


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 od at steady state = 300 ppb, per voxel = 45 femtomoles).
2 ion limits were improved to approximately 10 femtomoles.
3 n values ranged from 63.75 attomoles to 1.21 femtomoles.
4 cros with sample consumption on the order of femtomoles.
5 ificity, and has a limit of detection of 1.5 femtomoles.
6 xing time of 8 mus and sample consumption of femtomoles.
7          A detection limit (DL) of 20 pM (20 femtomoles, 1 mL) is estimated from the sigmoidal functi
8 ethodology capable of quantifying at the low femtomoles/10(6) cells level was necessary to understand
9 ar weights and isoelectric points when a low-femtomole amount was loaded for each protein.
10  ion intensity and quantity from picomole to femtomole amounts by liquid chromatography-electrospray
11 detection of enriched phosphopeptides in mid-femtomole amounts of alpha-casein digests per MALDI spot
12 have been developed for the determination of femtomole amounts of mycothiol (MSH), the main low-molec
13 thodology to assay development, by detecting femtomole amounts of N-terminal FLAG-bacteria alkaline p
14 noassays, diverse misfolded proteins and sub-femtomole amounts of oligomeric aggregates can be detect
15                   PA-AP MALDI can detect low femtomole amounts of peptides in mixtures with good sign
16                     AP-MALDI analysis of low femtomole amounts of peptides reveals that the sensitivi
17  that often complicate the LC/MS analysis of femtomole amounts of sample.
18 solution in a fast and reliable manner using femtomole amounts of samples.
19 res can be determined from low-picogram (low-femtomole) amounts of sample.
20             We show that the method works at femtomole and attomole levels of analyte, and induces li
21 metry (TOF-SIMS) has been utilized to detect femtomole and attomole quantities of organic species fro
22 nge from 1 x 10(-2) to 1 x 10(-4) M allowing femtomole and even attomole quantities of material to be
23 izes high sensitivity (detection limit: ~100 femtomole) and reproducibility in the peptide screening.
24 vestigated, very between 85 attomoles and 25 femtomoles, and typical acquisition times are approximat
25 120 kDa in size present at levels to tens of femtomoles, as compared to the 100 proteins found by sil
26 ration, and a minimum ligand density (1.5-15 femtomoles/cm2) was needed to elicit this effect.
27 ography/mass spectrometry method that allows femtomole detection and quantification of anandamide and
28 generated at the downstream electrode, and a femtomole detection level can be achieved.
29 -power MS analysis with results showing ~7.0 femtomole detection limits and linear spectral response
30                                          Low-femtomole detection limits have been demonstrated for sm
31                      The system achieves low femtomole detection limits of several analytes ranging f
32                                         With femtomole detection limits, HPLC-FLNS can be used for re
33 ocked and unblocked beacons offer nanomolar (femtomole) detection limits, response times on the order
34 n, and an enhancement in sensitivity permits femtomole DNA sampling.
35 ith the detection limits of approximately 40 femtomole (for cholic acid) and identification through C
36 ity of the method was found to be at the low-femtomole level (1.25 ng/band), determined by analyzing
37  determined, with the detection limit in the femtomole level and the calibration range spanning over
38 Et derivatives can be easily detected at the femtomole level by selected ion monitoring.
39 r-, Thr-, and Tyr-phosphopeptides at the low femtomole level in protein digests.
40 r enabled us to identify proteins at the low femtomole level in solution-phase digests and at the pic
41                 Protein detection at the low-femtomole level is demonstrated with little or no interf
42 roteins added to serum, this method provides femtomole level sensitivity and reproducible label-free
43 is immunoassay achieves optimal sensitivity (femtomole level) with minimal sample handling and is ame
44 were obtained for all the samples at the low femtomole level, proving that LC-AP-ECD-MS is suitable f
45 ance at 205 nm proved to be sensitive to the femtomole level.
46 entified in complex mixtures analyzed at the femtomole level.
47 f magnitude with a limit of detection at the femtomole level.
48  the detection of dGp-DNA adducts at the low-femtomole level.
49            We present a method for improving femtomole-level trace detection (10(9) molecules) using
50 DCDB MIBD could facilitate nanoliter-volume, femtomole-level universal detection in applications rang
51       In this paper, we demonstrate that sub-femtomole levels of 16s rRNA from pathogenic Legionella
52  of these molecules were identified from low femtomole levels of protein loaded onto the gel.
53 cularly well suited for the detection of low-femtomole levels of proteins and peptides.
54 ino acids were separated and detected at low-femtomole levels using a 130-cm-long, 20-microm-i.d., 15
55 a protein kinase A peptide substrate, at low femtomole levels when it was added as a trace marker com
56 uated with a peptide mixture injected at low-femtomole levels.
57 tral loss product in peptide mixtures at low femtomole levels.
58                 In addition, a 1.7 pg (0.024 femtomoles) limit of detection for clinical samples is a
59 ths after a desalination rinse, resulting in femtomole limits of detection via matrix-assisted laser
60 , recoveries of ca. 80% are obtained even at femtomole loadings.
61 it fraction were 0.77+/-0.03 nM and 180+/-21 femtomoles/mg protein and 4.3 nM and 1.3 picomoles/mg pr
62 tein), lowest in the neurosensory retina (14 femtomoles/mg protein), and intermediate in the other tw
63 ergic receptors was highest in the iris (440 femtomoles/mg protein), lowest in the neurosensory retin
64  membranes with a Kd = 69.6 pM and Bmax = 80 femtomoles/mg protein; no specific binding was found in
65 d method is highly sensitive, requiring only femtomoles (nanograms) of ABP-labeled enzymes.
66 h the skin showed linear response down to 34 femtomole of dye DiR.
