


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 regnated face of the plate by a three-legged fiber optic.
2 ontrol and cannot be adjusted using standard fiber optics.
3 mum, molecular weight cut-off: 10 kDa) using fiber optics.
4 d using a diode pumped solid state laser and fiber-optics.
5 asonography, OCT catheters consist of simple fiber optics and contain no transducers within their fra
6 or SDM systems but also broadly for few-mode fiber optics and its applications in amplifiers, lasers,
7 external tethers associated with traditional fiber optic approaches.
8  this technology in our study, we employed a fiber optic array to create thousands of femtoliter-size
9             Because of the advantages of the fiber-optic array platform over other array formats, inc
10 uorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) and fiber-optic array scanning technology (FAST) to identify
11         Here we report an approach that uses fiber-optic array scanning technology (FAST), which appl
12  analysis of many yeast cells contained in a fiber-optic array, allowing for thorough characterizatio
13 ns were synthesized and included in a custom fiber-optic array.
14                                            A fiber-optic assay for amplified DNA products has been de
15 c microprobe made with a built-in monolithic fiber-optic ball lens, which achieves ultrahigh-resoluti
16  specifically ZIF-8 and ZIF-93, are grown on fiber optic based surface plasmon resonance (FO-SPR) sen
17                  Computer simulations of the fiber optics based on the finite element method (FEM) we
18                      We developed a portable fiber-optic based OCT imaging device that requires only
19                             They use a novel fiber optic-based method to simultaneously image and exc
20                                              Fiber optic-based near-infrared spectroscopy (FONIRS) se
21 ve developed a unique accessory, noncontact, fiber optic-based Raman spectroscopy device that has the
22                                            A fiber optic bead-based sensor array platform has been em
23  expression was assayed by a high-throughput fiber-optic bead array consisting of 388 genes and by RN
24 r is reported that employs a cascade of four fiber-optic beam splitters connected in series to genera
25                                 A label-free fiber optic biosensor based on a long period grating (LP
26 ved using the same immunoassay reagents in a fiber optic biosensor or a planar array biosensor.
27 evels in seawater using a fluorescence-based fiber optic biosensor.
28 sed, total internal reflection fluorescence, fiber-optic biosensor (TIRF-FOB) for protein detection,
29                                            A fiber-optic biosensor array is described for the simulta
30                               We developed a fiber-optic biosensor for the detection of CCHF IgG anti
31                              A new, portable fiber-optic biosensor has been used to detect staphyloco
32                           We showed that the fiber-optic biosensor is 10-times more sensitive than co
33                          We believe that the fiber-optic biosensor is a suitable alternative to ELISA
34 fic, sensitive assay for SEB on the portable fiber-optic biosensor permits easy monitoring of clinica
35                                            A fiber-optic biosensor using an aptamer receptor has been
36          In this study, a fluorescence-based fiber-optic biosensor was used to quantify the heterogen
37                    Finally, we evaluated the fiber-optic biosensor with two CCHF patient sera.
38 d herein investigates a novel arrangement of fiber-optic biosensors based on a tilted fiber Bragg gra
39                                Submicrometer fiber-optic biosensors have been developed and used to m
40 tify molecular interactions using disposable fiber-optic biosensors that address samples from an open
41                                              Fiber-optic biosensors that are selective for nitric oxi
42                                         This fiber optic bridge was integrated into a single cell ana
43                               A fixed, fused fiber optic bundle, less than 1 millimeter in diameter,
44                      In this paper, a novel, fiber-optic bundle based detection system is introduced,
45                                            A fiber-optic bundle was used for the gas detection and sh
46                                            A fiber-optic bundle, positioned approximately 2 mm from a
47 d attached to the common end of a bifurcated fiber-optic bundle.
48 s paper, we present a platform incorporating fiber-optic bundles and antibody-based microarrays to pe
49 en fabricated on the distal face of coherent fiber-optic bundles.
50  have emerged to transform telecommunication fiber-optic cables into dense seismic arrays that are co
51 ng the inhibitory opsin archaerhodopsin, and fiber-optic cannulae were implanted above the indirect p
52 (DPC) and finally detected by a miniaturized fiber optic CCD spectrophotometer at 520 nm, exploiting
53 d an indirect detection sensor (scintillator/fiber-optic/CCD) for electron energy-loss spectroscopy.
