


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  to the enhanced basal migratory motility of fibrocytes.
2  (SAP), and healthy tissues contain very few fibrocytes.
3 asons, very few monocytes differentiate into fibrocytes.
4 ferentiate into fibroblast-like cells called fibrocytes.
5 i polarization and generation of circulating fibrocytes.
6 (+)) showed selective expression of CD206 on fibrocytes.
7 raction of cockroach allergens with CD206 in fibrocytes.
8 otein kinase (p38), ERK, and JNK in cultured fibrocytes.
9 ne marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and fibrocytes.
10  monocytes into fibroblast-like cells called fibrocytes.
11 h levels of functional CD40 are displayed by fibrocytes.
12 XCL2 upregulation in the rat spiral ligament fibrocytes.
13 ionine are incorporated into Tg expressed by fibrocytes.
14 s substantial activity when transfected into fibrocytes.
15  markedly increased CD34(+)/procollagen 1(+) fibrocytes.
16 migration of bone marrow-derived circulating fibrocytes.
17 ce and correlated with high numbers of liver fibrocytes.
18 oplastic collagen- and fibronectin-producing fibrocytes.
19 diseases is associated with monocyte-derived fibrocytes.
20 l proliferation once they differentiate into fibrocytes.
21 is known about signaling from fibroblasts to fibrocytes.
22 d 2.78 +/- 0.36-fold compared with Ccr5(-/-) fibrocytes (1.0 +/- 0.06; p < 0.05).
23 ress syndrome patients to differentiate into fibrocytes; 2) the influence of the acute respiratory di
24 d fibrosing diseases is the monocyte-derived fibrocyte, a collagen-secreting profibrotic cell.
25 tients with Graves' disease (GD), as well as fibrocyte abundance, were determined by flow cytometry.
26                          Bone marrow-derived fibrocytes accumulate in the dermis.
27  characterized the role of CTGF in promoting fibrocyte accumulation and regulation after AngII exposu
28 omal ERalpha to FSP1+, CD34+, SMA- precursor fibrocytes adjacent to normal and precancerous CIN epith
29                Monocyte-derived cells called fibrocytes also activate fibroblasts, and we found that
30                           We now report that fibrocytes also express Tg, which resolves as a 305-kDa
31              Injection of WT enhanced GFP(+) fibrocytes also increased the number of Gr-1(Int), CD11b
32                             WT and Ccl2(-/-) fibrocytes also stimulated Ccl2 expression in the lung b
33 exicanin I increased the number of MDSCs and fibrocytes and accelerated the wound healing.
34 entified two bone marrow-derived cell types, fibrocytes and alternatively activated M2 macrophages, a
35          Levels of CD206 expression on human fibrocytes and CD206 mediated signaling and cytokine pro
36 ng flow cytometry, we quantified circulating fibrocytes and characterized their chemokine receptor ex
37                 The functional properties of fibrocytes and dermal fibroblasts were tested by using r
38 uced the expression of CTGF and alpha-SMA in fibrocytes and fibrocyte differentiation in patients wit
39  mice resulted in a significant reduction in fibrocytes and in skin fibrosis.
40     Previously, leukocyte progenitors termed fibrocytes and myofibroblasts generated from epithelial
41                    CD40 levels on cultivated fibrocytes and orbital fibroblasts (GOFB) from patients
42  EAV has specific tropism for stromal cells (fibrocytes and possibly tissue macrophages) and CD8(+) T
43  was observed between CD45(+)Col1(+)CXCR4(+) fibrocytes and the activation phenotypes CD45(+)Col1(+)p
44 r ability of monocytes to differentiate into fibrocytes and the inhibitory effect of the alveolar env
45 ading to reduction in the number of cultured fibrocytes and total nonadherent non-T cells from health
46 talline basophils deposits of minerals, rare fibrocytes and very few vessels brought in discussion a
47  found two populations: (i) CD45(+) CD34(+) (fibrocytes) and (ii) CD45(+) CD34(-) [myeloid-derived su
48 ells, CD45(+) CD34(+) collagen I(+) CXCR4(+) fibrocytes, and HSP47(+) activated fibroblasts that were
49  decision of monocytes to differentiate into fibrocytes, and indicate that modulating lumican signali
50  decision of monocytes to differentiate into fibrocytes, and may indicate that modulating Slit2 signa
51  monocytes into fibroblast-like cells called fibrocytes, and promotes phagocytosis of cell debris by
52 mesenchymal cells, attraction of circulating fibrocytes, and stimulation of the epithelial to mesench
53 ulted in decreased accumulation of MDSCs and fibrocytes, and wound healing was significantly delayed.
