


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  host species upon which infected mosquitoes feed.
2 of blood-derived products and milk powder in feed.
3 rom pigs fattened on acorn and pasture or on feed.
4 to differential fibrinogenolysis during tick feeding.
5 t baseline, 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min after feeding.
6 hypotriglyceridemia after 1 week of fructose feeding.
7 ed GLP-1R agonists access the LDTg to affect feeding.
8  to LXR activation and high-cholesterol diet feeding.
9 s proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons inhibit feeding.
10 n lineage superbly adapted to benthic filter feeding.
11  sensitivity despite prolonged high-fat diet feeding.
12 ic hamsters were switched back to ad libitum feeding.
13 y between 12 and 24 mo, as well as nocturnal feeding.
14 dies for transmission blocking upon mosquito feeding.
15  liver to insulin during the challenge of HF feeding.
16 sis (mean damping ratio at 80 Hz and 20-week feeding, 0.044 +/- 0.012 in the steatohepatitis group vs
17 erozygous ERalpha knockout (WT/KO) dams were fed a control breeder chow diet (25% fat) or a semi-puri
18 ostasis and beta-cell function of these mice fed a control chow or high-fat diet.
19 s were implanted with zeranol and three were fed a diet containing zearalenone.
20 e serum T4 and very low serum T3 levels when fed a diet supplying the minimum I(-) requirement for ro
21 and visceral adipose tissue of TRPC1 KO mice fed a HF diet and exercised.
22      Furthermore, in wild-type C57BL/6J mice fed a high fat diet, 2-weeks supplementation with Lab4 p
23                              Retinas of mice fed a high fat/sucrose diet also exhibited elevated leve
24 n stores and extends the lifespan of animals fed a high glucose diet in an AMPK-dependent manner.
25 /-)), and p35IL-12(-/-) (p35(-/-)) mice were fed a high-fat diet (HFD) for 12 weeks.
26 ecombinant GDF15 induces weight loss in mice fed a high-fat diet and in nonhuman primates with sponta
27                                  Female mice fed a high-fat diet maintain CX3CL1-CX3CR1 levels while
28 3-fold compared with littermate control mice fed a ketogenic diet, yet it did not improve cardiac hyp
29 igonella foenum-graecum), C57BL/6J mice were fed a low- or high-fat diet for 16 weeks with or without
30  do not develop beyond the first instar when fed a nutritionally complete diet in the absence of a gu
31 rains introduced into adult gnotobiotic mice fed a polysaccharide-rich diet, and (ii) in situ hybridi
32                            C57BL/6 mice were fed a Western diet (WD) (35% kcal from fat enriched in p
33                       C57BL/6 male mice were fed a Western diet (WD) +/-75 mg PDX twice daily by oral
34                                              Feeding a growing world population amidst climate change
35 ental nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) by feeding a high polyunsaturated fat liquid diet to female
36 mice were rendered obese and pre-diabetic by feeding a high-fat diet for 15 weeks and then treated wi
37                                              Feeding A. aegypti with the engineered yeasts resulted i
38 o walk, bradykinesia, scoliosis, gastrostomy feeding, age of seizure onset, and late age of diagnosis
39  more appropriate BMI than traditional spoon-feeding, although children were reported to have less fo
40                            In wild-type mice fed an unsupplemented ad libitum diet, age-associated hy
41 ecutive cases of DSAEK (423) or PK (405) for FED and BK from the Singapore Cornea Transplant Registry
42 ation of mTOR and Rheb post exercise in both FED and CON.
43 fferences in methylation between soy formula-fed and cow formula-fed infants at three CpGs in the gen
44 th an increase in the concentration of dsRNA fed and sequential feeding of two different dsRNAs incre
45 l capacity, as it is only females that blood feed and thus transmit human malaria.
46 nificant decrease in diversity within 1 h of feeding and a total diversity loss of 11.6 +/- 4.1% afte
47 tigated the actions of JNK in the control of feeding and body weight homeostasis.
48 jects and in critically ill patients, during feeding and fasting, and to search for a correlation wit
49                          Toxicant effects on feeding and maintenance resulted in initially small adve
50 r range: Wyeomyia smithii Contemporary blood-feeding and obligate nonbiting populations represent end
51  ideal for studying the neural regulation of feeding and reproduction because females cycle between a
52 se of oral rehydration solutions, continuous feeding and zinc supplementation.
