


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d migration by inducing a mesoderm-like cell fate.
2 sion between two states: lytic and lysogenic fate.
3 ate, previous reports on DAT's postendocytic fate.
4 onal regulators of plant root epidermal cell fate.
5 inually read its environment and adjusts its fate.
6  negatively control AS events linked to cell fate.
7 s of dve expression and stable photoreceptor fate.
8 lloimmune function, as well as on transplant fate.
9 itant with their transition to hematopoietic fate.
10 expression with the potential to modify cell fate.
11 ckpoint that controls cell division and cell fate.
12 t is critical to endocrine and exocrine cell fate.
13  DUSP5 in controlling ERK signaling and cell fate.
14 now established that Bcl11b specifies T cell fate.
15 nputs from multiple pathways to control cell fate.
16 potent progenitors become restricted in cell fate.
17 emerged as important regulators of stem cell fate.
18 cdA provides a mechanism for regulating cell fate.
19  (RTK) and major determinant of somatic cell fate.
20 uired an alternative, follicular helper-like fate.
21 various cellular stresses and regulates cell fate.
22  and promoting commitment to the non-sensory fate.
23 encing atmospheric composition and pollutant fate.
24 heir internalization without affecting their fate.
25 tribute to both ventral and dorsal appendage fates.
26 ic division into daughter cells of different fates.
27 pt distinct polar, stalk, and main body cell fates.
28 sults in the acquisition of specialized cell fates.
29 or commitment to differentiated somatic cell fates.
30 m to correctly specify pancreatic islet cell fates.
31 t of nonconventional tolerance-inducing cell fates.
32  involved in the acquisition of gonadal cell fates.
33 cluding determinants of somatic and germline fates.
34 d fission determining mitochondrial and cell fates.
35 mediate states to generate particular mature fates.
36 r, where it operates transiently to redirect fates.
37 ntrolling the balance between opposing Cdc20 fates.
38 diating these proliferative versus apoptotic fates.
39 s two daughters with different developmental fates.
40 own-regulating genes specific to alternative fates.
41 e that activate Distalless, a marker for leg fates.
42 direct neighboring cells to take on specific fates.
43 G3 but do not adopt alternate endocrine cell fates.
44  but also influences cell size, position, or fate [1].
45 ough coordinated integration of diverse cell fates across developmental space and time, yet understan
46 aps remain as regards to their environmental fate after release.
47 tered hNSC migration and reversed astroglial fate after spinal cord injury.
48 lymphoid, myeloid, and dendritic, and B-cell fate alternatives are excluded by different mechanisms.
49                                  DISCUSSION: Fate and bioaccumulation models describe how chemicals d
50 nding of how MCPH1 controls neural stem cell fate and brain development.
51 ncertainty has persisted regarding the oil's fate and effects in the deep ocean.
52  investigated for decades, the environmental fate and effects of "oxyhydrocarbons" in sand patties de
53  there may be small but important effects on fate and effects of NPs compared to their pristine form.
54                                          The fate and environmental transformations of NMs, which nee
55 novel post-transcriptional regulator of cell fate and establish a direct, previously unappreciated li
56 lls that we use for therapy, we followed the fate and function of individually sorted CAR-modified T
57 uce astroglia and interneurons, switch their fate and generate granule neurons in mice.
58 as emerged in how inflammation regulates HSC fate and how it affects the long-term functionality of H
59 ls, however, are normally diverted from this fate and increasing lateral induction produces misshapen
60 orks will lead to a new understanding of the fate and significance of these signals at the ecosystem
61              E2A and HEB orchestrated T cell fate and suppressed the ILC transcription signature by a
62 tate transition toward each alternative cell fate and their relationships with specific phenotypic re
63 rvations have implications for environmental fate and toxicity of AgNP.
64 s study facilitates our understanding of the fate and transformation of IAPP in vivo, which are expec
65 simulate multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) fate and transport in surface waters.