67 trate and detect the presence of less than a femtomole of streptavidin in 10 muL of sample using fluo
68 mixture may be obtained using as little as 3 femtomole of the same solution.
69   The unoptimized system can detect about 10 femtomoles of an oligonucleotide.
70    Our new model assay technology can detect femtomoles of biotinylated BSA in less than 2 min and ca
71 nabling precise analysis of as little as 0.6 femtomoles of DNA target.
72 mon biologically relevant hexoses using only femtomoles of hexose.
73 er software for the detailed analysis of low femtomoles of N-linked sugars released from glycoprotein
74  membrane protein array while requiring only femtomoles of protein.
75  digestion, is in the range of a few hundred femtomoles of protein.
76 cific sensitivity thresholds on the order of femtomoles of proteins and dynamic ranges of over two or
77 nformation about a molecule while using only femtomoles of sample.
78 le molecular interaction can be studied with femtomoles of solute, and (3) BIRC has the potential to
79 NA) sensor built on this strategy can detect femtomoles of target DNA without employing cumbersome an
80 The assay is complete within 5 min, and <100 femtomoles of target produces color changes observable w
81 centrations in the low micromolar range (low femtomoles of total analyte).
82 ion and quantification of attomoles or a few femtomoles of two (or potentially more) nucleic acid tar
83            Proteins were identified from low femtomole or even attomole quantities of analyte/spectru
84             Detection limits down to the low femtomole per microliter levels were achieved for propaf
85  magnitude, with detection limits in the low femtomole per milligram of protein level, making this wo
86        Mean plasma levels of adrenomedullin (femtomoles per liter) were higher in patients with pancr
87 f ovalbumin is demonstrated where binding of femtomole protein is differentiable from the background
88 tain high signal-to-noise (S/N) spectra from femtomole quantities of adsorbed molecules.
89                                              Femtomole quantities of B12Cer could be detected in as l
90 throughput thermal stability measurements of femtomole quantities of CCR5 in detergent and in enginee
91 solution structural information from scarce, femtomole quantities of Moloney murine leukemia virus (M
92       We applied this technology to sequence femtomole quantities of poly(A)(+) Saccharomyces cerevis
93 , a recently developed technique to sequence femtomole quantities of polyacrylamide gel-separated pro
94 zation mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) to measure femtomole quantities of proteins in individual pico- to
95                                 Detection of femtomole quantities of target was possible with a dynam
96                   Using Bodipy C12 ceramide, femtomole quantities of the product, Bodipy dodecanoic a
97    We demonstrate the method on detection of femtomole quantities of untagged oligonucleotides in an
98 s of distinct sequences, however only at sub-femtomole quantities per strand.
99 e and quantified 12 nucleotide sugars at low femtomole quantities, with linear responses up to four o
100 Limits of detection in the single to tens of femtomole range are reported for selected compounds.
101 method, with a limit of detection in the low femtomole range for saturated and unsaturated FAs.
102 cluding nerves and neuronal clusters, in the femtomole range with a limit of detection of 19 fmol.
103 s rapid detection of coat protein in the low-femtomole range, as estimated by titering plaque-forming
104 vantages include inherent sensitivity in the femtomole range, compatibility with collisional activati
105  and with enzyme detection limits in the low femtomole range, supports the utility of this assay syst
106 on (LODs) range from the low attomole to the femtomole range, with 5-hydroxytryptamine (or serotonin
107 ple with achievable sensitivities in the low femtomole range.
108 ctly onto Teflon or PE and detected into the femtomole range.
109 ting in the mass detection limits in the low femtomole range.
110 nce, and absolute limits of detection in the femtomole range.
111  of drugs, peptides, and proteins in the low femtomole range.
112 50-kDa proteins anticipated to be in the low femtomole range.
113 oids in the negative-ion mode are in the low-femtomole range.
114 tion, and the sensitivity achieved is in the femtomole range.
115  the detection limits can be extended to the femtomole range.
116 is, allowing a limit of detection in the low femtomole range.
117 emonstrated mass detection limit in the high femtomole range.
118 o metal substrates with a sensitivity in the femtomole range.
119  and quantification of mature cathepsin K to femtomole resolution using gelatin zymography.
120 cotinamide-dependent enzymes in the nano- to femtomole scale, in alternative enzymatic assays, and in
121 on conditions were optimized down to the low-femtomole sensitivities with the use of an ion trap mass
122                                          Low-femtomole sensitivity and approximately 6000 Da mass ran
123                           The instrument has femtomole sensitivity for peptides and is capable of col
124 alysis of proteins/peptides in solution, low femtomole sensitivity has been achieved (attomoles for s
125 gation capacity of the probe and target DNA, femtomole sensitivity, and sequence specificity.
126                        Using new assays with femtomole sensitivity, we determined that whereas levels
127 amplification, of <120 s while providing sub-femtomole sensitivity.
128 ed proteins that are 20-100 times lower (low femtomole) than those reported for previous polymer- or
129 feasibility of the routine quantification of femtomole to attomole amounts of known proteins by immun
130 tissue, with analytical sensitivities in the femtomole to low picomole range.
131 eparation and identification of catechins at femtomole to low-picomole levels without extraction or s
132  and mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS) to detect femtomole to picomole amounts of reporter molecules resu
133 r both SPR-BIA and MALDI-TOF were at the low-femtomole to subfemtomole level.
134 eins by their amino acid sequence at the low-femtomole to subfemtomole sensitivity level is described
135 of 3 min, with analyte loadings ranging from femtomoles to picomoles for metabolites.
136 only 25 ng of total AAV capsid proteins (4.3 femtomole virus particles) were loaded to the autosample
137 olutions as diluted as 1 pM at 450 muL (0.45 femtomole) was achieved in less than 3h, making our appr

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