


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  the postoperative peritoneum, thus enabling fibrinous adhesions to persist.
2 n affected tissues became progressively more fibrinous and necrotizing over time.
3 iopsy revealed intraluminal organization and fibrinous exudates.
4 owed a significant increase in deposition of fibrinous matrix layer and increased chemotaxis of infla
5  of low-dose urokinase infusions in treating fibrinous occlusions of venous access devices (VADs) in
6 rtality, lung consolidation, hemorrhage, and fibrinous pleuritis) was the following: strain 4074 > st
7 verwhelms host defenses, contributing to the fibrinous pleuropneumonia characteristic of bovine paste
8 y revealed only a small (approximately 1-mm) fibrinous plug at the site of puncture.
9                An epidemic of pneumonia with fibrinous polyserositis and multifocal arthritis emerged
10        Mononuclear phagocytes are exposed to fibrinous provisional matrix throughout migration into i
11 hthalmitis, significant hyphema, or a severe fibrinous reaction of the anterior chamber.
12 ver was exhibited in both strains, occlusive fibrinous thrombi resulting in necrosis of the surroundi

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