of this 2D material w
29 mes, and will increase understanding of this fascinating and useful group of bacteria.
30 ety of polymeric forms and discovering their fascinating and useful properties.
31 ceanic islands by Austronesian speakers is a fascinating and yet contentious part of human prehistory
32 amaterials (HMMs) represent a novel class of fascinating anisotropic plasmonic materials, supporting
33 cancer therapy constitutes an unexplored and fascinating application.
34  of fluids and particles at microscales is a fascinating area of research with applications ranging f
35 uture interdisciplinary developments in this fascinating area of research.
36                      Llewellyn has written a fascinating article about rapid eye movement (REM) dream
37 of cysteines in this isoform is particularly fascinating, as hVDAC-1 cysteines have no associated fun
38 ms incorporating geometrical frustration are fascinating, as their behavior is not only hard to predi
39 gen in the presence of innate effectors is a fascinating aspect of gonorrhea.
40                                            A fascinating aspect of viral evolution relates to the abi
41 y individual is one of the most striking and fascinating aspects of human medicine.
42                               Among the most fascinating aspects of the protozoan parasites responsib
43           Intense optical fields have opened fascinating avenues for new phenomena and applications i
44 Drops of liquid on a hot surface can exhibit fascinating behaviour such as the Leidenfrost effect in
45 densed tannins contents, and so, confirm the fascinating bioactivity of this fruit.
46           Not only does the compound possess fascinating biological activity, but it also presents an
47 -environment (GxE) interactions has revealed fascinating biological insights, particularly in the rea
48 ceive geomagnetic fields (GMFs) represents a fascinating biological phenomenon.
49   What Bacillus subtilis offered was endless fascinating biological problems (alternative sigma facto
50 cular composition of this highly complex and fascinating biological process.
51 he leaves of deciduous trees has long been a fascinating biological puzzle.
52 llacq and Osorio introduce the reader to the fascinating biology of the cuttlefish.
53  bacterial cellulose nanofibers, have become fascinating building blocks for the design of new biomat
54 ies caused by electron-phonon coupling, is a fascinating but unsolved case after decades of research.
55         Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a fascinating, but still largely uncharacterized, class of
56                Recombination in meiosis is a fascinating case study for the coordination of chromosom
57    MKs release platelets through a series of fascinating cell biological events.
58 tion, migration, and differentiation of this fascinating cell type.
59 fering complementary insights into how these fascinating cells integrate a multitude of guidance cues
60  our understanding of the importance of this fascinating cellular pathway for central nervous system
61 gnition, and as such, this system provides a fascinating challenge to supramolecular chemists.
62 ong chains provides access to materials with fascinating chemical and physical properties imparted by
63                Carbohelicenes are a class of fascinating chiral helical molecules which have a rich h
64          Carbohelicenes belong to a class of fascinating, chiral, and helicoidal molecules, which hav
65                            Acylsilanes are a fascinating class of compounds that display a number of
66                           Mesocrystals are a fascinating class of crystalline nanostructured material
67 iscuss unanswered questions surrounding this fascinating class of enzymes.
68 aled fresh insight into the function of this fascinating class of extracellular matrix receptors, in
69 ates may be generated and controlled in this fascinating class of materials.
70                                 A particular fascinating class of metallo-supramolecular molecules ar
71 id-state materials with porous structures of fascinating complexity.
72      Herein, we report on the preparation of fascinating compounds containing P-C, P-Si, P-Ge, and P-
73  increasingly fine-tuned properties of these fascinating compounds.
74                        The random laser is a fascinating concept because, further to the fundamental
75                                         This fascinating configuration of ripple domains may result f
76                                         As a fascinating conjugated polymer, graphitic carbon nitride
77 eady stream of experimental data reveals new fascinating connections at a rapid pace; although openin
78                   In a report reading like a fascinating detective story, Vincent and colleagues crac
79 rently experiencing a renaissance due to the fascinating development of frustrated Lewis pairs (FLPs)
80 s of the molecular principles regulating the fascinating developmental cycle of this species.