53 ng gymnosperm reproductive organs for pollen feeding and/or pollination during the late Middle Jurass
54                   Data on sociodemographics, feeding, and illness were collected at defined intervals
55  weight gain in lean mice upon high-fat diet feeding, and this injection paradigm reduced high-fat in
56 h total lycopene higher in skin of tangerine fed animals despite a lower dose.
57 sess the in vivo efficacy, western-type diet fed apoE(-/-) mice were treated daily with 15a or vehicl
58    Tread-water feeding is considered passive feeding as compared with other feeding behaviors because
59 ransmission potential based on 1209 mosquito feeding assays in endemic areas of Burkina Faso and Keny
60 ted gametocyte counts or results of mosquito-feeding assays.
61 wed that the mean number of species observed feeding at carcasses and the percentage of consumed carr
62  months" (DBF3m), the combination of "direct feeding at the breast (DBF), pumping and feeding breast
63 n turn projects strongly to DDmg, which then feeds back diffusely to DL.
64 how that the response of the skin to hypoxia feeds back on a wide range of cardiovascular parameters,
65             Our results demonstrate that 2PG feeds back on the Calvin-Benson cycle.
66 umulation of sugars from photosynthesis also feeds back to regulate the circadian oscillator.
67                 Many women discontinued tube feeding because of discomfort, suggesting that it is poo
68 asitism, cleptoparasitism, predation, pollen feeding (bees [Anthophila] and Masarinae), and eusociali
69                     An automated analysis of feeding behavior in freely moving flies shows that IR60b
70 erences in a number of phenotypes, including feeding behavior, such as filter feeding in the Mysticet
71         Activation of TPNs influences innate feeding behavior, whereas inhibition has little effect,
72                 These included reduced blood feeding behavior, with almost 100% of insects infected w
73 importance in the higher-order regulation of feeding behavior.
74 dered passive feeding as compared with other feeding behaviors because the whales do not swim forward
75 ominantly anchovies, demonstrated a range of feeding behaviors such as oblique, vertical, and lateral
76  counterfeiting involves all types of foods, feed, beverages, and packaging, with the potential for s
77 rn taxa and suggest that they had a mushroom feeding biology.
78  chain, prevent the spoilage of foods/animal feeds, books, museum specimens and artworks and better c
79 that IR60b limits the duration of individual feeding bouts.
80 ect feeding at the breast (DBF), pumping and feeding breast milk (BM), and formula (FF) in the first
81 05) if mothers consumed peanuts while breast-feeding but delayed introducing peanuts to their infant
82 perior to PK over 5 years (P < .001-.026) in FED, but only over 3 years in BK (P < .001-.031).
83 in polyunsaturated fatty acid than had those fed by other treatments.
84 nsights demonstrate that previous studies on feed C/N ratios tended to overestimate EPS production, w
85                      At the end of scheduled feeding, c-Fos brain mapping revealed differential gene
86                               Nutrient cross-feeding can stabilize microbial mutualisms, including th
87                              Chronic alcohol feeding causes lipid accumulation and apoptosis in the l
88 ith the mitochondrial fission factor Drp1 in fed cells and in autophagy through interaction with Atg1
89 e predominantly maternally derived in breast-fed children.
90 .02), more mothers washed their hands before feeding children (5.23, 2.61-10.5), fewer children were
91                            Regardless of the feeding choice, infants' capacity to regulate iron homeo
92 children aged 4-6 years, compared with those fed complementary foods starting at 6 months of age.
93  Crossflow rejection experiments with dilute feed composition indicate that both fully aromatic membr
94                          It is believed that feed composition is a major factor which determines the
95 ds and sensory attributes of beef from bulls fed concentrates to slaughter (C), grass silage for 120d
96  osteoblasts became more apparent under pair-feeding conditions.
97 lusive to either farming system, and pasture feeding conventional cows will remove differences previo
98 la innate behaviors, with a special focus on feeding, courtship, aggression, and postmating behaviors
99 ther certified organic or conventional grass-fed cows.
100 obiota members were mode of delivery, infant feeding, crowding, and recent antibiotic use.
