


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nimal models, including mouse, pig, rat, and ferret.
2 viral disease were observed in EBOV-infected ferrets.
3 three additional transmission experiments in ferrets.
4 cquired efficient in-contact transmission in ferrets.
5 viruses to respiratory tissues of humans and ferrets.
6 se in mice and ferrets and to transmit among ferrets.
7 properties of 20 H10 viruses in vitro and in ferrets.
8 ted respiratory droplet transmission between ferrets.
9 IV-H3N2 was selected for characterization in ferrets.
10 cluding the contribution of the C protein in ferrets.
11 the dynamic responses of cortical neurons in ferrets.
12  a petechial rash was observed with moribund ferrets.
13 ssues following influenza virus infection in ferrets.
14 pable of respiratory droplet transmission in ferrets.
15 onfers heterosubtypic protection in mice and ferrets.
16 epithelium and subsequently transmit between ferrets.
17 5N1 strains, and improved viral clearance in ferrets.
18 smitted efficiently by the airborne route in ferrets.
19 ith or without the oil-in-water adjuvants in ferrets.
20 tigate dynamics of infection/transmission in ferrets.
21 ess was evaluated in cell culture, mice, and ferrets.
22 ing a heterologous lethal virus challenge in ferrets.
23 The H7N9 ca vaccine virus was immunogenic in ferrets.
24 elds in the auditory cortex of freely moving ferrets.
25 lesions were induced in 24 canine teeth of 6 ferrets.
26 nogenic and exhibited protective efficacy in ferrets.
27 y and are transmissible by direct contact in ferrets.
28  transmission of avian viruses in humans and ferrets.
29  by the airborne route and was pathogenic in ferrets.
30 genic ebolaviruses in mice, guinea pigs, and ferrets.
31 accine candidates were assessed in preimmune ferrets.
32 was inefficiently transmitted among cohoused ferrets.
33  rose in the lungs of H1N1pdm virus-infected ferrets 6 h postinfection and became concentrated at are
34 ue for visualizing neuronal migration in the ferret, a gyrencephalic carnivore, and found that migrat
35                                   We present Ferret, a prototype retrieval system, designed to retrie
36                                 We developed Ferret, a user-friendly Java tool, to easily extract gen
37                                           In ferrets, a single 1-mg/kg prophylactic dose provided 100
38 , MEDI8852 blocked influenza transmission in ferrets, a unique finding among influenza-specific mAbs.
39                                            A ferret-adapted revertant (HA1-H17Y/HA2-R106K) regained a
40 n by recording local field potentials in two ferrets after administration of isoflurane in concentrat
41  antibodies are readily detected in mice and ferrets after infection with a series of distinct influe
42 ribe protective immune responses in mice and ferrets after vaccination with a novel HA-based influenz
43 inding site cross-reactivity and can protect ferrets against a pathogenic novel H1N1 virus.
44  hemagglutinin stalk-based immunity protects ferrets against aerosol-transmitted H1N1 influenza virus
45 ccine was immunogenic and protected mice and ferrets against homologous and heterologous EIV.
46 as highly immunogenic and protected mice and ferrets against homologous and heterologous H3N8 avian v
47 etely protected mice and partially protected ferrets against lethal heterosubtypic H5N1 influenza vir
48 f antisera against influenza A(H3N2) from 24 ferrets against the same panel of viruses.
49                            Compared to naive ferrets, all vaccinated ferrets showed improved cellular
50                                           In ferrets, all viruses replicated to high titers in the up
51 the receptor binding site caused escape from ferret and human antibodies elicited after primary A(H1N
52        Although the overall structure of the ferret and human antigenic maps is similar, local differ
53              Head-to-head comparison between ferret and human antisera derived antigenic maps reveale
54 f similarity between serological patterns in ferret and human data.