81                              We review these fascinating developments, caution against complacency, a
82 merging of these research domains has led to fascinating discoveries in different fields ranging from
83                                            A fascinating discovery in the chemistry of ribonucleotide
84                  A new article describes the fascinating discovery that some archaeal Rubiscos contai
85 y evoked in synthetic materials to produce a fascinating diversity of complex multiscale responsive b
86                                        These fascinating ecosystems, known as free-floating mires, ha
87 ngle-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) possess fascinating electrical properties and offer new entries
88 dous attention of researchers owing to their fascinating electrical, thermal and physical properties.
89 duced a complete new battery of devices with fascinating electrocatalytic, sensitivity, and selectivi
90 ls with unique planar structures and various fascinating electronic properties offers great potential
91 a new way of generating stable radicals with fascinating electronic properties useful for a large var
92  powerful conceptual paradigm for generating fascinating emergent behaviour in chemical systems.
93 1-associated retinitis pigmentosa presents a fascinating enigma: some mutation carriers are blind, wh
94 as reinvigorated research activities on this fascinating enzyme and served as the catalyst for next g
95 mental science and engineering, give rise to fascinating everyday effects (coffee rings), and influen
96 pargylic ester to a diketone derivative is a fascinating example for the generation of the C-C bond i
97           This division inhibition is thus a fascinating example of a strategy in bacteriophages to m
98                              Besides being a fascinating example of pathogen-host co-evolution, effec
99                    This protein complex is a fascinating example of the functional integration of RNA
100            Japanese knotweed s.l. provides a fascinating example of the interplay between ploidy leve
101            The AbcR small RNAs (sRNAs) are a fascinating example of two highly conserved sRNAs that d
102                                         This fascinating example of what has been termed a virtual "n
103 rial multicomponent monooxygenases provide a fascinating example, where a diiron hydroxylase must rev
104             Fish schools and bird flocks are fascinating examples of collective behaviours in which m
105                     Pheromones have provided fascinating examples of signal evolution.
106  B = main group and lanthanide metals) are a fascinating family of magnetic oxides exhibiting a rich
107                                            A fascinating feature of this mechanical-induced growth re
108                              One of the most fascinating features of biological systems is the abilit
109 ructure remains one of the most puzzling and fascinating features of protein folding.
110 t communication will review some of the more fascinating features of these highly structured single s
111 iving lineages, taking advantage of the many fascinating features of this worm revealed by comparativ
112 id bilayer membranes are among a cell's most fascinating features.
113 o sea-level rise, recent work has identified fascinating feedbacks between plant growth and geomorpho
114                 Human-robot interaction is a fascinating field and one in which psychologists have mu
115 r detection and treatment is an emerging and fascinating field of plasmonic nanobiosensor research.
116 ng some outlook on future directions of this fascinating field.
117 aim is to stimulate further research in this fascinating field.
118  spectrum of applicability, including in the fascinating fields of synthetic chemistry, medicinal sci
119 s with other Kv channels but also displays a fascinating flexibility in terms of the mechanism of cha
120         Orchidaceae are well known for their fascinating floral morphologic features, specialized pol
121 t close distance on an ordered lattice, is a fascinating fluorescent material.
122 g of magnetically hard and soft materials is fascinating for exploring next-generation ultrastrong pe
123 re three-dimensional geometrical structures, fascinating for their peculiar property of being surface
124  its derivative materials are also extremely fascinating from a materials aspect, with numerous advan
125 l cortex and continue with a summary of some fascinating functional and effective connectivity studie
126  and fabrication techniques has enabled some fascinating functional materials which can be driven by
127 xplored aiming at novel physical effects and fascinating functionality.
128                     They will also advance a fascinating fundamental frontier of size and proximity e
129                        Sheth et al present a fascinating glimpse into the future of imaging-guided bi
130 t advances in hPso4 research that provides a fascinating glimpse into the pleiotropic activities of a
131              Owls (Strigiformes) represent a fascinating group of birds that are the ecological night
132           Recently, emerging insights into a fascinating group of episodic movement disorders, the pa
133 isite for the successful fabrication of such fascinating hierarchical nanostructures.
134 ly rare structural motifs, it also reveals a fascinating hierarchical particle genesis with novel top
135 ot summarizes our current knowledge of these fascinating immune systems.
