


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 l to study neural stem cell self-renewal and fate determination.
2 e and actin cytoskeleton is critical for TGC fate determination.
3  Nkx2.1, for lung epithelial progenitor cell fate determination.
4 s to regulate embryonic development and cell fate determination.
5 th embryonic stem cell self-renewal and cell fate determination.
6 aining immune homeostasis by regulating cell fate determination.
7 s modelling lineage differentiation and cell-fate determination.
8 ngolipids function in neural stem cell (NSC) fate determination.
9 ive in the stem cell niche that oversees SSC fate determination.
10 nects DNA damage signaling to SirT1 and cell fate determination.
11  are critical regulators of lymphoid lineage fate determination.
12  a classical embryologic model to study cell fate determination.
13 ides a prototypic example of collective cell fate determination.
14 ich endogenous secretion contributed to cell fate determination.
15 up210 in gene expression regulation and cell fate determination.
16 ulatory network that guides progressive cell fate determination.
17 le in controlling embryonic neural stem cell fate determination.
18  to allow ample time for DNA repair and cell fate determination.
19 ory T cells (T(reg) cells) and controls cell fate determination.
20 re involved in embryonic patterning and cell fate determination.
21 omosome copy number could contribute to cell-fate determination.
22 des new insights into the mechanisms of cell fate determination.
23 olarity signaling mechanism in mammalian HSC fate determination.
24 on of gene expression during vertebrate cell-fate determination.
25  by ADAM10 is critical to hematopoietic cell-fate determination.
26 *-124 can have an instructive role in neural fate determination.
27 re cell surface molecules essential for cell fate determination.
28 -5 plays an instructive role in male gonadal fate determination.
29 r-mediated transcription attenuation in cell fate determination.
30 cell proliferation, differentiation and cell fate determination.
31 or suppression, and monocyte/macrophage cell fate determination.
32  important for CD8 T-cell effector or memory fate determination.
33 ith proper heterochromatin assembly and cell fate determination.
34 lls, leads to a complete loss of proper cell fate determination.
35 d to cell signaling, cell survival, and cell fate determination.
36 n P11.p is concordant with the timing of HCG fate determination.
37 roteomic dynamics during the process of cell fate determination.
38  initiates morphogenesis and prosensory cell fate determination.
39 reciprocal negative regulation of CD4 T cell fate determination.
40  mechanisms of early neural and retinal cell fate determination.
41 to achieve complete IL-12-dependent Th1 cell-fate determination.
42 rmination cascade involved in embryonic cell fate determination.
43 ogenitor cells is required for neuronal cell fate determination.
44 uroblast formation, cell-cycle exit and cell-fate determination.
45 een shown to play a significant role in cell fate determination.
46 timing of precursor differentiation and cell fate determination.
47 al cell polarity to Notch signaling and cell fate determination.
48 for Ctr1 during amphibian and mammalian cell fate determination.
49 ent, but overlapping aspects of retinal cell fate determination.
50 cell formation, migration, proliferation and fate determination.
51 on of epigenetic information influences cell fate determination.
52 his act to control cleavage pattern and cell fate determination.
53 Notch signaling, a pathway critical for cell fate determination.
54 ling and unravel the complexity of stem cell fate determination.
55 F signaling to balance self-renewal and cell fate determination.
56 t couple metabolism to pluripotency and cell fate determination.
57 al to transcriptional reprogramming and cell fate determination.
58 t of EpiLCs, the epigenome is reset for cell fate determination.
59 n of quiescent cells and/or a switch in cell-fate determination.
60 3 is reorganized during development and cell fate determination.
61 otrusion, migration, proliferation, and cell-fate determination.
62 ell proliferation, differentiation, and cell fate determination.
63  Shh morphogen gradient and influencing cell fate determination.
64 n epigenetic control of SE activity for cell fate determination.
65 nal transduction in cells are vital for cell fate determination.
66 etwork (GRN), corresponding to specific cell fate determination.
67  translation is an important feature of cell-fate determination.
68 xplore the functional role of Jagged in cell-fate determination.
69 ne expression, chromatin structure, and cell fate determination.
70 cadherins required for NC migration and cell fate determination.
71 merged as important factors influencing cell fate determination.
72 ling activation and cause a gradient of cell fate determination along the direction of flow.
73 f misexpressing NeuroD genes on retinal cell fate determination also suggested shared and divergent f
74                                         Cell fate determination and cell migration are two essential
75 rm the basis for understanding not only cell fate determination and cellular homeostasis in the norma
76 ere, we focus on events accompanying digital fate determination and define a region of the digital ra
77  signatures that lead to each retinal cell's fate determination and development challenging.
