


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  humans compare two vibratory stimuli on the fingertip.
2 tion frequencies applied sequentially to one fingertip.
3  variable amplitude applied to the skin of a fingertip.
4 vered custom-molded splint was placed on the fingertip.
5 er joints result in the same movement at the fingertip.
6 r up and down or left and right across their fingertip.
7 es articles, books, videos, and games at our fingertips.
8 erials and biological tissues, such as human fingertips.
9             On day 24, the patient moved her fingertips.
10 , to the middle of the digits, to the distal fingertips.
11 echanoreceptive afferents that innervate the fingertips.
12 it anlagen, growth plates, skull sutures and fingertips.
13 tterns of tactile stimuli presented to their fingertips.
14 rimination rivals that of humans using their fingertips.
15 the surface between the thumb domain and the fingertip about 30 A away from the active site of the HC
16 control of finger musculature when the index fingertip abruptly transitions from motion to static for
17 focal cortical activation between the single fingertip activation regions.
18 "scratching" task of rhythmically moving the fingertip along a 5.8 +/- 0.5 cm target line.
19 etric sensor was positioned on the patient's fingertip and connected to a pulse co-oximeter.
20 h, suggesting that a generalized increase in fingertip and limb forces did not occur.
21 ation of the helix is non-canonical, and the fingertip and the N terminus of the helix project out of
22 ditions of direct moving contact between the fingertip and the surface (direct touch) and contact thr
23 patterning the limb from the shoulder to the fingertips and another that presented the co-discovery o
24  stemming from accidental alignments between fingertips and inferred surface structures.
25 tactile acuity, including whisker follicles, fingertips and touch domes.
26 ile moving a single tactile point across the fingertip, and used signal detection theory to quantify
27 s described in 1991 as an XLID syndrome with fingertip arches and contractures and mapped to proximal
28 x, high-frequency vibrations elicited in the fingertip as it is scanned across a surface.
29                     It does so via a pair of fingertip aspartates that can bind magnesium, placing TF
30                                              Fingertip capillary blood samples were collected from 3-
31 d that large ridge-count differences between fingertips (cephalad > caudad) might reflect fetal inhib
32 ctivity allotted to the tactile receptors on fingertips conforms to skilful use of the hand.
33  gauge apparatus designed to mimic ballpoint fingertip contact with a bottle.
34 ipheral cutaneous vascular beds, such as the fingertips, contain a high concentration of arteriovenou
35 ated noise sequence delivered to whiskers or fingertips, defined by its temporal patterning over hund
36 ecule self-limiting gap size control between fingertips ensures ultimate SERS enhancement for sensiti
37                                When multiple fingertips experience force sensations, how does the bra
38 dorsal interosseous during the generation of fingertip flexion forces.
39 isuomotor task, just as the fovea guides the fingertip for visually normal subjects.
40 downward tapping motion followed by vertical fingertip force against a rigid surface.
41         Subjects were instructed to generate fingertip force in six orthogonal directions at five dif
42                                              Fingertip force scaling for lifting objects frequently o
43 switch in underlying neural control polluted fingertip force vector direction beyond what is explaine
44 We simultaneously recorded three-dimensional fingertip force, plus the complete muscle coordination p
45    Quantifying the ability to produce steady fingertip forces against low-friction surfaces may be a
46 t weighed either 150 g or 1000 g while their fingertip forces and movements were measured.
47 rties [e.g., weight or center of mass (CM)], fingertip forces are appropriately scaled before the obj
48 s case, the pinch force was unrelated to the fingertip forces necessary to grip the object efficientl
49  low-friction surfaces require well-directed fingertip forces of sufficient and precise magnitudes fo
50  randomly varying mechanical properties, the fingertip forces reflect the previous lift.
51 ed changes across the adult life span of the fingertip forces used to grip and lift objects and their
52 ndings included that anticipatory control of fingertip forces using memory of object weight was unimp
53 inally, old and young adults modulated their fingertip forces with equal smoothness and with similar
54 s, IMA participants learned to differentiate fingertip forces with repeated lifts of both familiar an
55 g 150 or 1000 g while the breathing pattern, fingertip forces, and movements were measured.
56  internal model for predictively controlling fingertip forces.
57 ules, while at the same time the gold-coated fingertips form a reliable Raman hot spot for molecule d
58 m the 19th week of pregnancy, are related to fingertip growth during early gestation.
59 nt in which subjects viewed a moving virtual fingertip in place of their own finger.
60 dback device to display force signals to two fingertips (index finger and thumb) as they traveled alo
61  activity in response to touch on the little fingertip is larger than that in control subjects.
62  surfaces that are actively touched with the fingertips is perceived using both vision and touch [3].
63 ctile stimulus was presented to a nonvisible fingertip, located either to the left or right of gaze.