101    In conclusion, RES supplementation of HFD-fed dams during pregnancy and lactation promoted white a
102 t not present in the offspring from high fat-fed dams that had trained.
103 se tolerance compared with offspring of chow-fed dams throughout their first year of life, an effect
104 nsport, and isoprene emission rates, but DOA feeding did not affect any of these processes except at
105         A baby-led approach to complementary feeding did not result in more appropriate BMI than trad
106 be significantly reduced as compared to rats fed diet containing SFO.
107                                    Hens were fed diets supplemented (2.8% wt:wt) with corn oil (CO; n
108 ameras, and automatically measures standing, feeding, drinking, and locomotor activities from 3D traj
109 RP neuron photostimulation can also increase feeding during chemogenetic-mediated stimulation of PBN
110 may be one gene involved in the evolution of feeding ecology, energy balance, and body size in cetace
111            Therefore, Siamogale represents a feeding ecomorphology with no living analog, and its gia
112  committee, 60 male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed either a standard chow for 4 weeks or a methionine-
113 cilitating hunting prey at depth) and filter-feeding (enhancing foraging efficiency on small prey).
114                                        Lunge feeding entails a high energetic cost due to the drag cr
115 irective on undesirable substances in animal feed entered into force and for the first time was laid
116 f extended nights, continuous light, sucrose feeding experiments, and photosynthesis inhibition to te
117 esis is incompletely understood, but enteral feed exposures are believed to affect risk.
118 -dependent pathway and therefore responds to fed/fasted states of the animal.
119 aily rhythm, whose amplitude depends on both feeding-fasting and light-dark cycles.
120 d for DSS-induced colitis after cohousing or feeding feces from control mice.
121 ycholic acid and an increase after they were fed fenofibrate.
122          Male C57Bl6 mice ( 5 week old) were fed for 3 weeks prior to infection and continuing during
123               Intramandibular joints enhance feeding for fishes that bite and scrape prey attached to
124                                         This feeds forward to enhanced CD36 translocation and further
125  signals, and triads of ANs arranged in both feed-forward and recurrent networks.
126 e immune cells working in concert, with many feed-forward and regulatory interactions between both ar
127 pse with GABAergic interneurons that mediate feed-forward inhibition onto GCs.
128       In turn, mevalonate created a positive feed-forward loop to activate MYC signaling via inductio
129 LFY and AP1/CAL act as part of an incoherent feed-forward loop, a network motif where two interconnec
130  a phenolics GRN characterized by interlaced feed-forward loops that link developmental regulators wi
131 ted Axin degradation represents an important feed-forward mechanism to achieve sustained Wnt/beta-cat
132 erial motoneuron activation does not rely on feed-forward mechanisms.
133             Additional benefits of using the feed frame table include streamline model monitoring and
134 eductions of food wastage and food-competing feed from arable land, with correspondingly reduced prod
135 al, identifying genes that distinguish blood feeding from obligate nonbiting is hampered by the fact
136 xin B could reduce hepatic lymphocytes in WD-fed FXR KO mice.
137 el was found in urine samples of soy formula-fed girls compared to cow formula-fed girls.
138 oy formula-fed girls compared to cow formula-fed girls.
139                               After high-fat feeding, Gpr119(-/-) mice exhibited reduced fat mass, de
140 reproduction because females cycle between a feeding gravid state and a period of forced starvation w
141 eight was 3160 +/- 770 g in the enteral tube feeding group compared with 3200 +/- 680 g in the standa
142                                              Feeding Gsta4(-/-)/Ppara(-/-) double-knockout (dKO) mice
143  fossilized fecal residues depict year-round feeding habits.
144  consume plants, to estimate how often plant feeding has arisen and to test whether this dietary tran
145             These data suggest that mistimed feeding has functional relevance for immune function and
146 l's foraging behaviour and time allocated to feeding have direct consequences for its fitness.
147 gulating bovine milk synthesis in dairy cows fed high forage rations with different basal forage type
148 unbiased RNA-seq analysis in liver from mice fed high-fat diet +/- Fenretinide.
149                                              Feeding high doses of peanut to pups induced tolerance t
150               Atherosclerosis was induced by feeding high fat diet (HFD) to mice for 10 weeks, follow
151  anomalies in the upper mantle, unlike plume-fed hotspots with only low maximum (3)He/(4)He ratios.
