


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 erturbation of the conserved interior of the filament.
2 f new actin subunits to the elongating actin filament.
3 affect the properties of the assembled RAD51 filament.
4 ules synergize in the elongation of a single filament.
5 essively toward the pointed end of the actin filament.
6 on of the highly stressed magnetic flux of a filament.
7 e whole approximately 1 mum length of a thin filament.
8 t from that of actin subunits in the helical filament.
9 lagellar protein flagellin and the flagellar filament.
10 smooth connectivity between the hook and the filament.
11 ion by stabilizing the ON state of the thick filament.
12 eduction in interaction activity of the RecA filaments.
13 keletal proteins that assemble into nonpolar filaments.
14 atorial actin network with randomly oriented filaments.
15 e inherent instability of apicomplexan actin filaments.
16 wed a reduced stability of L1793P and E1883K filaments.
17 as interspersed clusters surrounded by RAD51 filaments.
18 aments to prove that they are SIR-nucleosome filaments.
19 oes not readily polymerize into long, stable filaments.
20 3 complex to assemble a second zone of actin filaments.
21 l twist of the flagellin subunits within the filaments.
22  spreading cooperatively on individual actin filaments.
23 in involved in the depolymerization of actin filaments.
24 nizing the mesogleal axis inside the gastric filaments.
25 hat the bundle is composed of weakly coupled filaments.
26 -residue repeating motif that binds to actin filaments.
27 orphologically distinct from FtsZ1 and FtsZB filaments.
28 that unfold and polymerize into antiparallel filaments.
29 ged protein complexes along filopodial actin filaments.
30 ll's three-dimensional (3D) highway of actin filaments.
31  complex, which assembles two zones of actin filaments.
32  known to move toward the minus end of actin filaments.
33  highly organized, cell membrane-interacting filaments.
34 sential only for turnover of FtsZ2 and FtsZA filaments.
35  not associate with the ends of preassembled filaments.
36 mic particles became associated with keratin filaments, a feature not seen in conventional monolayer
37  We found a substantial stiffening of single filaments above a characteristic transition frequency of
38 re due to continuous polymerization of actin filaments against the membrane surfaces of the aperture'
39      They are triggered by assembly of actin filaments along axon shafts giving rise to filopodia.
40 work subsequently gradually reoriented actin filaments along the cell equator.
41 etween the NP ligands, the NPs condense into filaments along the centers of the nanochannels.
42            The regulatory state of the thick filament also seems to control the dynamics of both musc
43 T3 cells, we show that recombinant rootletin filaments also dock to the NE through the specific recru
44 chanisms following the interaction between a filament and a solid determines the emission strength an
45               FiVe1 targets the intermediate filament and mesenchymal marker vimentin (VIM) in a mode
46 . the velocity of sliding between the myosin filament and the actin filament under zero load, V0 ) is
47 icrotubule networks alternate between single filaments and bundled arrays under the influence of effe
48 Z-GTP, but also stabilized the highly curved filaments and miniring structures formed by FtsZ-GDP.
49  generated by cross-linked networks of actin filaments and myosin motors, in which active stress prod
50 h interaction rate between the nucleoprotein filaments and the dsDNA can be achieved.
51 the structural design and evolution of actin filaments and their function in motility and host cell i
52 in molecule to a single regulated actin thin filament, and separately determined the distance over wh
53 -propulsion mechanism, the properties of the filament, and the maximum curvature in the braid.
54                                  The general filament architecture is similar to that of mammalian F-
55 n "tuned" over evolution.Bacterial flagellar filaments are composed almost entirely of a single prote
56 oskeleton and the attached Z-band-bound thin filaments are degraded after ubiquitination by the ubiqu
57 compared to the thermal motion when spectrin filaments are held at equilibrium.
58 ndentation depths, where desmin intermediate filaments are typically located.
59   It also predicts that because the spectrin filaments are under entropic tension, the thermal random
60 at control the forces generated within motor-filament arrays and provide insight into the self-organi
61                     The functionality of the filament, as an association of vegetative cells and hete
62 e into catalytically active supra-tetrameric filaments, as previously shown for GAC.
