


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  somatostatin-28 exhibited a higher potency (femtomolar).
2 timized detection limit of this method is 20 femtomolar.
3 nd the limit of detection calculated as 13.0 femtomolar.
4 copy, having higher-specificity and attained femtomolar (10 fM) sensitivity.
5                                              Femtomolar (10(-)(15) M) concentrations of DNA were dete
6  of trace amount of DNA/mRNA samples down to femtomolar (10(-15) M) concentrations; excellent ability
7 rating reproducible SERRS nanoparticles with femtomolar (10(-15) M) limits of detection.
8 sterase (mAChE) complexed with syn-TZ2PA6, a femtomolar AChE inhibitor, is compared to a simulation o
9                      Thus, 1 (syn-TZ2PA6), a femtomolar AChE inhibitor, which is formed in a 1:1 mixt
10            However, the mechanisms mediating femtomolar-acting compounds are poorly understood.
11 mon high-affinity site of action for several femtomolar-acting compounds, where NADPH oxidase is the
12 r, positive ionizable, hydrophobic) of these femtomolar-acting compounds.
13     One conjugate, 7h (KMR-28-39), which has femtomolar activity in the breast cancer cell line MDA-M
14  and is found to be capable of detecting sub-femtomolar AfB1 range down to 0.1 fg/ml not only in pure
15      Such a mechanism of adaptability allows femtomolar affinities for two proteases with very differ
16 y a heme protein sensor (SONO) that displays femtomolar affinity for NO.
17  trianion binds with an exceptionally strong femtomolar affinity in the absence of Ser102, show that
18 ctional biotin-binding site, but retains the femtomolar affinity, low off-rate and high thermostabili
19 nuclease inhibitor protein, which binds with femtomolar affinity.
20   We report the electrochemical detection of femtomolar amounts of cobalt, iridium, nickel, and iron
21                             Upon addition of femtomolar amounts of hexachloroplatinic acid, which wil
22 e 32P-labeled and quantitatively detected in femtomolar amounts.
23 s (streptavidin and antibodies) at pico- and femtomolar analyte concentrations.
24 e linear range of the sensor was 40.0-1100.0 femtomolar and the limit of detection calculated as 13.0
25                   These include a very high (femtomolar) and a high (picomolar) affinity site, with a
26 n a specific area to yield highly sensitive (femtomolar) and repeatable measurements.
27                                              Femtomolar assays can be achieved with this rapid and si
28 , if its metabolic clearance is compromised, femtomolar background levels of this compound in cell-cu
29 -reactive yet are highly specific, achieving femtomolar binding affinities in complexes with their co
30 , the CB[8].IsoDiam(NHMe2)2 complex displays femtomolar binding affinity, placing it firmly alongside
31  limit of the assay is further improved to 1 femtomolar by incorporating a ligation chain reaction am
32 mammalian homologues of RNase A, ANG forms a femtomolar complex with the cytosolic ribonuclease inhib
33 st and ovarian cancer cells were detected at femtomolar concentration and incorporation of negative c
34 imits were brought down to the picomolar and femtomolar concentration levels with satisfactory analyt
35 y three orders of magnitude to levels of low femtomolar concentration of target molecules.
36 PR), 1,N6-etheno-ADPR (epsilon-ADPR), at low femtomolar concentration range in vascular tissue superf
37 to highly selective HSA determination in the femtomolar concentration range.
38 complished over the low-attomolar to the mid-femtomolar concentration range.
39 ed to enhance target detection limit down to femtomolar concentration.
40 l is evaluated as a measure of ultralow (sub-femtomolar) concentration of analytes in solution.
41 ing HGF/SF-induced uPA-plasmin activation at femtomolar concentrations (fM-GAi) in canine MDCK cells.
42           We successfully detected miRNAs at femtomolar concentrations (with limits of detection [LOD
43 nt neuroprotective protein, is protective at femtomolar concentrations against a wide array of neural
44 peptide, and naloxone are neuroprotective at femtomolar concentrations against LPS-induced dopaminerg
45 ivation, displaying inhibitory properties at femtomolar concentrations and nine orders of magnitude b
46 ent bacterial toxins that cause paralysis at femtomolar concentrations by blocking neurotransmitter r
47 ic transducer for the detection of avidin at femtomolar concentrations in solution.
