


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 a potential mechanism for ventilator-induced fibroproliferation.
2 , and absent perfusion prior to the onset of fibroproliferation.
3 e regulation of angiogenesis-mediated airway fibroproliferation.
4 on of the airway epithelium and intraluminal fibroproliferation.
5  more effective than lower doses in reducing fibroproliferation (0% in high dose versus 29% in low do
6 near complete obliteration of the lumen with fibroproliferation (96.9% occlusion, =0.001) and absent
7                                 Pathological fibroproliferation after tissue injury is harmful and ma
8 serves as a physiological restraint to limit fibroproliferation after tissue injury.
9 providing a physiological mechanism to limit fibroproliferation after tissue injury.
10 lveolar angiogenesis and fibrogenesis (i.e., fibroproliferation and deposition of extracellular matri
11 and creating a local environment that favors fibroproliferation and matrix deposition.
12 crotic cores within the plaques, and reduced fibroproliferation and neovascularization in the aortic
13  important role in the development of airway fibroproliferation and obliteration.
14 nredundant role for CXCR3 in limiting tissue fibroproliferation and suggest that this effect may be m
15 ays, biochemical markers of inflammation and fibroproliferation, and infectious complications.
16 eptide III (PCP III), a biological marker of fibroproliferation, and with increased fatality rates.
17 gens, chronic inflammation, and unrestrained fibroproliferation are likely to be part of a dynamic, u
18                         The role of CXCR3 in fibroproliferation has not been investigated.
19      CsA markedly reduced the development of fibroproliferation in allografts (19% in treated allogra
20                            Abnormal vascular fibroproliferation in CAV occurs as a result of coronary
21 ents results in epithelial abnormalities and fibroproliferation in the airway lumen, changes not seen
22  use of CsA in our model system would reduce fibroproliferation in tracheal allografts.
23 yndrome (ARDS) is accompanied by progressive fibroproliferation, inability to improve lung injury sco
24                                    Exuberant fibroproliferation is a common complication after injury
25 data are consistent with the hypothesis that fibroproliferation is an early response to lung injury a
26                         We hypothesized that fibroproliferation is initiated early in ARDS, character
27 ibroblast migration is an initiating step in fibroproliferation; its involvement during acute lung in
28 mmatory/immunologic process characterized by fibroproliferation, matrix deposition, and obliteration
29 eated transgenic mice demonstrated increased fibroproliferation, myofibroblast persistence, and impai
30 yndrome (ARDS) is characterized by excessive fibroproliferation, ongoing inflammation, prolonged mech
31        Diseases associated with pathological fibroproliferation represent a major cause of morbidity
32                             There was little fibroproliferation seen in either of these groups.
33 ithelial loss correlated with progression to fibroproliferation, suggesting that the epithelium plays
34 ch is to promote resolution of physiological fibroproliferation that follows injury before it becomes
35 ors, activation of cell cycle signaling, and fibroproliferation, the central events in immunopathogen
36 on and airway ischemia in the development of fibroproliferation, we used a murine orthotopic tracheal
37       Lung transplantation is complicated by fibroproliferation, which is likely mediated in part by
38 ptosis but exhibit exaggerated CHI3L1-driven fibroproliferation, which together promote HPS fibrosis.
39 cipients, is characterized histologically by fibroproliferation within small airways.

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