


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ndovascular trophoblasts (vEVTs) embedded in fibrinoid.
2 t also reemphasizes the relationship between fibrinoid and miliary aneurysm formation.
3                               Rejection with fibrinoid arterial necrosis (4% of biopsies) did not res
4                             Plasmin produced fibrinoid changes in the blood vessels at 24 h, coincidi
5 ive abnormalities such as lipohyalinosis and fibrinoid changes within penetrating artery branches vis
6         Associated damage included extensive fibrinoid deposits, fibrosis, avascular villi, and edema
7 eks, wild-type (WT) mice developed extensive fibrinoid hepatic venous thrombi and biochemical evidenc
8 uscle cells (VSMCs) are lost and replaced by fibrinoid, incorporating extravillous trophoblast (EVT)
9 stabilizing uteroplacental attachment at the fibrinoid layer found at the fetal-maternal junction.
10 trophy and became fibrotic; some also showed fibrinoid necrosis and a mixed inflammatory cell infiltr
11 ity of CAA-associated vasculopathic changes (fibrinoid necrosis and concentric splitting of the wall)
12 nucleated giant cells (MGCs), MGC death, and fibrinoid necrosis and fibrosis.
13 5% versus 9%; severe ATI, 75% versus 9%; and fibrinoid necrosis in glomeruli, 20% versus 0%, or arter
14 s versus 40% (2 of 5) for those who also had fibrinoid necrosis of arteries.
15 leads to increased vascular permeability and fibrinoid necrosis of blood vessel walls.
16                       (3) Type III: arterial fibrinoid necrosis or transmural inflammation with or wi
17 ograft, intimal edema, matrix deposition and fibrinoid necrosis were specifically presented in the xe
18 c capillary involvement) and AHR 2 (arterial fibrinoid necrosis).
19 us, specific arterial lesions (endarteritis, fibrinoid necrosis, activated endothelial cells, mononuc
20 nuated renal injury (albuminuria, glomerular fibrinoid necrosis, and crescent formation), but mAbs to
21 o endothelial cells, endothelial activation, fibrinoid necrosis, foam cells, and intimal fibrosis.
22 arcts, microhaemorrhage, larger haemorrhage, fibrinoid necrosis, microaneurysms, perivascular space d
23 within the wall of an arteriole at a site of fibrinoid necrosis.
24 ealed leukocytoclastic vasculitis with focal fibrinoid necrosis.
25 eritis, 28% with endarteritis, and 100% with fibrinoid necrosis.
26                                            A fibrinoid substance of unclear origin often covered the
27                        Histopathology showed fibrinoid vascular necrosis, rare amastigote nests withi
28                                        Large fibrinoids with avascular villi, edema, and inflammation

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