54                     A 3.7 Fr catheter with a fiber-optic channel was constructed based on a 40 MHz cl
55           The transmitted light is read by a fiber-optic charge coupled device (CCD) spectrometer.
56 ponents, in complete analogy to thin-film or fiber-optic chemical sensors.
57 e periodic groundwater sampling method and a fiber-optic CO2 sensor for real-time in situ monitoring
58                          Measurements by the fiber-optic CO2 sensor, showing obvious leakage signals,
59 elecommunication revolution, but single-mode fiber-optic communication systems have been driven to th
60                                              Fiber-optics confocal microscopy images resembled images
61                          Fourier analysis of fiber-optics confocal microscopy images showed that the
62 g heart using extracellular fluorophores and fiber-optics confocal microscopy.
63  tissues in living rat hearts with real-time fiber-optics confocal microscopy.
64 e scanning tip of the SECM was replaced by a fiber optic connected to a xenon lamp and was rapidly sc
65 (ERY) detection method is proposed using the fiber optic core decorated with the coatings of silver a
66                                            A fiber-optic coupled attenuated total reflection (ATR)-FT
67 em, as a multiplexed detector with multiple, fiber-optic-coupled, fluorescence-detection cells excite
68  Integrating organic nanorobots to inorganic fiber optics creates a hybrid system that we demonstrate
69 th superficial and even deep-seated by using fiber optic delivered light.
70  typically requires remote light sources and fiber-optic delivery schemes that impose considerable ph
71 A structures were integrated within portable fiber optic detection system, what is important for the
72 d growing functionality of optical fiber and fiber optic devices are enabling several new modalities
73                                   Small size fiber optic devices integrated with chemically sensitive
74 d imagery and custom high spatial resolution fiber-optic distributed temperature sensors reveal compl
75                               A high-density fiber-optic DNA microarray sensor was developed to monit
76                             In this study, a fiber-optic DNA microarray using microsphere-immobilized
77                      This work suggests that fiber-optic DNA microarrays can be used for rapid and se
78 sticide has been achieved by manufacturing a fiber-optic dual-head device containing both analyte-sen
79    This mechanism has allowed preparation of fiber optic dye-based nitric oxide sensors, which have b
80 on-invasive modality that uses assemblies of fiber optic emitters and detectors on the cranium for vo
81                                              Fiber-optic evanescent wave spectroscopy (FEWS)-FTIR wit
82  nm) using a custom-built 1.7-cm path length fiber-optic flow cell.
83                           A micrometer-sized fiber-optic fluorescence biosensor for glucose has been
84                                              Fiber-optic fluorescence imaging systems include portabl
85                                      A novel fiber-optic fluorescence sensor based on a controlled-re
86 couples an automatic cigarette smoke machine fiber-optic fluorometer for real-time monitoring of the
87 zed surface plasmon resonance (LSPR)-coupled fiber-optic (FO) nanoprobe is reported as a biosensor th
88  laser absorption spectrometer making use of fiber optics for delivery and return of low intensity di
89 s for pharmacological infusions and tethered fiber optics for optogenetics, are not ideal for minimal
90 sive to prepare and can be easily coupled to fiber optics for remote sensing capabilities.
91  to overcome the limitations of conventional fiber optics-for example, by permitting low-loss guidanc
92 oved by about 20% compared to that of larger fiber-optic glucose sensors.
93   The results open the door to a new area of fiber optic-guided sensitizer delivery for the potential
94                                       When a fiber-optic illuminator is placed in contact with the en
95 ese SERS probes are fabricated from coherent fiber-optic imaging bundles, allowing for the formation
96 fluorescent dye morin was immobilized on the fiber-optic imaging sensor, which allowed the in situ lo
97 gated by in situ fluorescence imaging with a fiber-optic imaging sensor.
