


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ercise (80% peak power output) for 30 s (non-fatiguing) and to exhaustion ( approximately 9 min; fati
2 ng) and to exhaustion ( approximately 9 min; fatiguing) both under control conditions and with lumbar
3 s did not result in lower performance due to fatiguing conditions, although students perceived subjec
4 ip over the course of an ischaemic series of fatiguing contractions and subsequent recovery using the
5  cycles of 2.5, 10 and 20 % before and after fatiguing contractions that diminished peak tension and
6 tments that constrain muscle function during fatiguing contractions.
7  feed arteries (FA) dilated maximally during fatiguing contractions.
8 rate (+16-20 beats min(-1)) increased during fatiguing diaphragm contractions.
9 erents, MVC and VA remained unchanged during fatiguing exercise (P > 0.3).
10 loss and tissue oxygenation in response to a fatiguing exercise protocol were used to quantify fatiga
11 stimulation, rapid voluntary movements and a fatiguing exercise test of a sustained 45-s isometric co
12 n elbow flexor MEP observed from rest to non-fatiguing exercise under control conditions and resulted
13 force generation at the site involved in the fatiguing exercise, but increased during force productio
14 easure the effects of steady-state exercise, fatiguing exercise, or the inverted-U hypothesis.
15  it was produced at the site involved in the fatiguing exercise.
16                                          Two fatiguing exercises were used, involving force productio
17                         At the same relative fatiguing force, the peak systolic pressure and mean art
18 rve activity and blood pressure responses to fatiguing handgrip and post-exercise circulatory occlusi
19 range of negative health outcomes, including fatiguing illnesses.
20  well as when PF was preceded immediately by fatiguing inspiratory muscle work (6.28 +/- 2.24 min; P
21  (LVR) while subjects performed two types of fatiguing inspiratory work to the point of task failure
22 while they performed two types of submaximal fatiguing isometric contraction that required either for
23 ed from the rostral brainstem in response to fatiguing isometric contractions of the hindlimb muscle
24 ressure, and heart rate were measured during fatiguing isometric handgrip (IHG) at 30% maximum volunt
25 is study, young healthy volunteers performed fatiguing isometric handgrip before and after a local in
26      We asked whether the central effects of fatiguing locomotor muscle fatigue exert an inhibitory i
27                We suggest that feedback from fatiguing muscle plays an important role in the determin
28 ay be influenced by metabolic changes in the fatiguing muscle.
29 anic force, decline in force after a tetanic fatiguing protocol, and single-fiber-specific force.
30  were comparable to those observed following fatiguing stimulation (6.30-6.70 and 18.04 +/- 1.78 mm,
31 epletion was limited (a condition imposed by fatiguing stimulation, long-lasting depolarization, or l
32 ion can detect diaphragmatic fatigue after a fatiguing task, but the results obtained with this techn
33 potentiated twitch force after a potentially fatiguing task.
34 hrenic nerves before and after a potentially fatiguing task; inspiratory threshold loading to task fa
35 r maximal forces and endurance times for the fatiguing tasks.
36 lexor MVC progressively decreased during the fatiguing trial (P < 0.05).
37  and LVR, whereas the two types of diaphragm-fatiguing trials elicited decreases in .Q(L) and increas
38            When the breathing pattern of the fatiguing trials was mimicked with no added resistance,

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