63 of endocytosis and initiates a zone of actin filaments assembled by Arp2/3 complex.
64 osin regulatory light chain (RLC), NM myosin filament assembly and contraction, although it did not i
65                                        Actin filament assembly and disassembly are vital for cell fun
66    We have unraveled the molecular basis for filament assembly and dynamics combining electron and at
67 in SM tissues inhibits ACh-induced NM myosin filament assembly and SM contraction, and also inhibits
68  show that disulfide bond formation inhibits filament assembly and that the C322A variant rapidly for
69  heavy chain on Ser1943 and causes NM myosin filament assembly at the SM cell cortex.
70 e now show tetramer- and substrate-dependent filament assembly by phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK1), which
71 ll actin-binding protein that inhibits actin filament assembly by sequestering actin monomers and cap
72 ell adhesion molecule (apCAM) leads to actin filament assembly near nascent adhesion sites.
73  Rho activation, nonmuscle myosin II bipolar filament assembly, and actin retrograde flow at the T-ce
74        Stimulation with ACh caused NM myosin filament assembly, as assessed by a Triton solubility as
75 understanding of the molecular mechanisms of filament assembly, we have used a synthetic biology appr
76  myosin Ser1943 phosphorylation or NM myosin filament assembly.
77 ndles through synchronized NM-II folding and filament-assembly activities.
78 iffusion of these species, and reassembly of filaments at the new location following rephosphorylatio
79 sitions the cofilin N terminus away from the filament axis, which compromises S3D cofilin's ability t
80 myosin head domains are more parallel to the filament axis.
81 apping protein (CP), a major capper of actin filament barbed ends in cells.
82 ne of its arms to processively track growing filament barbed ends while three G-actin-binding sites (
83 y by sequestering actin monomers and capping filament barbed ends.
84 e find that the N-terminal ABD1 blocks actin filament barbed-end elongation, whereas ABD2 and ABD3 do
85 erms, actin cytoskeleton organization, actin filament-based process, and protein ubiquitination are a
86              The models reliably capture the filament bending and torsional rigidities and intersubun
87 actin filaments generated and turned over by filament branching through the Arp2/3 complex.
88                           By contrast, rigid filament bundles slide without bending under motor stres
89 ate a pivotal role for SUMOylation in septin filament bundling and cell division.
90 f other formins to nucleate and bundle actin filaments but is notably less effective at processively
91 ast, OM stabilizes the ON state of the thick filament, but inhibits contractility at high intracellul
92  Cofilin preferentially interacts with older filaments by recognizing time-dependent changes in F-act
93 ordination of dynamic microtubules and actin filaments by the drebrin/EB3 pathway drives prostate can
94  involving the initial disassembly of desmin filaments by Trim32, which leads to the later myofibril
95  that stabilize coiled-coil dimers and thick filaments, causing disruption in ordered myofibrillogene
96 t cure it by overproduction, thus separating filament cleavage from curing activities.
97 the time-scale of the dispersion of the RecA filament clusters, further emphasising the important rol
98 he keratin 1/keratin 10 end domains to allow filament compaction and bundling, whilst also retaining
99  found the surprising effect that linear two filament connections act as transistor-like, angle depen
100 iosynthetic capacities of the cell with each filament constituting 1% of the total cell protein.
101           In contrast, close contact between filament core structures ( approximately 50 A spacing) i
102 ansformation from nanofibers (dCPT-Sup35) to filaments (CPT-Cap-Sup35) then to spherical particles (d
103 e presented evidence that degummed A. pernyi filaments (DAPF) support excellent outgrowth of CNS neur
104 raised linearly as a function of microtubule filament density, and present a simple means to extract
105 assembly of a new cap at the tip of a broken filament depends on how the filament was broken.
106 t organization, negative regulation of actin filament depolymerization and negative regulation of pro
107 re of jasplakinolide (JAS)-stabilized PfAct1 filaments determined by electron cryomicroscopy.