98                          We have developed a fiber-optic imaging technique termed optical frequency-d
99 the use of a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) fiber-optic immunosensor for selective cellular detectio
100 YFP or control eYFP protein and intracranial fiber optic implants.
101 mvents problems associated with conventional fiber-optics, including limited signal collection effici
102   The functionalized prGO film coated on the fiber-optic interferometer shows high sensitivities for
103 urgery, pediatric procedural sedation, awake fiber-optic intubation, cardiac surgery, and bariatric s
104  characterized by voltammetry, electrolysis, fiber-optic IR spectroscopy, and ESR measurements.
105 y was assessed and recorded using transnasal fiber-optic laryngoscopy.
106 oped a novel technique in which with a 23 Ga fiber optic light pipe is used to identify the cut ends
107  2.5 minutes to unilateral illumination with fiber-optic light ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 lux.
108 methanol/acetic acid (6:4) and quantified by fiber optic linear array spectrophotometry based on the
109 iginated from the need to biofunctionalize a fiber optic Long Period Grating (LPG) that is tuned in a
110 ample volumes and the use of a high-density, fiber-optic microarray format make this method highly ad
111                             In contrast, the fiber-optic microarray platform described herein is anal
112  for parallel analysis of mRNA isoforms on a fiber-optic microarray platform.
113                                          The fiber-optic microarray system has a detection limit of 1
114                                 We applied a fiber-optic microarray to record cellular communication
115  performed using fluorescence detection on a fiber-optic microarray.
116                                        Since fiber-optic microarrays can be prepared with different p
117                                      The new fiber-optic microbial biosensor is an ideal tool for on-
118                                            A fiber-optic microbial biosensor suitable for direct meas
119                                     However, fiber optic microendoscopes have limited optical section
120                                              Fiber optic microendoscopy has shown promise for visuali
121                                 Miniaturized fiber optic microscopy permits cellular level imaging in
122                     The detection limit of a fiber-optic microsensor array was investigated for simul
123                                            A fiber optic microsphere-based oligonucleotide array is d
124 broblast cells into an optically addressable fiber-optic microwell array such that each microwell acc
125 graphene oxide (prGO) film is deposited on a fiber-optic modal interferometer, acting as both the flu
126                      We report an innovative fiber optic nano-optrode based on Long Period Gratings (
127                                              Fiber-optic near-ultraviolet evanescent-wave sensors hav
128  and experimental realization of a SPR based fiber optic nicotine sensor having coatings of silver an
129                                            A fiber-optic OCT imaging system was used to image the mur
130 his research presents a novel, time-resolved fiber-optic "Optrode" system for accurate real-time in s
131 ualizing the surface of the vocal folds with fiber-optic or rigid endoscopy and using stroboscopic or
132 onance spectroscopy and of O2 consumption by fiber-optic oximetry.
133  partial pressure by surgical insertion of a fiber optic oxygen probe into granulomas in the lungs of
134 i-OVA) and anti-mouse IgG antibody using the fiber optic particle plasmon resonance (FOPPR) biosensor
135                                            A fiber optic particle plasmon resonance (FOPPR) immunosen
136                                            A fiber-optic periodontal endoscope was developed to aid i
137                                  Here, using fiber-optic photometry combined with optogenetic and mol
138 developed a novel system using a specialized fiber-optic platform and have combined it with statistic
139            A probe (0.5 mm in diameter) with fiber-optic PO2, PCO2, and pH sensors was placed percuta
140 tter than that achieved using a conventional fiber-optic portable spectrometer.
141 asured using an applanation tonometer with a fiber-optic pressure sensor.
142 er studies with an endoscopically compatible fiber optic probe are under way for multicenter clinical
143                                            A fiber optic probe consisting of a 1.0 mm coherent image
144        The experiments were performed on the fiber optic probe fabricated with Ag/ZnO: graphene layer
145                A near infrared spectroscopic fiber optic probe was placed over the hypothenar eminenc
146 optical spectroscopic technique along with a fiber optic probe was used to test the hypothesis that d
147          Spectra were measured by means of a fiber optic probe, and they were analyzed using an analy
148                         Using a 250-mum-wide fiber optic probe, we captured nanometer sarcomere lengt
149 ion is collected with the aid of a cryogenic fiber optic probe.