55 gle-cell transcriptional profiling in human, ferret and mouse revealed more cells coexpressing proneu
56 encephalic cortex, retroviral studies in the ferret and primate suggest that, unlike the rodent, pyra
57 h perceptual difficulty in the freely-moving ferret and the resulting signal may provide top-down beh
58 nd group II (H7N9) pandemic IAVs in mice and ferrets and could be used to block transmission of influ
59 was associated with mild illness in mice and ferrets and did not spread well between ferrets, it none
60 ruses lacked the ability to transmit between ferrets and exhibited low to moderate virulence in mamma
61 demonstrated that SAM(HA) was immunogenic in ferrets and facilitated containment of viral replication
62 tian H5N1 viruses (isolated in 2014-2015) in ferrets and found that three of them transmitted via res
63 cordings from the primary auditory cortex of ferrets and found that: (1) the decoding filters of audi
64 rotective efficacy against H7N9 infection in ferrets and hold potential as a vaccination regimen.
65          We show that antibodies elicited in ferrets and humans exposed to the egg-adapted 2016-2017
66 g 240 estimates of influenza transmission in ferrets and humans.
67 he mapping between influenza transmission in ferrets and in humans is unsubstantiated.
68 thogenicity and airborne transmissibility in ferrets and is associated with pandemic potential in hum
69 Y/108), caused mild and transient illness in ferrets and mice but did not transmit to naive cohoused
70                               When tested in ferrets and pigs, a single DNA delivery with low doses o
71 MVA-H7-Sh2 viral vector was used to immunize ferrets and proved to be immunogenic, even after a singl
72     Two reassortant viruses were assessed in ferrets and showed transmission to aerosol contacts.
73 bed previously in experimental infections in ferrets and swine with a swine FLUDV, which supported vi
74 ted from humans to cause disease in mice and ferrets and to transmit among ferrets.
75  are present in carnivores (such as cats and ferrets) and primates but are absent in rodents.
76 ) in tracheal mucosa from human, sheep, pig, ferret, and rabbit and in two types of cultured cells.
77                                      In rat, ferret, and sheep hearts t-tubule density and AmpII prot
78  the ability to transmit efficiently between ferrets, and possibly humans.
79 te disease was observed in infected mice and ferrets, and the virus was inefficiently transmitted amo
80 H7N9 viruses replicated efficiently in mice, ferrets, and/or nonhuman primates, and were more pathoge
81 e constructed and probed for reactivity with ferret antisera against MN/10 and BJ/92 in hemagglutinat
82 clonal antibodies may be a useful adjunct to ferret antisera for detecting antigenic drift in influen
83 n/26221/2014 (H5N6) virus was developed, and ferret antisera generated against this virus were demons
84                                    Human and ferret antisera were tested in HI assays against 1 repre
85 tested against strain-specific postinfection ferret antisera.
86 ment at K163 was not highlighted by standard ferret antisera.
87 fluenza A(H3N2) (sH3N2), using postinfection ferret antisera.
88 970s-1990s were observed using postinfection ferret antisera.
89                                              Ferrets are an ideal animal model to study transmission,
90                                     Domestic ferrets are commonly used to study other RNA viruses, in
91                                     Although ferrets are considered by many to be ideal for modeling
92        To address this, we demonstrated that ferrets are susceptible models to BDBV infection as well
93 pathogenesis (mouse, hamster, guinea-pig and ferret) are naturally resistant to MERS-CoV.
94                                We found that ferret astrocytes share, on average, half of their terri
95 e present a model of neural responses in the ferret auditory cortex (the IC Adaptation model), which
96 njecting tracers into one or more regions of ferret auditory cortex.
97    Collectively, these findings suggest that ferret B cells expressing an Igkappa or Iglambda BCR pos
98  the visual cortex of freely-moving juvenile ferrets before and after eye-opening.
99 showed less severe pathogenicity in mice and ferrets but acquired efficient in-contact transmission i
100 nd highly transmissible by direct contact in ferrets but showed less-severe pathogenicity than the pa
101    Both H7N8 viruses replicated similarly in ferrets, but only the H7N8 HPAI virus caused moderate we
102       pH1N1-1 transmitted to aerosol contact ferrets, but pH1N1low-1 did not.