108                  Paired helical and straight filaments differ in their inter-protofilament packing, s
109 o by dephosphorylation of RLC-phosphorylated filaments, disassembly of the dephosphorylated filaments
110 egulatory movement of tropomyosin across the filament during muscle activation.
111  heads that can interact with the actin thin filament during transition from the weakly to the strong
112 mber of actin-attached motors per half-thick filament during V0 shortening (n) is estimated by imposi
113 licated in crosslinking keratin intermediate filaments during hair formation, yet these Krtaps have n
114         Although the reorganisation of actin filaments during stomatal closure is documented, the und
115 d to acidic phospholipids and regulate actin filament dynamics.Microbial pathogens secrete effector p
116 akout'-a positive-feedback mechanism between filament ejection and reconnection.
117 zation state or presence of additional GABs, filament elongation on a surface invariably proceeded wi
118 d a kinetic model of Ena/VASP-mediated actin filament elongation.
119  WH2 domains transiently associate with free filament ends, preventing their growth and dynamically t
120  when a cell gets stuck, the polar flagellar filament executes a polymorphic change into a spiral-lik
121 tated high-resolution imaging of microtubule filaments, extraction of complete filament networks from
122                 Fluidic devices printed with filament extruded at 60 degrees to the flow showed the h
123 scular course on OCTA resembled a light bulb filament (filament sign), arising from the peripheral ir
124  an elastic material, whereas at long times, filaments flow in the longitudinal direction, leading to
125  experimentally, including the statistics of filament fluctuations, and mechanical responses to shear
126 sults provide a basis for the optimal use of filaments for standoff detection and analysis of uranium
127                     Formins polymerize actin filaments for the cytokinetic contractile ring.
128                                        Actin filaments form different polymer networks with versatile
129 ticles bud from infected cells and restoring filament formation at the infected-cell surface.
130          A hallmark of RVFV pathology is NSs filament formation in infected cell nuclei.
131 rk protection pathway, in which stable RAD51 filament formation prevents MRE11-dependent degradation
132 ssential for infectious virus production and filament formation while having limited effects on total
133 petence domain known to be crucial for thick filament formation.
134 e morphology and dimension of the conductive filament formed in a memristive device are strongly infl
135                                  Septins are filament-forming GTP-binding proteins involved in many e
136 in to F-actin is required for effective thin filament function.
137           Lamellipodia are networks of actin filaments generated and turned over by filament branchin
138      Expression levels of glial intermediate filaments (GFAP, vimentin) and extracellular matrix comp
139     Herein, a graphene-based polylactic acid filament (graphene/PLA) has been 3D printed to fabricate
140 ich sequences thus strikes a balance between filament growth and tethering.
141  deletion of the flagellin gene and straight filament (hag(A233V) ) mutations increased DegU phosphor
142                      The bacterial flagellar filament has long been studied to understand how a polym
143 stress fibres, microtubules and intermediate filaments have distinct and complementary roles in integ
144 ctures and assembled into functional bipolar filaments have remained elusive.
145 fills multiple functions contributing to the filament helical arrangement, the polymer remodeling int
146 ur findings suggest that GTP caps retain the filament helical structure and hydrolysis triggers filam
147                                 Intermediate filaments (IFs) are key players in the control of cell m
148 se by stabilizing the OFF state of the thick filament in which myosin head domains are more parallel
149            Here, the formation of conductive filaments in a material medium with sub-nanometer thickn
150  myosin pulling on barbed-end-anchored actin filaments in a stochastic sliding-filament mechanism.
151 e periphery and close MT apposition to actin filaments in filopodia.
152 t of myo2-E1-Sup1 does not translocate actin filaments in motility assays in vitro.
153 sin effects the organization of intermediate filaments in multiple cell types, which impacts the cell
154 es the abnormal accumulation of intermediate filaments in nerve terminals of the neuromuscular synaps
155 w1, GNB3 and PRPH2), and disruption of actin filaments in photoreceptors.
156 that disruption of smooth muscle alpha-actin filaments in smooth muscle cells increases reactive oxyg
157 irst, we report that UL8 alone forms protein filaments in solution.