54                                              Fibrocytes are bone marrow-derived circulating progenito
55                                              Fibrocytes are circulating bone marrow-derived cells tha
56                                              Fibrocytes are circulating progenitor cells that are inc
57                                              Fibrocytes are circulating, hematopoietic cells that exp
58                                              Fibrocytes are detectable in bronchoalveolar lavage duri
59            Circulating CD40(+)CD45(+)Col1(+) fibrocytes are far more frequent in vivo in donors with
60                                              Fibrocytes are hematopoietic derived stem cells that may
61                                              Fibrocytes are hematopoietic stem cell-derived fibroblas
62                                              Fibrocytes are hematopoietic-derived cells with mesenchy
63     CD45(+) and collagen I-positive (Col(+)) fibrocytes are implicated in fibrogenesis in skin, lungs
64                   These data may explain why fibrocytes are increased in fibrotic tissues, suggest th
65                                              Fibrocytes are mesenchymal progenitors involved in norma
66                                     Alveolar fibrocytes are monocyte-derived mesenchymal cells associ
67  mice injured with bleomycin indicating that fibrocytes are not a necessary source of type I collagen
68 ese findings demonstrate that high levels of fibrocytes are present in the peripheral blood of patien
69                   These data may explain why fibrocytes are rarely observed in healthy tissues, may s
70                                        Blood fibrocytes are recruited during COPD exacerbations and r
71 kines to recruit these fibrocytes or whether fibrocytes are stimulated to home to the affected tissue
72 at the inner ear fibrocytes (spiral ligament fibrocytes) are able to recognize nontypeable Haemophilu
73                 Fibroblast progenitor cells (fibrocytes) are important to the development of myocardi
74  compared to control subjects nor were blood fibrocytes associated with lung function or qCT, but wer
75 ignificantly increased number of circulating fibrocytes at V1 compared with control subjects.
76                            The percentage of fibrocytes at V2 was negatively correlated with FEV1, fo
77 r the phenotypic and functional hallmarks of fibrocytes but mediate immune suppression.
78 , GLAST was expressed in the spiral ligament fibrocytes but was not detected in the satellite cells o
79 ferentiate into fibroblast-like cells called fibrocytes, but fibrocyte differentiation is strongly in
80                             Peripheral blood fibrocytes can accelerate wound healing by stimulating c
81                                              Fibrocytes can be recruited to inflamed tissues to promo
82 luorescence-activated cell sorting analysis, fibrocytes (CD45(+) and collagen 1 [Col1](+)) were enume
83            Flow cytometric analyses of human fibrocytes (CD45(+) and collagen-1(+)) showed selective
84                                              Fibrocytes (CD45+/collagen 1+) were quantified in bronch
85 [myeloid-derived suppressor cell (MDSC)-like fibrocytes] cells in stable COPD (n = 41) and control (n
86          Here we quantify CD40 expression on fibrocytes, circulating, and bone marrow-derived progeni
87 om neighboring cells account for much of the fibrocyte collagen.
88                                              Fibrocytes collected from patients with COPD at V1 had i
89 fold increased ability to differentiate into fibrocytes compared to ventilated controls or non-ventil
90                                     CXCR4(+) fibrocyte concentration may be useful as a biomarker for
91 nd final values of peripheral blood CXCR4(+) fibrocyte concentration were strongly associated with de
92 a cross-sectional analysis, peripheral blood fibrocyte concentrations were markedly elevated in a sub
93       These data support our hypothesis that fibrocytes contribute to premetastatic conditioning by r
94 llectively, our data suggest that neoplastic fibrocytes contribute to the induction of BM fibrosis in
95 ion and activation state of peripheral blood fibrocytes correlates with asthma severity.
96                      We measured circulating fibrocyte counts and chemokine levels in a cohort of sub
97 nd marked episodic elevations in circulating fibrocyte counts over a median follow-up period of 614 d
98                    The number of circulating fibrocytes decreased at V2.
99 ds in diabetic mice were treated either with fibrocytes, dermal fibroblasts, or phosphate buffered sa
100 thout (n = 11) COPD was collected for tissue fibrocyte detection.
101                              Furthermore, WT fibrocytes did not increase Ly-6C(+) monocytes in Ccr2(-
102 at aa Q55 and E126 in human SAP affect human fibrocyte differentiation and SAP binding to FcgammaRI.