64 routine motion-to-force transitions with the fingertip may explain the existence of specialized neura
65                            Second, the TFIIB fingertip mediates the timing of the release of TFIIB th
66  our study on the simultaneous production of fingertip motion and force disagrees with this commonly
67              We found that synchrony of both fingertip movement and neural activity between the two p
68 (normal) and load (tangential) forces at the fingertip-object interface were measured and the grip fo
69 ects discriminated gratings delivered to the fingertip of either the right or left hand.
70 submaximal forces (2.5 and 10% MVC) with the fingertip of the index finger.
71 resenting tactile gratings and plaids to the fingertips of monkeys, using the tactile analogue of a v
72 anical touch on the thumb, index, and middle fingertips of touchscreen phone users and nonusers (owni
73 ifference between the right fourth and fifth fingertips only (dR45; r = 0.36, p = 0.003).
74                  Arterial oxygen saturation (fingertip oximeter) was lowered (P<0.05) from 96+/-0.7%
75  3rd digit of the right hand (DeltaT(forearm-fingertip)), oxygen uptake and heart rate were recorded.
76                                      Using a fingertip peripheral arterial tonometry (PAT) device, we
77 e music or speech or scan a texture with our fingertip, physical features in the stimulus are concate
78 ex (SI) that simultaneous stimulation of two fingertips produces a single focal cortical activation b
79 eremia produced a time-dependent increase in fingertip pulse amplitude.
80 r example, tactile acuity is greatest on the fingertips, reflecting the high innervation density and
81 rphic response in mammals that is similar to fingertip regeneration in humans.
82 l forms showed conformational changes in the fingertip region and in the thumb domain that may help t
83 otion sickness procedure, the DeltaT(forearm-fingertip) response was significantly attenuated, indica
84                                              Fingertip retinal bivariate area was positively correlat
85               Concentric overlap of fPRL and fingertip retinal ellipses indicates that it is the fPRL
86                                              Fingertip retinal ellipses surrounded and were approxima
87 e scotoma and bivariate ellipses of fPRL and fingertip retinal positions.
88                       Such plasticity of the fingertip sensory representation is not limited to extra
89 both the genome and proteome worlds at their fingertips simultaneously.
90 me, tissue oxygen saturation, and forearm-to-fingertip skin temperature gradient.
91  ducts and Meissner's corpuscle in the human fingertip skin-features that are otherwise obscured by s
92 uch", a sensorimotor strategy based on light fingertip support, significantly enhanced their balance
93 sized that a simple physical characteristic, fingertip surface area, might constrain tactile learning
94 ttern type is related to the geometry of the fingertip surface when fingerprint patterns are formed.
95 pidermal nerve fiber density is lower in the fingertips than in the hand dorsum.
96 the spatial acuity for pain is higher on the fingertips than on proximal skin regions such as the han
97 The increased spatial acuity for pain on the fingertips therefore cannot be explained simply by perip
98 actual auditory feedback as they moved their fingertip through a virtual soundscape.
99 onsenting adults to use their dominant index fingertip to maximize voluntary downward force against a
100 igapixel digitised pathological images using fingertip touch.
101 eta-afferent endings, are highly abundant in fingertips, touch domes, and whisker hair follicles of m
102 s; range, 0.2-19.2 years; P = .003) and more fingertip ulcers (50.0% vs 9.3%, P < .001).
103                                              Fingertip ulcers and disease duration were strongly asso
104 ) in multivariate analyses that adjusted for fingertip ulcers and other covariates.
105 erlie the development of both calcinosis and fingertip ulcers in patients with DM.
106 ely associated with longer disease duration, fingertip ulcers, and NXP-2 autoantibodies and negativel
107 ist in multivariate models that adjusted for fingertip ulcers.
108 diverse set of natural textures across their fingertips using a custom-made rotating drum stimulator.
109                                          The fingertip was the area of highest spatial acuity, for bo
110     Meissner's corpuscle (MC) density in the fingertips was assessed using in vivo laser reflectance
111 cortical potentials from the thumb and index fingertips were directly proportional to the intensity o
112 en, the potentials associated with the three fingertips were enhanced in touchscreen users compared t
113         The spatial paths described by their fingertips were more circuitous, being of greater length
114 uted over the entire terminal segment of the fingertip when it was contacted by surfaces with differe
115 k any equivalent to the tactile fovea on the fingertips, where the density of nociceptive fibers is r
116     On some trials, we perturbed the virtual fingertip while it moved behind an occluder.
117 -afferent nerve endings and are localized in fingertips, whisker hair follicles, and other touch-sens
118 evaluated the usefulness of an on site rapid fingertip whole blood point-of-care test (POCT) for such
119                                          The fingertip whole blood rapid POCT might fulfill the unmet
120 ed participants to pull on their right index fingertip with their left hand while they were presented

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