


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s because its calorimetric signature is very feeble.
2                            LigD POL displays feeble activity in extending a preformed primer terminus
3 y cleaving diadenosine hexaphosphate but has feeble activity with shorter derivatives diadenosine tet
4                         Yet, DnaA(L366K) was feeble at initiating replication from oriC unless augmen
5 ited widespread cytological degeneration and feeble BrdU incorporation.
6                         LigD and LigC have a feeble capacity to seal 3'-OH/5'-PO(4) DNA nicks.
7 lly it has also been shown that enzymes with feeble carbapenemase activity (e.g. AmpC types and some
8 treated skin of BALB/c or C3H/HeN mice, only feeble CH was induced.
9 tations cause slow muscle depolarization and feeble contraction.
10                                       Even a feeble deviation from the normal diffusive coupling dras
11  se is a vigorous DNA-dependent ATPase but a feeble DNA helicase.
12                                              Feeble forces play a significant role in the organizatio
13 gammadelta T cell responses, whereas 11 made feeble gammadelta T cell responses but stronger NK cell
14 report that activation of Prp43's inherently feeble helicase activity by the splicing factor Ntr1 is
15                                    Thus, the feeble immunogenicity of natural proteasome products in
16                       (ACIII, reflecting its feeble in vitro sensitivity to Ca2+, was unaffected by a
17 ions, exhibiting dissimilar environments and feeble magnetic coupling.
18 ated ramDelta) are round in morphology, form feeble mating projections, and fail to separate followin
19                    The identification of the feeble mutation led to our subsequent observations that
20 LigC (another NHEJ ligase), and they display feeble nick-sealing activity.
21                      Bolstering the apparent feeble numbers of CD8(+) T cells in TG remains a challen
22  Cr-Cr species the Cr-arene interaction is a feeble one that causes only a small weakening of the qui
23                                          The feeble phenotype was mapped to a mutation in Slc15a4, wh
24             One phenovariant, which we named feeble, showed abrogation of both TLR-induced type I IFN
25 en, IgG responses were found to be generally feeble which is attributed to inefficient immunoglobulin
26  of the second glass transition is much less feeble, with a heat capacity increase at Tg,2 about five
27  with controls, hedgehog signaling was quite feeble within mutant growth plates as early as P0, but w

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