


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tau and alpha-synuclein become insoluble and filamentous.
2      Dendritic spine structure is defined by filamentous actin (F-actin) and we observed depolymeriza
3 II activation and diaphanous formin-mediated filamentous actin (f-actin) assembly, which drive ring c
4 gulator of MT dynamics, can bind directly to filamentous actin (F-actin) F-actin.
5 l role in accelerating actin treadmilling in filamentous actin (F-actin) in a nucleotide-state depend
6                   We found that the cellular filamentous actin (F-actin) is drastically increased in
7 mouse model, we show for the first time that filamentous actin (F-actin) is lost selectively from syn
8                    DT walls showed prominent filamentous actin (F-actin) labeling reflecting cells in
9 s is to restrain or "clutch" myosin-II-based filamentous actin (F-actin) retrograde flow (RF) to prom
10        The intercellular nanotubes contained filamentous actin (F-actin) with myosin-associated motor
11 components of the contractile ring including filamentous actin (F-actin), myosin, and septins and in
12 rough their interactions with nucleotide and filamentous actin (F-actin).
13  critical component of the contractile ring, filamentous actin (F-actin).
14 eins and occurs in the absence of detectable filamentous actin (F-actin).
15 es a physical link between the bacterium and filamentous actin (F-actin).
16 CORO1A(S401fs) was associated with increased filamentous actin accumulation in T cells, severely defe
17 wever, directed DG transport is dependent on filamentous actin and a unique class 27 myosin, TgMyoF,
18 , potentially contributing to a reduction in filamentous actin and altered actin dynamics in phagocyt
19                          The organization of filamentous actin and myosin II molecular motor contract
20 ealed that SALS-WH2 binds both monomeric and filamentous actin and shifts the monomer-filament equili
21 Similarly, in platelets, there was increased filamentous actin and stable microtubules, indicating co
22 ed by delayed assembly of the perijunctional filamentous actin belt.
23  during migration are generated by a dynamic filamentous actin cytoskeleton.
24                                WASp supports filamentous actin formation in the cytoplasm and gene tr
25  Numerous proteins become localized to short filamentous actin in response to S-nitrosylation, includ
26                               We represent a filamentous actin molecule as an excitable automaton net
27                                          The filamentous actin network was decreased and structurally
28                                   Disrupting filamentous actin or inhibiting actomyosin contraction a
29                           We also found that filamentous actin regulates microtubule organization as
30 contact adhesions directly with clutching of filamentous actin retrograde flow (RF), which our findin
31 ampal area CA1 and increased activity of the filamentous actin severing protein cofilin.
32  Cells facing the lesion exhibited increased filamentous actin staining, indicating active cell movem
33 nduces actin comet tails--dynamic, elongated filamentous actin structures similar to those that drive
34                                    Cb labels filamentous actin structures within the parasite cytosol
35                                Disruption of filamentous actin using latrunculin B or cytochalasin D
36 hat exogenous GJA1-20k expression stabilizes filamentous actin without affecting actin protein expres
37 at AMPK induced depolymerization of F-actin (filamentous actin).
38 ered migration behavior, decreased levels of filamentous actin, and attenuated RhoA activity in vitro
39     Loss of LMOD1 resulted in a reduction of filamentous actin, elongated cytoskeletal dense bodies,
40 ough their intracellular binding partners to filamentous actin, facilitating mechanotransduction.
41 ated with LGRFYAASG-pen showed disruption of filamentous actin, focal adhesions and caveolae-mediated
42  (TGN)/early endosome (EE) and tracked along filamentous actin, indicating that it could link post-Go
43 e knockout, we show that dynamic assembly of filamentous actin, involving ATP hydrolysis, N-WASP and
44 ased directed migration, flatness, increased filamentous actin-based protrusions, and increased signa
45 uption of the actin cytoskeleton, release of filamentous actin-bound aldolase A, and an increase in a
46  localizes to endocytic sites in a Bbc1- and filamentous actin-dependent manner.
47 gnaling, resulting in alteration of cellular filamentous actin.
48  MKs, cell clustering, and abnormal cortical filamentous actin.
49 ssion electron microscopy and by staining of filamentous actin.
