


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e largely understand emotion in tragedy (and fiction).
2 rapy that enables facts to be separated from fiction.
3  analogous to hibernation borders on science fiction.
4 m that narrative self is ultimately a useful fiction.
5 mputation, materials design is still science fiction.
6 cs, such a picture is, at most, a convenient fiction.
7 gnitive schemata of art, representation, and fiction.
8 s is a common trope in the annals of science fiction.1 Although several of these remarkable feats are
9 ade to clearly discriminate between fact and fiction, and to formulate the unresolved questions that
10              Beyond the sciences and science fiction, autocatalysis has found currency in economics a
11      Menninghaus et al. distinguish art from fiction, but no current arguments or data suggest that t
12 ch signals are either true or false, art and fiction consist of signals without determinate truth val
13                                  Speculative fiction examines the leading edge of science and can be
14  reading nonfiction (experiments 1), popular fiction (experiments 2 to 5), or nothing at all (experim
15 water-lean solvents, by separating fact from fiction for both skeptics and advocates.
16 iques (and contrary to the claims of popular fiction) forensic image retrieval is still widely being
17 s, which used to be confined to the realm of fiction, have now been turned into a scientific reality
18          By engaging writers of this sort of fiction in an effort to solve problems in immunology we
19 he enjoyment of negative emotions in art and fiction is distinct from the immediate pleasure deriving
20 ecular eye diseases, once thought to be pure fiction, is now a reality.
21 ve experiments showing that reading literary fiction led to better performance on tests of affective
22                              In contemporary fiction, Memory Palaces become a metaphor for the workin
23 l enjoyment of tragedy - and our response to fiction more generally - are versions of what happens wi
24 laser beams is not only prevalent in science fiction movies, but finds numerous technological applica
25 le feats are still very much in the realm of fiction, scientists have recently overcome many of the p
26 ly, these results show that reading literary fiction temporarily enhances ToM.
27 focuses on their treatment of the Paradox of Fiction, the neglect of the biological, adaptive nature
28 l implants is being transformed from science fiction to science fact through the increasing applicati
29 rs have allowed CTA to progress from science fiction to science fact.
30 r, and what used to be the domain of science fiction writers and snake oil salesmen may soon become s
31 tability of the motor cortex, scientists and fiction writers were considering the possibility of inte

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