150 ye of a FRET pair to the end of a near-field fiber optic probe.
151 is monitored simultaneously in situ, using a fiber optic probe/diffuser to provide the UV light to ac
152 obtained intermittently through the use of a fiber-optic probe (for the case of oxygen) and biochemic
153 e topography is analyzed by scanning a sharp fiber-optic probe across the sample using shear force fe
154 ecorded at 4.2 K with the aid of a cryogenic fiber-optic probe and a commercial spectrofluorimeter.
155 med in a matter of seconds with the aid of a fiber-optic probe directly inserted into the liquid cryo
156 ploying a standard excitation source where a fiber-optic probe is coupled to a tungsten-halogen lamp,
157 Here, we demonstrate a specifically designed fiber-optic probe that enables thermal activation with s
158         Here, we demonstrate an ultracompact fiber-optic probe where a diamond microcrystal with a we
159 near-field interaction of light from a sharp fiber-optic probe with a sample of interest to image sur
160 erials and equipment, utilizing a bifurcated fiber-optic probe, standard disk electrodes of millimete
161 perature (4.2 K) with the aid of a cryogenic fiber-optic probe.
162 e light (473 nm) via a chronically implanted fiber-optic probe.
163 ular in vivo biosensing when using ultrathin fiber optic probes for research purposes.
164 in the renal cortex and medulla, combination fiber-optic probes comprising a fluorescence optode to m
165                                              Fiber-optic probes have been developed for FTIR in livin
166    The antibodies were immobilized on silica fiber-optic probes via five different immobilization str
167 pic measurements from two different kinds of fiber-optic probes.
168 ve this limitation with the use of cryogenic fiber-optic probes.
169 we developed a scintillating balloon-enabled fiber-optic radionuclide imaging (SBRI) system to improv
170  We have developed a novel 785 nm excitation fiber-optic Raman endoscope that can simultaneously acqu
171 17, 646, and 751 cm(-1))) from the ball-lens fiber-optic Raman probe for quantitative analysis of fib
172 ire Raman signals generated from a ball-lens fiber-optic Raman probe for quantitative analysis of in
173 spectroscopy system coupled with a ball-lens fiber-optic Raman probe is used for in vivo oral tissue
174 ctroscopy system coupled with a miniaturized fiber-optic Raman probe was utilized to realize real-tim
175 tic Raman probe for quantitative analysis of fiber-optic Raman spectroscopy.
176 tical NO2(-) ion sensor was performed with a fiber optic reflectance spectrophotometer.
177 e, commercial diode array spectrometer and a fiber-optic reflectance probe monitors the wavelength of
178                               In this study, fiber-optic reflection-based pH micro (mu)-probes (tip d
179                                            A fiber optic salivary cortisol sensor using a contemporar
180          We report the development of an all-fiber-optic scanning endomicroscope capable of high-reso
181  chemical imaging is achieved by combining a fiber-optic scanning probe microscope with laser-induced
182 er' configuration, bridging the FRET and the fiber-optic sensing technology, may serve as a platform
183 y provides a tunable pulsed random laser for fiber-optic sensing, speckle-free imaging, and laser-mat
184                                         This fiber optic sensor (FOS) operates by monitoring the LPFG
185  Combining the advantages of evanescent wave fiber optic sensor and microfluidic technology, an all-f
186  have developed a disposable evanescent wave fiber optic sensor by coating a molecularly imprinted po
187                                          The fiber optic sensor detects targets in the low nM range a
188                           An evanescent wave fiber optic sensor for detection of Escherichia coli (E.
189                     In this piece of work, a fiber optic sensor has been fabricated and characterized
190 nsor and the other one is an evanescent wave fiber optic sensor.
191  the development of a nitric oxide selective fiber optic sensor.
192 covalently immobilized on the surface of the fiber optic sensor.