103  that tryptase and thrombin potentiate human fibrocyte differentiation at biologically relevant conce
104 n the concentration of SAP needed to inhibit fibrocyte differentiation by 95%.
105 veolar lavage fluid inhibited by 71% (55-94) fibrocyte differentiation compared to saline control.
106  vital for CTGF expression, which results in fibrocyte differentiation in COA, and suggests that an E
107 sion of CTGF and alpha-SMA in fibrocytes and fibrocyte differentiation in patients with COA.
108              Lumican competes with the serum fibrocyte differentiation inhibitor serum amyloid P, but
109 proliferation in the myocardium and enhances fibrocyte differentiation into a myofibroblast phenotype
110 fibroblast-like cells called fibrocytes, but fibrocyte differentiation is strongly inhibited by the p
111                               NaCl-increased fibrocyte differentiation may thus contribute to NaCl-in
112                    However, the mechanism of fibrocyte differentiation remains unclear.
113 nitial trigger to override SAP inhibition of fibrocyte differentiation to initiate scar tissue format
114 uction of BM fibrosis in PMF, and inhibiting fibrocyte differentiation with SAP may interfere with th
115 P binds to FcgammaRI on monocytes to inhibit fibrocyte differentiation, and binds to FcgammaRIIa on n
116 combinant LGALS3BP inhibits monocyte-derived fibrocyte differentiation, and immunodepletion of LGALS3
117 an IgG-blocking Ab reduces the SAP effect on fibrocyte differentiation, and ligating FcgammaRIIa with
118 rotein called serum amyloid P (SAP) inhibits fibrocyte differentiation, and sialidases attenuate SAP
119 ocytes, and unlike other factors that affect fibrocyte differentiation, lumican has no detectable eff
120 ctivity that inhibits human monocyte-derived fibrocyte differentiation, whereas less aggressive breas
121 nditioned media removes the monocyte-derived fibrocyte differentiation-inhibiting activity.
122 ta2 integrins are needed for lumican-induced fibrocyte differentiation.
123 ecrete factors that inhibit monocyte-derived fibrocyte differentiation.
124 sts, and we found that sialidases potentiate fibrocyte differentiation.
125  protein Slit2 and that Slit2 inhibits human fibrocyte differentiation.
126 ther, our data suggest that NaCl potentiates fibrocyte differentiation.
127 lasma protein Serum Amyloid P (SAP) inhibits fibrocyte differentiation.
128 oncho-alveolar lavage fluid had no effect on fibrocyte differentiation.
129  chloride and sodium nitrate also potentiate fibrocyte differentiation.
130 rum and SAP that normally completely inhibit fibrocyte differentiation.
131 related proteoglycan decorin, promotes human fibrocyte differentiation.
132 ers of LGALS3BP, potentiate monocyte-derived fibrocyte differentiation.
133 ry distress syndrome alveolar environment on fibrocyte differentiation; and 3) mediators involved in
134 ized that if these chemokines are recruiting fibrocytes, disrupting their signaling will reduce early
135 pha transgenic mouse model demonstrated that fibrocytes do not transform into WT1(+) mesenchymal cell
136 tudy demonstrate a novel association between fibrocyte-driven WT1(+) cell accumulation and severe fib
137             A high percentage of circulating fibrocytes during exacerbation was associated with incre
138 nstrated that two circulating populations of fibrocyte exist in COPD, with distinct clinical associat
139                                The degree of fibrocyte expansion observed in individual subjects dire
140           These findings indicate that human fibrocytes express multiple "thyroid-specific" proteins,
141                                              Fibrocytes express several chemokine receptors (CCR7 and
142                                 Furthermore, fibrocytes express TSLP receptor (TSLPR), and TSLP direc
143 ing collagen-promoter GFP mice, we find that fibrocytes express type I collagen.
144 ound that CD34(+) progenitor cells, known as fibrocytes, express functional TSHR, infiltrate the orbi
145                        To do so, we isolated fibrocytes expressing CD45, CD11b, CD13, and Col1a1 from
146 herent non-T (NANT) cells were isolated, and fibrocytes expressing CD45, collagen I, CTGF, ETAR, or a
147                   The blood concentration of fibrocytes expressing the chemokine receptor CXCR4 corre
148                                              Fibrocyte expression of both proinflammatory and profibr
149                                              Fibrocyte expression of collagens and profibrotic growth
150 ferentially expressed chemokines (i) promote fibrocyte (FC) migration towards ASM and (ii) are increa
151 nters and augment immune reactivity, whereas fibrocytes from cancer subjects suppressed anti-CD3-medi
152             Intriguingly, collagen-producing fibrocytes from hematopoietic lineages were observed att
153                                  Circulating fibrocytes from nonadherent non-T-cell mononuclear cell
154 ated alpha-SMA expression induced by ET-1 in fibrocytes from normal participants.