48  of PNA vs DNA oligomers for the recovery of femtomolar concentrations of 16S rDNA targets was determ
49 e specific label-free detection of below 100 femtomolar concentrations of antibodies as well as real-
50 olar concentrations of BoNT and attomolar to femtomolar concentrations of BoNT in honey, the most com
51            Notably, the reporters can detect femtomolar concentrations of BoNT/A in 4h and BoNT/E in
52  that the neuroprotective effect elicited by femtomolar concentrations of DM is mediated through the
53                                              Femtomolar concentrations of hydrogen fluoride, a decomp
54 his study, we show the assay is sensitive to femtomolar concentrations of miRNA (500 fM), has a three
55 hrinking is visible to the naked eye down to femtomolar concentrations of protein.
56                             The detection of femtomolar concentrations of urobilin, a metabolic bypro
57 cts: SST2 activation reduced oscillations at femtomolar concentrations reflected by high inhibiting p
58     Several compounds are neuroprotective at femtomolar concentrations through the inhibition of infl
59   Protein markers were routinely detected at femtomolar concentrations with high selectivity, and sim
60 d, direct detection of individual targets at femtomolar concentrations without the use of an amplific
61 e to their ultralow concentration (typically femtomolar concentrations) and interference by other thi
62 ), exhibits a potent angiogenic potential at femtomolar concentrations, whereas classic angiogenic fa
63 or lysis by freshly harvested CNS-IL CTLs at femtomolar concentrations.
64 alcium-mediated induction of the PT, even at femtomolar concentrations.
65  and quantitatively size Ag nanoparticles at femtomolar concentrations.
66  dopamine levels in biological assays at low femtomolar concentrations.
67 ties and kinetics with sensitivities down to femtomolar concentrations.
68 lls in a strictly Ag-dependent manner and at femtomolar concentrations.
69  producing signaling molecules active at low femtomolar concentrations.
70 ange from 0.1 to 200 pM and an unprecedented femtomolar detection limit are possible in undiluted blo
71                                We report the femtomolar detection of silver (Ag) nanoparticles by dir
72 pecificity for mHTT, high sensitivity with a femtomolar detection threshold, and a broad dynamic rang
73 e a ready alternative to the more cumbersome femtomolar electrochemical assays described to date.
74  and selectivity for uranyl with a Kd of 7.4 femtomolar (fM) and >10,000-fold selectivity over other
75                          This sensor allowed femtomolar (fM) detection of FAP, a detection limit well
76 etection limits of 100 attomolar (aM) and 10 femtomolar (fM) in pure samples for two ELISA assays wit
77         This nanofiber-based system realizes femtomolar (fM) sensitivity toward complementary target
78 non-interfering computational method for sub-femtomolar food toxin detection in complex mixture based
79                                 In contrast, femtomolar GABA (500 fM) directed a subset of GAD- vz ne
80                                              Femtomolar GABA primarily stimulated chemotaxis (migrati
81              Hence, chemotactic responses to femtomolar GABA seem to involve all three classes of GAB
82  micromolar GABA; however, only responses to femtomolar GABA were partially blocked by bicuculline, a
83  by transition state analysis have developed femtomolar inhibitors for MTANs, among the most powerful
84 channels were filled with buffers containing femtomolar INP concentrations from Pseudomonas syringae.
85 ive, allowing the detection of target DNA at femtomolar level by simple spectroscopic analysis (40.7
86  The dissolved platinum was detected using a femtomolar level detection technique which involves redu
87            We show calibration curves at the femtomolar level for cobalt, nickel, and lead ions on ca
88 ckel, and lead ions were reported at 10 s of femtomolar level for the first time.
89 of DNA molecules at concentrations below the femtomolar level requires amplified detection schemes.
90 lexes over 3 orders of magnitude down to the femtomolar level.
91 nearly with the concentration of ions at the femtomolar level.
92                               We demonstrate femtomolar-level detection of prostate-specific antigen
93 ock uPA-plasmin activation in tumor cells at femtomolar levels.