78 rious adult stem cells, but its role in cell fate determination and differentiation during liver deve
79 f the transcriptional networks regulating HC fate determination and differentiation is crucial not on
80      We elucidate the role of Jagged in cell-fate determination and discuss its possible implications
81            Numb functions in progenitor cell fate determination and early development, but it is also
82 t critical genes acting in the steps of cell fate determination and early differentiation of various
83 r Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in granule cell fate determination and for Wnt/PCP signaling in controll
84 e role of CD28 in gammadelta T cell effector fate determination and function.
85 upporting distinct pathways for human T cell fate determination and homeostasis.
86 As (miRNAs) are important regulators of cell fate determination and homeostasis.
87 tes to dissect transcriptional mechanisms of fate determination and identify circuits that mediate ce
88 ting protein Lis1 in hematopoietic stem cell fate determination and in leukemogenesis.
89                 Notch1 regulates binary cell fate determination and is critical for angiogenesis and
90 tally changed our view on developmental cell-fate determination and led to a cascade of technological
91 ascade plays a crucial role in myogenic cell fate determination and lineage progression during tongue
92  modulate developmental events, such as cell fate determination and maintenance in many species, we i
93 ionarily conserved process critical for cell fate determination and maintenance of gene expression du
94                                  Chondrocyte fate determination and maintenance requires Sox9, an int
95          Notch receptors mediate binary cell fate determination and may regulate the function of BM-d
96 rved across metazoans, including neural cell fate determination and migration, axon guidance, synapto
97 res coordination of cell proliferation, cell fate determination and morphogenetic movements.
98  associated with key factors central to cell fate determination and neural tube patterning.
99 and the signaling pathways that control cell fate determination and organism development.
100 ial players in development by acting on cell fate determination and progression towards cell differen
101 ional dominance' model of photoreceptor cell fate determination and provide insights into the pathoge
102 nce of single-cell analyses in understanding fate determination and provide new insights into the spe
103 ERECTA-mediated signaling in growth and cell-fate determination and reveal a role for ERECTA-LIKE2 in
104 mous function of Shox2 in osteogenic lineage fate determination and skeleton patterning.
105 duced signaling provides a switch for neural fate determination and specification of neurotransmitter
106 and signaling molecules involved in neuronal fate determination and specification.
107 -catenin and are critically involved in cell fate determination and stem/progenitor self-renewal.
108 t the importance of metabolic cues in T cell fate determination and suggest that metabolic modulation
109 synthetic biology framework to approach cell fate determination and suggests a landscape-based explan
110  sex determination signal TRA-1 and the cell fate determination and survival signal UNC-86 to control
111 roteasome pathway is necessary for hair cell fate determination and survival.
112 roblastic cell-cell interactions affect cell fate determination and the organization of skeletal musc
113 al taste system: embryonic chemosensory cell fate determination and the specification of lingual mech
114 ion of gene expression is essential for cell fate determination and tissue development.
115 s during animal development, regulating cell fate determination and tissue growth in a variety of tis
116 ed us to identify key genes involved in cell fate determination and to obtain new insights about a sp
117  essential roles in cell proliferation, cell fate determination and tumorigenesis by regulating the e
118 viding cell population just upstream of cell fate determination and updates previous models of spindl
119 entify an epigenetic mechanism governing BAT fate determination and WAT plasticity.
120  (Shh) signaling is crucial for growth, cell fate determination, and axonal guidance in the developin
121 stricting the activation of HSCs, in lineage fate determination, and in the prevention of leukaemogen
122 ndocannabinoids regulate cell proliferation, fate determination, and migration.
123 e WNT7A-PAX6 axis in corneal epithelial cell fate determination, and point to a new strategy for trea
124 e is suppressed via Nkx2-5 during mesodermal fate determination, and that the Gata1 gene is one of th
125 anscription factors, the regulation of their fate determination, and the consequences of their abnorm
126 ential for many aspects of development, cell fate determination, and tissue homeostasis.
127 al to ensure proper lineage commitment, cell fate determination, and ultimately, organogenesis.
128 y transcription factors that regulate T cell fate determination are methylated on arginine.
129 nate models of Notch pathway control of cell fate determination are presented.
130 development, extracellular cues guiding cell fate determination are provided by morphogens.
131 ovement, Balbiani body formation, and oocyte fate determination are selectively blocked by low levels
132 nctions of Ras in regulating growth and cell-fate determination are separable.