66            We developed a dynamic multimedia fate and transport model (nanoFate) to predict the time-
67                            Understanding the fate and transport of DNAN is necessary to assess the ri
68 nation of aquifers; however, the groundwater fate and transport of hydraulic fracturing fluid compoun
69 s ultimately a determining factor of arsenic fate and transport.
70 expression, setting the ratio of alternative fates and ultimately determining color preference.
71  pesticides because of differing toxicities, fate, and application methods.
72 al pools can modulate protein function, cell fate, and organism health and disease, has broadened our
73 to organ differentiation and flower meristem fate, and uniquely, to patterning of the inflorescence m
74 hment and maintenance of these distinct cell fates are driven by massive gene expression programs tha
75 rior fate specification of insects, anterior fates arise in a nonelongating tissue (called the "blast
76 sue (called the "blastoderm"), and posterior fates arise in an elongating tissue (called the "germban
77 vascular cells similarly regulate tumor cell fate at metastatic sites.
78  the specification of distinct CD8(+) T cell fates, but the observation of equivalent expression of T
79 ndings suggest that Nanos promotes germ cell fate by downregulating maternal RNAs and proteins that w
80 s shown to promote posterior neuroectodermal fate by enhancing Smad2-activated wnt8 expression in zeb
81 ndicate that TET proteins regulate iNKT cell fate by ensuring their proper development and maturation
82          We show that CRL3(GCL) promotes PGC fate by mediating degradation of Torso, a receptor tyros
83 hat TEX1 repressed the megaspore mother cell fate by promoting the biogenesis of TAS3-derived trans-a
84 choline (LysoPC) controls P. falciparum cell fate by repressing parasite sexual differentiation.
85 al. (2017) show that GCL blocks somatic cell fate by specifically destroying the Torso Receptor Tyros
86 rs (direct programming) can generate similar fates by alternative routes.
87                                    Stem-cell fate can be influenced by metabolite levels in culture,
88  manner, the effects of each isoform on cell fate can be simultaneously assessed through simple fluor
89 19(+) cells but fewer features of hepatocyte fate characterized progenitor cell activation in PBC ver
90 experiments to demonstrate plasticity in the fate choice between collecting duct and ureter, and show
91                               The first cell fate choice in mouse development is the segregation of t
92 ive TGF-beta1 are associated with asymmetric fate choice in vitro in single HSPCs via p38MAPK activit
93  and PBC and is characterized by a divergent fate commitment and different signaling pathway predomin
94 igenomes acting in concert with initial cell fate commitment remains poorly characterized.
95 age, which appears to be critical for neural fate commitment, depends almost entirely on intracellula
96 btaining a deeper understanding of stem cell fate computation, in order to influence experimental eff
97 ical asymmetric division mechanisms and cell fate consequences have been investigated, the specific p
98 ulating the epigenetic landscape during cell fate conversion but also provide a framework to improve
99 ype identity is therefore a major barrier to fate conversion.
100                    KLF4 is critical for cell fate decision and has an ambivalent role in tumorigenesi
101 scriptional factors functioning in this cell fate decision are mostly unknown.
102                                     The cell fate decision between interferon-producing plasmacytoid
103  particularly in biology, including the cell-fate decision in developmental processes as well as the
104                                         Once fate decision is executed, the suppression of transcript
105 ian embryo is fundamental for the first cell fate decision that sets aside progenitor cells for both
106 ieve robust functionality, for example, cell-fate decision-making and signal transduction, through mu
107  as these cells offer a window into the cell fate decision-making process.
108 lex (TNF-RSC) to mediate downstream cellular fate decision.
109 hanism linking histone modifications to hESC fate decision.
110 lear how networks that control critical cell-fate decisions (e.g., cell division and apoptosis) can f
111 es a mechanistic basis for the observed cell fate decisions and accounts for the precision and dynami
112 ory networks that drive the sequence of cell fate decisions during development.
