


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ii) close age mates, and (iii) maternal half-first cousins.
2   Four siblings and their 2 parents, who are first cousins.
3 n which nearly half of marriages are between first cousins.
4     The sisters were born to parents who are first cousins.
5 pairs, second-degree (2 degrees ) relatives, first cousins, and unrelated pairs but is unable to dist
6               The patient's parents, who are first cousins, are asymptomatic and have only minor redu
7  trait value, equivalent to the offspring of first cousins being 1.2 cm shorter and having 10 months'
8 e present in the proband and the 32-year-old first cousin, but not in a healthy relative.
9                             Her sister and a first cousin died of cirrhosis (ages 19 and 6 years) and
10 ages 19 and 6 years) and another 32-year-old first cousin had a self-limited liver disorder in childh
11 relatives (HRR, 1.32; 95% CI, 1.19-1.47) and first cousins (HRR, 1.15; 95% CI, 1.07-1.25), compared w
12 ause of CID in 2 siblings, the products of a first-cousin marriage, who experienced recurrent bacteri
13  both this founding effect and the customary first-cousin marriages among the ancestral Islamic popul
14 ed Jewish families, 12 were the offspring of first-cousin marriages.
15 ue ADCC, in which the affected daughter of a first cousin mating was presumed to be homozygous for th
16  1.1, p=0.11) and infants whose parents were first cousins (odds ratio=2.7 vs. 0.7, p=0.07).
17 tives (FDRs) and second-degree relatives and first cousins of individuals with CRC, and stratified ri
18           FDRs, second-degree relatives, and first cousins of patients who undergo colonoscopy and ar
19                                 Siblings and first cousins of probands with JIA have an increased ris
20  with a recessive disease whose parents were first cousins, on average, 11% of their genomes were hom
21 relatives (OR, 1.99; 95% CI, 1.49-2.65); and first cousins (OR, 1.35; 95% CI, 1.03-1.77), providing e
22 te a drop of 0.6 s.d. among the offspring of first cousins (P=0.003-0.02 depending on the model).
23 re also observed for avuncular (r = .22) and first-cousin pairs (r = .28), which supports the hypothe
24 nalysis on genomic DNA from a H-JEB child of first-cousin Pakistani parents, and identified a homozyg
25 alestinian family consisting of asymptomatic first cousin parents and three children affected with ne
26         The proband, the second child of the first cousin parents of Turkish origin, was diagnosed wi
27 a and their first-degree, second-degree, and first-cousin relatives were located through linkage to t
28                                  We describe first cousin sibling pairs with focal epilepsy, one of e
29 , 2.70; 95% CI, 2.30-3.14, respectively) and first-cousin (SMR, 1.85; 95% CI, 1.70-2.00 and SMR, 1.50
30 all, 2013 (18%) babies were the offspring of first-cousin unions.
31 27 babies of Pakistani origin had parents in first-cousin unions.
32 the serum of the proband and the 32-year-old first cousin using mass spectrometry.
33 ration (e.g. aunt-niece versus niece-aunt or first cousins versus great aunt-niece).
34                             The RR of JIA in first cousins was also increased (5.82, 95% CI 2.5-13.8,
35 , in which the affected daughter of affected first cousins was presumed to be homozygous for the purp
36 eds, e.g., pairs of siblings together with a first cousin, we use a likelihood analysis to find 1-df
37 t that 6% (1/16) of the genome of a child of first cousins will be homozygous and that the average ho
38         Using whole-genome sequencing in two first cousins with TAAD, we identified a missense mutati
39  We describe the case of 2 brothers, sons of first cousins, with lifelong history of abnormal bleedin

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