193 earch represents the first report of in situ fiber-optic sensor monitoring of oxygen content from the
194                                              Fiber-optic sensors based on referenced read-out with a
195 CO2, and pHm, monitored simultaneously using fiber-optic sensors in a single, small probe placed perc
196 or in performance to conventional leaky-mode fiber optic silica HWGs having similar optical pathlengt
197 oscopy (FEWS)-FTIR with endoscope-compatible fiber-optic silver halide probes is feasible, and could
198               A micrometer-size, fluorescent fiber-optic sodium sensor is described, based on a highl
199 aveguide capillary cell (LWCC) and miniature fiber optic spectrometer, with detection wavelength set
200   In this paper, we report the use of an NIR fiber-optic spectrometer with a high-speed diode array f
201  around a standard microscope and a portable fiber-optic spectrometer.
202 ibers and are interrogated using a miniature fiber-optic spectrometer.
203 hese light sources is comparable to standard fiber-optic spectrophotometer light sources.
204 e has been monitored using either a portable fiber-optic spectrophotometer or the built-in camera of
205 al light transmission were determined with a fiber-optic spectrophotometer.
206 rdi et al. described an ultrahigh-resolution fiber-optic strain sensor.
207 sed for bioassay development on a home-built fiber optic surface plasmon resonance (FO-SPR) biosensor
208 e ligation chain reaction (LCR) assay on the Fiber Optic Surface Plasmon Resonance (FO-SPR) platform,
209                                 A home-built fiber optic surface plasmon resonance platform (FO-SPR)
210 channel multianalyte sensing probe employing fiber optic surface plasmon resonance technique.
211 tration in serum using an in-house developed fiber-optic surface plasmon resonance (FO-SPR) biosensor
212 present a short immunoassay (10 min) using a fiber-optic surface plasmon resonance (FO-SPR) biosensor
213  In this paper we used an in house developed fiber-optic surface plasmon resonance (FO-SPR) biosensor
214                                              Fiber-optic surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors are
215 tured illumination microendoscopy (DSIMe), a fiber optic system that can perform structured illuminat
216 related single-photon counting (TCSPC)-based fiber optics system to measure the intensity, emission s
217                                          The fiber-optic system uses a Complementary Metal-Oxide Sili
218                          The usefulness of a fiber optic technique for generating singlet oxygen and
219  has >10-fold greater sensitivity than prior fiber-optic techniques and attains the noise minimum set
220 re validated with SPR using both Biacore and fiber optic technology.
221 d visible light (<1mWcm(-2)) with the aid of fiber optics technology.
222 ress towards a miniaturized, multifunctional fiber-optic technology that integrates informational com
223 ht at different colors, forming the basis of fiber-optic telecommunication networks that shuttle data
224                  Reference measurements with fiber optic temperature sensors confirm the accuracy of
225                                              Fiber-optic temperature sensors were inserted into the f
226 ke optogenetic approaches that rely on rigid fiber optics tethered to external light sources, these n
227 imal behavior, light-delivery systems beyond fiber optic tethering and large, head-mounted wireless r
228                                          The fiber optic tip delivered pheophorbide molecules and sin
229 se the use of a robust, biopsy needle-based, fiber-optic tool for routine clinical quantification of
230                      This probe integrates a fiber-optic tract for the delivery of laser light with a
231 r pressure was measured noninvasively with a fiber optic transducer.
232 arily on visual examinations supplemented by Fiber Optic Transillumination (FOTI) and radiography, wi
233 ld Method - DSTM), bitewing radiography, and Fiber Optic Transillumination (FOTI).
234 O) modulators encode electrical signals onto fiber optic transmissions.
235  describe the concept of a novel implantable fiber-optic Turbidity Affinity Sensor (TAS) and report o
236 ber facilitate ultrashort pulse delivery for fiber-optic two-photon fluorescence imaging.
237  addition) was monitored with backscattering fiber optics under strongly attenuated laser power (7 mW
238 ndependent electrospray interface as well as fiber optic UV detection.
239 er we have described a potentially miniature fiber-optic vibrometer based on a modified Michelson int
240 nipulated, polarized, and read out through a fiber-optic waveguide integrated with a two-wire microwa
241    Using appropriate light sources guided by fiber optics, we determined a detection limit of 10(2) C
242                                            A fiber optic with a ring electrode can also be used to el
243 ization of a surface plasmon resonance based fiber optic xanthine sensor using entrapment of xanthine

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