113 factor (TF) Eomes is a key regulator of cell fate decisions during early mouse development.
114 of IRE1alpha activity and may determine cell fate decisions during ER stress conditions.
115 nscriptional regulation during CD4(+) T cell fate decisions enables their differentiation into distin
116 icate microfibrillar networks influence cell fate decisions in a contextual manner, more information
117  to a prior emphasis on the finality of cell fate decisions in developmental systems, cellular plasti
118 of the environmental cues that regulate FCSC fate decisions may contribute to deciphering the mechani
119 r our understanding of lymphoid/myeloid cell-fate decisions.
120 o mediate cellular responses, including cell fate decisions.
121 lysine methylation signaling impacts on cell fate decisions.
122 ins as central regulators of murine NKT cell fate decisions.
123 tial roles in embryonic development and cell fate decisions.
124 ripotent stem cell cycle contributes to cell fate decisions.
125 sative role of Fus3 dynamics in driving cell fate decisions.
126 consequently altering SHH-guided neural cell-fate decisions.
127 ses from cell cycle control to developmental fate, deregulation of which contributes to developmental
128 etina-specific leucine zipper protein, a rod fate determinant during photoreceptor development.
129 mis-targeted coexpression of sT and the cell fate-determinant atonal bHLH transcription factor 1 (ATO
130 t relies on the correct partitioning of cell fate determinants.
131 t critical genes acting in the steps of cell fate determination and early differentiation of various
132 al taste system: embryonic chemosensory cell fate determination and the specification of lingual mech
133 ed us to identify key genes involved in cell fate determination and to obtain new insights about a sp
134 development, extracellular cues guiding cell fate determination are provided by morphogens.
135                                         Cell fate determination by lateral inhibition via Notch/Delta
136        This reveals a role for nmy-2 in cell fate determination not obviously linked to the primary p
137  Foxp3 transcription, which is essential for fate determination towards TH17 cells.
138 cts of the gene miranda that is required for fate determination with GFP.
139 r-mediated transcription attenuation in cell fate determination.
140 ling and unravel the complexity of stem cell fate determination.
141 nal transduction in cells are vital for cell fate determination.
142 xhibit multilevel cross-talk regulating cell fate-determining and fibrogenic pathways.
143 taneous expression differences underlie cell fate diversity in both differentiation and disease [2].
144 evels of transcriptional noise and potential fate drift.
145 nificance of BMP signaling in regulating MSC fate during root development and shed light on how BMP s
146  demethylases that both regulate normal cell fates during development and contribute to the epigeneti
147 rtoire of vertebrate trunk neural crest cell fates during normal development, highlight the likely pr
148 lation at key regulators of neural stem cell fate ensuring adequate NSPCs self-renewal and maintenanc
149 ion that threshold levels of Gata2 influence fate establishment and has implications for transcriptio
150 n factor play central roles in hematopoietic fate establishment.
151 ver, c-Src activity is sufficient to drive M fate, even in nonmyeloid cells.
152 olling a molecular switch that dictates cell fate following exposure to adverse environments.
153  on temperate drylands, highlight a distinct fate for these highly populated areas.
154 sion that early and late autopod progenitors fated for the wrist and phalanges, respectively, both co
155 indicates that both cell number and the cell fates generated by each neuroblast are very precisely co
156                        Understanding of cell fate has been advanced by studying single-cell RNA-seque
157 te post-fission randomization of sister cell fates highlights the potential of stochastic fluctuation
158  early acquisition of a memory CD8(+) T cell fate in a cell-intrinsic manner without disrupting Ag-dr
159 regulator AtMUTE, which defines GC precursor fate in Arabidopsis The novel role of BdMUTE in specifyi
160 on by lipolysis in somatic tissues on oocyte fate in Caenorhabditis elegans.