50 phosphate receptors, PKC, and enhancement of filamentous-actin turnover.
51 tivation and recruitment domain alone formed filamentous aggregates.
52       Thus, we approached the systems of the filamentous Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 as a model of a sidero
53 is then followed by the dynamic formation of filamentous and branched respiratory syncytial virus par
54 be here a novel type of granule dominated by filamentous and motile cyanobacteria of the order Oscill
55                       Type IV pili (T4P) are filamentous appendages found on many Bacteria and Archae
56                   Fimbriae are protein-based filamentous appendages that protrude from the bacterial
57               Deletion of the homolog in the filamentous ascomycete Neurospora crassa affects the cir
58  eight high-quality genomic data sets of the filamentous ascomycete Neurospora tetrasperma, a fungus
59 f MAT genes in controlling asexual growth in filamentous Ascomycetes but also confirm that heterothal
60 oduction and mainly in the coding regions in filamentous ascomycetes, involving adenosine deamination
61 urrently available for alpha pheromones from filamentous ascomycetes, which are significantly shorter
62 nd MAT1-2-1 genes as observed in homothallic filamentous Ascomycetes.
63 c virus was recently shown to replicate in a filamentous ascomycetous fungus.
64 ogenesis rely on the dynamic organization of filamentous assemblies.
65 physicochemical test of the stability of any filamentous assembly whether it is made from natural pol
66                        The as-yet uncultured filamentous bacteria "Candidatus Entotheonella factor" a
67                        In rodents, segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB) induce intestinal Th17 cells,
68                         Intestinal segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB) protect from ameba infection,
69     Commensal bacteria, especially segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB), are a crucial factor that dr
70 e single bacteria species, such as segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB), are sufficient to induce the
71  of intestinal Lactobacillales and segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB), as well as an increase of in
72 constituent of the gut microbiota, segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB), distantly provoke lung patho
73 s were essential for gut commensal segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB)-induced systemic arthritis de
74 photoimaging survey of sea-floor colonies of filamentous bacteria between 80 and 579 m water depth, s
75  primarily composed of Streptobacilli and/or filamentous bacteria in the form of microcolonies, while
76  and was associated with increased segmented filamentous bacteria in the small intestine of IgA(-/-)
77 amatically increased prevalence of segmented filamentous bacteria in the small intestine.
78                              Phagocytosis of filamentous bacteria occurs through tubular phagocytic c
79 een colonized with mouse commensal segmented filamentous bacteria or human commensal bacteria that in
80                      During sporulation, the filamentous bacteria Streptomyces undergo a massive cell
81 inomycete genus Streptomyces are non-motile, filamentous bacteria that are well-known for the product
82 arly Verrucomicrobia together with segmented filamentous bacteria, and an increase in species diversi
83 esponses was supported not only by segmented filamentous bacteria, but also by other commensal bacter
84 he microbiota, and particularly on segmented filamentous bacteria, for the autoimmune phenotype.
85 embers of the genus Prevotella and segmented filamentous bacteria, was transmissible upon fecal trans
86 Bifidobacterium spp, but decreased segmented filamentous bacteria.
87 ndogenous CD4 T cells specific for segmented filamentous bacterium (SFB) after cecal ligation and pun
88  show the extent to which the association of filamentous beta-actin with these different tropomyosin
89  actomyosin-tropomyosin complexes containing filamentous beta-actin, nonmuscle myosin-2B (NM-2B) cons
90                                              Filamentous beta-amyloid aggregates are crucial for the
91                            Type IVa pili are filamentous cell surface structures observed in many bac
92 rphology changes (spheroplast with imipenem, filamentous cells with cefoxitin and ceftriaxone), amika
93 E fusion localizes to the division septum in filamentous cells, suggesting QueE blocks septation thro
94 cing between partition complexes observed in filamentous cells.
95                                     The long filamentous connections were identified to be tunneling
96 ing this technique, we found trace levels of filamentous contamination, similar in appearance to dsDN
97 ne-taxon structure organized around cells of filamentous corynebacteria.
98                                Synteny among filamentous cyanobacteria and the similar expression pat
99 red with a 1-2 mm thick red mat dominated by filamentous Cyanobacteria, below which Green Sulfur Bact
100 te mineral precipitates form directly on the filamentous cyanobacteria.