152  share a common genetic background but blood feed in one region and are obligate nonbiters in the res
153 ve ever lived on Earth (Blue and Fin whales) feed in the Arctic and Southern Oceans.
154 ermissive Underfeeding versus Target Enteral Feeding in Adult Critically Ill Patients) trial.
155  a data-driven decision-theoretical model of feeding in Caenorhabditis elegans Our central assumption
156                           Analyses of bamboo feeding in living populations show that bamboo culm is c
157 eview the phylogenetic distribution of plant feeding in the Crustacea, the other major group of arthr
158 , including feeding behavior, such as filter feeding in the Mysticeti vs prey-hunting Odontoceti, and
159           The recent epidemic of pumping and feeding in the United States and the use of mixed infant
160 ere related to where and how the whales were feeding in the water column.
161 s as biofuel production, the food and animal feed industry.
162 tion between soy formula-fed and cow formula-fed infants at three CpGs in the gene proline rich 5 lik
163 escribed by a histogram of gradients that is fed into a Multi-Label Learning with Label-Specific Feat
164 ty is responsible for converting plant-based feeds into accessible nutrients.
165                                  Tread-water feeding is considered passive feeding as compared with o
166  were crossed with Lcn2-depleted animals and fed isocaloric diets with varying amounts of fat content
167                                           We fed KD to mice with respiratory chain complex III (CIII)
168 atchment of Lake Brewster, an alpine glacier-fed lake located in the Southern Alps of New Zealand.
169                                 Western diet-fed LDL receptor-deficient (Ldlr-/-) mice with myeloid-s
170 d in advanced atherosclerotic lesions in fat-fed Ldlr(-/-) mice.
171                            During ad libitum feeding, locomotor activity resumed its arrhythmic state
172 creatitis, and compared early versus delayed feeding (&lt;/=48 vs. >48 hours after hospitalization).
173 rkers and chemokines in liver and VAT of HFD-fed M-JAK2(-/-) mice.
174                              However, during feed manufacture, the high pelleting temperatures challe
175  limit for nitrite content in sugar industry feed materials such as molasses and beet pulp.
176 tational age, birthweight, parity and breast feeding), maternal characteristics (mother's age and pla
177                  First, we identified a self-feeding mechanism by which CCL1 produced by Treg cells a
178 ils isolated from chronic plus binge alcohol fed mice or from human blood, and decreased the alcohol-
179                                          Fat-fed mice showed clear attenuation of ventilator-induced
180                 We also show that in nitrate-fed mice there is reduced systemic leukocyte rolling and
181 duced PLIN2 and hepatic steatosis in alcohol-fed mice, but only de novo synthesis inhibition, not sph
182 d vesicles to mitochondria isolated from DHA-fed mice, rescued the major losses in the mitochondrial
183 preserved cardiac contractile reserve in HFD-fed mice.
184 iently improve glucose tolerance in high fat-fed mice.
185 roducts were significantly attenuated in fat-fed mice.
186 ne H3 lysine 23 acetylation was lower in HFD-fed mice.
187 tion and shows how factors such as birth and feeding modes could influence this acquisition even in h
188 iate and renewed assessments of the risks of feeding modes for the future development of allergies.
189 es and its 6-year follow-up provided data on feeding modes in infancy and doctor's diagnosed eczema/s
190 he United States and the use of mixed infant feeding modes requires additional studies to provide app
191 ed using a twin screw extruder with constant feed moisture and screw speed.
192                          We found that sugar-fed moths had lower oxidative damage to their flight mus
193 ays in early life caused enduring effects on feeding motivation and sensitivity to reward loss/gain c
194  resting at the gel's surface, digging while feeding near the surface, and apneic dives.
195          Soil microfauna and especially root-feeding nematodes were negatively affected by herbivores
196 ic use in infancy, cesarean delivery, breast-feeding, neonatal intensive care unit [NICU] admission,
197 rients seem efficiently retained in actively feeding Noctiluca for reproduction rather than directly
198 dy, we performed inhalation exposure of mice fed normal chow or a high-fat diet to airborne fine part
199          Many infants and young children are fed nutritional milk formulas.
200                       When challenged with a feed of natural groundwater containing various competing
201 to complementary feeding, which promote self-feeding of all nonliquid foods are proposed to improve e
202                        INTERPRETATION: Early feeding of babies with their own mother's milk and avoid
203 mphasizes the important role played by cross-feeding of intermediary metabolites (in particular lacta
204 incapable of infecting mosquitoes after oral feeding of spiked-blood meals, representing an additiona
205 he concentration of dsRNA fed and sequential feeding of two different dsRNAs increased mortality.