133 aling has been described in neuro/glial cell fate determination as well as in modulating neurogenesis
134 NOTCH receptors have been implicated in cell fate determination, as well as maintenance and different
135 a1 appears to act as a balancing molecule in fate determination at a critical juncture of T-cell diff
136 enance, but may have a critical role in cell-fate determination at the initiation stage.
137 inating enzymes (DUBs) help control neuronal fate determination, axonal pathfinding and synaptic comm
138 isms that underlie proneural induction, cell fate determination, axonal targeting, dendritic branchin
139 As (miRNAs) are important in regulating cell fate determination because many of their target mRNA tra
140  in key auto-regulatory proteins can control fate determination between latency and productive replic
141                                         Cell-fate determination between the three phenotypes is in fa
142  cellular metabolism both contribute to cell fate determination, but their interplay remains poorly u
143     Thus, excess beta-catenin can alter cell fate determination by both direct and paracrine mechanis
144                                         Cell fate determination by lateral inhibition via Notch/Delta
145 e balance between stem cell self-renewal and fate determination by regulating the expression of stem
146 orts to link copy number variation with cell fate determination by viruses, dynamics of synthetic gen
147 monstrate that stochastic and permanent cell fate determination can be achieved through initializing
148                       Several models of cell fate determination can be invoked to explain how single
149 st 5-6 by simultaneously activating two cell fate determination cascades and a sub-temporal regulator
150 ting a model of a stochastic process of cell fate determination coupled with dynamic patterns of clon
151 ordination between morphogenic movements and fate determination critically influences organogenesis.
152  multiple cellular processes, including cell fate determination, development, differentiation, prolif
153 onsists of several processes, including cell fate determination, differentiation, and maturation.
154 ic aspects of retinal development, including fate determination, differentiation, morphological devel
155 on, the importance of cic in regulating cell-fate determination downstream of Ras appears to vary fro
156  relationship between PCP signaling and cell fate determination during asymmetric division of neural
157               Cell polarization is linked to fate determination during asymmetric division of plant s
158 -mediated Wnt signaling in proliferation and fate determination during cerebral cortical development.
159  factors regulate tissue patterning and cell fate determination during development; however, expressi
160 ers in the control of proliferation and cell fate determination during differentiation.
161 he AMPK pathway as a novel regulator of cell fate determination during differentiation.
162 al factors that play essential roles in cell fate determination during early embryogenesis and ontoge
163 conserved signaling cascade crucial for cell fate determination during embryogenesis.
164        Notch signaling pathway mediates cell-fate determination during embryonic development, wound h
165 ch signal transduction pathway controls cell fate determination during metazoan development.
166 ctyostelium homologue of GSK3 (gskA) in cell fate determination during morphogenesis of the fruiting
167 e signaling have all been implicated in cell fate determination during neurogenesis, our findings pro
168        Histone protein modifications control fate determination during normal development and dediffe
169  for the EMS1 receptor kinase to signal cell fate determination during plant sexual reproduction.
170 e Hedgehog (Hh) pathway is required for cell-fate determination during the embryonic life, as well as
171 d Numbl in the control of myoepithelial cell fate determination, epithelial identity, and lactogenesi
172 e mechanisms that specify photoreceptor cell-fate determination, especially as regards to short-wave-
173 ifications, but their specific roles in cell fate determination events are poorly understood.
174 entify a pathway by which an endogenous cell-fate determination factor blocks oncogene-dependent tumo
175                       Expression of the cell-fate determination factor Dachshund (DACH1) was lost in
176                                     The cell fate determination factor Dachshund was cloned as a domi
177      Dachshund homolog 1 (DACH1), a key cell fate determination factor, contributes to tumorigenesis,
178 reby Lim1 lies downstream of horizontal cell fate determination factors and functions cell autonomous
179 es advantage of this knowledge and uses cell fate determination factors to convert one lineage into a
180                        Unbalanced neurogenic fate determination found in complete CB(1)(-/-) mice and
181  change in splicing isoforms of Numb, a cell-fate determination gene.
182  of the let-7 miRNA family control many cell-fate determination genes to influence pluripotency, diff
183                          The process of cell fate determination has been depicted intuitively as cell
184 nscription factors that drive megakaryocytic fate determination have been identified and experimental
185 erlying transcriptional mechanism for neural fate determination, HOE-140 induced up-regulation of Not
186 lays a crucial role in the control of T cell fate determination; however, the precise regulatory mech
187 tic metabolism, cell cycle progression, cell fate determination, immune function, and inflammatory re
188 ablish that PBX1 regulates adult neural cell fate determination in a manner beyond that of its hetero
189 y provides a general model for niche-induced fate determination in adult tissues.