155 0A9 enhances the basal migratory motility of fibrocytes from patients in the Asthma AE group and pati
156          Expression of EGFR was increased in fibrocytes from patients with COA compared with that see
157                                              Fibrocytes from patients with COA have a greater capacit
158  After being cultured, CTGF was increased in fibrocytes from patients with COA, but not from those of
159 ronchial walls and overexpression of CTGF in fibrocytes from patients with COA.
160     Dexamethasone reduced CCR7 expression in fibrocytes from patients with nonsevere asthma but not f
161 ticoid receptor expression was attenuated in fibrocytes from patients with severe asthma.
162                               In cocultures, fibrocytes from the mdx(5cv) diaphragm stimulated a high
163 bits the differentiation of monocyte-derived fibrocytes from wild-type mouse spleen cells, but not fr
164 13-independent novel mechanisms by promoting fibrocyte functions.
165                        In the injured liver, fibrocytes gave rise to (myo)fibroblasts.
166                                       Unlike fibrocytes, GD orbital fibroblasts, which comprise a mix
167                                              Fibrocytes gradually lose their hematopoietic cell marke
168                                              Fibrocytes have been considered to play a role in allerg
169 pulmonary cell types and bone marrow-derived fibrocytes have been implicated as contributors to fibro
170                                              Fibrocytes have been proposed as an important direct con
171 onocyte-derived fibroblast-like cells called fibrocytes help to form scar tissue.
172                                              Fibrocytes highly expressed CXCR4 and CCR3, the chemokin
173                              Blood MDSC-like fibrocytes, however, are increased and associated with p
174 erized the function of CD45(+)/collagen I(+) fibrocytes in acutely injured skeletal muscle of wild-ty
175                We showed the accumulation of fibrocytes in bronchial walls and overexpression of CTGF
176  The aims of this study were: 1) to quantify fibrocytes in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from patients
177                                  The role of fibrocytes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COP
178 increased number of activated/differentiated fibrocytes in circulating blood of asthmatic patients ex
179      We sought to enumerate blood and tissue fibrocytes in COPD and determine the association of bloo
180 Col(+) cells capable of differentiation into fibrocytes in culture was identified.
181  suggesting roles for TLR7/8 in induction of fibrocytes in HCV infection.
182 uated by flow cytometry, and the presence of fibrocytes in HP and normal lungs by confocal microscopy
183     There were higher numbers of circulating fibrocytes in patients in the Asthma AE group and patien
184 CR4/CXCL12 axis contributes to chemotaxis of fibrocytes in patients in the Asthma AE group, whereas t
185 FR) activation mediated the proliferation of fibrocytes in patients with COA and whether oxidative st
186 udy was to evaluate the recruitment of blood fibrocytes in patients with COPD during exacerbations an
187                              We propose that fibrocytes in severe asthma are different from those in
188  study, we investigated the role of TSLP and fibrocytes in the generation of IL-13-induced skin fibro
189  primary auditory neurons, and, finally, the fibrocytes in the lateral wall.
190                              The presence of fibrocytes in the lung during acute respiratory distress
191 ar SP-D regulates numbers of macrophages and fibrocytes in the lungs, profibrotic cytokine expression
192                         WT but not Ccr5(-/-) fibrocytes increased the number of metastatic foci when
193                              In co-cultures, fibrocytes induced on lung fibroblasts a significant inc
194                                    Likewise, fibrocytes induced the up-regulation of CCL2 in HP lymph
195 d AngII + AMD3100 animals showed exacerbated fibrocyte infiltration and fibrosis compared with AngII
196 ng their signaling will reduce early (3-day) fibrocyte infiltration and, consequently, fibrosis in th
197     Treatment of the xenograft mice with the fibrocyte inhibitor serum amyloid P (SAP; pentraxin-2) s
198 , but dominates over the fibroblast-secreted fibrocyte inhibitor Slit2.
