


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ogen, respectively, batroxobin only releases fibrinopeptide A.
2 rmation seen in both factor XIII-(28-37) and fibrinopeptide A.
3 ion, ITS accumulation, and the production of fibrinopeptide A.
4 cificity constant 280-fold lower than normal fibrinopeptide A.
5 -terminal neoepitope generated by release of fibrinopeptide A.
6 rhauser effect spectroscopy studies of bound fibrinopeptide A(1-16 Ser3P) indicate that phosphorylati
7 n for urothelial carcinoma was identified as fibrinopeptide A-a known biomarker of ovarian cancer and
8 (NaCl, ChCl, or NaF) and is -1.5 +/- 0.1 for fibrinopeptide A and -2.5 +/- 0.1 for fibrinopeptide B.
9      In contrast to thrombin, which releases fibrinopeptide A and B from the NH2-terminal domains of
10               Fibrinogen Longmont had normal fibrinopeptide A and B release and a functional polymeri
11 wo sets of two consecutive Glu residues, and fibrinopeptide A and fibrinopeptide B, with isolated aci
12 h fibrinogen promotes sequential cleavage of fibrinopeptides A and B (fpA and fpB, respectively) from
13                   Upon addition of thrombin, fibrinopeptides A and B are cleaved off from the N-termi
14                               The release of fibrinopeptides A and B by the slow and fast forms of th
15  blood coagulation cascade, thrombin cleaves fibrinopeptides A and B from fibrinogen revealing sites
16                             Thrombin cleaves fibrinopeptides A and B from the N-termini of the fibrin
17 -termini of Bbeta chains and that removal of fibrinopeptides A and B upon fibrin assembly results in
18                 We found that the release of fibrinopeptides A and B was the same for these variants
19 haC-connector, bound to NDSK, which contains fibrinopeptides A and B, and less frequently to desA-NDS
20 of the alpha- and beta-chains, including the fibrinopeptides A and B, are also disordered.
21 ents of the alpha and beta chains, including fibrinopeptides A and B, are not visible in electron den
22 aining was detected using antibodies against fibrinopeptides A and B, as well as with the T2G1 monocl
23 ogen and fibrin I, leading to the release of fibrinopeptides A and B, is driven by electrostatic forc
24 -knobs, which are exposed by the cleavage of fibrinopeptides A and B, respectively, and between corre
25 late the two knobs exposed by the removal of fibrinopeptides A and B, respectively.
26 g to the knobs exposed by the release of the fibrinopeptides A and B.
27 rd peptides such as YGGFLR, angiotensin III, fibrinopeptide A, and des-Arg1-bradykinin were dissociat
28 ivated factor XII, prothrombin fragment 1+2, fibrinopeptide A, and fibrinogen were measured in 1153 m
29 duced rates for TAT formation but equivalent fibrinopeptide A, and fV activation/inactivation.
30 peptide F1.2, thrombin-antithrombin complex, fibrinopeptide A, and soluble fibrin, combined with a co
31  thrombin-catalyzed fibrinogen activation to fibrinopeptide A are most consistent with a two-proton b
32 T was polymerized with Ancrod, which cleaves fibrinopeptide A at the same rate from either fibrinogen
33  34Val peptide was released more slowly than fibrinopeptide A but more quickly than fibrinopeptide B
34 tor VII, prothrombin fragment 1 + 2, urinary fibrinopeptide A, C-reactive protein, and interleukin-6
35                                          (2) Fibrinopeptide A cleavage further unmasks the NH2 and Ar
36 this structure with the crystal structure of fibrinopeptide A complexed with thrombin highlights seve
37 eparin reduced beta-thromboglobulin release; fibrinopeptide A concentrations were significantly highe
38 rminal portion (1ADSGE5) of unphosphorylated fibrinopeptide A does not interact with the surface of b
39                    We found that the variant fibrinopeptide A (F8Y 1-16) was cleaved by thrombin, in
40 ta-4 (Tbeta-4), fibrinopeptide B (FP-B), and fibrinopeptide A (FP-A).
41 T), prothrombin fragment 1 + 2 (F1 + 2), and fibrinopeptide A (FPA) as well as markers of fibrinolysi
42 ction of which requires different extents of fibrinopeptide A (FpA) cleavage from fibrinogen.
43  were obtained from 247 patients and urinary fibrinopeptide A (FPA) from 178 of the 247.
44 he thrombin-catalyzed cleavage of N-terminal fibrinopeptide A (FPA) from the two Aalpha-chains of fib
45   During cleavage of fibrinogen by thrombin, fibrinopeptide A (FpA) release precedes fibrinopeptide B
46 n platelet activation, formation of TAT, and fibrinopeptide A (FPA) release.
47 amples by immunoassay and immunoblotting for fibrinopeptide A (FPA), thrombin-antithrombin (TAT), fac
48                                 In addition, fibrinopeptide A (FPA), thrombin-antithrombin III (TAT)
49 plasma levels (at 0, 4, 12, and 24 hours) of fibrinopeptide A (FPA), which reflects thrombin action,
50 vo to fibrinogen and conducting an assay for fibrinopeptide A (FPA).
51                 Respective values for plasma fibrinopeptide A (FPA, nmol/L) were 1.52, 1.35, and 1.15
52 depends on the release of the two N-terminal fibrinopeptides A (FPA) from fibrinogen, and its formati
53 ragment of GPIb alpha reduced the release of fibrinopeptide A from fibrinogen by about 50% by a nonco
54           The k(cat)/K(m) for the release of fibrinopeptide A from fibrinogen was 4.5 +/- 0.5 microM(
55                   Thrombin failed to release fibrinopeptide-A from fibrinogen(AEK) and failed to indu
56                                              Fibrinopeptide A generation showed threshold variability
57 vated partial thromboplastin time assays and fibrinopeptide A generation tests.
58 uch as argatroban, were the observation that fibrinopeptide A had antithrombotic properties and deter
59 he hypothesis given above, and indicate that fibrinopeptide A is also involved.
60 ized A'beta fibrinogen, replacing FpB with a fibrinopeptide A-like peptide, FpA' (G14V).
61   Here we present SID of leucine enkephalin, fibrinopeptide A, melittin, insulin chain-B, and a nonco
62                    Neither treatment changed fibrinopeptide A or prothrombin fragment 1 and 2.
63 ges were observed with treatment in d-dimer, fibrinopeptide A, prothrombin fragment F1.2, factor VIIa
64                                  The rate of fibrinopeptide A release was decreased 27-fold, and the
65                                              Fibrinopeptide A release was normal, whereas fibrinopept
66                                              Fibrinopeptide A release was slower over the course of t
67 o its higher affinity interaction, selective fibrinopeptide A release, and prothrombotic properties.
68 n concentrations that equalized the rates of fibrinopeptide A release, BbetaA68T fibrinogen polymeriz
69 hrombin activation and fibrin formation with fibrinopeptide A release.
70 eu peptide was released at a similar rate as fibrinopeptide A, the 34Val peptide was released more sl
71                       The systemic levels of fibrinopeptide A, thrombin-antithrombin complex, D-dimer
72                   Ancrod-induced cleavage of fibrinopeptide A was not affected.
73 le the rate of thrombin-catalyzed release of fibrinopeptide A was similar, the release of fibrinopept
74 exposed by the thrombin-catalyzed removal of fibrinopeptide A, was found to reside in the gamma-chain

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