190 gnaling makes critical contributions to cell fate determination in all metazoan organisms, yet remark
191  in regulating somatic and reproductive cell fate determination in Arabidopsis anthers.
192          Notch signaling governs binary cell fate determination in asymmetrically dividing cells.
193 s a previously undescribed mechanism of cell fate determination in at least a subset of retinal cells
194 g the molecular control of cell lineages and fate determination in complex tissues is key to not only
195 r EJC components apparently function in cell fate determination in developing male gametophytes of M.
196  early events in a program of secretory cell fate determination in developing murine airways.
197 rom mouse skin results in a marked change in fate determination in epidermal progenitor cells, leadin
198  of early embryonic stem cell state and cell fate determination in humans.
199 the mechanisms at play during the first cell-fate determination in mammalian embryos have been debate
200                                  Proper cell fate determination in mammalian gonads is critical for t
201         Notch (N) signaling is used for cell-fate determination in many different developmental conte
202 egulators of development by controlling cell-fate determination in many multicellular organisms.
203 aling proteins is a master regulator of cell fate determination in metazoans, contributing to both pa
204 e Foxp3 CNS elements (CNS1-3) in T(reg) cell fate determination in mice.
205 r balance between neural and mesodermal cell fate determination in mouse embryos and ESCs.
206             The Notch pathway regulates cell fate determination in numerous developmental processes.
207 s a critical factor required for proper cell fate determination in S. pombe.
208  are dispensable for primitive and adult HSC fate determination in steady-state and stress hematopoie
209                                         Cell fate determination in the asymmetric bacterium Caulobact
210 ped beyond growth to encompass specific cell-fate determination in the context of blood development.
211 oles for the enzymes in regulating adipocyte fate determination in the developing mammary gland.
212 intrinsic competence act in concert for cell fate determination in the developing vertebrate retina.
213 lent mating-type region is critical for cell fate determination in the form of mating-type switching.
214 cle 7 (Cdc7) has been shown to regulate cell fate determination in the initial phase of transforming
215 nd common roles for the three miRNAs in cell-fate determination in the inner ear, and these principle
216 ne modifications are integral to normal cell fate determination in the mammalian lens.
217 ne whether beta-catenin regulates basal cell fate determination in the mouse trachea.
218 standing of the molecular mechanisms of cell fate determination in the nervous system requires the el
219 rinting as a critical determinant of lineage fate determination in the thymus.
220 suggest that, like the spinal cord, neuronal fate determination in the ventral telencephalon is large
221 ctivity and DE-cadherin and Rho1 during cell fate determination in the wing, suggesting a broader lin
222 tical analysis predicts that stochastic cell fate determination in this case can only be realized whe
223 mportant regulator of EGFR activity and cell fate determination in vivo.
224 e the roles of these protein kinases in cell fate determination in Xenopus epidermis.
225 uired for cranial neural crest formation and fate determination in Xenopus.
226 the first cell division plays a role in cell fate determinations in the early mouse embryo.
227 RP6 appeared to be critical for granule cell fate determination, in vivo knockdown of PCP core protei
228 highly conserved proteins that regulate cell fate determination, including those involved in mammalia
229                                              Fate determination is confined to a critical development
230            In C. elegans, the timing of cell fate determination is controlled by the heterochronic ge
231 d signaling pathway and its function in cell fate determination is crucial in embryonic development a
232                     When the process of cell-fate determination is examined at single-cell resolution
233 whether other regulatory events support cell-fate determination is less well understood.
234 ly accepted that the process of retinal cell fate determination is under tight transcriptional contro
235 en recognition (DNA sensing) pathways, viral fate determinations (lytic or latent), and to anticipate
236 cally constricting cells, downstream of cell fate determination mechanisms.
237                           Despite this early fate determination, multiple cell types can be replaced
238        This reveals a role for nmy-2 in cell fate determination not obviously linked to the primary p
239  the factors that regulate proliferation and fate determination of adult neural stem cells and descri
240                  These findings confirm that fate determination of cIN subgroups is crucially influen
241 ve selection results in a change in the cell fate determination of developing iNKT cells, with a bloc
242 gnaling-mediated lateral inhibition and cell fate determination of external sensory organs.
243 4 methylation activity of these complexes in fate determination of hematopoietic stem and progenitor
244  Thus, our findings indicate that epigenetic fate determination of mammalian cells can be markedly co
245 ates transcriptional complexes to direct the fate determination of multipotent mesenchymal stem cells
246                    gamma-Secretase regulates fate determination of neural progenitor cells.