94 allows label-free detection of miRNA down to femtomolar levels.
95 ed method allows identifying LYS with a 44.6 femtomolar limit of detection, using sample volume as lo
96 a robust thresholding process and results in femtomolar limits of detection.
97  We demonstrate the feasibility of attaining femtomolar limits of quantitation in electroanalysis.
98 bringing the detection limit down to tens of femtomolar, nearly five orders of magnitude lower than t
99             RIF-1 has extraordinary potency (femtomolar, or 10(-15) M) and S. rosetta can respond to
100 ption of zinc uptake or efflux machinery are femtomolar, or six orders of magnitude less than one ato
101 IP in promoting neuronal survival, acting at femtomolar-picomolar concentration.
102 vivo clonogenic BPL xenograft cells, even at femtomolar-picomolar concentrations.
103 ogic concentration, may explain not only the femtomolar plasma levels of Abeta but the little fluctua
104 f electrocatalytic clusters of platinum from femtomolar platinate solutions.
105              Pt was plated from solutions of femtomolar PtCl6(2-), which allowed precise control of t
106 e cell compartment, but also to quantify the femtomolar range amounts of the cell surface-associated
107 uorimetrically with a detection limit in the femtomolar range and a linear response over 3 orders of
108 y can detect specific target proteins in the femtomolar range from complex biological samples such as
109 pable of measuring enzymes in the low to mid femtomolar range with measurement times that range from
110    As the probe can detect other MMPs in the femtomolar range, it is a potentially powerful tool for
111 tion method with detection limits in the low femtomolar range, making it particularly amenable to poi
112 en free Zn(II) concentrations are in the sub-femtomolar range, making it the most sensitive Zn(II) me
113  with dissociation constants that are in the femtomolar range.
114 I.RNase A complex having a K(d) value in the femtomolar range.
115 cation of NBD C6-glucosylceramide in the low-femtomolar range.
116 moting effects of dihydrotestosterone in the femtomolar range.
117 DNA site with a dissociation constant in the femtomolar range.
118 proliferation of bovine T lymphocytes in the femtomolar range.
119 eptor with the high affinity KH value in the femtomolar range.
120 ght binding with K(i) values in the nano- to femtomolar range.
121 nity with dissociation constants (Kd) in the femtomolar range.
122 equilibrium dissociation constant was in the femtomolar range.
123 RNase A) superfamily with an affinity in the femtomolar range.
124 a detection limit for rhodamine 6G below the femtomolar regime (10(-15) M), with high reproducibility
125  free aquacopper(I) concentration to the sub-femtomolar regime.
126  is found to be in the low-picomolar to high-femtomolar region.
127 boratories reported the planar structure and femtomolar rosette-inducing activity of one rosette-indu
128 he assay requires a 1-microl sample, has low-femtomolar sensitivity as well as five-log linear range
129 engineered protein with high selectivity and femtomolar sensitivity has been examined by a combinatio
130  amplification by RCA with high specificity, femtomolar sensitivity, 3 log quantitative range, and ec
131                  This digital PLA method has femtomolar sensitivity, which enables the quantification
132 loid beta-protein (Abeta) oligomers with sub-femtomolar sensitivity.
133 and with dissociation constants as low as 33 femtomolar, they are the most potent noncovalent AChE in
134 coy receptor with an apparent affinity of 93 femtomolar to GAS6.
135 d over an analyte concentration range of low femtomolar to low nanomolar, with dynamic ranges for the
136 free detection of 17beta-estradiol (E2) from femtomolar to micromolar levels.
137 ed cell proliferation at low concentrations (femtomolar to nanomolar), similar to E2.
138 ence or structural homology to BLIP and is a femtomolar to picomolar potency inhibitor, and the amino
139 , D, E, F, and G serotypes in real time with femtomolar to picomolar sensitivity.
140                 Rnl2-based RASL exhibits sub-femtomolar transcript detection sensitivity, and permits
141 e analyzed the EcMTAN mass in complex with a femtomolar transition state analogue to determine whethe
142 d target DNA at concentrations as low as 500 femtomolar with a point mutation selectivity factor of a

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