161 t azaarenes, their diversity, abundance, and fate in contaminated soils remain to be elucidated.
162 rk reveals that HEC function stabilizes cell fate in distinct zones of the shoot meristem thereby con
163 speciation of silver in Ag-NPs affects their fate in ecosystems, but its influence on interactions wi
164 -TF1 and Coup-TF2 autonomously repress PV(+) fate in MGE progenitors, in part through directly drivin
165 (phyllomanganates) often control trace metal fate in natural systems.
166 uate cell biodistribution, tumor homing, and fate in preclinical studies.
167 pathways specify retinal ganglion cell (RGC) fate in the developing retina?
168 lamination and selection of a proneural cell fate in the early Drosophila embryo.
169  coordinate gene expression to modulate cell fate in the hematopoietic system.
170 drocytes (OLs) while promoting an astrocytic fate in vitro.
171                                 Multiple RPE fates in AMD, including intraretinal cells that are high
172 biquitination directs a variety of substrate fates including proteasomal degradation.
173 g did not redirect testicular cells to a MEC fate, indicating the necessity of tissue specific compon
174 otent cells competent to respond to all cell fate inducers tested.
175 hestrated at the cellular level and how cell fate is affected by severe tissue damage.
176 terneurons and that shed light on when their fate is determined, on the influence that regional domai
177 lfidized or pristine) on bioavailability and fate is limited.
178  however, information on their environmental fate is scarce.
179 K1(+) mesoderm, from which the hemangiogenic fate is specified.
180 s positive selection, but the CD8(+)-lineage fate is thought to be induced by cytokines after TCR sig
181 gh p53 does not directly control the luminal fate, its loss facilitates acquisition of MaSC-like prop
182  multipotent cells to acquire different cell fates makes a quantitative understanding of differentiat
183       Moreover, dSPNs, as marked by Isl1-cre fate map, express Sox8 in the embryonic striatum and Sox
184                                              Fate mapping at multiple time points in combination with
185 is proposal by using a genetic knock-in cell fate mapping strategy in different murine SCI models.
186   Here, we addressed this issue using a Treg fate-mapping approach, which revealed that Treg loss was
187                                    Moreover, fate-mapping experiments revealed that the timing of SOX
188                               In this study, fate-mapping mice were used to assess the stability of T
189                                       Recent fate-mapping studies and gene-expression profiles sugges
190       Where this is the case, a population's fate may depend on the degree to which it is able to tra
191 sensus model to integrate the SimpleBox4Nano fate model, and we populated the resulting model with Ti
192 ncentration (B) to be independent for use in fate modeling.
193 romoting the maintenance of floral stem cell fate, not by repressing AG transcription, but by antagon
194 ance spectroscopy (MRS) allows following the fate of (13)C-enriched substrates through metabolic path
195                      This study examined the fate of a (15) N-NO3- tracer over 5-6 years in a mixed d
196  that cell shape will strongly influence the fate of a cell lineage: we describe a mechanism through
197                  Furthermore, we explore the fate of a primordial clay-rich layer with the help of a
198 nclear how stress affects the production and fate of alternative mRNA isoforms.
199 of immature oocytes may adversely affect the fate of an oocyte.
200 n, and have applications for controlling the fate of BACs in the environment.
201   Unlike cells in culture, the physiological fate of cells that die by apoptosis in vivo is their rap
202 nt levels of degree heterogeneity impact the fate of cooperation in structured populations whose indi
203 es and cytoplasmic components determines the fate of daughter cells upon asymmetric division.
204 improve our understanding of the large-scale fate of DDTs in the Arctic.
205            Little is known about the in vivo fate of drug particles taken orally, in particular, the
206 certed divergence is a previously unreported fate of duplicated genes.
207 on microscopy to determine the intracellular fate of endocytosed exogenous mitochondria in human iPS-
208 effect of prolonged TNFalpha exposure on the fate of endothelial cells and found that such treatment
209 e are both important factors influencing the fate of excitation energy.