103                              Immunization of ferrets by a universal influenza virus vaccine strategy
104 s in its HA, additionally was able to infect ferrets by airborne transmission as effectively as the p
105        MEDI8852 was administered to mice and ferrets by intraperitoneal injection at varying doses, 2
106 ow here that a cerebellar Purkinje cell in a ferret can learn to respond to a specific input with a t
107 stimuli that are presented to visually naive ferrets can influence the parameters of speed tuning and
108 minance (OD) in the primary visual cortex of ferrets, cats and monkeys can be individually changed by
109                       H10 virus infection of ferrets caused variable weight loss, and all 20 viruses
110 ctive treatment for lethal H5N1 infection in ferrets compared to oseltamivir and R347, and MEDI8852 p
111 block transmission of influenza H1N1pdm09 in ferrets, compared to an irrelevant control mAb R347 and
112  sites) by incubating them with human and/or ferret convalescent sera to human H1N1 and H3N2 viruses.
113 d emergence of viruses with R292K in treated ferrets correlates well with the multiple reports on thi
114 al glia is conserved in developing mouse and ferret cortex and in human stem cell-derived cerebral or
115 at early postnatal ages in the gyrencephalic ferret cortex.
116 hereas antisera from dk/Hok/69 ca-vaccinated ferrets cross-reacted with clade and 2.2.1 virus
117 HI data was similar to the map created using ferret data.
118                               When tested in ferrets, delayed 81.39a treatment reduced viral titers,
119  leading to 60% mortality, and the surviving ferrets demonstrated sequelae similar to those for human
120 ith 1.25% NaOCl and triple antibiotic paste, ferret dental pulp stem cells, encapsulated in a hydroge
121 nd that viruses which replicated well in the ferret did not replicate to the same extent in the human
122                                        These ferrets did not shed the virus or seroconvert.
123 eural activity from auditory cortex of awake ferrets during presentation of natural sound stimuli.
124 selection for K627 over E627 was observed in ferrets during the chicken-to-ferret or ferret-to-ferret
125 eral frontal cortex (dl-FC) of freely-moving ferrets encode task variables in a two-alternative force
126  broadly cross-reactive antibodies; mice and ferrets exhibited narrower humoral responses.
127 sion via the airborne route was observed for ferrets exposed to the SCk1772- or HK3263-infected chick
128 specific antibodies are commonly elicited in ferrets following sequential infection with antigenicall
129  mice but did not transmit to naive cohoused ferrets following traditional or aerosol-based inoculati
130  COBRA HA proteins were screened in mice and ferrets for the elicitation of antibodies with HA inhibi
131           MEDI8852 was able to protect naive ferrets from airborne transmission of H1N1pdm09.
132 multiple formulations protects both mice and ferrets from lethal H5N1 homologous virus challenge.
133                                        Using ferret-generated antiserum, we determined that CIV-H3N2
134  nonpermissive small-animal species, namely, ferret, guinea pig, and hamster.
135                Hemagglutinin stalk-immunized ferrets had lower viral titers and delayed or no virus r
136                        These COBRA preimmune ferrets had superior breadth of HAI activity after vacci
137 on, several DPP4 orthologs, including mouse, ferret, hamster, and guinea pig DPP4, do not.
138 so acts as a determinant of permissivity for ferret, hamster, and guinea pig DPP4.
139                                           In ferrets, HK3263 transmitted more efficiently than SCk177
140 in the upper and lower respiratory tracts of ferrets; however, the clinical symptoms were generally m
141  (Igkappa) and lambda (Iglambda) L chains of ferret Ig.
142  virus positions indicate that the human and ferret immune system might see antigenic properties of v
143                                              Ferrets immunized twice with a mix of recombinant rabies
144 ruses lacked the ability to transmit between ferrets in a direct contact setting.
145 experienced milder disease compared to other ferrets in the group.
146 d the activity of CG neurons in anesthetized ferrets in vivo using a combined viral-infection and opt
147 s in fruit flies, zebrafish larvae, mice and ferrets in vivo.
148  vaccines were attenuated and immunogenic in ferrets, inducing antibodies that neutralized homologous
149                                  Three donor ferrets infected with 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1) un
150                    Bioluminescent imaging of ferrets infected with A/California/04/2009 H1N1 virus (C
151 ceived MEDI8852 or R347 prior to exposure to ferrets infected with an H1N1pdm09 virus.