101 est lamination in Hamelin Pool are formed by filamentous cyanobacterial mats.
102                                 In the model filamentous cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme, the T4P s
103   Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 is a nitrogen-fixing filamentous cyanobacterium.
104                PCC 7120 is a nitrogen-fixing filamentous cyanobacterium.
105 echanisms by which cells control the size of filamentous cytoskeletal structures, from the point of v
106      Lower shore epiphytes were dominated by filamentous diatoms (Bacillariophyta), confined to the a
107  from a phytoplankton community dominated by filamentous diatoms to smaller cells will have far reach
108  ice cover supported phytoplankton blooms of filamentous diatoms.
109   Ebola and Marburg viruses are filoviruses: filamentous, enveloped viruses that cause haemorrhagic f
110                                   By growing filamentous Escherichia coli cells in doughnut-shaped mi
111                             Studies with the filamentous euendolith, Mastigocoleus testarum, indicate
112 pounds reduced the overall level of cellular filamentous (F) actin, slowed EC migration and prolifera
113 auses suspended eosinophils to polarize with filamentous (F)-actin and granules at one pole and the n
114 a quarter of the diffusible actin pool is in filamentous form as diffusing oligomers, indicating that
115  and a fully refined atomic model of MamK in filamentous form at 3.6-A resolution.
116 nd degradosomes to switch from rod-shaped to filamentous form in response to anaerobiosis by regulati
117 hat associate with microtubules varying from filamentous forms in the cytoplasm to aggregated perinuc
118                             We now show that filamentous, full-length NM2A, NM2B, and NM2C and monome
119 ded patients with culture- or smear-positive filamentous fungal corneal ulcer and a baseline visual a
120 at enrolled 240 patients with smear-positive filamentous fungal corneal ulcers who enrolled between M
121                This first-ever reconstructed filamentous fungal GRN primes our understanding of patho
122         This study included 21 patients with filamentous fungal keratitis and 24 patients with bacter
123 S-IVCM has a high specificity for diagnosing filamentous fungal keratitis, its sensitivity is moderat
124 acuity, baseline culture positivity, type of filamentous fungal organism and duration of symptoms, an
125 dustry, relatively little is known about the filamentous fungal secretory pathway or how it might be
126                       Comparative studies of filamentous fungal species have shown that SM gene clust
127  with Ras signaling in two distantly-related filamentous fungal species.
128               Patients with culture-positive filamentous fungal ulcers and visual acuity of 20/40 to
129                 Patients with smear-positive filamentous fungal ulcers and visual acuity of 20/400 (l
130 antifungal agents in the treatment of severe filamentous fungal ulcers.
131 e mRNAs bound to PUF proteins in budding and filamentous fungi and by computational analyses of ortho
132                    Specifically, free-living filamentous fungi and ectomycorrhizal fungi responded po
133                                              Filamentous fungi are native secretors of lignocelluloly
134                                              Filamentous fungi are renowned for the production of bio
135 s broad-spectrum antifungal activity against filamentous fungi at submicromolar concentrations.
136    Traditional methods for identification of filamentous fungi can be slow and may lack resolution.
137                          The hyphal cells of filamentous fungi concentrate both exocytosis and endocy
138                                   Yeasts and filamentous fungi do not have adenosine deaminase acting
139 f multiple triazole resistance in pathogenic filamentous fungi has become an increasing clinical conc
140 nfocal microscopy (LS-IVCM) for detection of filamentous fungi in patients with microbial keratitis a
141                                A hallmark of filamentous fungi is the class V chitin synthase, which
142                                  Remarkably, filamentous fungi lack the equivalent of the yeast vacuo
143 -built database was combined with the Bruker Filamentous Fungi Library compared with that for the Bru
144                                              Filamentous fungi produce a diverse array of secondary m
145                                              Filamentous fungi produce a vast array of secondary meta
146                                              Filamentous fungi provide excellent systems for investig
147 role in the development and pathogenicity of filamentous fungi such as the rice blast fungus (Magnapo
148 alcohol were higher (15-30mm) in the case of filamentous fungi than those for the parent compounds.