210    The aim of this study was to evaluate the fate of fumonisins B1 (FB1) and B2 (FB2) during industri
211               In animal models, tracking the fate of graft-reactive T and B cells allows investigator
212 ow MkMPs target, deliver cargo and alter the fate of HSPCs is important for exploring such applicatio
213                            To understand the fate of ICCs in hyperinsulinemic, hyperglycemic states c
214 o investigate this question, we compared the fate of IgE-ICs in human B cells and in CD23-expressing
215                          We investigated the fate of ILs in sunlit surface water by determining direc
216 Both spatial and temporal cues determine the fate of immature neurons.
217  of NMR and mass spectrometry to analyze the fate of individual atoms from stable isotope-enriched pr
218  protein alpha (SIRPalpha) axis dictates the fate of ingested DNA in DCs for immune evasion.
219 ce and thus may be expected to influence the fate of injected supercritical (sc) CO2 following geolog
220     Here we studied the role of ELMO1 in the fate of internalized targets.
221 lecular weight pesticides, the environmental fate of macromolecular PIPs remains less studied and is
222 sotopic distributions and for predicting the fate of metal ions in the environment.
223 thod to quantitatively map the intracellular fate of micelles of a recombinant polypeptide conjugated
224 ich negative frequency dependence alters the fate of migrants to promote or constrain evolutionary di
225 ars) is double the longer-term estimate, the fate of most new Y-linked genes is defined by rapid dege
226 in and the co-transcriptional processing and fate of nascent transcripts is coordinated by transcript
227 ges toward an alternate and detrimental cell fate of necroptosis.
228 nvasive plants may potentially influence the fate of organic matter associated with soil mineral and
229 in pathological conditions and determine the fate of other neural cells.
230 ty proteins dictate the cytoarchitecture and fate of other tissue-resident cells to suppress their ma
231 s murine study, we show that SpA altered the fate of plasmablasts and plasma cells (PCs) by enhancing
232 ediated by PCM can impact the biogeochemical fate of pollutants and lead to useful strategies for rem
233           Here, we investigated the cellular fate of poly(lactic acid) nanoparticles presenting diffe
234 w hypothesis that sialylation determines the fate of prions in an organism.
235 oil microorganism, Bacillus subtilis, on the fate of pristine and already sulfidized Ag-NPs.
236                               To address the fate of RNAPII, we used methods that control transcripti
237 cs" and is responsible for the transport and fate of sediment, carbon, nutrients, pollutants, pathoge
238                        Finally, we track the fate of seedlings of an encroaching shrub, hopbush (Dodo
239 ons with SRN, indicating that the photolytic fate of select antibiotics varies for agricultural and s
240                         Here, we tracked the fate of single PGCCs following paclitaxel-induced mitoti
241 tilized metabolomics techniques to study the fate of small-molecule antibacterials within the targete
242 s will likely differ and alter the long-term fate of soil C, but these separate pools, which can be d
243    Our findings identify an architecture and fate of stomata in hornworts that is ancient and common
244                          We investigated the fate of subplate neurons (SPNs), which are a master regu
245 M2, and post-transcriptionally regulates the fate of target RNAs.
246           This study examined the photolytic fate of the chlortetracycline (CTC), ciprofloxacin (CIP)
247                                 However, the fate of the cleaved p75 TM domain is unknown.
248 at multiple time points after osteotomy, the fate of the dead alveolar bone was followed.
249                      Upon transcription, the fate of these complexes depended on whether the DNA was
250  of different usage patterns, transport, and fate of these compounds.
251 s enzymatic degradation, that determines the fate of these solutes.
252  spruce plantation and directly compared the fate of this (15) N to an equivalent amount in simulated
253                                          The fate of this Hg during and following snowmelt is largely
254                               Predicting the fate of tropical forests under a changing climate requir
255                    Little is known about the fate of UV filters in seawater swimming pools disinfecte
256 onal tracer for investigating the origin and fate of volatile elements on Earth.