136  areas the impact is more in the category of fascinating implications as opposed to established facts
137     Such an understanding provides us with a fascinating, improved insight into our origins as well a
138 mmunication, including that among humans, is fascinating in its efficiency, diversity and its complex
139  of T4 is largely known, the dynamics of its fascinating injection machinery is not understood.
140 ons concerning the chemical ecology of these fascinating insects.
141                                    Recently, fascinating insight into unexpected roles for endosome m
142            The results unveil unexpected and fascinating insights into the complex aromaticity of tho
143                            Our study reveals fascinating insights into the links between bacterial ph
144 f Lhx6 and -8 biology will continue to yield fascinating insights into tissue development and homeost
145  few decades, WOC research has turned into a fascinating interdisciplinary field that ranges from bio
146                                          The fascinating interfacial transport properties at the LaAl
147  latest research developments regarding this fascinating interplay between mosquito, virus, and the m
148 d promotion of PH has revealed a complex yet fascinating interplay with pulmonary vascular remodeling
149                                          The fascinating intramolecular arene/allene cycloaddition di
150 l signatures have already emerged from these fascinating investigations.
151                             However, equally fascinating is how such a quantum entangled state breaks
152 rastructure is still virgin and may become a fascinating issue across a myriad of research realms.
153                      The fabrication of such fascinating L-MNPs may provide new insights for developi
154  emerging upconversion nanoparticles offer a fascinating library of ultrasensitive luminescent probes
155 proteins are involved in photosynthesis, the fascinating machinery of Photosystem II (PSII) is at the
156  synchronization of coupled oscillators is a fascinating manifestation of self-organization that natu
157 ically dissimilar systems is one of the most fascinating manifestations of a novel nontrivial state o
158                               However, these fascinating materials have recently been rediscovered an
159                   Zeolites are versatile and fascinating materials which are vital for a wide range o
160 ible magnetoelastic coupling in one of these fascinating materials, SrCu2(BO3)2 (SCBO).
161 -walled CNTs (MWCNTs) to fully utilize their fascinating mechanical and electrical properties via lon
162            Atomically thin graphene exhibits fascinating mechanical properties, although its hardness
163 nological applications that arise from their fascinating mechanical properties.
164 ition give a more detailed insight into this fascinating mechanism of gene expression.
165 her the likely complex and diverse, but also fascinating, mechanisms behind the regulation of transla
166  with people; the enthusiastic teachers, the fascinating mentors, the inspiring colleagues, and the i
167 tion and structure-function studies of these fascinating metabolites, and is envisioned to accommodat
168 tinct pore properties and therefore serve as fascinating model ion channels for understanding the bio
169 horeographing catalysis in these complex and fascinating molecular machines.
170                          As is true for many fascinating molecular mechanisms, the first inkling came
171 n important leap necessary in leveraging the fascinating molecular systems for applications.
172 y to harness the catalytic potential of this fascinating molecule.
173 g the unexpected and have given rise to many fascinating molecules, ranging from interlocked structur
174                                 A variety of fascinating morphological patterns arise on surfaces of
175 w are of special interest not only for their fascinating nanosized structures but also because they s
176                       Flower senescence is a fascinating natural process that represents the final de
177 h the chemistry and chemical biology of this fascinating natural product, and offers a perspective as
178 cific dystonia a particularly mysterious and fascinating neurological condition.
179 lcogenide (TMD) nanosheets have emerged as a fascinating new class of materials for catalysis.
180                         Both studies provide fascinating new insights into the role migratory variabi
181 as epitranscriptomic changes and represent a fascinating new layer of gene expression regulation that
182 on-metal dichalcogenides (MX2), give rise to fascinating new phenomena.
183 racted, confined, filtered, and processed in fascinating new ways that are impossible to achieve with
184 ve recently been employed to prepare various fascinating nonequilibrium states in matter.
185                                          The fascinating nonlinear behaviour of this condensate is la
186 s - is a challenging task in chemistry and a fascinating objective in the frame of a bottom-up approa
187  walls in bilayer graphene are emerging as a fascinating one-dimensional system that features stackin
188 e has led to artificial materials exhibiting fascinating optical properties unavailable in naturally
189 ent dielectric materials, they often possess fascinating optical properties, which lie between those
190                               In contrast, a fascinating panoply of episodic disorders exhibit Mendel
191 opment as well as the basic biology of these fascinating parasites.
