


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  to properly resolve, resulting in extensive fat necrosis.
2     Both benign lesions represented areas of fat necrosis.
3  had no residual cancer; specimens contained fat necrosis.
4 A spectrum of US findings is associated with fat necrosis.
5 terized by acute inflammatory infiltrate and fat necrosis.
6 9%-15.80% vs 11.92%; 95% CI, 11.63%-12.21%), fat necrosis (8.26%; 95% CI, 7.27-9.38 vs 4.05%; 95% CI,
7 noted enlarged skeletal muscle fibres, brown fat necrosis and calcification of cardiac tissue.
8            Fibrosis appeared to wall off the fat necrosis and limit peri-fat acinar necrosis, reducin
9 veloped seromas, and two (9%) developed both fat necrosis and seromas.
10 re reported in the xenon group: subcutaneous fat necrosis and transient desaturation during the MRI.
11          Pancreatic lipases were measured in fat necrosis and were overexpressed in 3T3-L1 cells.
12 consisting of pancreatic tissue destruction, fat necrosis, and systemic elevations in inflammatory re
13                                              Fat necrosis-associated peri-fat acinar necrosis (PFAN,
14         Nodular subcutaneous and generalized fat necrosis, due to rupture of a pancreatic cyst into t
15                                     Visceral fat necrosis has been associated with severe acute pancr
16 struction (odds ratio = 1.48; P < 0.001) and fat necrosis in those with autologous reconstruction (od
17                                           If fat necrosis is suspected and mammographic findings are
18 ctivity were noted in the extensive visceral fat necrosis of dying obese mice.
19  of AP induction (serum amylase and lipase), fat necrosis, pancreatic necrosis, and multisystem organ
20 ancreatic lipases in SAP-associated visceral fat necrosis, the inflammatory response, local injury, a
21                Four (18%) patients developed fat necrosis, two (9%) developed seromas, and two (9%) d
22                    Lipase inhibition reduced fat necrosis, UFAs, organ failure, and mortality but not
23                                              Fat necrosis was diagnosed on the basis of histologic (n

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