199                     Basal CD40 expression on fibrocytes is greater than that on GOFB.
200         The frequency of circulating CD40(+) fibrocytes is markedly increased in patients with TAO, s
201                                              Fibrocytes isolated from BLM-treated iSP-D mice off Dox
202                  The conditioned medium from fibrocyte-like cells (FcCM) has been shown to stimulate
203                   In addition, the influx of fibrocyte-like cells into brain abscesses immediately pr
204     Thus, alterations in the ability of IUGR fibrocyte-like cells to stimulate angiogenesis may contr
205 decrease the ability of both normal and IUGR fibrocyte-like cells to stimulate angiogenesis.
206  in the angiogenic zones of the placenta are fibrocyte-like cells.
207  Desmoid tumors also contained a subclass of fibrocytes linked to wound healing, angiogenesis, and fi
208                                              Fibrocytes may participate in the pathogenesis of HP, am
209                           The application of fibrocytes may represent a potential clinical solution f
210                 The mesenchymal progenitors, fibrocytes, may be involved in the remodeling of asthmat
211        It has been proposed that circulating fibrocytes mediate the disease.
212         The cell markers are consistent with fibrocytes mediating the disease.
213  In conclusion, in response to liver injury, fibrocytes migrate from BM to the liver.
214                          Bone marrow-derived fibrocytes migrate to injured tissues and contribute to
215                                              Fibrocytes migrated towards recombinant CCL2 and ASM sup
216        Early CTGF expression occurred before fibrocyte migration (1 day) into the myocardium or ECM d
217 , respectively, by 50% and 25% inhibition of fibrocyte migration in Col-Luc(CCR2-/-)-->wt and Col-Luc
218                                              Fibrocyte migration in response to liver injury was inve
219 4, a chemokine receptor that is important in fibrocyte migration into the lungs.
220    Plerixafor, a CXCR4 antagonist, decreased fibrocyte migration to plasma from patients with exacerb
221 e role of the chemokines CXCL12 and CCL11 in fibrocyte migration was investigated by using a chemotax
222               Our findings suggest that i.m. fibrocytes most likely originate from infiltrating monoc
223 ion of bone marrow-derived progenitor cells (fibrocytes) occurs before deposition of extracellular ma
224 upregulated expression of S100A9 and RAGE in fibrocytes of patients in the Asthma AE group and those
225 posed of smooth muscle cells and surrounding fibrocytes of the tunica adventitia and the lamina propr
226                                The effect of fibrocytes on lung fibroblasts and T lymphocytes was exa
227 lso noted the presence of collagen-producing fibrocytes on the epicardial surface that resulted at le
228 s (6 hours), well before the accumulation of fibrocytes or TGF-beta mRNA up-regulation.
229  organs liberate chemokines to recruit these fibrocytes or whether fibrocytes are stimulated to home
230                     A bronchoalveolar lavage fibrocyte percentage >6% provides an additive prognostic
231 everity of illness, a bronchoalveolar lavage fibrocyte percentage >6% was independently associated wi
232         Comparison of bronchoalveolar lavage fibrocyte percentage from patients with or without acute
233           Addition of bronchoalveolar lavage fibrocyte percentage in a clinical model predicting mort
234 e prognostic value of bronchoalveolar lavage fibrocyte percentage in patients with acute lung injury
235    Therefore, we sought to determine whether fibrocytes play a role in the induction of BM fibrosis i
236                      We examined circulating fibrocyte populations for correlations with clinical par
237 nce involves continuous viral replication in fibrocytes (possibly including tissue macrophages) and T
238                                              Fibrocyte potentiation by thrombin and tryptase is media
239          In this report, we demonstrate that fibrocytes predispose the lung to B16-F10 metastasis by
240 rs also report that TSLP is able to activate fibrocytes, probably by inducing stromal cell-derived fa
241                                              Fibrocytes produce high levels of cytokines, including i
242 F on isolated fibrocytes suggested a role in fibrocyte proliferation (twofold; P < 0.05) and collagen
243  inhibitors of EGFR tyrosine kinase, reduced fibrocyte proliferation and myofibroblast transformation
244                                     Enhanced fibrocyte proliferation and transformation found in pati
245             Increased expression of EGFR and fibrocyte proliferation and transformation were induced
246             In addition, CTGF contributes to fibrocyte proliferation in the myocardium and enhances f
247                                     Although fibrocytes promote collagen production by fibroblasts, l
248    The CXCL12/CXCR4 axis is involved in such fibrocyte recruitment (Firebrob study; ClinicalTrials NC
249                         In conclusion, early fibrocyte recruitment cannot be inhibited through modula
250    The CXCL12/CXCR4 axis is involved in such fibrocyte recruitment.
251  of smooth muscle precursors and adventitial fibrocytes, respectively, by E13.5.