192 paves the way for follow-up studies on these fascinating pathways and allows the identification of ne
193 ns or fermions give rise to some of the most fascinating phases of matter, including high-temperature
194 h Weyl excitations can display a plethora of fascinating phenomena and offer great potential for impr
195  Pattern formation and self-organization are fascinating phenomena found widely in nature and in labo
196                                     Although fascinating phenomena have been observed with inorganic
197 cs, condensed matter supersymmetry and other fascinating phenomena in the vicinity of a quantum criti
198                           Although they host fascinating phenomena, their physics can be understood i
199 ecent progress has begun to unravel how this fascinating phenomenon contributes to normal physiology
200                   Superfluid turbulence is a fascinating phenomenon for which a satisfactory theoreti
201 acking cultivated representatives, reveals a fascinating phenomenon of major radiations of organisms
202                       In addition to being a fascinating phenomenon, clustered mutagenesis also becam
203                                        Their fascinating photophysical properties enable spectral dis
204 ace areas, exotic electronic structures, and fascinating physical and chemical properties.
205 nd other Fermi liquid properties can lead to fascinating physical behavior.
206 gically protected spin textures that exhibit fascinating physical behaviours and large potential in h
207                       In the early 90s, many fascinating physical effects were observed for individua
208  Optical activity and circular dichroism are fascinating physical phenomena originating from the inte
209 uctures have already demonstrated a range of fascinating physical phenomena, and have also been used
210 f extensive research activity owing to their fascinating physical properties.
211 t owing to their unique structural features, fascinating physicochemical properties, and widespread p
212 has been extensively searched for due to the fascinating physics as well as the potential application
213 lusive quantum spin liquid ground state, and fascinating physics relevant to the development of futur
214 elated gigantic magnetoelectric coupling and fascinating physics.
215 aterial with plasmonic nanobiosensor paves a fascinating platform towards early detection of cancer t
216 lindoles are bioactive indole alkaloids with fascinating polycyclic ring systems whose biosynthetic a
217 s, when confined to a spherical shell, offer fascinating possibilities for producing artificial mesos
218                                          The fascinating possibilities offered by defects in two dime
219 veloping rapidly and opening a wide range of fascinating possibilities to study how intra- and interm
220               Optical metasurfaces offer the fascinating possibility of controlling light with surfac
221 ation process will be discussed, raising the fascinating possibility of their exploitation as therano
222 in the clinical surveillance of HCC, and the fascinating possibility of using them as therapeutic tar
223 redths of milliseconds-to-minutes range is a fascinating problem given that the basic electrophysiolo
224 ll shed much-needed additional light on this fascinating problem in sensory biology.
225  their expertise to bear on this complex and fascinating problem.
226                                 Amongst many fascinating problems for future research, the data revea
227 ed membrane proteins is a well-regulated and fascinating process occurring in every living cell.
228                     Neural regeneration is a fascinating process with profound impact on human health
229 sms to completely regenerate lost limbs is a fascinating process, far from solved.
230 ided the first mechanistic insight into this fascinating process.
231 shed light on the complex mechanisms of this fascinating process.
232 et al., we suggest that mirror neurons are a fascinating product of cross-modal learning.
233 anization is an old field that has seen some fascinating progress in recent years.
234                       The discovery of these fascinating properties and phenomena has triggered incre
235                                    Among the fascinating properties are so-called breathing and swell
236                                So far, these fascinating properties have been obtained relying on mov
237                                    Among the fascinating properties of these materials is white-light
238 d biocompatibility as well as numerous other fascinating properties of two-dimensional (2D)-nanomater
239                      Graphene possesses many fascinating properties originating from the manifold pot
240  Carbon nanomaterials are robust and possess fascinating properties useful for separation technology
241                 The resulting materials show fascinating properties whereby the state of the switch i
242                                        These fascinating properties, which are comparable to those of
243 cal theory and applications because of their fascinating properties.
244 al metal dichalcogenides have shown a lot of fascinating properties.
245                                            A fascinating prospect thus exists that H2 [(CF3 )7 TpFPP]
246 ll as reactive clusters on the side, opening fascinating prospects for applications in both catalysis
247 he complex chemomechanical mechanism of this fascinating protein.