152  and proteins in respiratory compartments of ferrets infected with either 1918 or 2009 human pandemic
153                                Specifically, ferrets infected with the 1986 virus and vaccinated with
154 ing to gain access to these relationships in ferrets infected with the 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza A
155          Importantly, antibodies elicited in ferrets infected with the current circulating H3N2 viral
156 ion of viral titers was detected on day 5 in ferrets infected with the I222K virus.
157 nt resistance, experiments were conducted in ferrets infected with virus carrying wild-type or varian
158                                 Treatment of ferrets infected with wild-type virus resulted in a mode
159                             In both mice and ferrets, intranasal administration of a single dose of t
160                                              Ferret is designed to assist bio scientists at different
161                     Airborne transmission in ferrets is accompanied by the mutations in PB1, NP and N
162         Influenza transmission efficiency in ferrets is vital for risk-assessment studies.
163  and ferrets and did not spread well between ferrets, it nonetheless possessed several markers of vir
164 t only in the NI assay, but also in infected ferrets, judged particularly by viral loads in nasal was
165 ion (pH 6.0) was less pathogenic in mice and ferrets, less transmissible by contact, and no longer ai
166  diversity is tightly restricted in infected ferrets, limiting further adaptation to a fully transmis
167 utrophils invaded the H1N1pdm virus-infected ferret lung globally and focally at sites of infection.
168          Sites in the H1N1pdm virus-infected ferret lung with high FDG uptake had high levels of prol
169 g risk assessment models for H9N2 viruses in ferrets may not always have a strong correlation with th
170 considerable interest in efforts to move the ferret model forward for influenza vaccine and challenge
171                                          The ferret model has emerged as the preferred small-animal m
172 sis and transmission of influenza virus, the ferret model is typically used.
173 hus, these clinical outcomes measured in the ferret model may correlate with clinically relevant osel
174                                Employing the ferret model of H1N1pdm virus infection, we used live im
175                                  We used the ferret model of human influenza to systematically invest
176 contributions of the C and W proteins in the ferret model of NiV pathogenesis.
177                            Here, we used the ferret model to address this for an avian influenza H5N1
178  report provides more evidence for using the ferret model to assess the susceptibility of influenza A
179                                          The ferret model was used to assess the potential of hemaggl
180  of which were airborne-transmissible in the ferret model without prior adaptation.
181  filoviral disease were recapitulated in the ferret model, including substantial decreases in lymphoc
182                                      Using a ferret model, this study demonstrated the roles of the N
183                                   Within our ferret model, vaccination is more effective than prophyl
184                                    Using the ferret model, we trace the evolutionary pathway by which
185  CNS invasion via the olfactory nerve in our ferret model.
186 iV V and W proteins to NiV pathogenesis in a ferret model.
187 ong with virus antigenic characterization by ferret model.
188 uenza virus infection and vaccination in the ferret model.
189 r universal influenza vaccine in a preimmune ferret model.IMPORTANCE Currently, many groups are testi
190  influenza A/Italy/3/2013 virus in mouse and ferret models and examined the replication kinetics of t
191 uely combine the advantages of the mouse and ferret models for influenza virus infection.
192  human airway cells and in vivo in mouse and ferret models.
193  third waves, through 2015, in the mouse and ferret models.
194 ich may explain the enhanced transmission in ferret models.
195 cy of retinal waves pharmacologically in the ferret (Mustela putorius furo) during a period of retino
196                                 The domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo) is a commonly used animal
197                                          The ferret (Mustela putorius furo), a gyrencephalic mammal,
198 udies of auditory cortical processing in the ferret (Mustela putorius), very little is known about th
199  in the various germinal zones of developing ferret neocortex.
200                                              Ferret neocortical progenitors were found to exhibit lon
201 radial glia, suggesting a mechanism by which ferret neurons disperse laterally.
202                               Interestingly, ferret neurons displayed more tortuous migration routes
203                                We found that ferret neurons use several different radial glial fibers
204                                     This new ferret NiV C and W knockout model may allow, for the fir
205 hogenicity, and transmissibility in mice and ferrets of four H5N6 isolates derived from waterfowl in
206 e-existing tools (e.g. PLINK and HaploView), Ferret offers a straightforward way, even for non-bioinf
207 as observed in ferrets during the chicken-to-ferret or ferret-to-ferret transmission.