252 we show that fibroblasts stimulated with the fibrocyte-secreted inflammatory signal tumor necrosis fa
253                           However, classical fibrocytes serve as antigen presenters and augment immun
254 sly, we have demonstrated that the inner ear fibrocytes (spiral ligament fibrocytes) are able to reco
255                                              Fibrocytes stimulate wound healing by dermal cell prolif
256    There was correlation between circulating fibrocyte subsets and asthma severity, and there was an
257  metastatic risk to conditions that mobilize fibrocytes, such as inflammation and wound repair.
258               The effect of CTGF on isolated fibrocytes suggested a role in fibrocyte proliferation (
259 ional cockroach allergen-CD206 axis in human fibrocytes, suggesting a role for CD206 in regulating al
260  asthma have elevated numbers of circulating fibrocytes that show enhanced myofibroblastic differenti
261                               Like classical fibrocytes, they display cell surface alpha smooth muscl
262 reports regarding the direct contribution of fibrocytes to collagen deposition.
263 PR), and TSLP directly promotes PBMC-derived fibrocytes to produce collagen.
264 ts (RAGE; ie, its receptor), are involved in fibrocyte trafficking in patients with chronic obstructi
265 estinal permeability have important roles in fibrocyte trafficking.
266         CXCL12/CXCR4 and CCL19/CCR7 enhanced fibrocyte transmigration in the Asthma AE group and in p
267 ollagen-I and alpha-SMA) were upregulated in fibrocyte-treated wounds.
268 on of CCL19 in bronchial tissues and CCR7 in fibrocytes was higher in patients with COA.
269 n bronchial tissues and CXCR4 in circulating fibrocytes was higher in the Asthma AE group and, to a l
270                 Interestingly, the number of fibrocytes was highly increased in the skin samples of A
271 pression of CCR7, CXCR4, S100A9, and RAGE in fibrocytes was measured by using flow cytometry.
272 -dependent uptake of FITC labeled Bla g 2 by fibrocytes was observed, but was significantly inhibited
273 that collagen type 1 intensity for MDSC-like fibrocytes was positively associated with lung function
274 increase in total and CD45(+)Col1(+)CXCR4(+) fibrocytes was primarily seen in patients with severe as
275                   Migration of CD45(+)Col(+) fibrocytes was regulated by chemokine receptors CCR2 and
276  median percentage of bronchoalveolar lavage fibrocytes was significantly higher in patients with acu
277                The percentage of circulating fibrocytes was significantly increased in patients with
278 enotypic expression of peripheral blood (PB) fibrocytes was stained with anti-CD11b, anti-CD45, anti-
279                                              Fibrocytes were counted at basal condition and after cul
280                                              Fibrocytes were detected in 90 of 92 (98%) bronchoalveol
281                                              Fibrocytes were detected in acutely injured muscles and
282 g and cytokine production in Bla g 2 treated fibrocytes were determined.
283        CD45(+)/CXCR4(+)/Col-I(+) circulating fibrocytes were evaluated by flow cytometry, and the pre
284                                     Numerous fibrocytes were found infiltrating the HP lungs near fib
285                      The rat spiral ligament fibrocytes were found to release CXCL2 in response to no
286                    Total and differentiating fibrocytes were identified by their expression of CD45,
287 d (alpha-smooth muscle actin [alpha-SMA](+)) fibrocytes were increased in asthmatic patients compared
288 lating alpha-SMA(+) and alpha-SMA(+)CXCR4(+) fibrocytes were increased in asthmatic patients experien
289         Myeloid-derived suppressor cell-like fibrocytes were increased in COPD compared to controls [
290                                              Fibrocytes were not detected in peripheral blood of WT m
291                             Blood and tissue fibrocytes were not increased compared to control subjec
292 ls of ET-1 and the expression of the ETAR in fibrocytes were significantly higher in patients with CO
293                         Isolated circulating fibrocytes were used for migration assay.
294                                              Fibrocytes, which are bone marrow-derived mesenchymal pr
295  MDSCs have been shown to differentiate into fibrocytes, which serve as emerging effector cells that
296  injury, lymphocyte subsets, and circulating fibrocytes, will be presented.
297  COPD and determine the association of blood fibrocytes with clinical features of disease.
298                                     However, fibrocytes with confirmed deletion of the type I collage
299 onors cultured with IL-4 differentiated into fibrocytes with the same phenotypic profile and immunosu
300             Increased numbers of circulating fibrocytes, with greater myofibroblastic differentiation

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