


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rane accumulation of Arn1 in the presence of ferrichrome.
2 ze to the plasma membrane in the presence of ferrichrome.
3 e, 0.23 nM for ferrioxamine, and 0.40 nM for ferrichrome.
4  that is specific for the metallated form of ferrichrome.
5 haemin and the siderophores vibriobactin and ferrichrome.
6 ompetitively inhibit the uptake of iron from ferrichrome.
7 , including uptake of haem, vibriobactin and ferrichrome.
8  the first committed step of ferrichrome and ferrichrome A biosynthesis in U. maydis.
9                    Uptake of ferrichrome and ferrichrome A was facilitated by both Arn1p and Arn3p.
10  binding compounds (e.g., desferrioxamine B, ferrichrome A).
11 the trihydroxamate siderophores ferrichrome, ferrichrome A, and triacetylfusarinine C.
12 n complexes of hydroxamates (ferrichrome and ferrichrome A, ferrioxamine B), catecholates (ferric ent
13 de, hydroxamate siderophores ferrichrome and ferrichrome A.
14                         Here we describe how ferrichrome, a siderophore of the hydroxamate class, is
15 VC0201 (fhuC), which encodes the ATPase of a ferrichrome ABC transporter, is one of the identified in
16 membrane protein that mediates the uptake of ferrichrome, an important nutritional source of iron, in
17 ARN1 encodes a transporter for the uptake of ferrichrome, an important nutritional source of iron.
18  of L-ornithine, the first committed step of ferrichrome and ferrichrome A biosynthesis in U. maydis.
19                                    Uptake of ferrichrome and ferrichrome A was facilitated by both Ar
20 n EGD-e used iron complexes of hydroxamates (ferrichrome and ferrichrome A, ferrioxamine B), catechol
21 ar, cyclic peptide, hydroxamate siderophores ferrichrome and ferrichrome A.
22                                         Iron-ferrichrome and gallium-ferrichrome, but not desferri-fe
23 erophores including alcaligin, enterobactin, ferrichrome, and desferrioxamine B.
24 this gene lost the ability to utilize hemin, ferrichrome, and enterochelin as iron sources.
25 porter Arn1p takes up the ferric-siderophore ferrichrome, and extracellular ferrichrome dramatically
26 to take up ferric and manganese ions, ferric ferrichrome, and heme, respectively.
27                            In the absence of ferrichrome, Arn1 is sorted directly from the Golgi to e
28                  At higher concentrations of ferrichrome, Arn1p cycles between the plasma membrane an
29 t, in the absence of its specific substrate, ferrichrome, Arn1p is sorted directly from the Golgi to
30                            In the absence of ferrichrome, Arn1p is sorted directly from the trans-Gol
31                            In the absence of ferrichrome, Arn1p is sorted directly from the trans-Gol
32                  At higher concentrations of ferrichrome, Arn1p relocalizes to the plasma membrane an
33                            In the absence of ferrichrome, Arn1p sorts directly to the endosomal compa
34                     At low concentrations of ferrichrome, Arn1p stably relocalizes to the plasma memb
35 hich was deficient in the ability to utilize ferrichrome as a sole iron source for growth in a plate
36                    When cells are exposed to ferrichrome at low concentrations, Arn1p stably relocali
37 Mutations within this domain lead to loss of ferrichrome binding and uptake activities and missorting
38 veals a bi-lobed fold resembling that of the ferrichrome binding protein FhuD.
39                                              Ferrichrome binding triggers the redistribution of Arn1
40 o lead to missorting, but without defects in ferrichrome binding.
41                                              Ferrichrome biosynthesis likely proceeds by hydroxylatio
42 PH-dependent hydroxylation of l-ornithine in ferrichrome biosynthesis.
43                    Neither Fe-agrobactin nor ferrichrome bound at all, even at concentrations 10(6)-f
44           Tracer studies using (14)C-labeled ferrichrome bound to either iron(III) or aluminum(III),
45                 Iron-ferrichrome and gallium-ferrichrome, but not desferri-ferrichrome, could competi
46                                         Both ferrichrome chelates were relatively stable within the c
47 hydroxamate siderophore (desferrioxamine and ferrichrome) complexes, with Th complexed as a simple 4+
48 me and gallium-ferrichrome, but not desferri-ferrichrome, could competitively inhibit the uptake of i
49              Other siderophores (pyoverdine, ferrichrome, deferoxamine) likewise inhibited ROS and NE
50 ively stable within the cell, and metal-free ferrichrome did not accumulate, indicating a role for fe
51 ric reductase, while the foreign siderophore ferrichrome did not.