149 the response of biotechnologically important filamentous fungi to glucose.
150 ures: late Golgi (trans-Golgi equivalents of filamentous fungi), which are concentrated just behind t
151 atanin proteins (CPs), which are secreted by filamentous fungi, are phytotoxic to host plants, but th
152 taxa to functional groups (e.g., free-living filamentous fungi, ectomycorrhizal fungi, and yeasts) ba
153          IgE sensitisation to thermotolerant filamentous fungi, in particular A. fumigatus but not to
154                                              Filamentous fungi, like bacteria were capable of forming
155  incidence of invasive disease attributed to filamentous fungi, rapid and accurate species-level iden
156                                           In filamentous fungi, the protective function of RNAi in th
157 ite syntheses in several mycotoxin producing filamentous fungi, these effects are associated with gro
158 nction and an IgE fungal panel to colonising filamentous fungi, yeasts and fungal aeroallergens were
159 rmined toxicity against bacteria, yeasts and filamentous fungi.
160 tered pathways for specialized metabolism in filamentous fungi.
161 ristics of this method for identification of filamentous fungi.
162 tency against a broad range of dimorphic and filamentous fungi.
163 tB comprise a regulatory pathway specific to filamentous fungi.
164 ell tip and undergoing branching, similar to filamentous fungi.
165 as thought to be a strictly asexual genus of filamentous fungi.
166 ic enzyme secretion by industrially relevant filamentous fungi.
167 ing pathways of lignocellulolytic enzymes in filamentous fungi.
168 nd secondary metabolite, aflatoxin B1 in the filamentous fungus and an important plant pathogen, Aspe
169 nonribosomal peptide, by taking genes from a filamentous fungus and directing their efficient express
170        More than 90% of the cell wall of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus fumigatus comprises polys
171     Asexual development (conidiation) in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans is governed by o
172                                       In the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans SPBs and septum-
173 cterized the transcriptional response of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans to the presence
174                                    Using the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans we found that hi
175  a high-affinity purine transporter from the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans.
176 carbohydrate active enzymes (CAZymes) of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger.
177 is produced by fermentation of sugars by the filamentous fungus Aspergillus terreus.
178 ly described as red mold, is a red-pigmented filamentous fungus attracting a great interest for the p
179 fungus-like organism Pythium ultimum and the filamentous fungus Botrytis cinerea was inhibited.
180                      Aspergillus flavus is a filamentous fungus found in nature and characterized by
181                                    The model filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa is capable of utili
182                                       In the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa, genetically identi
183    Here, we use Neurospora crassa as a model filamentous fungus to interrogate the requirements for t
184                 Replicate populations of the filamentous fungus Trichoderma citrinoviride underwent 8
185 isiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and one filamentous fungus, Neurospora crassa-three species that
186 ted in septin bundles in growing hyphae of a filamentous fungus.
187 protein is associated with an abnormally low filamentous/globular (F/G)-actin ratio that may be the u
188 ins) regulate the MAPK pathway that controls filamentous growth (fMAPK pathway).
189 ase-controlled processes involved in mating, filamentous growth and biofilm formation, and also influ
190 oss of Dig1 function in C. albicans enhances filamentous growth and biofilm formation, colonization o
191 n, dynamic changes in budding pattern during filamentous growth induced corresponding changes in fMAP
192 ion of meiotic sporulation, the formation of filamentous growth structures, and the activation of pro
193 but that auto-repression was relieved during filamentous growth through utilization of an alternative
194      These genes all play a positive role in filamentous growth, and their expression is upregulated
195   Budding yeast undergoes differentiation to filamentous growth, which involves changes in cell polar
196  FtsN mutants lacking cysteines give rise to filamentous growth.
197 hermore, ergosterol content increases during filamentous growth.
198 d unmethylated GlcCer levels and compromised filamentous growth.
199 s lacking both ECM22 and UPC2 do not exhibit filamentous growth.
200 d signalling pathways involved in mating and filamentous growth.