158 le bulk modulus and the deflection length of filaments in the bundles depend on the applied osmotic s
159 ed by the dynamic nature of Plasmodium actin filaments in the parasite.
160  Here we demonstrate a liquid phase of actin filaments in the presence of the physiological cross-lin
161 cific isoform of phosphofructokinase-1 forms filaments in vitro and localizes as puncta in cells alon
162 ld explain the dynamic relocalization of NM2 filaments in vivo by dephosphorylation of RLC-phosphoryl
163 he wild-type strain, assembles into straight filaments in which flagellin monomers are arranged in a
164 ore, disruption of smooth muscle alpha-actin filaments in wild-type smooth muscle cells by various me
165 ecules and on the size of RecA nucleoprotein filaments, in agreement with experimental single-molecul
166 whereby myosin pulling on formin-bound actin filaments inhibits Cdc12-mediated actin assembly.
167 es cofilin dissociation without compromising filament integrity.
168 which co-ordinates dynamic microtubule/actin filament interactions underlying cell shape changes in r
169 d cargo that encounters a suspended 3D actin filament intersection in vitro.
170 ovide sufficient force necessary to bend the filaments into a braid depends on a number of factors, i
171 actin-associated proteins can organize actin filaments into dynamic patterns, such as vortices, aster
172                Filamin condenses short actin filaments into spindle-shaped droplets, or tactoids, wit
173 proteins that non-covalently crosslink actin filaments into tight bundles.
174                   The OFF state of the thick filament is characterized by helical packing of most of
175  actin filament is maximal, while the myosin filament is in the OFF state characterized by most of th
176 ime, Ca(2+) -induced activation of the actin filament is maximal, while the myosin filament is in the
177 er the start of stimulation, when the myosin filament is still in the OFF state.
178 vation and subsequent interaction with actin filaments, it is likely that in its absence, contraction
179 etwork based on the microtubule cytoskeletal filament - itself a non-equilibrium chemical system.
180 th beta- or gamma-catenin and cortical actin filaments, Kindlin-2 stabilizes adherens junctions.
181                  The resulting nucleoprotein filament, known as the presynaptic complex, is responsib
182 uding microscale muscle filament overlap and filament lattice spacing.
183            Previously, the thickness of this filament layer has been limited to above a few nanometer
184 sapip1 levels promote the formation of actin filaments, leading to changes in dendritic spine morphol
185 e motors can be estimated independent of the filament length distribution; and 4) that the dimeric na
186 speculated that the mechanism by which thick filament length is controlled involves the giant protein
187 d two of titin's C-zone super-repeats, thick filament length is reduced in cardiac and skeletal muscl
188 t abnormal actin bundles, not elongated thin filament length, were the cause of embryonic lethality i
189 c time tauc, and then becomes independent of filament lifetime and sharply dependent on crosslink dyn
190           Effective viscosity increases with filament lifetime up to a characteristic time tauc, and
191 anics models suggest that buckled cofilactin filaments localize elastic energy at boundaries between
192  regulatory proteins, and analysis of single filament manipulation assays.
193      Understanding the physics of such motor-filament materials is critical to developing a physical
194 ng mode that is unable to sufficiently alter filament mechanical properties and promote severing.
195 ored actin filaments in a stochastic sliding-filament mechanism.
196  Furthermore, stress fibres and intermediate filaments modulate the mechanical properties of the nucl
197 igate if loss of sacsin affects intermediate filaments more generally, the distribution of vimentin w
198                                          The filament morphology in such an aggressively scaled memri
199 activated ATPase activity and in vitro actin filament motility.
200 that enables simulation of networks of actin filaments, myosin motors, and cross-linking proteins at
201 ibility to ensure flexibility of the keratin filament network in the differentiating epidermis.
202 tor proteins through the organization of the filament network, microtubule-associated proteins, and t
203 were also found to have less disrupted actin filament networks after 2,4-D exposure.
204 icrotubule filaments, extraction of complete filament networks from such data sets is challenging.
