


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 .1 for fibrinopeptide A and -2.5 +/- 0.1 for fibrinopeptide B.
2 suppression is demonstrated for LSIMS of Glu-fibrinopeptide B.
3 tor affecting thrombin-triggered cleavage of fibrinopeptide B.
4 ith desAB-NDSK and (beta15-66)2 both lacking fibrinopeptide B.
5  (both are proteins), and 0.002% (w/v) human fibrinopeptide B (a peptide).
6                                     [Glu(1)]-Fibrinopeptide B and substance P were used to evaluate t
7 er fragments by thrombin treatment to remove fibrinopeptides B, bound the recombinant VE-cadherin fra
8 e deuterium uptake of Leu-Enkephalin and Glu-Fibrinopeptide B, confirmed that this gas-phase HDX-MS a
9  reported here indicate that IIa-cleavage of fibrinopeptide B enhances exposure of a heparin binding
10 et basic protein, thymosin beta-4 (Tbeta-4), fibrinopeptide B (FP-B), and fibrinopeptide A (FP-A).
11 bin, fibrinopeptide A (FpA) release precedes fibrinopeptide B (FpB) release.
12 receded lysis of the Aalpha chain, such that fibrinopeptide B (FpB) was released prior to F8Y 1-16.
13 d decrease in the rate of thrombin-catalyzed fibrinopeptide B (FpB, Bbeta 1-14) release, whereas the
14  than fibrinopeptide A but more quickly than fibrinopeptide B generation.
15 haC-domains and the central E region through fibrinopeptide B, in agreement with the hypothesis given
16                          In rabbit arteries, fibrinopeptide B is reported to have both vasoconstricto
17 o desA-NDSK and (Bbeta1-66)2 containing only fibrinopeptides B; it was poorly reactive with desAB-NDS
18 lease was decreased 27-fold, and the rate of fibrinopeptide B release was decreased 45-fold relative
19 Fibrinopeptide A release was normal, whereas fibrinopeptide B release was delayed approximately 3-fol
20 uced fibrinogen clotting by interfering with fibrinopeptide B release.
21                         SdrG could recognize fibrinopeptide B (residues 1-14), but with a substantial
22 ptides P294 and P326, a hydrophilic peptide, fibrinopeptide B, showed much weaker affinity for zwitte
23               Injection of 25 fmol of [Glu1]-fibrinopeptide B using the new device produced a CE-ESI-
24 fibrinopeptide A was similar, the release of fibrinopeptide B was accelerated in STAT5-deficient plas
25              For angiotensin II and [Glu(1)]-fibrinopeptide B we achieved coefficients of determinati
26  clarifies the role played by the release of fibrinopeptide B, which leads to slightly thicker fibers
27 utive Glu residues, and fibrinopeptide A and fibrinopeptide B, with isolated acidic residues, also sh

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