208 ere permissive of MERS-CoV, whereas hamster, ferret, or mouse cell lines were not, despite the presen
209 alpha2,6-linked sialic acids is conserved in ferret, pig and human soft palate.
210  virus displayed limited transmissibility in ferrets placed in direct contact with an inoculated anim
211 enza virus (A/California/07/2009), and these ferrets poorly transmitted the virus to naive contacts.
212                      We found, however, that ferrets possess multiple forms of plasticity that are ex
213                                    Moreover, ferrets possessing HA stalk-specific antibody were prote
214 ity (ON or OFF) in the superficial layers of ferret primary visual cortex.
215         Activating the neurogenin pathway in ferret progenitors promoted delamination and outward mig
216             Moreover, cortical recordings in ferrets reared with asymmetric hearing loss suggest that
217 ransmission study, naive respiratory contact ferrets received MEDI8852 or R347 prior to exposure to f
218                        A(H1N1)pdm09-infected ferrets receiving a single dose (25 mg/kg) had reduced v
219  E627 and K627 were observed in chickens and ferrets, respectively.
220 From a locus, gene(s) or SNP(s) of interest, Ferret retrieves genotype data for 1KG SNPs and indels,
221             We demonstrate that estimates of ferret secondary attack rate (SAR) explain 66% of the va
222 e vaccine was changed because human, but not ferret, sera distinguish A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses isolated a
223                                The human and ferret serology data suggest that a single dose of the v
224    Compared to naive ferrets, all vaccinated ferrets showed improved cellular immunity in the lungs a
225 with this one virus, we demonstrate that the ferret soft palate, a tissue not normally sampled in ani
226    In this study, we used cross-reactive and ferret-specific antibodies to study the leukocyte compos
227                                        These ferrets still suffered severe neurological disease: 60%
228 g, glycan-array receptor-binding assays, and ferret studies reveal the H7N9 virus to have increased b
229    The latter observation was confirmed in a ferret study.
230                                              Ferret successfully retrieved relevant gene-centric sent
231 y of the tl/TX/079/07 ca vaccine in mice and ferrets support further evaluation of this vaccine in hu
232 imates, and were more pathogenic in mice and ferrets than the low pathogenic H7N9 virus, with the exc
233                              Here we show in ferrets that at eye opening, the cortical response to vi
234                                On challenge, ferrets that received adjuvanted vaccines showed lower v
235 rk, we studied Purkinje cells in decerebrate ferrets that were conditioned using electrical stimulati
236                                           In ferrets, the human isolate HK3263 replicated to higher t
237 This staining pattern was also consistent in ferrets, the primary animal model for human influenza pa
238 le by in-pen contact, but not from cattle to ferrets through fomite exposure.
239 er cattle through direct contact, but not to ferrets through fomite routes.
240  in vivo properties and antibody response in ferrets to 20 diverse H10 viruses.
241 cortex is required for the normal ability of ferrets to detect a mistuned harmonic within a complex s
242        We tested the ability of adult female ferrets to detect the presence of a mistuned harmonic in
243                      We used live imaging of ferrets to monitor host responses within the lung over t
244 d in ferrets during the chicken-to-ferret or ferret-to-ferret transmission.
245 lasticity in the inferior colliculus (IC) of ferrets trained to detect a pure tone target in a sequen
246                  Further analysis shows that ferret transmission experiments have potential to identi
247 nfluenza viruses has highlighted the role of ferret transmission experiments in studying the transmis
248                                        Thus, ferret transmission experiments provide valid prediction
249                                   Chicken-to-ferret transmission via the airborne route was observed,
250 ts during the chicken-to-ferret or ferret-to-ferret transmission.