206 ate and growth rate lower than expected when fed on a diet different to which they were raised, possi
207     We found that closely related herbivores fed on Inga with similar defenses rather than on closely
208 vector populations show a high propensity to feed on livestock (cattle) and rest in outdoor structure
209                         Moreover, pikas that feed on moss harboured microbial communities highly enri
210                      Although Pf-5 can cross-feed on PVDPAO1 , production of PVDPf-5 is required to m
211 pper Gulf of Thailand, Bryde's whales, which feed on small fish species [3], predominantly anchovies,
212  increases the infection load for sand flies feeding on a patch, increasing their potential for onwar
213                     However, only artificial feeding on blood produced infections that correlated wit
214 onsible for the beneficial effects of breast-feeding on infant health has created a significant need
215 orrhizal colonisation increased aphid phloem feeding on T. monococcum MDR037 and MDR045, colonisation
216 rn rootworm beetles that emerged from larval feeding on transgenic maize roots expressing dvbol dsRNA
217 hinensis remains a termite predator but also feeds on other consumer invertebrates with younger diet
218      Arcuate nucleus (ARC) neurons sense the fed or fasted state and regulate hunger.
219 eg loss had no significant effect upon blood feeding or egg laying success.
220 h dose, 11 sat unassisted, 9 rolled over, 11 fed orally and could speak, and 2 walked independently.
221 e environmental cues such as temperature and feeding, out of phase with the light schedule, may synch
222  used to estimate prevalence ratios (PRs) of feeding patterns for doctor's diagnosed eczema/skin alle
223 lic health variables when comparing children fed PDF with those fed TF.
224 phalosporin and chlortetracycline during the feeding period contribute to dynamic population shifts b
225                                   The longer feeding period correlated with an increase in fecundity
226                                         HFHS feeding perturbed maternal insulin sensitivity in late p
227 where caterpillars from two populations were fed plant tissue from two hosts.
228                                   The Infant Feeding Practices Study II in the United States and its
229 and gender-based violence, food security and feeding practices, nutritional status, physical and ment
230 e of 3.13% (2.85-3.42), despite variation in feeding practices.
231 bacterioplankton community when subjected to feeding pressure by quagga mussels, a widespread aquatic
232         We demonstrated that ten-day alcohol feeding primed the liver to LPS-induced lipid accumulati
233 nce of a dehydratase at 44% and 87% yield of fed propionate, respectively.
234  of increase in livestock population and low feed quality.
235  infections that correlated with the natural feeding (R = 0.792; P < .0001).
236    Phosphorus and S concentrations in animal feeds ranged from 10,026 to 28,357mgkg(-1) and 2259 to 4
237 , California, and (ii) investigating how the feeding rate of P. helianthoides on S. purpuratus is aff
238 ilability in situ by comparing densities and feeding rates on artificial reefs that were or were not
239 ardly controlled by the macromonomer/diluent feed ratio.
240 ures of Kupffer cells from ethanol- and pair-fed rats after treatment with HA35.
241                                           We fed rats an HFM and showed that HFM increases rat fecal
242            Standard and cafeteria (CAF) diet fed rats, a robust model of metabolic syndrome (MeS), we
243 amoebal trophozoites, which are the actively feeding, replicating and mobile form of FLA.
244                                     Although feeding research is moving toward a better understanding
245 to several sources of variability, including feeding (resorption decreases) and recent fracture (all
246                                       Malate feeding resulted in the inhibition of net assimilation,
247                            In conclusion, WD-feeding results in increased levels of FFA and microbiot
248 dence); no reduction in tolerance of enteral feeds (risk ratio, 0.94 [95% CI, 0.62-1.42]; p = 0.77; l
249  and presence of non-regulated mycotoxins in feed samples were found.
