


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  addition Hmgic-/- mice have a deficiency in fat tissue.
2 e echogenicity of the surrounding mesenteric fat tissue.
3 es, which were filled with only subcutaneous fat tissue.
4 extract could be used to induce lipolysis on fat tissue.
5 the exercise-induced browning effect on this fat tissue.
6 d diverse changes in alternative splicing in fat tissue.
7 de concentration in aqueous solutions and in fat tissue.
8 ation of lean mice with almost no detectable fat tissue.
9  features of growth regulation by the insect fat tissue.
10 atic vessels within acutely inflamed orbital fat tissue.
11 ry effect of insulin on glucose transport in fat tissue.
12 g the induction of brown adipocytes in white fat tissues.
13 he insulin receptor signalling in muscle and fat tissues.
14  Dm-dNK expression was low in both liver and fat tissues.
15 n the atypical growth of certain cancers and fat tissues.
16 ssed in the avian spleen, lung, kidneys, and fat tissues.
17 ssion of UCP1 and other thermogenic genes in fat tissues.
18  insulin insensitivity in muscle, liver, and fat tissues.
19  to suppress the actions of BMP4 on dorsally fated tissues.
20 for studying development of multiple cardiac-fated tissues.
21 ng acute infection, loss of body weight from fat tissue; a compensation period during which macaques
22 r adulthood but also showed markedly reduced fat tissue accumulation compared to their ob/ob litterma
23                                        Mouse fat tissue activin A increased with aging.
24 e endogenous brown fat, this synthetic brown fat tissue acts as a sink for glucose uptake, as determi
25 ns can directly influence the laying down of fat tissue (adiposity).
26 ally important to determine how hypertrophic fat tissue alters T cell balance to drive inflammation.
27 ess approximately twofold more TNFR2 mRNA in fat tissue and approximately sixfold more soluble TNFR2
28 increased adiponectin expression in visceral fat tissue and in serum.
29 es, lymphocytes, and macrophages in both the fat tissue and myocardium separately.
30 differentiation, increases with aging in rat fat tissue and preadipocytes.
31 activity increased twofold in the epididymal fat tissue and remained unchanged in muscle and liver of
32 strate that PTHrP mediates energy wasting in fat tissues and contributes to the broader aspects of ca
33 urces, including bone marrow, spleen, liver, fat tissues and the adventitia of the arterial wall.
34 ater loss in body-mass index, abdominal fat, fat tissue, and lean tissue, compared with that in SIV-i
35 reased density of the surrounding mesenteric fat tissue, and mesenteric lymph nodes.
36 ll layer, distributed in the lung, heart and fat tissues, and was finally eliminated through the dial
37 rinated biphenyls (PCB) measured in blood or fat tissue are associated with increased risk of NHL.
38 hysiological consequences of having no white fat tissue are profound.
39 to thermogenic stimuli, peroxisomes in brown fat tissue (BAT) undergo selective remodeling and expand
40  cell-autonomous function for Foxa3 in white fat tissue browning.
41  macaques lost a greater percentage of total fat tissue but had more subcutaneous-fat deposition than
42 Importantly, reduced expression of Thrap3 in fat tissue by antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) regulate
43  cachexia and wasting of skeletal muscle and fat tissue by as yet poorly understood mechanisms.
44 as a mediator of the side effects induced in fat tissues by chronic treatment with synthetic steroids
45  into background air, lung, soft-tissue, and fat tissue classes, followed by the assignment of predef
46 ed and mainly expressed in intestine, liver, fat tissues, colon, muscle, and heart, in the order of h
47 lls purified from Ebf2(GFP) embryos or brown fat tissue did not express myoblast or dermal cell marke
48 f leptin activity, is increased in CD36-null fat tissue disproportionately to leptin levels.
49 at cells as the stromal-vascular fraction of fat tissue does not contain adipoQ mRNA.
50 Grb10 determines the proportions of lean and fat tissue during development, thereby influencing energ
51 ges that shift activity away from regions of fat tissue during PET image reconstruction.
52 sgenic mice develop a selective abundance of fat tissue early in life, show marked adipose tissue inf
53 minant-negative construct not only abrogated fat tissue formation but also reduced angiogenesis.
54 perimeter coverage was found with increasing fat tissue fraction at marrow cellularities between 50%
55 evels were significantly lower in epididymal fat tissues from db/db and high fat diet-induced obese m
56 ory form of IRS-1 was observed in muscle and fat tissues from obese rats.
57  adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) and whole-fat tissues from the abdominal subcutaneous fat of obese
58 , and highlight the use of explants to study fat tissue function in wildlife.
59 cesses contributing to regional variation in fat tissue function.
60 l as glucose and fat oxidation in muscle and fat tissue, gluconeogenesis in liver, and even glucose-r
61 and protein, adipocytes from mouse and human fat tissue had almost undetectable Thy1 levels.
62 erestingly, Ebf2-expressing cells from white fat tissue in adult animals differentiated into brown-li
63  inhibitors in its complete elimination from fat tissue in hCETP transgenic mice as evident within 21
64 ligand Delta-like 4 (Dll4) in atheromata and fat tissue in LDL-receptor-deficient mice.
65 ect on WISP1 gene expression in subcutaneous fat tissue in overweight subjects who had undergone hype
66 x vivo activity of PDH in muscle, liver, and fat tissues in normal Sprague-Dawley rats.