201                                    ACT binds filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA), a surface-displayed ad
202 ngth NM2A, NM2B, and NM2C and monomeric, non-filamentous heavy meromyosin bind to liposomes containin
203 to liposomes of both filamentous NM2 and non-filamentous heavy meromyosin; the addition of excess unb
204 dies to recombinant pertussis toxin (PT) and filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA) were assessed by enzyme-
205 gG) antibodies against pertussis toxin (PT), filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA), pertactin (Prn), tetanu
206 is toxoid (GMR, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.87-0.90) and filamentous hemagglutinin (GMR, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.88-0.90)
207  neutron scattering experimental data of the filamentous hemagglutinin adhesin beta-barrel protein tr
208 cific for diphtheria toxin, pertussis toxin, filamentous hemagglutinin and pertactin were measured at
209 serum anti-pertussis toxin (anti-PT) or anti-filamentous hemagglutinin antibody titers, and by geneti
210  of antibody to pertussis toxin, antibody to filamentous hemagglutinin, and antibody to pertactin wer
211                                          The filamentous insect pathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana
212 in domain of ASC functional and stabilizes a filamentous intermediate of inflammasome activation.
213  of 11 specimens of five taxa of prokaryotic filamentous kerogenous cellular microfossils perminerali
214                     Benthic accumulations of filamentous, mat-forming bacteria occur throughout the o
215 ver, the presynaptic terminal is filled with filamentous material that would appear to limit vesicula
216                                          The filamentous meshwork formed by the lamin nucleoskeleton
217 ial building blocks of the nuclear lamina, a filamentous meshwork lining the nucleoplasmic side of th
218 diate filament proteins that assemble into a filamentous meshwork, bridging the nuclear envelope and
219  and mineral assemblages similar to those of filamentous microorganisms from modern hydrothermal vent
220             Strikingly, we observed abundant filamentous microprojections arising from podocyte cell
221 , C. albicans performs a regulated switch to filamentous morphology, characterized by emergence of a
222 e the expression of the other to achieve the filamentous morphotype required for sexual development i
223 s biomineralization properties, as well as a filamentous mycelium, which may provide mechanical suppo
224                                              Filamentous, N2 -fixing, heterocyst-forming cyanobacteri
225 ns for our understanding of these widespread filamentous nano-machines.
226  Our results also suggest that assembly into filamentous nanobeacons significantly reduces their inte
227 hogens, define a large group of multipurpose filamentous nanomachines widespread in Bacteria and Arch
228                               Mycelium has a filamentous network structure with mechanics largely con
229 e intracellular environment is composed of a filamentous network that exhibits dynamic turnover of cy
230 tly describes mechanical deformations of the filamentous network under stresses generated by molecula
231 secreted by Xf and associated with a biofilm filamentous network.
232 ed endosomes and formation of highly dynamic filamentous networks containing endophilin-B1 and SphK1.
233 yscomitrella results in larger multicellular filamentous networks due to increased elongation of prot
234           Mycorrhizal fungi, with their vast filamentous networks in symbiosis with the roots of most
235           In normal cells, apoptin exists in filamentous networks in the cytoplasm, whereas in transf
236 tially inhibits binding to liposomes of both filamentous NM2 and non-filamentous heavy meromyosin; th
237 ns (151 [1.6%] unique clinical episodes) and filamentous or dimorphic fungi recovered in 31 (0.3%) of
238                                              Filamentous or dimorphic fungi were detected in 25 episo
239 ly regular distances along the length of the filamentous organic assemblies.
240 ctomyosin DG transport was unexpected, since filamentous parasite actin has yet to be visualized in v
241 orate an M1 layer within spheroidal VLP, and filamentous particles incorporated increased numbers of
242 can effectively prevent the proliferation of filamentous pathogens.
243 osa dramatically increases the production of filamentous Pf bacteriophage (Pf phage).
244        Collectively, these data suggest that filamentous Pf phage alters the progression of the infla
245   These data demonstrate that N. gonorrhoeae filamentous phage can induce antibodies with anti-gonoco
246 e DNA sequences have been determined possess filamentous phage DNA sequences.