257 ar import, and mRNA synthesis.IMPORTANCE The fates of HIV-1 reverse transcription products within inf
258 al and may explain in part the heterogeneous fates of metastatic lesions often observed in the clinic
259 ain the basis of this defect, we tracked the fates of multiple viral components in infected cells.
260 ansferase SEDT2 affects alternative splicing fates of several key regulatory genes, including those i
261   Here, we demonstrate that the evolutionary fates of the subgenomes in maize (Zea mays) and soybean
262 affinity memory B cells into the plasma cell fate, our findings provide fundamental insights into the
263 ated in an outdoor compost to evaluate their fate over time and to profile the microbial communities
264 egans, thereby ensuring proper temporal cell fate patterning.
265 or, and H heterozygotes exhibit bristle cell fate phenotypes reflecting gain-of-Notch signaling, H/+
266                            However, the cell fate plasticity of endogenous pericytes in vivo remains
267 stnatal olfactory epithelium, revealing cell fate potentials and branchpoints in olfactory stem cell
268  cardiac PW1-expressing cells and their cell fate potentials in normal hearts and during cardiac remo
269 alent expression of TFs among differentially fated precursor cells suggests additional underlying mec
270 ng the quantification of emissions, dominant fate processes, types of analytical tools required for c
271                 We found that differentially-fated progeny of 4d (germline, segmental mesoderm, growt
272 ell as the subsequent activation of distinct fate programmes in each daughter.
273 hyperactive signaling in a diversity of cell fate programs.
274 unds' unique abilities to regulate stem cell fate provides opportunities for developing improved meth
275 with Smad4 to target specific genes for cell fate regulation.
276 gations reveal that the plasma membrane cell fate regulator, SCRAMBLED (SCM), is mislocalized in ugt8
277 tor whose cognate receptor and intracellular fate remains unknown.
278 lerated differentiation into cortical neuron fates should facilitate hPSC-based strategies for diseas
279                During the anterior-posterior fate specification of insects, anterior fates arise in a
280 cell (RPC)-to-RGC and human stem cell-to-RGC fate specification, and take a significant step toward u
281 e microscopy to study processes such as cell-fate specification, cell death, and transdifferentiation
282 , by controlling the timing and pace of cell fate specification, the embryo temporally modulates plas
283 ined with a more plastic process of neuronal fate specification, to produce brain circuits that media
284 ge variability in temperature to transduce a fate-switching signal within this biological system.
285 /BCR dosage may play a larger role in B cell fate than previously anticipated.
286 cyclosome (APC/C), in the regulation of cell fate through modulation of Wingless (Wg) signaling.
287  endogenous DNA damage, and may control cell fate through the regulation of CHK1.
288 al minima and signal inductions dictate cell fates through modulating the shape of the multistable la
289 atively signals to direct disparate cellular fates throughout embryogenesis.
290              Using in vivo and in vitro cell fate tracing concomitant with specific cell ablation and
291                         Here we dissect cell fate transitions during colonic regeneration in a mouse
292 nomic remodeling events associated with cell fate transitions into and out of human pluripotency.
293  these proneural genes also regulate laminar fate transitions.
294 c oncogene activation or nonphysiologic cell fate transitions.
295 ever, the mechanisms that regulate stem cell fates under such widely varying conditions are not fully
296 twork architectures underlying distinct cell fates using a reverse engineering method and uncovered t
297 g to correlate signaling histories with cell fates, we demonstrate that interactions between neighbor
298 croRNA-dependent manner to inhibit hair cell fate, while also terminating growth of root hairs mostly
299  predict that these phases undergo differing fates, with at least 14% (amorphous carbonate) likely d
300  that a 'community effect' enforces a common fate within microColonies, both in the state of pluripot

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