205 sRAD51) recombinase can form a nucleoprotein filament (NPF) on double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) that is ca
206 f branched actin networks by stimulating the filament-nucleating activity of the Arp2/3 complex.
207 ompeting models have been proposed for actin filament nucleation by the bacterial proteins VopL/F.
208             We find that a spontaneous actin filament nucleation mechanism is required for adequate f
209 - and B-type lamins assemble into tetrameric filaments of 3.5 nm thickness.
210                 Cell division is mediated by filaments of FtsZ and FtsA (FtsAZ) that recruit septal p
211  division ring of Escherichia coli comprises filaments of FtsZ tethered to the membrane by FtsA and Z
212 ipA not only stabilized and bundled straight filaments of FtsZ-GTP, but also stabilized the highly cu
213                           The thin and thick filaments of muscle sarcomeres are interconnected by the
214 r and offer an unexpected mechanism by which filaments of the cytoskeletal network compete for the mo
215 ombinase Rad51, which forms extended helical filaments on the ssDNA.
216 ugh the sparse addition of rigid microtubule filaments, one can gain additional control over the liqu
217                          We quantified actin filament order in human cells using fluorescence polariz
218 tic cleavage furrow in animal cells, yet its filament organization and the mechanism of contractility
219 ressing miR-1 have profound defects in actin filament organization that are partially rescued by conc
220  to deformation, including microscale muscle filament overlap and filament lattice spacing.
221 of the gene encoding for desmin intermediate filaments, p.D399Y.
222 its high binding affinity for paired helical filament (PHF)-tau pathology in Alzheimer's brains.
223 ion generated by the E-cadherin/AmotL2/actin filaments plays a crucial role in developmental processe
224                          Inhibition of actin filament polymerization prevented the transport of CRF2b
225 pecific tropomyosin isoforms generates actin filament populations with distinct functional properties
226 kground ratio varies significantly along the filament propagation.
227                             The intermediate filament protein vimentin, which has been previously sho
228 hat encodes the major astrocyte intermediate filament protein.
229 lecule inhibitor of drebrin binding to actin filaments, reduced the invasion of prostate cancer cell
230                                        Thick filament regulation is a promising target for novel ther
231 tructs phagocytosis through disrupting actin filament regulation processes - inhibiting polymerizatio
232 icately poised energy balance governing thin filament regulation.
233 in fibroblasts induced vimentin intermediate filament reorganization, accompanied by reduced contract
234                        The addition of actin filaments reorganized membrane domains.
235 al conditions consistent with the oligomeric filaments reported from in vitro experiments.
236            Data analysis of individual lamin filaments resolves a globular-decorated fibre appearance
237 orce toward the pointed (-) end of the actin filament resulted in a bond that was maximally stable at
238 sition frequency of 1-30 Hz depending on the filament's molecular composition.
239  Buckling is predicted to enhance cofilactin filament severing with minimal effects on cofilin occupa
240  nonuniform elasticity, thereby accelerating filament severing.
241 with plasma membranes, vimentin intermediate filaments, SH3-containing class I myosins, the dual-GEF
242 ll be valuable for evaluating the effects of filament shape deformations on filament stability and in
243 rse on OCTA resembled a light bulb filament (filament sign), arising from the peripheral iris (base o
244  giant protein titin, which is a scaffolding filament, signaling platform, and provider of passive te
245                           Specifically, both filament sliding by myosin motors, as well as cytoskelet
246 e thick filaments to bind to them and induce filament sliding.
247  energy, furthering the prospects for use of filament-solid interactions for remote sensing.
248 he effects of filament shape deformations on filament stability and interactions with regulatory prot
249 o three adjacent actin subunits, reinforcing filament stability by hydrophobic interactions.
250 tion about the molecular interactions in two filament states, we successfully predict point mutations
251 nt helical structure and hydrolysis triggers filament stiffening upon disassembly.
252 ther factors present in a sarcomere, such as filament stiffness and regulatory proteins.