250  was the only As species detected in chicken feed samples, with a concentration between 0.72 and 12.9
251                               Therefore, the feeding schedule experienced for just 10 days in early l
252                  Females were bred with chow-fed sedentary C57BL/6 males.
253                                     High fat-fed sedentary dams produced female offspring with impair
254                 We show that chronic alcohol feeding sensitizes rat hepatocytes to Ca(2+) -mobilizing
255 nes via healing agents that are added to the feed side of a membrane system and seal the defect site
256 ication and development of nutrient exchange/feeding sites include manipulation centered on endocycle
257 receptors mediating cell cycle activation in feeding sites induced by BCN and RKN.
258                                    Rats were fed six protein diets for 14 days, including casein (con
259 tment for confounders, term infants who were fed solids in addition to breast milk at 4 mo postpartum
260                                        Girls fed soy formula have altered DNA methylation in vaginal
261 ving in rural areas during the complementary feeding stage was associated with a 0.002-SD decrease in
262 ale wild-type (WT) and Cyp2e1-null mice were fed standard chow or FF for 2, 12, and 24 weeks.
263 stone demethylase LSD1 in response to a late fed-state hormone, FGF19 (hFGF19, mFGF15).
264  production of biofuels from lignocellulosic feed stocks has been hampered by the resistance of plant
265 the evolution of hearing specializations and feeding strategies in early whales.
266 intermediate rates of progression of enteral feeding strategies were associated with a higher risk of
267                              The anticipated feed streams are natural river and seawater, both of whi
268                                              Feeding studies are herein reported demonstrating that t
269                             Controlled human feeding studies are necessary for robust nutritional bio
270 metabolites during pregnancy.Nested within a feeding study, 24 healthy pregnant women (26-29 wk of ge
271  representing nutrient intake variation in a feeding study, and thus are likely suitable for applicat
272 as administered daily throughout the alcohol feeding study.
273 is knowledge of the thermal history of magma feeding such eruptions, which largely controls crystalli
274 ontrol livers, but not after chronic alcohol-feeding, suggesting desensitization to the inhibitory ac
275                                Ayu fish form feeding territories during a non-breeding (growing) seas
276 s when comparing children fed PDF with those fed TF.
277 acted with sisters and matriarchs less while feeding than did non-orphans, but otherwise their affili
278                                         Fish fed the CS diet had significantly more long chain polyun
279   Chicks from both maternal diet groups were fed the same diet after hatch.
280 ization when individual germ-free flies were fed their own natural commensals (including the probioti
281                                       During feeding, these bugs sequester and dissipate the excess h
282 t human molecular clocks may be regulated by feeding time and could underpin plasma glucose changes.
283 intestinal absorption of cholesterol in milk fed to newborn mice by supplementing the food of dams (f
284 vapor pressure difference (VPD) and on water feed to the leaf.
285 nsplantation surgery he is able to write and feed, toilet, and dress himself more independently and e
286 e discovered that imposing a time-restricted feeding (TRF) regimen in which all caloric intakes occur
287  proportionality assumption, indicating that feeding trials in similar populations should extend beyo
288 tes that bacterial flora within the neonatal feeding tubes may influence the bacterial colonisation o
289 se bacterial biofilms inside the nasogastric feeding tubes.
290 o survive normally in the Ixodes ticks, mice fed upon by the DeltacheY2-infected ticks did not develo
291 om grounded ice onto and across ice shelves, feeding vast melt ponds up to 80 kilometres long.
292 ng tail beat and whole-body movements during feeding, were faster (approximately 0.7 s cycle) than du
293         Baby-led approaches to complementary feeding, which promote self-feeding of all nonliquid foo
294 and liver cholesterol and TAG levels in rats fed with 1,3-DAG-rich oil were found to be significantly
295 The intestinal microbiota of finishing pigs, fed with 16%, 13% and 10% crude protein (CP) in diets, r
296 nsulin release and glucose tolerance in mice fed with a calorie-rich diet.
297 culture microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) is fed with a fermentable substrate, such as glucose, a sig
298 ix to eight week-old male C57BL/6J mice were fed with either a high-cholesterol atherogenic diet (HCD
299                    Mass-reared predators are fed with factitious prey mites such as Tyrophagus putres
300 biting temporary nest bivouacs, grooming and feeding with workers, but also consuming the brood [8-11

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