247 ecially mTORC2, in iNKT cell development and fate determination of NKT17 cells.
248                  How the differentiation and fate determination of PDGFRbeta(+) cells are regulated,
249   Thus, Epfn has multiple functions for cell fate determination of the dental epithelium by regulatin
250 ng analysis of the early role of the lens in fate determination of these tissues.
251 ic regulation responsible for the asymmetric fate determination of XCI remain elusive.
252 which enables direct study of quadruple cell fate determination on an engineered landscape.
253 initially identified for their roles in cell fate determination or signaling during development can h
254  of Sox2 in promoting proliferation and cell fate determination, our data demonstrate that Sox2 plays
255      Attenuation of FOX function by the cell fate determination pathway has broad implications given
256 ellipse, encodes a key component of the cell fate determination pathway involved in Drosophila eye de
257                       How these unusual cell-fate determination patterns are generated is unclear.
258           Here we identify a stochastic cell fate determination process that operates in Bacillus sub
259 itted precursor thymocytes are screened by a fate-determination process mediated via T cell receptor
260 ighlight the influence of cell morphology on fate determination processes.
261  factors are critical regulators of cellular fate determination, proliferation, and differentiation.
262                 Wnt signaling regulates cell fate determination, proliferation, and survival, among o
263  potent morphogens that are involved in cell fate determination, proliferation, apoptosis and adult t
264 and refinement of these patterns during cell fate determination remain unexplored because of the abse
265 ether this function is linked to its role in fate determination remains unclear.
266 e data reveal Bcl-3 as a regulator of B cell fate determination, restricting the MZ path and favoring
267 le for how cells acquire competence for cell fate determination, resulting in the context-dependent r
268 s family GTPases play a pivotal role in cell fate determination, serving as molecular switches to con
269 ecular controls over proliferation, neuronal fate determination, survival, and maturation are poorly
270 Cs in a variety of cancers and controls cell fate determination, survival, proliferation, and the mai
271 oundation for studies of when and where cell fate determination takes place.
272 er of TCR binding, signaling, and functional fate determination that can differentially specify outco
273 ant for cellular homeostasis, signaling, and fate determination that is implicated in several disease
274 s suggest a conserved mechanism for neuronal fate determination that might operate during asymmetric
275     Despite its critical involvement in cell fate determination, the enrichment of germline determina
276 r detrusor smooth muscle and urothelial cell fate determination, the mutants have significantly lower
277 Here we review progress in understanding LCN fate determination, their nonradial migration to the cor
278 mplicate AMSH as a key modulator of receptor fate determination through its action on components of t
279 pathways, suggest that Adam10 regulates cell fate determination through the activation of Notch signa
280 dle during cell division is crucial for cell fate determination, tissue organization, and development
281 lular organisms actively regulate their cell fate determination to cope with changing environments or
282 genesis, and cellular stress that links cell fate determination to disease pathology.
283 esis, from neural stem cell self-renewal and fate determination to neuronal maturation, synaptic form
284 tant for diverse processes ranging from cell fate determination to synaptic plasticity; however, so f
285  Foxp3 transcription, which is essential for fate determination towards TH17 cells.
286 to exhibiting spiral cleavage and early cell fate determination, trochozoans typically undergo indire
287 muscular junction formation, and neuron cell fate determination, typically during the pupal stage of
288  of PKCdelta-dependent signaling in the cell fate determination upon hypoxic exposure.
289 nal regulation that coordinates retinal cell fate determination, very little is known about the devel
290  regulates PDGFRbeta(+) cell differentiation/fate determination via gpihbp1.
291                  In studies of photoreceptor fate determination, we found that Blimp1 (Prdm1) is expr
292 ore the role of Shh and other factors in cIN fate determination, we generated a reporter line such th
293           To examine the role of NRL in cell fate determination, we generated transgenic mice that ex
294         To further evaluate its role in cell fate determination, we investigated INSM1 effects on cel
295 urther examine the role of Olig2 in NG2 cell fate determination, we used genetic fate mapping of NG2
296 rstanding the mechanisms underlying neuronal fate determination will provide important insights into
297 cts of the gene miranda that is required for fate determination with GFP.
298             Thus, the APC/C coordinates cell-fate determination with the cell cycle through the modul
299 suggest that Math1 is critical for both cell fate determination within the intestinal epithelium and
300 sease states with opposing responses in cell fate determination, yet its contribution in pro-survival

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