


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 on delivered to the RTN region in vivo via a fiberoptic activated the CO(2)-sensitive neurons vigorou
2           A defining characteristic of rigid fiberoptic and videolaryngoscopic techniques is that glo
3                The nanobiosensor is a unique fiberoptics-based tool which allows the minimally invasi
4 were inoculated with P. haemolytica A1 via a fiberoptic bronchoscope and euthanized at 2 h postinocul
5 omy and familiarity with the use of flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope are key components while managin
6 gnition of tracheobronchial anatomy with the fiberoptic bronchoscope is mandatory to increase the suc
7                                            A fiberoptic bronchoscope is not always needed for left do
8         The debate continues as to whether a fiberoptic bronchoscope must be used to position a doubl
9                                            A fiberoptic bronchoscope was wedged in the anterior segme
10 ice of which approach to use, 'blind' versus fiberoptic bronchoscope-assisted, is influenced by many
11 onchoalveolar lavage was performed through a fiberoptic bronchoscope.
12  patient is awake with the aid of a flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope.
13                 Today, in most institutions, fiberoptic bronchoscopes of different diameters are avai
14                                              Fiberoptic bronchoscopes were usually only available in
15             CT findings were correlated with fiberoptic bronchoscopic findings and clinical records.
16 ,586 central venous catheter insertions, 457 fiberoptic bronchoscopies, and 295 chest tube insertions
17 6 infants and children referred for flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy (FFB) we examined the larynx bef
18 Findings were correlated with the results of fiberoptic bronchoscopy (FOB).
19    Patients with ARDS and controls underwent fiberoptic bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage.
20 his procedure was followed within 30 mins by fiberoptic bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage.
21        Finally, residents had less access to fiberoptic bronchoscopy and chest tube insertion.
22 aseline and after treatment phase using both fiberoptic bronchoscopy and computed tomography scan.
23 assess airway epithelial samples obtained by fiberoptic bronchoscopy from 81 individuals [normal nons
24 rtiary medical center on patients undergoing fiberoptic bronchoscopy in the evaluation of enlarged me
25 heobronchial anatomy and the use of flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy in thoracic anesthesia.
26                                     Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy must be considered an art in the
27  from bronchial specimens obtained by either fiberoptic bronchoscopy or lobectomy.
28 view is to highlight the circumstances where fiberoptic bronchoscopy should be used in conjunction wi
29    Both fluorescence-mediated tomography and fiberoptic bronchoscopy techniques have the potential to
30 This review is part of Pro and Contra use of fiberoptic bronchoscopy to confirm the position of a dou
31                                              Fiberoptic bronchoscopy was performed 6 h after each exp
32                                              Fiberoptic bronchoscopy was used to record RP and airway
33  with lung isolation techniques and flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy while participating in thoracic
34 ography, methacholine challenge testing, and fiberoptic bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage.
35                                              Fiberoptic bronchoscopy with collection of BAL fluid was
36 ometry, bronchial provocation challenge, and fiberoptic bronchoscopy with endobronchial biopsy (alway
37 erative day when the clinical evaluation and fiberoptic bronchoscopy with transbronchial biopsies and
38  n = 53; control subjects, n = 16) underwent fiberoptic bronchoscopy, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), a
39 1.6-16 years) underwent clinically indicated fiberoptic bronchoscopy, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), e
40 ing airways using near-infrared fluorescence fiberoptic bronchoscopy, in lung parenchyma using intrav
41                                   Diagnostic fiberoptic bronchoscopy, lumber puncture, magnetic reson
42                                              Fiberoptic bronchoscopy, with isolated left main bronchu
43                                              Fiberoptic bronchoscopy, with proximal airway lavage (PA
44 check the tube is positioned correctly using fiberoptic bronchoscopy.
45 om 70 pediatric patients undergoing flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy.
46 ho underwent bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) by fiberoptic bronchoscopy.
47 nary function laboratories and the advent of fiberoptic bronchoscopy; the rise of asthma, chronic obs
48                              We used a novel fiberoptic catheter imaging system and a genetically enc
49                                            A fiberoptic catheter imaging system was developed to impl
50 ence intensities, which were measured with a fiberoptic catheter placed above wells of varying NIR fl
51 s built in which images created with a 2.7-F fiberoptic catheter were relayed through a dichroic mirr
52  prospectively evaluate the ability of micro-fiberoptic catheters, which simultaneously record white
53 evanescent field absorption spectroscopy via fiberoptic chemical sensors.