67 re relative to their expression in the adult fat tissues in vivo, i.e. inguinal fat for white adipocy
68 that the juxtaposition of dorsal and ventral fated tissue in the eye leads to an enrichment of emc ex
69 , inflammation was associated with increased fat tissue index (P=0.01) and male gender (P=0.04).
70                                       Higher fat tissue index (whole-body multifrequency bioimpedance
71                       In skeletal muscle and fat tissue, inositol phospholipid 3-kinase plays an inte
72  from BAT, inguinal fat, and retroperitoneal fat tissue interact with the CRE2 motif (CGTCA) in a spe
73  preparation and transformation of ASCs from fat tissue into mouse iPSCs in feeder-free conditions an
74    We also show that upon transplantation of fat tissue into these mice, triglyceride content in musc
75                             The expansion of fat tissue involves a complex interaction of endocrine f
76 mes (Kliposome/water), (iii) human abdominal fat tissues (KAFT/water) from seven individuals, and (iv
77 In each phantom, 0-3 additional 1.5-cm-thick fat tissue layers were added to derive 4 phantoms repres
78                 Adipogenesis and increase in fat tissue mass are mechanosensitive processes and hence
79               Adipoq(-/+) offspring had more fat tissue mass at both birth and adulthood.
80 showed that maternal obesity increased fetal fat tissue mass, with a significant elevation in fetal b
81 tenuated maternal obesity-induced high fetal fat tissue mass.
82  in mice and speculate that the reduction in fat tissue may negatively affect insulin sensitivity, as
83 ng-term dietary interventions on pericardial fat tissue mobilization are sparse.We sought to evaluate
84 -3 activity did not change in the epididymal fat tissue of A/J mice, regardless of the type of diet t
85 of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes in fat tissue of C57BL/6J mice, and implicate GSK-3 as a po
86      We have examined gene expression in the fat tissue of normal mice at the onset of diet-induced o
87 pididymal, retroperitoneal, and subcutaneous fat tissue of normal, but not of leptin-receptor-defecti
88 cant IR down-regulation was also observed in fat tissue of obese human subjects and in 3T3-L1 adipocy
89 dipogenic and lipogenic genes was altered in fat tissue of rats at 2 weeks and 2 months of age.
90 e mitochondrial uncoupling protein (UCP1) in fat tissues of A/J and C57BL/6J inbred strains of mice v
91 sion in the gonads, gizzard and subcutaneous fat tissues of chickens.
92  cultured mouse hepatocytes and in liver and fat tissues of diet-induced obese (DIO) mice and ob/ob m
93 E3B mRNA levels in heart and white and brown fat tissues of JCR:LA-cp rats revealed that PDE3B mRNA a
94  isolated MSCs from cardiac and subcutaneous fat tissues of mice with LVD 28 days after myocardial in
95  wk of thermal burn injury in the muscle and fat tissues of patients from the large-scale collaborati
96          Further, GPR30 expression levels in fat tissues of WT obese female mice were greatly increas
97 Thus, manipulations of NPY2R activity within fat tissue offer new ways to remodel fat and treat obesi
98 ngth; orbital, optic nerve (ON), and orbital fat tissue (OFT) volume; and implant position.
99 e has a much higher metabolic rate than does fat tissue, older individuals generally develop lower me
100 own fat, large differences occurred in white fat tissues, particularly in retroperitoneal fat.
101                                     Visceral fat tissue primarily consists of adipocytes that secrete
102 ell as level of TNF-alpha mRNA expression in fat tissue (r = 0.56, P < 0.001).
103                               White adipose (fat) tissues regulate metabolism, reproduction, and life
104         Adiponectin, a novel hormone made by fat tissue, regulates energy metabolism and endothelial
105                                 Lipolysis in fat tissue represents a major source of circulating fatt
106           Transgenic expression of Prdm16 in fat tissue robustly induced the development of brown-lik
107 levels of the pP65 protein in the epididymal fat tissue, suggesting less activation of the nuclear fa
108 activation of the sympathetic innervation of fat tissue, suppression of leptin, and a reduction in ca
109  Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is a specialized fat tissue that is dedicated to thermoregulation.
110 ompared to controls, and were highest in the fat tissue; there was no significant difference in fibro
111 e generated a transgenic mouse with no white fat tissue throughout life.
112                                        Since fat tissue turns over throughout life, preadipocyte char
113 uctures, closely resembling in vivo tissues (fat tissue, vasculature, etc.).
114 ISP1 expression in visceral and subcutaneous fat tissue was associated with markers of insulin resist
115 eptinemic and pair-fed animals, identifiable fat tissue was completely ablated only in the former gro
116 it TAF7, is enriched in adipocytes and white fat tissue (WAT) in mouse.
117 stin gene (Retn) expression is restricted to fat tissue, we identified an adipocyte-specific enhancer
118 nd expression profiling of developing murine fat tissues-we identified Atf4 as expressed in invertebr
119 significantly reduced the body weight, total fat tissue weight, and plasma lipid concentrations in th
120 effect on their food intake, body weight, or fat tissue weight.
121 order characterized by a paucity of adipose (fat) tissue which is evident at birth and is accompanied
122 n be used as an indicator of muscle mass and fat tissue, which are distributed differently in men and
123 actor-alpha, levels of which are elevated in fat tissue with aging, increased CUGBP1 protein, CUGBP1
124 issue attenuation (minimum range: 8.4 HU for fat tissue with the Sensation 16; maximum range: 63.4 HU

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