52 c-siderophore ferrichrome, and extracellular ferrichrome dramatically influences the intracellular tr
53 ucible ligand for ferrichrome, indicate that ferrichrome enters the cell as the intact metallosiderop
54 catecholate siderophores (yersiniabactin and ferrichrome) fail to inhibit MPO activity.
55 of iron from the trihydroxamate siderophores ferrichrome, ferrichrome A, and triacetylfusarinine C.
56 ties of the two siderophores for the metals; ferrichrome has a 5-fold higher affinity than desferriox
57 me did not accumulate, indicating a role for ferrichrome in intracellular iron storage.
58 isrupted, does not affect the utilization of ferrichrome in vitro.
59  or aluminum(III), a nonreducible ligand for ferrichrome, indicate that ferrichrome enters the cell a
60 y two genes, SER1 and SER2, required for the ferrichrome-induced plasma membrane trafficking of Arn1-
61 nd sufficient for the nonreductive uptake of ferrichrome-iron and suggests that the transporter may b
62 cts in endocytosis exhibit reduced uptake of ferrichrome-iron.
63  CaArn1p specifically mediates the uptake of ferrichrome-iron.
64                                              Ferrichrome is a hydroxamate-containing siderophore prod
65                 Thus, with FhuA, addition of ferrichrome (its siderophore) to the trans, extracellula
66                       High concentrations of ferrichrome led to higher levels of ubiquitination of Ar
67                           When extracellular ferrichrome levels are high, Arn1 cycles between the pla
68                                              Ferrichrome may gain access to the higher-affinity site
69  plasma membrane, yet little to no uptake of ferrichrome occurs at these low concentrations.
70 Arn1p exhibits two surface binding sites for ferrichrome, one that is similar in affinity to the K(T)
71         Arn1p contains two binding sites for ferrichrome: one site has an affinity similar to the K(T
72 subtracted genomic fragment derived from the ferrichrome operon also hybridized to the intramacrophag
73  S. typhi chromosomal sequences flanking the ferrichrome operon identified a novel S. typhimurium fim
74  in FIT-deleted strains occurred when either ferrichrome or ferric salts were used as sources of iron
75 uBGC ABC transporter together with the FhuD (ferrichrome) or YxeB (ferrioxamine) substrate-binding pr
76                       Here, we show that the ferrichrome receptor gene bll4920 and four additional pu
77 ognize and transport ferric enterobactin and ferrichrome, respectively.
78                        Both ferrioxamine and ferrichrome served as iron sources for yeast- and mold-p
79             In the presence of low levels of ferrichrome, the siderophore binds to a receptor domain
80 iae, is controlled in part by the binding of ferrichrome to the transporter.
81  fit was not able to transport enterobactin, ferrichrome, transferrin, and lactoferrin in E. coli.
82 tion of Arn1 to the plasma membrane, whereas ferrichrome transport is associated with the cycling of
83 le with respect to ability to support [55Fe]-ferrichrome transport, sensitivity to colicins B, D, Ia
84 ce determinants (isd), which also contains a ferrichrome transporter and surface proteins with NPQTN
85     The intracellular trafficking of Arn1, a ferrichrome transporter in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is
86                              However, in the ferrichrome transporter, FhuA, SDSL does not reveal a su
87 ine B-iron and for growth on ferrioxamine B, ferrichrome, triacetylfusarinine C, and rhodotorulic aci
88 e of the E. coli fhu operon, the V. cholerae ferrichrome utilization genes are located adjacent and o
89                               Iron stored as ferrichrome was readily mobilized to meet the metabolic
90  retention and responses of ferrioxamine and ferrichrome were optimal when a gradient elution program
91 bound to the siderophores ferrioxamine B and ferrichrome, without diminishing the uptake of ferric ir
92  schizokinen (YfiY), and desferrioxamine and ferrichrome (YxeB).

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