248 highly sensitive method for the discovery of fascinating quantum Hall phases; however, the mechanism
249 citons, polaritons, magnons and photons is a fascinating quantum mechanical phenomenon.
250 wth is incompletely understood and remains a fascinating question for various cell types, such as pol
251                                      It is a fascinating question to ask how the mechanism of these d
252 ems are endowed with migration capacity is a fascinating question with implications ranging from the
253  described across species and sexes, raising fascinating questions about how animals identify the you
254                              One of the most fascinating questions about protein-ligand recognition i
255 apparently conflicting models and identifies fascinating questions for future research.
256                     This review reveals that fascinating questions remain about each step.
257      This review systematically outlines the fascinating range of stereoisomers that can arise, such
258               The study fully elucidates the fascinating reaction behavior of N-benzoylethylpyridiniu
259 gues of dendralenes has revealed complex and fascinating reaction sequences, which chart the inherent
260 of aryl nitrenes has revealed unexpected and fascinating reactions.
261 nd provide a new impetus for exploiting this fascinating recognition system for the development of va
262 dapt to other similar heterojunctions, where fascinating rectification magnetoresistance is worthy of
263 c devices from liquid has been emerging as a fascinating research avenue.
264 mouflage and intraspecies communication is a fascinating research topic.
265  science in last two decades yielding highly fascinating results.
266                                  Due to this fascinating role, their beneficial effects on human heal
267                       These findings suggest fascinating roles for protein acquisition and allocation
268                 Thus, this method provides a fascinating route to generate flexible and stretchable 2
269 stic aperiodic structures can open novel and fascinating scenarios for the engineering of wave propag
270 is will stimulate a broader approach to this fascinating sensory system.
271               CRISPR-Cas machineries offer a fascinating set of new enzyme assemblies from which one
272 , two-coordinate N,O-silylene 7 exhibiting a fascinating siloxy ligand was observed.
273 his large family of species with diverse and fascinating social systems [16, 17].
274 d also to facilitate further studies on this fascinating species.
275 ealing an extremely rich chemistry including fascinating structural flexibility and a wide range of c
276 ve been isolated, which comprise complex and fascinating structures.
277 hting these elements as one of nature's most fascinating subcellular parasites.
278  clarifies the origin and possible fate of a fascinating supergene that determines the coloration and
279  skilful use has allowed the construction of fascinating supramolecular ensembles, thus opening a new
280 tal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a class of fascinating supramolecular soft matters but with relativ
281                                 Proteins are fascinating supramolecular structures, which are able to
282 se programmed DNA rearrangements make this a fascinating system of mating type determination.
283 chromosome fragment in question represents a fascinating test case for the analysis of processes that
284                           Muironolide A is a fascinating tetrachlorinated marine polyketide isolated
285  antimalarial isocyanoterpene endowed with a fascinating tetracyclic structure composed of fused chai
286 ion in a network of coupled oscillators is a fascinating topic in various scientific disciplines.
287 im in amorphous materials is one of the most fascinating topics in condensed matter physics.
288 isual stimulus categories is one of the most fascinating topics in the cognitive neurosciences.
289                Chiral p-wave superfluids are fascinating topological quantum states of matter that ha
290 nes and provides mechanistic insights into a fascinating tRNA-dependent antibiotic with applications
291 with hexagonal ice being responsible for the fascinating variety of snowflakes.
292                               Among the most fascinating virulence attributes of Candida is the abili
293 (and unknown) about immune responses to this fascinating virus.
294                   This transition involves a fascinating waltz dynamics, where the two defects come c
295                   Silicon carbide (SiC) is a fascinating wide-band gap semiconductor for high-tempera
296 ard and Katzourakis offer a glimpse into the fascinating world of these mysterious partners in our ev
297  of protein aggregates in budding yeast is a fascinating yet controversial area of aging research.
298        Movement of secretory organelles is a fascinating yet largely mysterious feature of eukaryotic
299 ria constitute some of the most structurally fascinating yet poorly studied molecules among biologica
300                          Interestingly, this fascinating zigzag-shaped pattern yields crescent-shaped

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