253 embly system to demonstrate the formation of filament structures with requirements that mirror yeast
254                            This intermediate filament subtype switching induced dysregulation of the
255 S3D cofilin's ability to weaken longitudinal filament subunit interactions.
256 he myosin head or motor domains on the thick filament surface in a conformation that makes them unava
257 myosin motors lying on helical tracks on the filament surface, making them unavailable for actin bind
258  in cortical regions in which paired helical filament tau accumulation is expected in AD.
259 , a fraction of the vegetative cells in each filament terminally differentiate to nongrowing heterocy
260 of the inner membrane and propels it along a filament that extends across the periplasm to directly d
261 n the structure of the actin-containing thin filaments that allows the head or motor domains of myosi
262  drugs suggest that PMS contains short actin filaments that are depolymerization resistant and sensit
263 LIG4, XLF also associates with XRCC4 to form filaments that bridge DNA.
264 9)HMM are widely distributed on single actin filaments that is consistent with electron microscopy ob
265 he formation of new cap structures on broken filaments that re-grew.
266  for many viruses, this review focuses on MT filaments themselves.
267 lable to recruit and deliver monomers to the filament tip, suggesting that VASP operates as a single
268                Furthermore, by confining the filament to the atomic scale, current switching characte
269    JAS binds at regular intervals inside the filament to three adjacent actin subunits, reinforcing f
270 ad or motor domains of myosin from the thick filaments to bind to them and induce filament sliding.
271 t ZipA enhanced FtsZ assembly and caused the filaments to bundles.
272 ike response threshold assayed with von Frey filaments to examine the roles that N-methyl-D-aspartate
273 laments, disassembly of the dephosphorylated filaments to folded monomers, dimers, and small oligomer
274 ne potently blocks recruitment of GFP-NM-IIA filaments to leading edge protrusions in 2D, and this in
275 sult of failure to cleave the Sup35p amyloid filaments to make new seeds, whereas Hsp104 overproducti
276 eins and nucleosomes are components of these filaments to prove that they are SIR-nucleosome filament
277                                        FtsAZ filaments treadmilled circumferentially around the divis
278                   Our analysis predicts that filament turnover is required to maintain active stress
279 nd, individually, on cross-link dynamics and filament turnover, and how these dependencies combine to
280 inimal effects on cofilin occupancy, whereas filament twisting enhances cofilin dissociation without
281 bjective function based on the growth of the filament under diazotrophic conditions.
282 ng between the myosin filament and the actin filament under zero load, V0 ) is already set at the end
283 l-to-background ratio over the length of the filament, unlike the uranium atomic and ionic emission,
284 ies of uranium plasma generated at different filament-uranium interaction points.
285 am of printed part, depending on the type of filament used.
286 force stimuli to predict system behavior for filament velocity, energy consumption, and robustness.
287 ed its ability to recognize the intermediate filament vimentin.
288  tip of a broken filament depends on how the filament was broken.
289  sensitivity of LS-IVCM for detecting fungal filaments was 71.4% +/- 0% for the experienced observers
290 nd vRNA segments in the absence of intact MT filaments, we analyzed the three-dimensional spatial rel
291                           Although superthin filaments were inferred from early experiments on muscle
292                              FtsZ2 and FtsZA filaments were morphologically distinct from FtsZ1 and F
293 ated that within the CR, actin and myosin II filaments were organized into tightly packed linear arra
294 translated GJA1-20k isoform stabilizes actin filaments, which guides growth trajectories of the Cx43
295 asma jet to thin (of several microm) current filaments, which plays a pivotal role in building up the
296 bnormal perinuclear accumulation of vimentin filaments, which sometimes had a cage-like appearance, o
297 olar accumulation of PilA on cells in motile filaments, while the Ptx system controls positive photot
298 om an 8 M HNO3 matrix and affixed to rhenium filaments with collodion.
299  observed that recombinant CrSEPT forms long filaments with dimensions comparable with those of the c
300 ccur as micrometre-scale haematite tubes and filaments with morphologies and mineral assemblages simi
301 formation of nanoscale quantized conductance filaments within metal-insulator-metal heterostructures.

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