247                                 Furthermore, filamentous phage promoted bacterial adhesion to mucin a
248  on cell viability, Fab yield and display on filamentous phage using different vectors and bacterial
249 d converts to a pathogen upon infection by a filamentous phage, CTXPhi, that transmits the cholera to
250 any bacteria to secrete proteins, toxins, or filamentous phages; extrude type IV pili (T4P); or take
251                                          Its filamentous pial, subventricular, and perivascular immun
252                                              Filamentous plant pathogens deliver effector proteins to
253 ed for broad-spectrum invasion resistance to filamentous plant pathogens.
254 inc induced the assembly of soluble KIR into filamentous polymers, as detected by electron microscopy
255 llow xanthophore lineage via airinemes, long filamentous projections with vesicles at their tips.
256                  The controlled formation of filamentous protein complexes plays a crucial role in ma
257            Most bacteria and archaea contain filamentous proteins and filament systems that are colle
258 lecular construction kit for the assembly of filamentous proteins into geometrically defined template
259                                 We find that filamentous proteins, vimentin and GFAP, are expressed b
260 n is composed of a highly dynamic network of filamentous proteins, yet the molecular mechanism that r
261 this results in stochastic patterning of the filamentous protonemal tissue.
262                               Root hairs are filamentous protuberances from superficial cells of plan
263              Ebolavirus (EBOV), an enveloped filamentous RNA virus causing severe hemorrhagic fever,
264 selectively label RSV G protein and show how filamentous RSV assembly, initiated in the cytoplasm, us
265 sertion into the plasma membrane.Assembly of filamentous RSV particles is incompletely understood due
266                       Here, we show that the filamentous septin GTPases associate preferentially with
267 Shs1 vs Cdc11, which alters the curvature of filamentous septin rings.
268                 Binding does not disrupt the filamentous shape of the nanostructures or their interna
269 ular protease sensors of either spherical or filamentous shapes.
270 o higher pH (pH > 6) sulfur sediments and/or filamentous 'streamer' communities.
271 exible single-stranded RNA into a more rigid filamentous structure elevates the pressure within the c
272                      The nuclear lamina is a filamentous structure subtending the nuclear envelope an
273 n cytoskeleton is an essential intracellular filamentous structure that underpins cellular transport
274 ping reveals the formation of a stiff coiled filamentous structure underneath the capsid surface.
275 During this process, VirE2 was aggregated as filamentous structures and was present on the cytosolic
276 ass-II myosins, which generally form bipolar filamentous structures, Myo2 showed no inclination to se
277 ase TcBuster from Tribolium castaneum formed filamentous structures, or rodlets, in human tissue cult
278     Numerous metabolic enzymes assemble into filamentous structures, which are thought to serve addit
279                                              Filamentous tau aggregates are hallmark lesions in numer
280 her, these findings indicate that a range of filamentous tau aggregates are the major species that un
281                                              Filamentous tau aggregates, the hallmark lesions of Alzh
282 ies initiated the formation and spreading of filamentous tau pathology in vivo, whereas fractions con
283 orphological transformation to elongate into filamentous threads within 1 h, which provides the uteri
284 dle deflection, which is postulated to tense filamentous tip links connected to transduction channels
285 mation of stress fibers and focal adhesions, filamentous to soluble actin ratio, matrix contraction,
286 aracterization of their movement along their filamentous tracks is therefore of large importance.
287  stability of the sRNA DicF required for the filamentous transition.
288             We report a complete genome of a filamentous tropical marine cyanobacterium, Moorea produ
289  important role in the entry and assembly of filamentous virions.
290 rus comprising largely spherical rather than filamentous virions.
291 s which parasitize such hosts, including the filamentous virus AFV1 of Acidianus hospitalis, are enve
292                                              Filamentous viruses are common in nature and efficiently
293 periments showed that bidisperse mixtures of filamentous viruses can self-assemble into colloidal mon
294          Although this system is composed of filamentous viruses whose aggregation is entropically dr
295 om the West African 2014 isolate embedded in filamentous viruslike particles (VLPs).
296  the membrane and present at high density-on filamentous viruslike particles that recapitulate the su
297 ent for robust viral protein coalescence and filamentous VLP formation and suggest that M-F interacti
298 2 cells and further dissected the process of filamentous VLP formation.
299 h viral protein coalescence and formation of filamentous VLPs that resembled wild-type virions.
300 n protein (F) were required for formation of filamentous VLPs, which, similar to those of wild-type v

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