54 tivity laser-based immunoassay multi-arrayed fiberoptics conjugated with rolling circle amplification
55         A 9-Fr introducer is recommended, as fiberoptic damage may have occurred when the 8.5-Fr intr
56 Cattle were infected with P. haemolytica via fiberoptic deposition of organisms into the posterior pa
57                         The first integrated fiberoptic DNA sensor array capable of simultaneously mo
58                                          The fiberoptic DNA sensor array was used to discriminate a p
59         Improvements and new developments in fiberoptic endoscope technology, training of airway endo
60                                          The fiberoptic endoscope, or fiberscope, was a flexible inst
61   Clinical swallowing examination and serial fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (days 3,
62  consistencies, and liquids was tested using fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing at three
63 gia in critical illness polyneuropathy using fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing.
64  in 17 of 22 patients (77%) during the first fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing.
65 ENT workup including examination and a nasal fiberoptic endoscopy by an otorhinolaryngologist in the
66                                              Fiberoptic endoscopy was developed at the University of
67 ry infection and is easily detected by nasal fiberoptic endoscopy.
68 ll have a role, despite the extensive use of fiberoptic endoscopy.
69  after TMR, using a low energy, short-pulse, fiberoptic excimer laser.
70 ss-sectional area (CSA) were determined from fiberoptic images (five frames per second) normalized to
71                                 Results with fiberoptic imaging demonstrated that all tumors were vis
72                                              Fiberoptic imaging in an isolated, sealed upper airway w
73                 In recent years, advances in fiberoptic imaging technology, applied to other surgical
74                 In recent years, advances in fiberoptic imaging technology, applied to other surgical
75                            Pharyngeal airway fiberoptic imaging was performed in 10 decerebrate cats
76                                              Fiberoptic imaging was performed in six decerebrate, tra
77 tomidine and proven techniques such as awake fiberoptic intubation can be used to safely treat these
78         In cases with laryngeal involvement, fiberoptic intubation may be necessary.
79                                        While fiberoptic intubation remains the preferred choice of ma
80 structing medical professionals in direct or fiberoptic intubation, surgical airway, and/or supraglot
81 refore challenge the preeminence of flexible fiberoptic intubation.
82 e used to teach both direct laryngoscopy and fiberoptic intubation.
83                                            A fiberoptic laryngeal examination should be performed in
84 nterviewed and offered further evaluation by fiberoptic laryngotracheoscopy (FOL) and tracheal comput
85 ng UV-A illumination with a dissolved oxygen fiberoptic microsensor.
86                                            A fiberoptic optical oxygen sensor (optode) was used to de
87 was measured in two rats with a fluorescence fiberoptic oxygen probe.
88  levels in the vitreous were measured with a fiberoptic oxygen sensor.
89 ocyanine green clearance, as determined by a fiberoptic physiologic monitoring system, also improved
90                      1) The investigation of fiberoptic PO2, PCO2, and pH sensor technology as a moni
91      Oxygen distribution was recorded with a fiberoptic probe in patients undergoing surgery for cata
92                      The tip of the flexible fiberoptic probe was positioned for 3 measurements in al
93      Using an NIR spectrometer fitted with a fiberoptic probe, living human carotid atherosclerotic p
94 biopsy, each site was sampled by LSS using a fiberoptic probe.
95 y ill, mechanically ventilated patients with fiberoptic pulmonary artery catheters in place were rand
96                              The system uses fiberoptic readout of individually cut lutetium oxyortho
97                                           By fiberoptic recordings from molecularly defined populatio
98 under direct vision, using a 6.7-Fr (2.2-mm) fiberoptic scope through the feeding tube.
99                                          The fiberoptic scope was advanced through the rostral trache
100 ging device that was based on a miniaturized fiberoptic sensor (MIFS) was built in which images creat
101                                  The unitary fiberoptic sensor array is highly sensitive, has the abi
102                          The response of the fiberoptic sensor to different galactose concentrations
103  Bilitec 2000 using a glass pH electrode and fiberoptic sensor.
104 cer, each of whose index lesion on screening fiberoptic sigmoidoscopy was a benign adenoma.
105                                            A fiberoptic surface sensor provides a safe and accurate m
106                           Recent advances in fiberoptic systems and video technology have resulted in
107                        The latter two employ fiberoptic technology and are currently under developmen
108                                              Fiberoptic technology dramatically changed endoscopic pr
109 reated in adjacent segments by advancing the fiberoptic through the left ventricular wall with the la
110 chnique: bedside videoscopic placement using fiberoptics through the tube.
111 nm and 11.7 J/cm(2) fluence, with a flexible fiberoptic tip with a diameter of 200 microm.
112 20 J) i.p. through a cylindrically diffusing fiberoptic tip.
113       A cardiovascular catheter containing a fiberoptic waveguide mounted with a galactose-sensitive
114 y laser epi-illumination through a multimode fiberoptic whose micron-sized tip can be introduced deep
115 c epifluorescence photobleaching, in which a fiberoptic with a micron-size tip is introduced deep in
116                                     In fact, fiberoptic workshops, thoracic workshops and difficult a

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