251 hird-wave viruses caused moderate disease in ferrets, transmitted efficiently to cohoused, naive cont
252 zed ferrets were cohoused with H1N1-infected ferrets under conditions that permitted virus transmissi
253                                   By housing ferrets under different conditions, it is possible to mi
254 on in mice and nearly complete protection in ferrets upon heterologous challenge with the H3N8 (eq/Ne
255 ng spontaneous behavioral transitions in the ferret using chronically implanted micro-electrocorticog
256  Zaire species of Ebolavirus in the domestic ferret, using wild-type nonadapted viruses.
257 h COBRA HA VLP vaccines than COBRA preimmune ferrets vaccinated with VLP vaccines expressing wild-typ
258                All viruses transmitted among ferrets via respiratory droplets, and the neuraminidase-
259 on to demonstrate that inhibitory neurons in ferret visual cortex respond robustly and selectively to
260 of astrocyte somata and territory overlap in ferret visual cortex using a combination of in vivo two-
261 individual pyramidal neurons in layer 2/3 of ferret visual cortex.
262                                              Ferret was successful in finding valuable information in
263                                  A subset of ferrets was infected with influenza viruses expressing t
264 gated and transmission via direct contact in ferrets was significantly impaired compared to pH1N1-1,
265 inant H9 viruses previously evaluated in the ferret, we found that viruses which replicated well in t
266 ing electrophysiological recordings in young ferrets, we show that auditory cortex neurons respond to
267                                              Ferrets were also infected with Ebola virus (EBOV) to co
268 ts were susceptible to filovirus infections, ferrets were challenged with a clinical isolate of BDBV.
269                              When vaccinated ferrets were challenged with homologous and heterologous
270                                Subsequently, ferrets were challenged with influenza virus A/Anhui/1/2
271                              Stalk-immunized ferrets were cohoused with H1N1-infected ferrets under c
272          To mimic zoonotic transmission, two ferrets were exposed to a plastic toy fomite soaked with
273                                              Ferrets were first infected then challenged 1-14 days la
274 s, sequential sH1N1 influenza virus-infected ferrets were protected from challenge with a novel H1N1
275 order Mononegavirales To investigate whether ferrets were susceptible to filovirus infections, ferret
276                                              Ferrets were then challenged with the wild-type virus an
277                                              Ferrets were then challenged with wild-type H7N9 virus t
278                                              Ferrets were vaccinated intramuscularly or received osel
279                                              Ferrets were vaccinated with 2 doses of unadjuvanted, MF
280  in HA (acquired during virus replication in ferrets) were essential to restore HA stability.
281  was equally effective for H7N9 infection in ferrets while the combination yielded similar protection
282  (pH1N1low-1) cannot transmit via aerosol in ferrets, while another highly homologous virus with HA a
283                                 A vaccinated ferret with no detectable HAI-antibodies but high flu-sp
284 while either V627 or K627 was transmitted to ferrets with a narrow transmission bottleneck.
285            MEDI8852 is effective in mice and ferrets with a therapeutic window superior to that of os
286 trast, secondary infection of H1N1 preimmune ferrets with an antigenically distinct H1N1 virus elicit
287 binding assays, that sequential infection of ferrets with antigenically distinct seasonal H1N1 (sH1N1
288   Here, we show that sequential infection of ferrets with antigenically distinct seasonal H1N1 influe
289                              Immunization of ferrets with beta-propiolactone-inactivated recombinant
290                       Overall, priming naive ferrets with COBRA HA based viruses or using COBRA HA ba
291  sequentially infected mice, guinea pigs and ferrets with divergent H1N1 or H3N2 subtypes of influenz
292                      Vaccination of mice and ferrets with H1-SS-np elicited broadly cross-reactive an
293            Moreover, sequential infection of ferrets with H1N1 influenza viruses elicited an Igkappa-
294 l-in-water adjuvants, we generated groups of ferrets with undetectable (geometric mean titer [GMT] <
295 fluenza A infection of immunologically naive ferrets with various H1N1 or H3N2 strains, the acute Ab
296         Furthermore, sequential infection of ferrets with viral vectors expressing chimeric HA, aimed
297                                  Vaccinating ferrets with virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines expressi
298 ble virus emerged in experimentally infected ferrets within 24 hours after infection and was remarkab
299 rgence of R292K virus was detected in 3 of 6 ferrets within 5 to 7 days postinfection.
300 suggesting heterogeneity at the MHC locus in ferrets within commercial populations, a finding of cons

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