1 Our
findings illustrate that [(
18)F]-FLT-PET reflects tumor
2 These
findings illustrate that 5-HT2C pre-mRNA editing respons
3 Our
findings illustrate that a fiber sensor fabricated from
4 These
findings illustrate that a mutation in the Mertk gene le
5 These
findings illustrate that a prokaryote possesses a signal
6 These
findings illustrate that a significant number of women g
7 These
findings illustrate that a single miRNA can regulate vas
8 Our
findings illustrate that admixture with other hominin sp
9 These
findings illustrate that adoptive transfer of T cells an
10 Our
findings illustrate that although both HLA-B*57 subtypes
11 Together, these
findings illustrate that both recipient and donor Tregs
12 These
findings illustrate that by exploiting the responsivenes
13 In conclusion, our
findings illustrate that by orchestrating the activity o
14 vascular role for the CBM signalosome, these
findings illustrate that CBM-dependent signaling has fun
15 These
findings illustrate that CD4-directed peptide vaccinatio
16 These
findings illustrate that cell patterning in the neural p
17 These
findings illustrate that changes influenced by fixation
18 Our
findings illustrate that classical beta1,2-elongation an
19 These
findings illustrate that dextroamphetamine tends to "foc
20 Our
findings illustrate that disruptions of behaviors affect
21 These
findings illustrate that early life stress can indeed af
22 These
findings illustrate that EGF concurrently activates mult
23 Our
findings illustrate that enzymatic digestion can aid the
24 he aim of this review is to summarize recent
findings illustrating that estrogen also has positive ef
25 Our
findings illustrate that femtosecond simulated Raman spe
26 Collectively, these
findings illustrate that FGF21 is a critical mediator of
27 The
findings illustrate that,
from a historical point of vie
28 These
findings illustrate that GA is an important floral promo
29 These
findings illustrate that gammadelta T cells play a role
30 These
findings illustrate that gp96 plays dual roles in regula
31 Our
findings illustrate that H2O2-producing S. gordonii is d
32 Our
findings illustrate that high levels of population immun
33 These
findings illustrate that interaction among body parts in
34 These
findings illustrate that interactions between MSCs and C
35 These
findings illustrate that intestinal lipid metabolism pla
36 Our
findings illustrate that KSHV miRNAs may be critical for
37 Our
findings illustrate that limb development requires a swe
38 These
findings illustrate that low levels of endogenous GLP-1
39 g that A. sediba consumed hard foods, so our
findings illustrate that mechanical data are essential i
40 These
findings illustrate that miRNAs are important regulators
41 These
findings illustrate that mitochondrial translation requi
42 The present
findings illustrate that modified Ru complexes (3e and 3
43 Our
findings illustrate that mountain lion exposure to PLVA
44 These
findings illustrate that MSI is extensive in both small
45 The present
findings illustrate that multiple transcription factors
46 These
findings illustrate that neuronal circuit properties can
47 These
findings illustrate that Notch function can be influence
48 Our
findings illustrate that PIAS3 is a novel regulator of E
49 Our
findings illustrate that post-TBI administration of DHA
50 Our
findings illustrate that prokaryotic organisms possess m
51 These
findings illustrate that recruitment of repressor bindin
52 These
findings illustrate that RNS cause cell death in a Fas-
53 Our
findings illustrate that RUFs can, in fact, serve as app
54 Our
findings illustrate that shifts in plant species composi
55 These
findings illustrate that small differences in V6 sequenc
56 Our
findings illustrate that Sox4 mediates critical fine-tun
57 Together, these
findings illustrate that spatially distinct fractions of
58 Furthermore, our
findings illustrate that specific rereplication DSB repa
59 Collectively, these
findings illustrate that sustained CXCL1 expression ampl
60 These
findings illustrate that targeting cysteine residues out
61 Our
findings illustrate that the abiotic synthesis of hydroc
62 ologous protein from plant mitochondria, our
findings illustrate that the assembly process of the 70S
63 Our
findings illustrate that the asymmetric macromolecular c
64 These
findings illustrate that the biocidal GA monomer has lim
65 Our
findings illustrate that the endothelium may regulate ne
66 These
findings illustrate that the epidemiologic importance of
67 Taken together, these
findings illustrate that the LCMV-specific CD8(+) T-cell
68 These
findings illustrate that the number of safe wells may be
69 These
findings illustrate that the Par6/Par3-based polarity co
70 These
findings illustrate that the regulatory information enco
71 These
findings illustrate that the secondary structure of the
72 Collectively, these
findings illustrate that the transcriptional and physiol
73 These
findings illustrate that the voltage sensors of Cav1.3 c
74 Recent
findings illustrate that their diets range from herbivor
75 These
findings illustrate that TLR4 is expressed on ISCs where
76 Together, these
findings illustrate that tPA is a survival factor that p
77 Our
findings illustrate that two members of a transcription
78 Our
findings illustrate that use-dependent activation is a u
79 These
findings illustrate that,
when gene expression-based cla