


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 toire of chimaeric polypeptides displayed on filamentous bacteriophage.
2  of CTXphi, a V. cholerae-specific lysogenic filamentous bacteriophage.
3 holerae, are part of the genome of CTXphi, a filamentous bacteriophage.
4 y of 4.5 x 10(9) members displayed on pIX of filamentous bacteriophage.
5 synthetic antibody fragment and displayed on filamentous bacteriophage.
6                       CTXphi is a lysogenic, filamentous bacteriophage.
7  gold, magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles and filamentous bacteriophage.
8 ra toxin, resides in the genome of CTXphi, a filamentous bacteriophage.
9  can be selected from libraries displayed on filamentous bacteriophage.
10 e design of peptide display systems based on filamentous bacteriophage.
11 ticular task can be selected from them using filamentous bacteriophage.
12 ermostability of PH75 relative to mesophilic filamentous bacteriophages.
13 text of the Ad fiber knob on the surfaces of filamentous bacteriophages.
14     The repertoire was cloned for display on filamentous bacteriophage (5.5 x 10(8) clones), and sele
15  of large macromolecules such as enzymes and filamentous bacteriophages across bacterial outer membra
16 es, differences between class I and class II filamentous bacteriophages, and the assembly process.
17                                              Filamentous bacteriophage are long, thin single-stranded
18 vity-based protease quantification utilizing filamentous bacteriophage as an exponentially amplifiabl
19                                              Filamentous bacteriophage assemble at the host membrane
20 IV and pXI, are required for assembly of the filamentous bacteriophage at the envelope of Escherichia
21 xisting libraries constructed for display on filamentous bacteriophage can be screened by PECS withou
22                       Here, we show that M13 filamentous bacteriophage can be used as a scaffold to d
23 ed sharply between genes V and VII of IKe, a filamentous bacteriophage classed with the Ff group (pha
24                                      The M13 filamentous bacteriophage coat is a symmetric array of s
25  in molecular biology and biotechnology, the filamentous bacteriophages continue to serve as model sy
26                                          The filamentous bacteriophage CTX Phi transmits the cholera
27 olera toxin are located on the genome of the filamentous bacteriophage, CTXvarphi, that integrates as
28 nes for CT are shown here to be encoded by a filamentous bacteriophage (designated CTXphi), which is
29         Infection of Escherichia coli by the filamentous bacteriophage f1 is initiated by interaction
30           We have modified the genome of the filamentous bacteriophage fd and also constructed a numb
31 cently been great interest in the use of the filamentous bacteriophage fd as a vehicle for the displa
32                                          The filamentous bacteriophage fd is a member of the Ff class
33                        The gene 5 protein of filamentous bacteriophage fd is a single-stranded DNA-bi
34                              At pH > 6 added filamentous bacteriophage fd is compatible with many of
35 a new system for producing hybrid virions of filamentous bacteriophage fd simultaneously displaying t
36 rate the use of a dually modified version of filamentous bacteriophage Fd that produces significantly
37 he minor coat protein pIII at one end of the filamentous bacteriophage fd, mediates the infection of
38 geneity of the major coat protein (pVIII) of filamentous bacteriophage fd.
39 lical polymers, including bacterial pili and filamentous bacteriophage, have been seen as refractory
40 body repertoires displayed on the surface of filamentous bacteriophage in a process that mimics the p
41                           The PH75 strain of filamentous bacteriophage (Inovirus) grows in the thermo
42                                              Filamentous bacteriophage (Inovirus) is a simple and wel
43 etically aligned fibres of the Pf3 strain of filamentous bacteriophage (Inovirus).
44 insertion of the major coat protein of these filamentous bacteriophages into the membrane of the host
45 les on the highly organized structure of M13 filamentous bacteriophage is a unique advantage.
46             Infection of Escherichia coli by filamentous bacteriophages is mediated by the minor phag
47 re, we show that the gene 3 protein (g3p) of filamentous bacteriophage mediates potent generic bindin
48 of antibody (Ab) fragments on the surface of filamentous bacteriophage offers a way of making Ab with
49                                    Targeting filamentous bacteriophage or the liquid crystalline orga
50             The psp operon can be induced by filamentous bacteriophages or by perturbations of protei
51 eviously determined structural form found in filamentous bacteriophage particles demonstrate that it
52 ate NMR spectroscopy of magnetically aligned filamentous bacteriophage particles differs from that pr
53 ate NMR spectroscopy of magnetically aligned filamentous bacteriophage particles in solution is compa
54 y 1,265 nm, lending SM support for a shorter filamentous bacteriophage persistence length than previo
55 stalline milieux, DMPC/DHPC bicelles and the filamentous bacteriophage Pf1, show that the relative or
56 tra of the major coat protein subunit of the filamentous bacteriophage Pf1.
57             Specifically, ROA spectra of the filamentous bacteriophages Pf1, M13 and IKe in aqueous s
58                                          The filamentous bacteriophage Pf3 consists of a covalently c
59                                          The filamentous bacteriophage PH75, which infects the thermo
60 ibody (AB) fragments (Fab) on the surface of filamentous bacteriophage (phage) and selection of phage
61 d for templated organic polymers composed of filamentous bacteriophage-polyacrylamide biomacromolecul
62 n, and can be infectiously transmitted by, a filamentous bacteriophage, raising intriguing questions
63 ) E2-DNA association were identified using a filamentous bacteriophage random peptide library.
64 cognizes a structure or complex found during filamentous bacteriophage replication, likely by targeti
65                                 Monodisperse filamentous bacteriophages self-assembled into highly or
66 bre diffraction patterns of well-aligned Pf1 filamentous bacteriophage show sharp layer-lines attribu
67 us for the presence of CTXPhi, the lysogenic filamentous bacteriophage that carries the cholera toxin
68                                 CTX phi is a filamentous bacteriophage that contains the genes encodi
69                                  CTXphi is a filamentous bacteriophage that encodes cholera toxin and
70                                     CTX is a filamentous bacteriophage that encodes cholera toxin and
71                                  CTXphi is a filamentous bacteriophage that encodes cholera toxin, th
72                                  CTXphi is a filamentous bacteriophage that encodes cholera toxin.
73                        CTXphi is a lysogenic filamentous bacteriophage that encodes cholera toxin.
74 IX) are associated closely on the surface of filamentous bacteriophage that is opposite of the end ha
75                 We have genetically modified filamentous bacteriophage to deliver genes to mammalian
76  Here, a method is presented for engineering filamentous bacteriophage to display cocaine-binding pro
77  investigates the applicability of utilizing filamentous bacteriophages to display proteins expressed
78                                              Filamentous bacteriophage virions can be engineered to d
79 f short peptides displayed on the surface of filamentous bacteriophage virions is demonstrated using
80 pilus, which is encoded by another lysogenic filamentous bacteriophage, VPIPhi, was also present in t
81 athogenicity island as the genome of another filamentous bacteriophage, VPIphi.
82 e known bacterial pili as well as any of the filamentous bacteriophages, which have been suggested to
83                                  CTXphi is a filamentous bacteriophage whose genome encodes cholera t

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